The Journey Taken Together

By Alexa781

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Love is a strong word. It is said to those we care for the most. Some think love never dies. However, this is... More

The Journey Taken Together
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
The Journey Taken Together: Editing
Gold Ivory Awards
How to Love: An Ultimate Guide

Chapter Three

437 103 193
By Alexa781

**Dedicated to electricpastel**

(Officially edited)


I never knew that my actions would have this many consequences. My choice of going to college over someone I deeply cared about is very hazy. To this day, I don't know if it was necessarily the right choice.

Ever since I left high school, I have been living in California, and attending a university to get a Master's degree in Psychology. I have always wanted to help people with their problems, and now I can finally live that dream. It's too bad that I had to leave Thea to do so, but it didn't seem like it was going to work out anyways.

Sometimes, I wonder what it would've been like to actually get somewhere with Thea. Maybe that's my problem - I can't get her out of my head. Or, the fact that the memories of our last day together keep creeping into my mind.

"I don't understand," she pleads to me, and I look away, ashamed.

"I'm sorry, Thea," I reply hesitantly and force myself to look away from her.

"Why can't I come with you?!" she yells while sobbing, and I bite my lip.

Working up the little bit of strength I have left, I clear my throat, "Because we all have our own paths to take, and ours are completely different. Yes, we both want to go to college, but we won't have time for each other," I finish and look at her tear-stained face. She grasps her arm, and I start towards her apologetically, but she steps out of reach.

"So you are just going to go?" she whispers and turns around. I put one hand on her shoulder, but she shrugs me off. I turn around and walk to my car, getting a final glimpse of her. She turns around at the sound of my engine and slowly wipes the final tear from her face.

I wipe my face of the single tear that escaped and get changed into some casual attire. I walk out the door to my new car - a Charger, which I just recently purchased - and head off to school.

On the way to school, I see an elderly woman sitting on a bench. Her appearance is raggedy, yet her aura is enchanting. She seems wise, and her ivory hair is only proof of this. I pull onto the street next to her and get out. As I approach her, she does not turn her head. Instead, she begins speaking in a raspy voice.

"I don't need your pity . . . " says the old woman. On the side of her cheek, I see a single tear run down her face.

"Don't worry, I was only here to sit," I decide to lie.

"Sure," she says sarcastically, scooting away from me on the metal bench. As she scoots, her purse falls onto the dirt. I get up and give her the bag, dusting off the dry dirt that's on it.

"Thank you," she says in a low, muffled voice.

"No problem," I say, beginning to walk back to my car. Suddenly, I feel a hand around my arm. I turn around and the woman is standing with a cane, grasping onto it with her free hand. I stare at her with concern.

"Wait, there is something I must tell you. I can tell that you are distraught, and that something is bothering you. Whatever it is, fix it," she says, letting go of my hand. She begins to walk away as I take another step forward.

"Thank you," I whisper to the woman. My stomach begins to churn, and I turn back to my car.  This all seems unreal and delusional. I turn around to see the woman suddenly disappears into nothingness.

Maybe she was my inner feelings personified.

I think she is right.

So, there I stand at the bench, pondering what to do. I spend a moment thinking, trying to rack my brain for ideas. Then, suddenly, the best idea pops into my head. I flip open my phone and stare at the number I have hidden from Thea since I met her. The one day we spent together at her house, I retrieved her number by looking at her phone.

Beginning to sweat, I click the number and press the phone to my ear. After four rings, someone picks up the phone; it is a man. Softening my breath, I try to recognize who it is.

"Hello?" the man asks, confused.

"Hello, is Thea there by any chance?" I ask, beginning to shake with nervousness. I look up at the sky and hope with everything that I have left that this is her number.

"No, she is at school right now. May I ask who is calling?" the man replies, starting to sound a little annoyed.

"Um . . . it's Dennis, her old friend. I was just wanting to ask her if it would be okay to stop by for a chat. We haven't talked in a while and- " I say as the man cuts me off.

"Not a problem. I will let her know that you have called. Goodbye," he says with a harsh tone, immediately hanging up the phone afterwards.

I walk back to my car and drive away to the nearest McDonald's. I order some french fries and eat them while listening to Thea's favorite band. I look at the time and notice that I have fifteen minutes until class starts. Finishing my fries, I turn around and head back the way I came.

Time to go settle all of this once and for all.


After learning about medicine and drugs for three hours, I decide to give myself a luxury and go out to the mall. I'm not the biggest fan of shopping, but I could always use some new clothes. I find some new t-shirts with dinosaurs on them and put them in my cart. Next, I head to the jeans section. I spot a really cute pair of black skinny jeans that look my size. I begin to walk to them and a tall, blonde girl steps in front of me.

"Excuse me, I was going to look at those," I say in the nicest tone possible, not trying to sound rude. The girl turns around and my heart drops into my stomach. Gigi, my bully since middle school, stands in front of me while holding the jeans I was going to pick up.

"Oh, I'm sorry that I got here first. Besides, these jeans look a little small for you, don't you think?" Gigi says with a nasty voice. I give her a blank stare while thinking about what she took from me in the past.

"Oh c'mon Gigi, that is middle school shit. Just give me back the jeans and all of this will be settled," I say, glaring at her.

"Mmmm . . . I don't think so," she says, and I feel the blood rush to my cheeks. Embarrassment fills my entire body, and I look up to see countless women just staring at me - mocking me. Walking away, I can hear her behind me, laughing. I hide my face from the crowd of people as I walk up to the checkout counter. The cashier checks me out, and I leave as fast as I can, the whole time feeling Gigi's eyes on me.

I walk out into the streets and back to my car. How can somebody treat another person like this . . . and over a guy? She kept me from being with him in high school, but I never threw a fit.

"Especially at her party . . ." I mumble, and memories of that day come flooding in.

"I'm not sure . . . what if it is a trick?" I cautiously state and Daniel looks at me with a very sympathetic face.

"I'm sure she would not do anything to you, babe. Let's go have fun," he said, taking his hands into mine. I put on my white dress and comb my hair back. I meet Daniel at the front door and gawk at him. The white tuxedo hugs his slender figure, and my eyes go elsewhere. He smiles and leads me out to his car.

We arrive at Gigi's 'glorious' mansion. Daniel searches the road for an empty spot and parks. I get out and squint at the bright lights shining on the white house. I take Daniel's hand and he leads me inside.

A golden chandelier catches my eye first. But then, an excited Gigi squeals and heads our way. She jumps in front of us and gives me a dirty look.

"Hey Daniel," she says flirtatiously and twirls her hair. I bite my tongue, trying not to ruin the night by opening my mouth, and find Gigi's eyes on me once again. "Thea."

"Gigi," I reply back, squeezing Daniel's hand for a sign of protection. He lightly squeezes back, causing me to smile. We walk further into the house, hardly being able to see the floors due to all the people, and stop to dance. I take Daniel's hand and suddenly, Gigi's voice greets us - like a squealing pig - over the microphone.

"I'd like to welcome a very special guest," she smirks and her eyes dart over to me. I gulp and turn around to Daniel.

"This one . . . ahem . . . is a very . . . special friend of mine," she continues and my legs go numb.

"Please welcome, Thea Bartholomew!" she yells, and a florescent light appears over my head. Everyone backs away from me, and I am the center of attention - literally.

"I have a gift for you," she states excitingly, and all at once, a shower of red comes over me. I stand, my mouth open in shock, and try to look for Daniel. Silence fills the room, and then laughter takes over. Impatient, I storm out, trying not to cry. I look back, hoping that Daniel is silently following me.


Confirming my suspicions, I begin to walk to the bus station.

"Thea, wait!" Daniel yells, but instead of turning around, I quicken my pace. After about a minute of walking, silence overwhelms me. I reach the bus station and wait for the next one.

I never quite figured out if Daniel was in on everything, but I never want to know.

That explains why she said what she did at the store. And now that we are getting married . . . everything is just getting hectic. He is always gone for long periods of time, and sometimes, it worries me. I let the thought pass my mind and continue walking to my car.

When I reach the house, I notice Daniel's car still in the driveway. I furrow my brow in confusion and decide to park in the street. I walk up the set of cobblestone stairs and walk into the house.

Daniel stands in front of the couch, simply staring at me. My stomach begins to churn, and I walk up to him.

"Why are you still home dear?" I softly ask, holding my hand out to rub his arm. He smacks it away, and I stand in shock.

"Oh cut it out, Thea. The real question is, why have you been talking to your ex - lover behind my back?!" he yells and throws my cell phone on the ground. I jump a little and stare back into his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I ask with concern, trying to keep things calm.

"I got a call from that scumbag today saying that he wants to see you. How long were you going to keep this from me?!" he replies and my heart beats faster. The chance of seeing Dennis excites me, and I hold back a smile.

"I never knew that Dennis even had my number," I proclaim and Daniel begins to laugh - a not so genuine laugh - while glaring at me.

"Another lie. You know what, I'm done!" he storms out of the room, and I follow him.

"Daniel!" I yell after him, but he gets in his car. I look at him through the windshield, and he drives off. A depressing feeling takes over and I mope back into the house. Picking up my phone, I examine it for damages. Noticing that only the screen is cracked, I set it down and make some popcorn.

I grab my food and sit on the couch. I keep thinking over and over that this is a dream,but it can't possibly be. Only one question remains . . .

Are we going to reunite after one year of separation?


How was this chapter? Do you think they will reunite?

Early update!! I was going to update tomorrow, but this update is for someone special! Happy Birthday to my friend Kabarakade! This one is for you!!! : D

If you liked, feel free to leave a vote/comment~

Thank you for reading this story : )

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