Hereafter (GxG) editing

By unsurreal

16.9K 742 144

Would you dare love a vampire who seems to be caught up and tied to someone from her past? Even if that someo... More

Part One: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Part Two: Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
10 - Mountain
Chapter 10.5
Part Three: Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Part Four: Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29.5
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
(UPDATE!)Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Epilogue 1

Chapter 15

347 16 4
By unsurreal



I've been walking around the apartment, packing some things I want to bring when I go back to visit mom and Kyle for two days. Athan was sitting in my living room since she brought me home from school. She has class today but she chose not to attend. She insisted she attended school and universities again and again more than I can imagine. Athan was just doing that for past time and swimming as hobby.

As I habitually poke my head out my door to check on her because I think it's gotten very silent, she kept rubbing her temple, as if anxious about something. I let it go though.

We've already talked about the girl we encountered at the bar last week and to her and Thyone's suspicion, she is a succubus. She has the ability get into your dreams and switch form. She can also be really tricky and gain energy by having sex.

We also had our first class with Athan in her swimming class. I still had no idea why she replaced our original instructor. After rummaging my closet again to find the sweater my mom gave me last year, I also found my cute bunny ears head band and wore it. I fixed my hair to one side in the mirror and straightened my jacket that goes down to my middle thigh, covering my short.

I walked out my room. Athan was resting her elbows on her knees, her thumb pushing her lower lip. She was still in deep thought.

"Hey! I'm done." I said lively and smiled to eliminate some lonely vibes.

She averted her eyes to me and immediately smiled when she saw me. She eyed my clothes, specially my tiny bunny ears.

"You look so darn cute even though it seems to be too small for you."

Smiling, I stood beside her. "Thanks. So do you want anything? You seem to be a bit off."

"Well. . ." She scratched her temple again. "I'm just worried. I'm not comfortable."

I sat beside her and tried to look directly in her face but failed for she kept looking away. "Why?" I asked and slowly made her to face me.

Athan shrugged, "Because you'll be away for some days and I. . .I don't think I will be at peace or relaxed. . ."

"Okay. . ?" I waited as she collected her thoughts for a second. "Just know you can tell me anything, Athan."

She nodded and inhaled, "Look," she took my hand that is on my lap and looked worried at me, "I-I don't mean to be weird, freaky or fast but. . .but, I really think I should come with you. . . I mean, we don't, and I don't have to stay in your mother's house. I can check in some hotels and if anything bad happens, I'll know it. And I'll be there to get you quick. . . Autumn there are creatures after you, Spell-bounds and, and that succubus, we don't know what she wants. . . I. . .I'm just so worried about you but-"

I was smiling when I cut her off before she could make another sentence and allowed her to breathe. It's really touching to see her nervous and worried about me. I don't think I can reject someone as thoughtful as her.

I intertwined my fingers with her and scooted closer, still hiding my giggle. "Hey, hey. Stop it okay? Don't be nervous, you're just talking to me."

"But Autumn-"

"And calm down. I don't mind bringing you with me back home and let you meet Kyle and mom, in fact I'm down for it.

". . . Yeah?" Athan was finally smiling.

"Yes. We'll leave tomorrow early."

She laughed and shook her head, "Wow, I thought you'll think I'm weird. But what about your mom?"

"She'll be surprised I brought someone."

"Ooooh. I really hope she likes surprises. Should I bring something at least?"

"She likes vegan pizza."

"Okay. I'll bring that." She slumped her back and relaxed, spreading her arms along the edge of my sofa. "Whoo. For a second I thought I will be rejected."

With both of us chuckling, I remembered to ask her some not so serious query. "Oh Ath! I wanted to ask something."

"Yeah?" She raised her brow.

"Why did you have to replace our original P.E instructor?"

She laughed and turned a little red. "This is embarrassing and creepy if I tell you."

"C'mooon, tell me! Why?" I keep nudging her side playfully,

Still giggling, she admitted. "Well, I was very curious and attracted to you the very first time we saw each other in the hallway, then I really I wanted to be closer to you. And asked the dean to make me the instructor."

"Yeah, I remember. You were so rude by not helping me." I rolled my eyes and smirked, hiding the fact that I am really flattered. "You didn't have to do that you know, if you just tried to say 'Hi' to me, I could be your friend."

"I'm not friendly. But at least now, I don't even have to try to be close to you. I might have gotten farther than just close." She laughed again, grinning mischievously.

I gaped at her, "Ohh, so now you're being conceited."

"Does it turn you off?" She sat straight, still smiling.

"Not really. It's actually kind of sexy."

"You're sexy. . ." She returned and looked at my bunny ears, "and cute at the same time. It's so attractive."

"You're attracted?" I asked, my heart starting to pump a little quicker.

"Uhuh." Smiling, she looked at my lips as she moved in slowly. Staring down at each other's lips, we finally kissed.

Her flavour bursted in my mouth. My hands were beginning to sweat again and I was low key having another mini heart attack.

I'm kissing Athan again. Passionate and slow. The girl from our university, the "Trophy Swimmer" one I can also call as the "Ice Queen", and she, the Ice was melting between my lustful lips. I've never dated someone so popular before and I didn't know this is how it will feels like. I feel so lucky. And other than that, she's also caring and really thoughtful and gentle. I don't think I can ever amount to whatever she will expect in return. I mean, I'm just me. Autumn. A simple nerd college girl. Who's gotten involved with supernatural beings like her, and that doesn't even make me close to being special.

Her thumb was rubbing my cheeks just when her hand landed on my waist, pulling me closer. I was so scared to sneak my tongue in yet so I didn't and held onto her shoulders tighter.

As it got hotter in the room, damn the aircon, I couldn't hold back. My tongue slipped in politely in her mouth. She welcomed it. I noticed she was smirking and I got really embarrassed.

I pushed her slowly; her face was a light shade of red. "Why are you laughing. . ." I said very consciously.

"You're just so. . . Amazing." She smiled and a second after that, I pulled her again. It's like I wasn't able to breathe when I stopped kissing her.

This time was a bit more intense. She helped me lay on my back on the sofa as she positioned on top of me. Still making out, I passionately feel her under my hands. Every curve and every small bulk of womanly muscles on her back. I felt her soft yet solid arms; her triceps were really pulling me more into the mood.

Athan started to kiss my cheek and then my neck. My legs were also starting to wrap around her waist.

Are we really going to do this? We've only known each other for a month and officially started dating for two weeks. Will I be the easy girl? But I don't really feel like I should be afraid of something or be doubtful of her if I let this happen. And I don't think scoring a sex is the only thing she wants from me.

So are we really? . . I'm going to let her?

I moaned silently and regretted it shortly after letting it happen as she was nibbling my neck. It was gentle yet hungry. And then I came to my senses that she is a vampire.

I got a little nervous and then my front door shockingly flew open, revealing a horrified look on Lio's face. His blue eyes were wide and mouth formed to an O.

I pushed Athan slowly and unwrapped myself from her. Athan detached from me as well. Making the both of us sit awkwardly.

"I'm sorry." Lio slammed the door closed again and then we heard him shout from the outside."Thyone!!!"

"What!?" We heard Thyone's voice from downstairs.

"I can't go in there!!!" Then we heard hasty foot stomps going down the stairs.

"Why?" Asked Thyone.

"It's not PG 13!"

"What are you talking about?"

Moments later, we heard more footsteps going up. I fixed my hair to one side and my sweater then stood up just in time when Thyone busted in. Never bothering to knock.

Athan was left in the sofa. When I poked to see her, she was staring in blank space.

"What are you doing here?" Athan asked her sister.

"You look so red." I looked back at them and when Thyone averted her eyes to me while I was in the kitchen, I turned around, not wanting her to see my face. "And Autumn," She called.

"Yeah?" I replied pretending to be busy.

"You should get the bunny ears that're tangled in your hair."

"Oh. Yeah." I quickly removed it and rested it on the counter.

"Lio, want to guess how her bunny ear got tangled in her hair?"

My face was really hot and I don't know why. Maybe because I haven't had any kind of intimacy for years and it kind of puts me uncomfortable. Especially when a kid caught you red handed. Gladly Lio remained silent.

"What are you even doing here?" I heard Athan asked.

"Nothing. I just thought it was a great timing to visit and bond with you people." She jumped on the sofa, "So what do we have for dinner?"

. . .


"Why the heck is your backpack so heavy? We'll just stay there for two and a half days." I said struggling to hold my shoulder bag and her backpack because I insisted to carry it outside the cab while she takes out cash to pay the driver.

She smiled and took her backpack from me after getting her ticket out from her wallet as well. She insisted that she'll buy VIP ticket so we can be more comfortable but I thought we don't really need it so she just bought the standard.

Athan wore her backpack as if it didn't weighted a gram, "I wasn't sure where to buy vegan pizza. And those who deliver doesn't seem to be very good so I decided I can make one myself. I bought all the vegan ingredients." She nodded and took my jacket from me to carry it herself. "Let's go?"

Smiling, I grabbed her arm. And as we walk to our station, "That Monday morning I saw you, I never thought you have this kind of sweetness."

She half smiled, "I'm not sweet."

"I think you are."

We were finally seated inside and I was the one beside the window. "You know Autumn, I'm not really this type."

"You were usually cold and restricted?" I guessed, studying her expression.

"Yeah. I can only be my old true self to a few. And I. . . Nothing."


"Nothing. Don't ask. I don't want to freak you out."

I just nodded since she got a bit serious again.

"But anyway," Our train started moving. "Tell me something more about you, or your mom, your brother. Your hometown. What are they like?"

"Hmmm." I thought of some memories and as I share some parts of it to Athan, the feelings that I had have revisited me just the same. As we traveled 90mph along the long railway towards my home, as we pass the county, Athan and I got more interconnected as we spoke of our past.

It was possible to tell her my whole life story in days or weeks but her's? I don't think so. I don't even know how old she is. Will it be rude if I ask for her age? Would it even matter? They stopped aging after all, they're just counting numbers.

Leading me to that question, I decided to just ask a little indirectly. "Athan, when were you born?"

She smiled, "Why? Afraid that you're dating a cougar?"

I punched her lightly and she shielded it by her forearm. "No! I'm just curious and you look like you're only 21."

"Okay. But I'm not going to let you know easily. I'm going to let you tell me my age."
"Okay?" I said impatiently raising my brow.

"I was born 28th April, 1563."


"What? You were alive since renaissance?"

She just nodded slowly, now the one reading my expression. "So, how old am I?"

"Wait I'm going to compute." I shushed her and stared blankly on the jacket resting on my lap. So, the current year minus 1563. . .

I gawked and looked at her. "You're older than I thought!"

She smiled but it looked more worried than an actual smile, "Are you planning to get off the train now that you know?"

Of course not. Clearly that is an idiom she invented but why is she asking me that? "No, silly." I took her hand and put it over my jacket. I also rested my head on her shoulder. "It's not really taboo if you think about it. A nineteen year old dating a 450+ plus year old vampire. I'm ok with that, nothing is strange."

Gladly, I managed to take the worry off of her load. I don't want her to be scared just because our age gap is pretty intense. Besides, she's so perfect and kind and gentle. If I set aside that she drinks blood to survive. Come to think of it, we haven't talked about much about her and One's diet. I guess it will make her feel anxious too. But oddly, I don't think there will be something dark about her that will scare me and make me leave for good.

"Athan, can you tell me about your vampire diet?"

"Hmm. . . Are you sure?" She squeezed my hand.

"Yup. . ."

"Uhm. . . Me and Thyone. . . Just like in the movies, we just. . . Look Autumn, I don't want you to be afraid of me because no matter what I am or what my diet or habits are, I don't want you to ever think that I am capable of hurting you. . ."

I looked at her, mesmerized by the sincerity her eyes were displaying. "And look, Athan, I want you to understand and trust the fact that I am no longer afraid of you. At times maybe I will be nervous but, I even feel safe being with you."

She smiled then looked outside. Athan kissed my hand and pulled me in her arm, "Thank you."

I realized then we were acting like an official couple. Saying things like this. Introducing her to my family. Caring for each other. . . We really are going there fast. . . I don't mind and it looks like it's the same for her.


Heyoo i know i just added some cast but there will be more soon. Haha sorry if its too many xD and yey! Well be in part four next update!! :) thanks to those who votes and the silent readers. It keeps me motivated. Suggestions/ comments/questions/pointing out mistakes (pls kindly) are always welcome. :) xx

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