Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Status: Edited

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I wake up to a loud knock. My eyes dart to the door to see Samantha pushing a cart. She rolls it next to me and gives me a large grin.

"Breakfast time," she says and walks over to her computer.

"Good morning to you too," I say softly while picking up a piece of buttered toast.

She checks my vitals as I nibble on it. "Your blood pressure has reached a constant state and your heartbeat is normal," she says, while pressing a stethoscope along my chest. Taking out the ear plugs, she sets it on the table and returns to her computer.

"When will I be released?" I ask hesitantly. Samantha frowns at me and then let's out a small laugh.

"So eager to leave I see? The doctor will be in to check on you soon. You will probably be released by early this afternoon," she explains while grabbing her clipboard and heading towards the door.

"Wait," I say and she turns around. "What exactly happened to me?"

"You had a panic attack, dear."

"Oh. Where did Officer Kurt go?"

"He told me he was investigating the case you brought up yesterday," she replies with a wink. I nod as she walks closer to me and hands me a slip of paper. Before I can react, she walks out of the room.

I open the paper and see seven numbers in black pen on it.

Setting it on my bedside table, I sit back on the bed and rest. My eyes fall heavy, and I drift into a deep sleep.


I wake up and look around the room. Sitting in the chairs is Officer Kurt eating a sprinkled donut while staring at me.

"Good morning sunshine," he teases, and I groan.

"What's new? Have you found anything out about Daniel?" I eagerly ask.

"Yes. Due to the evidence you have shown me, we looked into the investigation. We checked the street cameras around Thea's home and found her running with rope and duck tape on. We charged him with rape, and he is sentenced to ten years in prison with no bail. You sir, are off the hook," he explains, causing me to smile.

"So does that mean I can go home?" I ask cheerfully. He nods, and I immediately feel better.

"Thank you so much!" I yell with joy. He stands up to throw his napkin in the trash and leans over me.

"No problem son. That is, after all, my job," he says winking.

A knock at the door disrupts our conversation. "Good morning Dennis. How do you feel?" a male voice asks. Kurt moves out of the way and in front of me is a tall male dressed in blue scrubs.

Smiling, I let out a sigh of relief. "I feel good, doc."

"Ready to go home?" he asks, and I nod. Handing me the release forms, I sign them and get out of bed.

"Nice doing business with you. Need a ride home?" the officer asks, holding out his hand.

"Yes please," I reply, shaking his hand.

He brings me home and bids me goodbye. I fumble with my keys to unlock my door and step inside. Shutting the door behind me, I head up to my room. Thea's scent fills it and I sigh, setting her ring on the dresser. I pull out my phone and open our messages.

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