Chapter Fourteen

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**Dedicated to ItsMeDavidXD**

Chapter Status: Edited

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When we get to the clothes store, I instantly groan with disgust. Seeing all of these girly clothes makes my stomach churn. I've always been a sucker for girls who don't care how they look. We enter the store, and I graze my hands along the assortment of dresses.

Passing them, we get more into the sort of clothes I like to see on a girl. A table with many pairs of light blue jean shorts on my left, a rack of cute t-shirts on my right. Thea walks over to the shirts, immediately spotting some she likes. By the time she is done squealing over them, her body appears from behind the rack, covered in shirts.

"You have enough there?" I ask teasingly. She starts saying something, but I can't hear her under the shirts. Giggling, I remove some from her face. I smirk at her and take a bunch into my arms.

"No," she says and winks at me. Smiling, we walk over to get a changing room. I set the shirts on the hooks and get out of the room. Turning around, I see Steven staring at a girl looking at dresses. Walking over to him, I cough causally.

"So um..are you gonna stop being a creeper and say hi?" I ask, causing him to look away from her. His face turns from pink to red in an instant. I sit down next to him and rub his arm.

"Ya know, she's never gonna notice you if you don't make a move," I say, patting his back. He gets up and walks over to her. Tapping her on the shoulder, she turns around and smiles at him. Squinting, I try to make out the girls features. All I can see is her brunette hair that runs down to the middle of her back and her small stature. I turn around to a cough, and see Thea with a dinosaur t-shirt on. Laughing, I walk over to her.

"That looks really good on you," I say, running my hands along her curves. She smiles and blushes at me, kissing my cheek. She returns to the dressing room, and I sit back down. After about five minutes, she returns wearing a kitten shirt. Shaking my head, she slumps her body and walks back to the dressing room.

After about twenty minutes, Thea finally hangs up the t-shirts that she didn't like. She walks over to me and hands me five shirts that she picked out. Smiling at me, she walks over to the shorts. I stand behind her, pointing out a few pairs that I found to be rather sexy. She picks them up and goes into the changing room once more.

After approving them, she sets them in my hands. Walking around with her clothes, we start heading to the dress section. I follow her as we start getting closer to Steven and the mystery girl. Thea picks at the rack right in front of them, and I gulp. With Steven is Anna, my ex.

I started dating Anna about a week after I moved to California. We go to school together, and we even have a few classes with one another. About a month later, she started hanging around with this other guy. I had my suspicions, but kept them to myself. We ended things after I came home to them having sex on my couch.

Cringing, I try and fake a smile. Anna's lips stop moving, and she stares at me while Steven continues to talk to her. She starts moving over to me, and my heart drops.

"Long time no see," Anna says. I send her a fake smile, and she looks at Thea. Placing my hand on her shoulder, she looks up at Anna.

"Yeah," I reply. Thea picks up a dress and moves closer to Anna.

"And who might you be?" Anna asks with a slight attitude. Glaring at her, Thea turns around and kisses me on the cheek.

"I am Dennis's girlfriend. And you are?" she replies with a nasty tone. I put my hands on her shoulders and move her near me.

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