Knowing The Ropes

Por GraceBeard

12.5K 332 122

Kanan, Anakin, Hera, Zeb and Sabine were on a mission that, to their dismay, turned out to be a trap. Now the... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10

Chapter 9

957 26 16
Por GraceBeard

After the fight, some clones were ordered moved and bury the body; Ezra, Kanan and his crew all stood in front of the Jedi Council. The teen kept his head down facing the floor whilst he listened to Master Jinn speak - everyone in the room each sent him sad and sympathetic looks. Once thing none of them had ever done was kill a parents. "It is up to you Ezra, but you're welcome to say here at the temple and be trained to be a Jedi" the Master reassured; all eyes were on the teen "I...I want to stay here...and I'd be honored to be trained" he finally looked up too. 

Master Yoda spoke up "find a Master for you, we must" he stated "but who??" all of the Master's spoke about many different people who would be suitable for the boy until finally, Anakin spoke up after his entire face lit up to show he clearly had an idea. "Kanan!!" Skywalker exclaimed, making everyone in the room jump as they turned their attention to the youngest Council member "what??" Master Windu asked as they were all confused. Anakin rolled his eyes as if yelling his best friends name was the most obvious thing ever.

"Kanan could become Ezra's Jedi Master!!" he exclaimed "they're friends, they both get along greatly, Kanan was protective over the kid when Ezra's dad tried to take him and we can all sense the bond already forming between them" the Master couldn't help but agree with the good points he was making. The two talked about people shared a look once their eyes were no longer wide - yes, Anakin was right in everything he said but that didn't mean they could be Master and Padawan...right?! 

Kanan spoke first "what do you think kid??" he asked, forcing everyone to shut up and turn their full attention to the two; Ezra just shrugged "I don't know...I don't exactly understand any of this or how it works" it then hit the room full of people that they had yet to explain any of this to the teen. Master Plo spoke up to do just that "when a youngling is presented with a Jedi Master, that Master will be their main teacher and train the youngling that will be known as a Padawan from then on" the boy nodded a few times to show he was listening. 

"So...this Master would be...maybe a...a high figure their Padawan??" most of them all nodded "I guess you could put it like that, yes" Master Deba said, actually thinking about it. Ezra seemed deep in thought himself "so...if Kanan was to be my Master, he'd be the one to train and teach me the....the way of the force??" he asked but there were no nods "we can all sense you're extremely strong in the force Ezra, so you will also be trained by each member of the Jedi Council" Master Kenobi explained "but Kanan would be your Master and main teacher". 

All was silent as they allowed the teen to think and focus; he looked up to the man stood next to him to see he was sending him a kind and somehow reassuring smile. "...Okay" this made them all smile, especially Kanan who nodded at the boy "okay then" he placed a hand on the teens shoulder and faced the Council. "I take Ezra to be my Padawan" he declared; Master Deba had never felt more proud!! Other then when her once Padawan was named a Jedi Knight of course!! Master Windu spoke up "Kanan Jarrus, we here by declare you the Jedi Master to Ezra Bridger" followed by Master Jinn who sent a smile to the kid "Ezra Bridger, we here by declare you the Padawan learner to Kanan Jarrus". 

Both of their lives had just taken a change like no other, but certainly for the good. After that, Hera, Zeb, Sabine, Obi-Wan Kenobi and a clone trooper known as Rex were assigned a mission and left on the Ghost with Chopper; the new Master and Padawan said their goodbyes to their crew before entering the canteen. As soon as they had finished eating a nice warm meal, the two made their way towards on of the empty training rooms.

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