Breaking Free (Mavin)

By Marshmellowkiller101

3.1K 201 43

In the great and prosperous Achievement Kingdom a King and his knight son protect a village of people, promis... More

Prologue: When We Were Young
Chapter One: Heist
Chapter Two: Escaping
Chapter Three: Captured
Chapter Four: Confessions
Chapter Five: Interventions
Chapter Six: Savior
Chapter Seven: Death
Chapter Eight: Running Away
Chapter Nine: Explosions
Chapter Ten: Mysterious Dots
Chapter Eleven: Am I Ready?
Chapter Twelve: Do You Love Me?
Chapter Thirteen: Ambush
Chapter Fourteen: Home
Chapter Fifteen: Realizations
Chapter Sixteen: Beginning of The End
Chapter Seventeen: Into The Nether
Chapter Eighteen: The Wither
Chapter Nineteen: The Final Battle

Chapter Twenty: The Perfect End?

176 13 3
By Marshmellowkiller101

AN ~ Last chapter guys! I hope you enjoyed this story because I've really enjoyed writing it for you guys!

"Sirs, I present unto you, Prince Gavin of Belmoor!" The priest announced to everyone.
I stood up, along with everyone else and clapped as Gavin stood up straighter and smiled his dazzling smile. A golden crown encrusted with emeralds of all sizes sat on top of his wheat colored hair. He wore elegant clothing, including a long green cape that draped over his back.
He was a site to see.
Gavin, his mother, and his father walked down the long aisle, smiling and nodding to the people in the pews. Gavin locked his eyes with mine, and smiled brighter, waving slightly to me.
I smiled back, waving back to him. My mother patted my shoulder and my father lead us out of the pew, following the other Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses as we left the church.
Within the two weeks after we returned from The Nether, there was much commotion. News that my mother and father were actually alive and semi well spread back to Achievement Kingdom. Jack seemed to have run the Kingdom alright in my absence, however he mentioned a slight problem that may effect us in the future.
I tried not to dwell too much on it. Besides, too much was happening in Belmoor to worry about Achievement Kingdom.
Gavin's parents decided to hold a ceremony welcoming Gavin back into the Kingdom and crowning him as the current Prince of Belmoor, which is what we just witnessed. Many different Kingdom's across the land were invited to watch it, and they did. I was seeing people that I hadn't seen since my own Crowning, which was at least eight years ago.
Preparing for the ceremony was pretty rough, especially with Gavin being so exhausted. After returning from The Nether, Gavin passed out the moment he walked through the portal and he slept for three days straight. My mother and I described the events that we watched occur around Gavin to his mother and she explained the origin of his powers.
Apparently, Gavin's mother was a type of sorceress. She came from a long line of sorcerers and sorceresses and Gavin happened to pick up her powers. However, his were so powerful that they had to contain them in his creeper necklace, hence the reason the green aura was coming from his necklace.
Afterward, everything started to make sense. After Gavin was given his creeper necklace again, it was obvious he was more powerful and... Perhaps even magic with it. Of course, it made sense since the necklace was enchanted.
I was suddenly brought back to reality when my mother grabbed my hand and pulled me into the ball room.
I sifted through the crowds with her, noticing the smiles the princesses gave me and the nods the princes gave me. I smiled back to them and let me mother drag me though the group.
Once we were back next to my father, she straightened out my outfit, moving my crown slightly so it sat a little straighter on my head. My mother truly was adopting the whole mothering thing well, however she was still the powerful warrior she had always been.
Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I noticed my mother smiling brightly. I turned around, seeing Gavin standing there, smiling.
"Hey, Mi-cool," He whispered. I smirked as he grabbed my hand and led me away from the crowds.
"So, what do you think of your whole Crowning celebration?" I asked him.
"It's nice, kinda claustrophobic though," Gavin told me, shifting around slightly. I nodded, understanding the feeling.
"You know, I kind of just realized something," Gavin started. I cocked an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.
"With you being the Prince of Achievement Kingdom and me being the Prince of Belmoor, we aren't gonna get to see each other anymore," Gavin told me.
I blinked and realized he was very right. Belmoor and Achievement Kingdom weren't right next to each other. We'd end up going weeks and perhaps even months without seeing each other.
"We'll figure it out," I told him comfortingly, taking his hand in mine. Gavin smiled and squeezed my hand.
"I hope so. I don't want to go too long without seeing you," Gavin told me, pulling me into a tight hug.
I wrapped my arms tightly around him, holding his skinny body in my arms. I breathed in his new scent, one of several fine and expensive scents that were only worn by high ranking officials. I hoped this wasn't gonna be his permanent scent since I much preferred his old one.
Gavin instantly pulled away when someone tapped his shoulder. Gavin turned to the servant, smiling slightly and listening to what they had to say.
"You're spotlight dance is now," The servant said in the same sharp accent Gavin and his parents had. Gavin nodded and pulled completely away from me.
Gavin walked into the center of the circle of people, causing many to clap upon his arrival. I joined in on the clapping, pushing my way to the front.
"According to tradition, the newly crowned Prince has the choice of a dance partner," Gavin's father announced.
Gavin instantly locked eyes with me before turning to his father. His father nodded and gestured for him to choose. Gavin smiled and walked towards me, holding out his hand.
"May I have this dance, Prince Michael?" Gavin asked formally, almost giggling at how formal he sounded around me.
I smirked and slipped my hand into his, upsetting many of the Princesses around me. Gavin gripped it tightly and led me into the center circle. Once there, he let me place my hand on his waist and my other comfortably in his hand. Gavin put his hand on my shoulder and the other in my hand.
We danced around, causing many people to swoon at our moves. Eventually, everyone around us started dancing as well but we just ignored them, being transported to our own world.
Gavin wrapped his hands around my neck and I rested both mine on his waist. Gavin pressed our foreheads together and giggled happily. I giggled a little too, eventually pressing my lips against his.
If this wasn't the perfect end, I don't know what was.
However, this was far from the end.
Author's Note:
Well, that's the end folks. As you can tell I kind of hinted at a sequel but as I mentioned numerous time before, its up to you guys. If you truly want a sequel, I'll be more than happy to write one. I've got an idea for where I want it to go so... Yeah.
Thank you for reading guys. Please let me know if you liked it or not. I really appreciate the feedback you give me and it really boosts me to keep writing!
Thanks for reading!

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