Irresistible [Lirry] EDITING!

By hopeangel11

124K 3.2K 277

One Direction Fanfic! [AU] Liam Payne + Harry Styles = Lirry Stayne! <3 Vampire (Harry) and human (Liam) l... More

Irresistible [Lirry]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 4

3.9K 128 13
By hopeangel11

Chapter 4

"Hmm...How about my place?" Harry suggested.

I was shocked that he offered his place first, but I nodded slowly in response. Then I asked hesitantly, "Are you sure? You did say you and Louis don't associate much with others. And he said 'it's for the better', whatever that means."

Harry frowned, and said, "You don't wanna meet up at my house?"

"Oh, no! That's not what I meant! It's just...what you said before. And I don't wanna make it seem like we have to go to your house. I'm not trying to pressure you at all. We could always go to my house anyways. Anyone's pretty much welcome," I said.

Harry softly smiled and said, "My house it is then."

"Yeah...O- Okay, sure...." I said, dazed.

"Bye, Liam. See you tomorrow in OUR classes," he said and walked away.

I blinked and thought, What just happened?! So we're meeting at HIS house? Did I even agree to that? Woah...Just relax, Liam. You're over thinking things again.

I shook my head and went into the chage room. No one else was in there anymore, so I took a quick shower and got dressed.

Then I headed to the meeting room for the student council. I walked in and was greeted by the rest of the council. I waved and smiled at them, before taking a seat.

Hopefully this meeting doesn't take too long. I'm exhausted...


The meeting ended and I walked to my car. I opened the door and hopped in, starting my car. I yawned and turned on the radio to keep me awake.

Man, I really am exhausted from today. I feel all tense and I just wanna relax and sleep...

I got to my house and parked on the driveway. I was walking to the door, when I heard my phone ringing. I yawned and looked at the caller ID. It was Niall.

"Hey, Ni. Why are you calling?" I answered as I walked in the front door.

"Liam?! Okay, good. You picked up. I was starting to worry. Listen, - " Niall said from my phone.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Ni. Why would you worry about me?" I asked and closed the door behind me.

"Hi mom and dad!" I called out to them after I covered my phone when I walked in and saw them sitting in the living room. They were cuddling as they watched TV.

They turned around and greeted me happily. "Hi Liam! How was your day?" my mom asked, smiling at me.

"Hold on, Ni. Let me call you back," I said quickly and hung up my phone.

"It was good, mum. I met someone new today! Well, actually he's not 'new' and has been in all my classes for the past 2 years and this year. I just never noticed him before. I feel bad," I replied to my mum as I walked over to hug her and my dad.

"That's nice! Do you like him? And if you do, did you ask him to that dance you mentioned?" my mum beamed at me. My dad chuckled beside her.

"Mum! No, I didn't ask him to the dance. I just met him!" I said back, voice slightly high.

My mum and dad laughed at my reaction. "Was it at least love at first sight? Cuz I can help you pull him along if you want?" my mum continued to tease me.

I groaned and said, "Mum - No! Do NOT get involved! And I barely know him."

"But you still spent time with him, right? That's why you took so long to get home. Practice and meetings don't usually take you that long..." my mum said, making me blush.

"Mum, please stop! And maybe he did come to watch me practice with my team for football...But that doesn't mean much," I replied.

"I was right! So how was your first kiss? Tell me about it! Oh! - and when's your next date?" she said excitedly.

"Dad! Can't you do anything to stop her?!" I said to him.

He laughed and said, "Just answer her and she'll eventually stop."

I sighed. "It wasn't a date, mum. He just watched and we talked. Oh yeah...before I forget, I have to go to his house after so we can - "

She gasped and scolded me. "Liam James Payne! You are NOT going to his house just to have sex with him! You said you just met him! Please, son - control yourself around him!"

I gaped as my dad laughed. "Mum?! What are you talking about? I was gonna go to his house because we have to work on a skit for class!"

"Oh...Is that what you kids are calling 'sex' nowadays? It's a good cover up if you ask me," my dad said, laughing some more. I stared at him with my mouth open. Did he really just say that?! He's supposed to help me, not drag me even deeper!

"Liam, I'll have you know that I will not have you, as my son, become some boy toy drag queen for some guy you just met! Whether you're gay or not!" my mum exclaimed.

"Mum- 'Boy toy'? 'Drag queen'?! WHAT?! Mum, please listen to me carefully. I am going to Harry's house tomorrow  - " I said, but she interrupted me.

"His name is Harry? What's his last name? Oh! - What's he like? Is he nice? Or is he a bad boy? Which one is your type again?" my mum attacked me with questions.

"Mum! You're not letting me finish!" She nodded and closed her mouth, smiling widely at me. "Okay, let me try this again. Mum, Dad, I am going to Harry's house because we're partners for a skit we have to perform in front of our drama class next week. May I please go?"

"Well, when you say it like that, of course you can! Why didn't you say that before?" my mum answered. My dad chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"Maybe because you kept interrupting me..." I muttered and got off the couch. "I'm gonna call Niall back. I just hung up on him for you, so he might be mad at me. He said he was worried about me, for whatever reason."

"Okay, sweetie! Just grab some dinner before you go up. You must be hungry from your long day," my mum said.

"Yeah, I am. Thanks mum and dad! And if I don't come back down after I call Niall, I'm probably sleeping. So, I'll just say 'good night' now!" I said and kissed their cheeks.

"Good night, Liam!" they said to me and I walked into the kitchen to heat up 2 hot pockets to eat. After they were heated, I them on a plate and ran up the stairs to my room.

I closed the door behind me and put my bag on my desk. I sat on my bed and pulled my phone out. There were 10 missed calls; all from Niall.

I sighed, took a bite out of one hot pocket and called Niall back. After the second ring, he picked up.

"Liam?! Finally! Why didn't you call me back before?" Niall said, voice full of worry.

"Ni, calm down. I just greeted my parents after I walked in. I said I'd call you back, so I am."

He sighed in relief. "So, you're home...That's good to know."

"Yeah, I am. Why? Where did you think I'd be?" I asked, finishing one hot pocket and starting on the next one.

"I thought you were with Har- Never mind. You're okay there? Do you need me to come over?" Niall said.

"You thought I was with Harry, didn't you? And why do you need to come over? I'm fine! And my parents are home," I said curiously.

"Yeah, we thought you were with him. But that doesn't matter now. Just as long as you're at home and safe - " Niall said, then he was suddenly cut off when I heard someone grunt.

"'We'? Who's 'we'? Ni? What was that noise? Niall? Answer me please! I'm worried about you now!" I said, panicking at the sounds coming from his end.

"Hey! Back off him, you creep! Wait - Liam? Just ignore that! And I meant 'me', not 'we'," he replied and chuckled forcefully. I heard more grunts of pain from his end.

Then I heard a familiar voice. "Niall! A little help here!" Zayn yelled. Yup, that was definitely Zayn! What is he doing at Niall's? - If they're even there...What is going on? Are they getting hurt?

"Niall! Zayn! What's going on?!" I yelled into the phone, only to hear more grunts and growls on the other end.

"What? Liam, you're still there?" I heard Niall say from a bit of a distance.

"Yeah, Ni! I am! What the heck is going on over there?! Are you guys getting hurt? Cuz if you are, I can call the cops and - "

"No! Liam, don't! It will just make things worse!"

"Niall! Don't say THAT!" I heard Zayn yell from a distance.

"Oh, right! Liam, just ignore what I said! Do not call the cops! We're fine...And that wasn't Zayn you heard, by the way," Niall said.

"What? Niall, I know that was Zayn! Don't lie to me! You're my best friend," I exclaimed.

Niall groaned and said, "That brother! Yeah! That was just Greg. Listen, Liam. I gotta go - "

"No! Niall, tell me what's going on! Or I'll call the cops," I said, standing up and pacing.

"Liam! Ugh! Just don't call the cops and don't worry about us. We're gonna be okay."

"Wait, Niall! Just tell me what's happeni- "

"Li-Li, I gotta go! I'll see you tomorrow at school. Just stay home tonight and don't leave your house at night," Niall said and hung up.

"Ni? NIALL?!" I yelled into my phone after, and hung up in frustration.

I paced my room and pulled at my hair.

What is going on with him? And why is Zayn with him? Where are they? Are they in a fight? Are they hurt? Why won't they let me call the cops to help them? How could they make it worse if the cops do help? Are they part of a gang or something?

Why won't they let ME help? Why won't they let me KNOW what's going on? What are they keeping from me? And why do I have to stay at home tonight?

Well, whatever it is, I'm gonna find out. Whether they want me to or not...

*Woah! All genres mixed together in one chapter! Romance (only a little bit of Lirry, but more to surely come!), comedy, drama, action and suspense! How exciting! :D

You voted for Harry's place! Read more about that in the next chapter(s)!

What's happening to Niall AND Zayn? Are they okay? Will Liam find out what they're keeping from him?

Ugh! - So many questions to be answered! Do you have the same questions as Liam? Can you answer any of the questions?

What will happen next?* x

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