Irresistible [Lirry] EDITING!

By hopeangel11

124K 3.2K 277

One Direction Fanfic! [AU] Liam Payne + Harry Styles = Lirry Stayne! <3 Vampire (Harry) and human (Liam) l... More

Irresistible [Lirry]
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 2

4.8K 142 25
By hopeangel11

Chapter 2

Math class ended and I got up slowly from my seat. Niall laughed and put his arm over my shoudlers.

"Girls coming from the east! Wanna make a run for it?" Niall asked playfully.

But I took him seriously. "Yes! I actually wanna run!" I said quickly and bolted out of the classroom. I heard Niall laugh from behind me as he followed.

We made it to my locker and I quickly opened it so I don't get surrounded by girls asking me out again. I just opened my lock and swung my locker open when a hand slapped against my locker. I jumped and turned around.

"Zayn! What was that for?!" I yelled at him.

He and Niall laughed as they opened their lockers. "Just greeting you, mate," Zayn replied, grabbing his book then closing his locker.

I sighed and grabbed my books too. "And why weren't you in any of the classes today?" I asked him as we walked off to our last class, drama.

"I just went out for lunch with Perrie and we - " Zayn answered, but Niall and I cut him off by yelling out.

"Nope! Don't need to know the details!" I said.

"Then what did you do after 'lunch' with Perrie? You couldn't have taken THAT long to...'eat'," Niall said.

Zayn smiled and said, "She went to her class late and I stayed outside. You know...smoking and walking around to keep myself busy. I didn't feel like going to any class today."

"Except drama?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah...just drama. I have that class with you guys AND Perrie."

We walked in class and went to our seats. Zayn went over to Perrie and kissed her, making Niall and I gag. We laughed when Zayn gave us the finger and playfully pushed us in our seats.

"Keep it in your pants, Zayn! We don't need to see it," Niall said, laughing with me.

"Yeah, no PDA in class!" I said, laughing with Niall some more.

I heard the seat beside me get taken and I looked to see Harry. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Nice to see you again, Liam," Harry said politely.

"You too, Harry. Sorry for not noticing you before," I said sheepishly and blushed slightly.

"That's fine. I don't blame you. It's really mine and Louis' fault."

Louis snorted from beside Harry and said, "Speak for yourself, Styles. It's better this way, and YOU know that." Louis slightly glared at me and I turned back to Niall, who was gaping at me.

"What?" I asked Niall.

"You're TALKING to him?" Niall whispered, leaning closer to me.

"Yeah...What's wrong with that?" I asked, confused.

"Nothing, I guess..." he said.

Then Zayn spoke up when I looked at him. I noticed that Perrie and her friends (Little Mix) were also gaping at us. "Since when do you talk to him?" Zayn asked, curiosity on his face.

"Just today...2 classes before. And by the way, his name is Harry," I stated, shrugging my shoulders.

"We know...We just didn't think YOU knew HIM," Zayn said.

"Well, I do now. And don't make me feel worse about not noticing THEM before," I said.

They slowly nodded and smiled sheepishly at Harry and Louis before sitting in their seats. The teacher walked in the class and started telling us of what we had to do.

"Okay class. Today, we're gonna work on your mirroring skills and controlling your emotions. We'll start practicing today in partners and you will perform a scene in front of the class next week," Mr. Adal said.

The class groaned in response and he rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, class! You're in drama class! You're supposed to work on your emotions! That's practically the main lesson of this whole course. Now, let me finish. You guys will be in partners and you will have to come up with a scene that has drama, or comedy, or action, or anything that conjures up yours AND the audience's emotion. You will all perform in a week, so make it good. It will count as 10% of your mark."

"How long does it have to be?" I asked after raising my hand.

"Thanks for reminding me about that, Liam. It has to be about 5 minutes long. Remember: the main component is to capture the audience with your emotions. Make us all laugh, mesmerized, cry, scared, and especially capture our attention. Make it seem like we're really experiencing the whole skit with you," Mr Adal replied enthusiastically.

"Now, I know you might hate me for this, but I have assigned you all in partners. Don't complain. I just think that with the partners you will have, he or she will bring out the best performance in you. I want your emotions expressed to the max, so no holding back. Just let it all out! If you end up hating your partner, then show that in your performance. It still counts whether you like them or not," he continued.

We all groaned and braced ourselves when he started naming us off in partners. Please don't put me with a girl...Not a girl......

"...Zayn and Perrie, you 2 will work together cuz I know you have great chemistry together. Niall and Demi, you 2 might surprise yourselves when working together," Mr. Adal named off.

Niall blushed and looked to Demi, who smiled at him and blushed. Aren't they just cute?!

"Louis and Eleanor, you're already together anyways, so why not be partners?. And last but not least...Liam and Harry! THAT is the duo I'm most excited to see!" Mr. Adal exclaimed happily.

"What?!" I said in shock. I looked over at Harry beside me and he just smirked at me.

"Yeah, you 2! I wanna see you both 'wow' me with the best performance ever! I know you both can do it. You are both the best in class. You should both be happy to work together," Mr. Adal said.

"Oh, I am, sir," Harry surprised me by saying this out loud. In fact, the whole class was shocked to hear him say that too.

I looked at him then at Niall. Niall just shrugged at me and when I looked at Zayn and Little Mix, the nodded at me. What does that mean? Did they really think this was okay? Not that I minded working with Harry and his hotness, but still! I might not even focus on working on a skit with him! I'll just be busy undressing him with my eyes! 

"Now that you know your partners, get up and mirror each other! Mirror exercises, everyone! One person lead, then when I say 'switch', the other person will lead. Got it?" Mr. Adal said and the class mumbled 'yesses'.

I got up slowly and faced Harry. "Hey partner," he said to me, smirking sexily.

"H- Hey...Let's just do this, okay? I don't want to get in trouble," I said.

"Sure thing, partner. So, do you wanna lead first, or should I?" Harry asked.

"I- I'll lead first, and you follow," I replied, moving my hand and Harry followed.

Mr. Adal was walking around and commenting at times. "Remember: you can also copy their emotions and expressions on their faces. Watch their whole body language and copy that. It can be helpful when you're trying to get an emotion across for the audience to see," he said to the whole class.

"Okay, good job first leaders. Now switch to second leaders. Body language and facial expressions are important! It also helps when you're close to your partner. It gives off a 'good chemistry' vibe," he said to Harry and I in particular, pushing us closer together.

Zayn smirked and pulled Perrie closer to kiss her. "Not that close! Zayn! Stop that! No PDA in class!" Mr. Adal exclaimed, pulling them apart.

I laughed and Harry copied me. I gave him a look and he shrugged before mirroring that, too. "What? He said facial expressions and body language. You laughed, so I copied you,' Harry said.

"It's YOUR turn to lead, remember? You don't have to copy me anymore. I have to mirror YOU now," I said.

 Harry shrugged and started moving his hands. I mirrored his actions and avoided looking at his eyes, scared that I might get too distracted to follow him.

"Liam! Eyes up to look at Harry's face! Remeber: facial expressions too!" Mr. Adal said to me and I sighed.

I reluctantly looked at Harry's eyes and instantly regretted it. I stopped moving and just stared into his eyes, completely mesmerized. They were a really nice and bright, emerald green...I can feel myself melting.....Wait - did they just get darker? Or am I just seeing things?

"...Liam? Why did you stop mirroring me? Hello?" I noticed Harry trying to get my attention and I blinked a couple times and shook my head. I looked back at Harry and he was smirking at me.

"Like what you see? Cuz as my partner now, you'll be seeing a lot of me," Harry said, making me flustered, but I tried my best to hide his effect on me.

I scoffed and chuckled nervously. "Right...Let's just get back to mirroring each other, okay?" I said, looking away from him and looking at Niall. Niall looked back at me and gave me a questioning glance. I smiled softly at him and we both turned back to our partners.

The bell rang, signalling the end of class and Mr. Adal sighed. "Okay! Good job class! See you all tomorrow to practice this again. And don't forget to work on your 5 minute skits that is to be performed next week! No exceptions!"

I grabbed my bag from my desk and slung it over my shoulder. Niall was talking to Demi happily and I smiled as I watched them.

"Hey Liam! You going to football practice?" I heard Andy call out to me as I waited for Niall.

"Yeah! I'll be there in a couple of minutes!" I called back and he smiled at me before he left.

Niall finished talking to Demi and was beaming when he walked over to me. "I see someone's happy about their partner," I said, wiggling my eyebrows at him as we walked out the class together.

"Of course I am, Li-Li! I can't believe Mr. Adal put us together!" Niall said happily, skipping ahead to his locker. I quickened my pace after him as I laughed.

"What about you, Li-Li? Like your partner?" Niall asked as he put his book back in his locker and closed it.

"To be honest, I don't really know how to feel about being partners with Harry. He's...distracting," I said after a while.

Niall froze and asked, "What do you mean 'distracting'? Did he hurt you?!"

"What? No! Niall, he didn't hurt me,' I replied, shocked at his question.

"Okay, good....That's good. You know what, Liam? If he's too distracting for you, then you should ask Mr. Adal to have a different partner," Niall suggested, looking relieved at my answer. What's wrong with him? Why is he so...worried about me? Or is it because of Harry?

I thought about what he said as we walked to the parking lot together. "I don't know...I might ask for a different partner,but maybe I can deal with it. It's just for a week that I have to work with him anyways. What's gonna happen then?" I said.

"A lot can happen, Li-Li....A lot can happen," Niall said dramatically - but seriously, and I just laughed at his words.

"i'm serious, Liam! Harry's-... He's not what you might think of him..." Niall said, looking around nervously, as if someone might be able to hear us. I didn't get it though, because we were the only ones in the parking lot now.

"What do you mean? I just met him today, so I don't really know what to think of him. And what are you looking for? You look really nervous," I asked, opening my car door and throwing my bag in.

"...W- what? Oh, um...Just don't mind me. I gotta go meet up with Demi now, so...See you later!" Niall said, walking to his car.

"Wait, Niall! I thought we were gonna talk at my house after school?" I called out to him.

He just waved at me and yelled back, "I'll text you when I'm back from Demi's! We'll talk then, or tomorrow! Bye Li-Li!"

I sighed and opened the trunk of my car to grab my bag with my football gear. I was about to close the trunk, when I felt someone tap my shoulder, making me shriek a bit and jump.

"Hello Liam," *fill in the blank* said to me.

*Lirry moment! - Well, they're partners for a week! How will that go?

Who's this mystery person scaring Liam? Any guesses?

What about how Niall's acting around Harry and Louis? Why is he nervous or even scared of them? What did he mean when he said Harry's "not what you think he is"? Does Niall know?

Will Liam ask for another partner, or stick with Harry?

So many questions! What will happen next?* x

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