The Original Lax Bro

By toysolider

3.6K 79 19

Really Dad? Baxton Academy? A school that is almost half way across the country from her old one? A new team... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

493 11 0
By toysolider

Yes I am back! Hope everyone is just as excited for this sequel as I am! Im super excited actually because ive been planning this book for the longest time and now I finally gonna write it! Not sure how long this chapter is gonna be because it is the first chapter. Its gonna be weird to introduce new characters and a new plot but hey same old lacrosse right! Anyways here I go and hope you all like this one just as much as the last one!!


"Robi are you sure you packed everything you need?" My Dad asked me as we stuffed the last bit of my stuff into the car. Yes I know this is stupid but we are driving to Michigan even though its like a 14 hour drive.

"I think so." I huffed out. Some people have no idea how hard it is to pack up all of your shit and put it into a car and drive to a new place. It's a struggle. Now I know what Charlie went though when he was packing for college.

"Why dont you go check one more time. Take a final sweep through before we leave." My Dad said. Urrg why do I have to do this? Its like 7 in the morning and all I wanted to do was sleep. But I followed my fathers orders and entered my house for probably the last time until November. Strange to think. I run up the stairs I have gone up all my life and entered my bare room.

It finally hit me. I basically don't live here anymore. This room isnt tecnically mine anymore. Everything is gone. My posters, bedding, clothes, lax gear. All of it. I scan the room to see if anything got left behind. I look over on my bed and saw a small box covered by the comics from the news paper. Undernight it is a letter. I was over to my bed and took the small box in my hand and looked at the note. It have 'Robi' written neatly in my fathers handwriting. I opened the note which read,


God Robi! Why do you have to grow up so fast! It seems like yesterday was the day we brought you home from the hospital. I cant believe you are leaving and starting anew in Michigan. Crazy! I love you and I got this just for goodluck.


I smiled at my fathers note. I quickly scanned my room for anything else, grabbed the box and ran down the stairs.

"Dad!" I say catching his attention. "Why did you get this?"

"For good luck! Now go on and open it." He insisted. I smiled at him before I tore open the newspaper wrapped box in my hands. I opened the small box and inside was a necklace with a lacrosse stick and the words 'I can' inscribed onto a mettle plate. I smiled at him before I put it on.

Yes, I just put on a necklace, but yes it will be the only one I ever wear.

"Thanks Dad." I hugged him. "But I think we should get going before you start sobbing." I laughed.

"Me start sobbing? No! I think you want to go before you cry." He joked with me as we got into the car.

"I don't cry. Now drive." I said as he turned on the engine.

And we were officially on our way to my junior year at Baxton.


"Wake up Robi, we still have another 30 minutes of driving to do before we get there." My dad said shaking me awake in our hotel room. We arrived last night around 9 o'clock and we both just passed out. Driving really takes it all out of you.

"Nooo." I complain, "5 more minutes."

"Robi you and I know damn well that you are not getting 5 more minutes, out of bed, Now." He said practically pushing me out.

"Okay, okay." I say standing up. I head into the bathroom and got ready.

20 mintues later, my father and I were both showered, dressed, fed, and in the car.

"Ready kiddo?" My dad asked as we pulled out of the hotel parking lot.

"As ready as Ill ever be." I muttered. The feeling finally set in that I was leaving my old school.

"Now thats the spirit!" My dad said.

"I swear you want to go to this school more than I do." I laughed. It was true too. He was currently decked out in a Baxton Lacrosse t-shirt and a Baxton hat.

"Im just really excited about your opportunity." He defended himself. "And you should be too. Put a smile on we are almost there."

"Ill put it on when I feel like it." I say. I see my father roll his eyes at my remark. I smirked knowing I have just won. Go Robi!

I look out the window with great timing and see on a small sign that had Baxton Academy next exit on it.

"Look we are almost there." My Dad said. "Get excited."

I decided not to answer him, let him have his joy.

Finally after a long 30 minutes in the car with my Dads horrible music and questions, we arrived at this huge school that could probably pass for a college.

"I'm gonna get lost."

"You'll know where everything the second day here. Its not that big. Just think about how Charlie and Mark felt their first days. And besided there are lots of new students, hense New Student Orentation. Stick with them. You'll be okay." My Dad assured me.

I turn my attention away from him and look at my new 'home'. This place is crazy. Seriously there are these students in bright yellow t-shirts jumping up and down holding signs saying stuff like 'Welcome to Baxton' Or 'We want you!" on it. Great, I'm surrounded by super ethusiastic people who are gonna try everything to be my friend. Hold on Robi, slow down, you want friends remember. Stop judging.

We roll into a parking lot near a huge building.

"This is the student center." My dad said as we parked the car.

"And you know that how?" I asked him.

"Because I took an online tour because I actually wanted to know where things are." He answered me. "Now lets get your room key and what not."

We walk up to the entrance of the building, exucse me, one of many entrances of the building. They redirected us to one in the very front of the building next to a grass field. We walked up to a table that had to signs on it A-L and M-Z. We obviously got into the A-L line.

"Hi. Welcome to Baxton! Im Allison." One girl with long, dark brown hair, wearing one of the bright yellow shirts say.

"Hi and thanks. Um Knowles." I say to the girl. She shuffles through a box filled with folders looking for me.

"So in this folder you have a check list you have to go through on this level before you head upstairs and get the rest of it." She said looking at the folder. "Robi Knowles. Hey are you the girl guys lacrosse player?"

"In the flesh. " I answer her while taking the folder from her hands.

"Wow! Thats super cool! Can't wait to see you play." Allison said before she had to start helping the next person in line.

My Dad and I walk into the very crowded student center. I look down at my list.

"Lets get my schedual first." I say looking at the first thing on my list of things we have to do. We walked up to this long line and waited again.

Once we got to the front we met a lady with gray hair and small glasses.

"Robi Knowles." I say to the lady. She shuffled threw some papers and handed me mine.

"Welcome to Baxton." She said with a cherry smile on her face. I give a weak one back before heading onto the next station.

We went through many stations: Health Center, Schedual, Student Life, Student Bank, and some more that I forgot.

"So sports next?" My dad pointed to the next table.

"Yeah lets do it." I said.

We walked to the table because luckly it had no line.

"Robi! You made it." Coach Jackson greeted me by shaking my hand.

"Yeah it was a long trip but im here." I say.

"Awesome so what are we doing for sports?" He asked me getting down to buisness.

"Lacrosse, obviously." I laughed. Funny he should know that.

"I know that. But her at Baxton all of our students do one activity per trimester. Lacrosse is spring what else?" He explained.

"What? I don't play any other sports." I state.

"Let me read you off the list of things we can do. For Fall we have Soccer, varsity and jv, cross country, strength and field hockey. We also have the fall play and art activity." He said.

Thank God for Dads because he knew exactly what to say.

"I thought when we last talked on the phone you told me that Robi could do strength and play fall league with the team."

"Thats right! I Totally forgot. My Bad. Yes I have it right here, strength/fall leauge. Awesome. Robi and I can talk about winter activities in our first advisor meeting."

"You're her advisor? How great!" My dad said. "Did you know that Robi?"

"No but thats pretty cool. How many kids are in our advisory?" I asked.

"Oh not many. I think we have five. But soon enough everyone is gonna be like a family. There is another kid in our adviosory on the team. Maybe you will see him around, he's a leader. You know, a Yellow shirt. Ill point him out later." Coach Jackson Said.

"Thanks." I said as we walked away to the table.

Finally, the last check, residential. We walked up to the only table we have not been at yet and waiting in the small line.

"Hello!" I lady said with long blond hair said. "Im Mrs. Holliday! Whats your name sweety?"

"Um Robi Knowles." I say.

"Ah yes right here. Welch 208. Have a nice year and im sure I will see you around." Mrs. Holliday waves to me.

"Thanks. Now we go upstairs for one to one and books." I said before looking around for stairs. I found them and we headed up, careful not to step on the school seal, and entered something that looked like the dinning hall. I looked for a sign that said One to one on it and entered another room. We walked up to one of the open tables.

"Hi." I say to the man behind the desk.

"Hi. Im Mr. Borne computer tec guy. I am here to give you your new best friend forever."

"Oh thats cool." I say unsure of whatelse to say.

"So basically I'm gonna sign you up for your portal. If you dont know what that is, im gonna tell you. Its the school website. It's a portion for the students and teachers to keep asignments, tell them when its due and stuff, and to keep track of your activities and dorm life. Its actually pretty cool. So this is your new MacBook. Its alright if you already have a computer but it would be easiest to do all your school work on this so teachers have acess to assignments and what not. Hense one to one. You following?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Cool. So your username is always knowlesr15. Thats your last name first inital and graduation year. Now make a password." he said to me. I quickly thought of one up. Yes for all of you who guess I did do lacrosse123.

"Awesome. Now enter that into your computer." He said and I repeated the same thing I just did.

"Now time to set up school email. You click the E thing in the dock and sign in by using the same username and password. Your email is gonna be last name, first intital, and grad year at baxton academy dot org. Got it. Awesome. Then to get into your portal use the same info and youre done." He finished.

"Okay cool thanks." I answer before turning to my dad. "Shall we unpack now?"

"Yes. I think we shall." He answers. We headed back to our stuffed car and drove to my dorm. Apparently its the only girls dorm near all of the guys dorm. Awesome. Not sure what to think of it but its whatever. Its all new just gotta remember that.

"Have your key?"

"Yeah. Dont worry I didnt already lose it." I said to my dad.

"Good because you're paying for it if you lose it."

I roll my eyes. "Its only 25 dollars."

"Yeah 25 dollars out of your pocket." He said. "Now lets get you set up."

We walk into this building, up some stairs and down a hall. I open the door and revealed a decent sized room. It had two beds, two closets, two dressers, and two desk. The two beds were stacked in bunkbeds which probably made the room look bigger. Fine by me. My roommates stuff was already set up. Most of her stuff was purple which was okay. I can live with purple. Its a solid color. She took the bottom bunk which is also good with me.

"Lets get started." I clap my hands together before propping the door open and headed back to the car to unpack. .


After 15 minutes of lifting, carrying, and placing, everything was finally out of the car. 15 more minutes after that, everything was finally unpacked, except for posters and stuff like that. Gotta make sure my roommates cool before I do that.

"Looks good." My Dad said scanning the room like I was doing.

"Yeah we did pretty good. Better than Charlies room." I laughed.

"Lets not talk about that disaster." My dad chuckled.

We looked around for a while before some unfamiliar voice spoke up.

"Yeah text me! Oh I'm sorry was I interrupting something? Wow the room looks great!" It said. I turned around to reveal a girl, around my height with medium length brown hair tied into a pony tail. She wore glasses and a black sweatshirt that said 2012 state championships with a picture of a skier on it.

"Um thanks." I said. "Im Robi." I extended my hand.

"Yes! Ive been waiting for you to come! Im Laura. Nice to meet you." She said extending her hand. "Im going to the quad soon. We have to meet for some activities. Wanna come with?" She asked.

"Um, yeah sure. Just one sec." I said turning to my dad. "So I guess this is goodbye?" I asked.

"I guess this is." He said pulling me in for a hug. "I love you and have a good year. See you in november. Love you."

"Love you too." I said hugging my dad back. Once he released I turned to Laura. "Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah lets go. Oh and bring your folder. I think we need it."

"Okay." I said. I quickly grabbed my maverik dragstring bag and put my folder in it. "Ready." I quickly waved to my dad and mouthed 'I love you' and followed Laura out of the dorm.

Operation: Junior Year at Baxton is officially a go.


Well there we go! First chapter is finished! Hope everyone likes it! Wow crazy! Im so excited for this book because i dont know i just am! Its gonna be great! I dont know how regular updates are gonna be because like Robi I am a junior and the work load is crazy so i dont know how many free nights I might have. So yeah. Hope you liked it!

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