The X Games

By Lieutenant_Kennet

178 5 4

Charles Xavier is a young and smart 16 year old telepath who lives in the 12th District. He lives in a world... More

Ch.1 Reaping

Ch. 2 Tributes

80 2 2
By Lieutenant_Kennet

The woman above is a picture of Effie at the Reaping. Except in my book she is wearing pick butterflies not yellow and gold.

It was only mere seconds after my family said goodbye and was dragged out of old fashioned room before Effie came back to fetch me. She led me out of my room and down the hallway to the other room where I guess Erik was in. She opened the door to reveal a bored looking Erik slouching on a couch.

"Didn't anyone visit you to say goodbye?" Effie asked sassy putting a hand on her hip pulling Erik out of his daydreaming making him sit up. He looked up at her then at me assessing us before he looked down to the floor shaking his head. "Ohh. You poor thing." She commented walking over to the couch and sitting down next to him. "Why did no one visit? Don't you have a family?" She asked crossing her pale legs beckoning me to come over and sit as well. Which I did.

"They died when I was small." He told us as his hard steel blue eyes stare at the floor.

"What about siblings, relatives, or friends?" She asked scooting closer to him putting a hand on his back.

"I'm an only child and my parents didn't have any siblings either. My grandparents died before I was born and I am not very good at making friends." He told us his eyes never leaving their place from the floor. She sighed sadly and wrapped her arm around Erik's shoulders pulling him in for a hug which he shook off and stood up walking away from his place on the couch. "I'm used to it. I don't need your sorry ass pity." He lashed out at us causing Effie to have a sorrowful face. I put my hand on her shoulder smiling softly as she turned to smile back. She then rose from her spot on the couch gaining her confidence back and strutted over to the door.

"Come along now gentlemen. It's time to board the train to Panem." She informed us opening the door and leading her way down the hall with us in tow. Once outside the main building we were stuffed into a car which drove us to the station where the train was being held. We were unloaded out of the car seeing our district's people gathered around to see us off. Effie led us down the path to the levitating train as everyone stared at us yelling goodbyes or giving us the look of pity. We climbed the steps to the silver train and once we reached the door she had us turn around and wave goodbye to our district. It was then that I saw Raven standing in the far back with Hank by her side. She raised her hand in the air and waved goodbye to me then brought her hands to cup her lips as she shouted something that I couldn't hear due to our district's crowd. I didn't have to hear the words for they were screaming in my head telepathy.

I love you big brother!

I nodded my head still making eye contact with her unshed tears as mine gathered in my eyes at I raised my hand and waved her goodbye.

"I love you little sister!" I yelled back at her knowing that she probably couldn't hear it but she read my lips and understood. While doing so I sent a message to Hank making his face blank for a moment due to him listening.

Take care of my sister Hank. She is all I have left in this world that I really care about. Make sure that she doesn't try anything that might put her life in danger. Treat her like the most precious diamonds and love her like she is the most beautiful girl you have ever seen.

From far away I could see him nodding in understanding as he raised his hand waving goodbye next to Raven.

"Time to go." Effie told from behind me in a normal tone her lips next to my ear as her hands patted my shoulders. I nodded taking one last look at my family before boarding the train never looking back.

Once Effie, Erik, and I stepped inside the metal bullet the door quickly shut and the train took off. Erik and I stared at the door in shock at how fast it did that. Well I was in shock. Erik had the same emotionless expression he has worn since the main building of District 12.

"Well this way boys." Effie guided Erik and I to what looked like the dinning room mixed with a living room of a house. I examined the room my eyes wide for I didn't know that trains could hold this type of nice essentials. She led us to the end of the room where the comfy seats were and had us sit down. Quintessentially we flopped down on the seats next to each other. "Wait here and I'll go get Logan." She reminded as she strutted out of the room we were in her high heels clacking after her. Once she clacked out we were left in a room of silence for not either one of us wanted to talk. Nor were we ready to start a conversation so we sat in comfortable silence.

Until the door swished back open revealing a lumberjack looking guy with thick arms and a muscular built body.

He wobbled his way over to the bar and served himself some whiskey with both my eyes and Erik's watching him. He then opened a metal canister his face unreadable.

"Where's the ice?" He asked us in a sharp tone looking over at Erik then me. Neither Erik or I answered causing him to nod his head in understanding even though we didn't tell him anything. He violently slammed the lid back onto the container his face still unreadable. He slowly made his way over to where we are sitting and landed in the seat in front of us. "So I am your mentor. I guess you want some tips to survive in the games?" He stated calmly swirling his glass of whiskey around in his hand.

"Yes, please." I blurted out looking over at Erik who was nodding. The lumberjack looking guy slouched back more into his seat.

"You want advice? How about you brace yourself for your...... evident..... death." He smirked as if he just told a good joke. I sat there shocked and horrified at what he just said. "And by the way sweetie. Telepaths' don't last long in the arena." My heart sank at the news. I'm going to die. I'm really going to die. I slowly sat farther back in my chair my face blank with shock. "And what do you even do? Twinkle bad pixy dust upon people you don't like to turn them into frogs?" The lumberjack remarks at Erik sharply. Erik's face remains blank but his hands squeezing the chair so hard that his fists are white told a different story. Honestly I felt sorry for the chair.

Suddenly all the silver plates, silverware, chairs, bowls, tables, lamps, even the train itself started to shake vigorously as if in a person who was having a seizure. The lumberjack's eyes went as wide as saucers with surprise and shock. A metal steak knife flew through the air at an unbelievable speed and stabbed the comfy chair's plush arm in which the lumberjack was sitting in catching his sleeve.

"Talk that disrespectful way to Charles or me again and you'll regret ever crossing me." Erik threatened now leaning forward staring straight into our mentor's eyes making sure that he knew that Erik was being dead serious. Soon after everything stopped shaking and went back to normal non moving lives. Our mentor pulled the knife out of the chair freeing himself before standing up and setting the knife in front of me almost as in a threatening way. He then grabbed his whisky glass and ran a hand through his dirty brown hair.

"Logan. There you are. Where have you been?" Effie asks emerging from the door leading to another room. "What's this? Have you already acquainted with our tributes?" She walks towards us with an excited look in her eye.

"Yes." The lumberjack by the name of Logan answers brushing by Effie towards the exit to our area. "If you need me I will be in my room drowning out my sorrows." He adds looking at Erik then at me but not before he winks at me causing a shiver to run up my spine at his action as he leaves. Then the door slides shut. Everyone seemed to relax a little at his absence.

"He's a dick." Erik blurts out for the first time showing emotion crossing his arms over his chest putting his feet up on the glass and metal center table between the four comfy chairs.

"Only when he is drunk. He can be quite nice sometimes." She told faking a smile and the enthusiasm in her voice.

"How much is he sober?" I asked seriously still taken back by what he said about Telepaths. My question made Effie's fake smile fall as she tried to cover her pity filled face by turning around facing her back to us.

"It seems like all the time now." She started finally looking back at us her eyes red as in ready to cry. "He was so different when I first met him. So innocent. Less of an ass. Never planning to be an alcoholic. He was Reaped, fought in the area, and won the 65th X Games 9 years ago. And because he won it, it lost him his sanity. He regrets over what he did in the games and instead of facing them head on he drinks his sorrows and problems away." She ended her voice fading off as her eyes stared off into the distance deep in thought. I looked over at Erik to see a slightly sad face before I stood up and opened my arms for her. She needed a hug. She noticed what I was doing and ran to me as fast as her fake high heels could carry her and dove into my arms. Her makeup smearing onto my nice clothes but that didn't matter. She let out quiet sobs as her body racked against me. Her fluffy hair swaying against my face in a ticklish manner. I held back my laughter for it was not the time or place to laugh. She could take it the wrong way. She could think I was making fun of her. After a while her sobs turned into large quiet breaths and her body's racking seized making her body as still as a stone. She pulled away from me her face a mess but smiled in a way that I think she hasn't in a long time. "Thank you Charles. I haven't had someone comfort me in a long time. I thank you for that. I thank you very very much."

"You're welcome. You needed it." I replied smiling back at her who was looking behind me at Erik who cracked a small smile for her making her jump up and down in delight. I smiled at her reaction to something so small.

"Alright boys. We're here." Effie announced as she led both Erik and I to the windows to the train. I saw a small island looking thing in the distance and our railroad connected to it. "Welcome to Panem."


As soon as we arrived in the station people were everywhere in every crook and cranny all screaming in excitement. Some people were trying to leap over the lanes that kept them back from us. Why do they act this way? We are going going to die anyways like rotten mutants should. Why would they like us? Isn't that why we are in the game to begin with? If they do like us. Why don't they save us? Are we just pure entertainment for them? Freaks that dance around for them to watch? How sickeningly revolting.

"Hey squirt." I turn around to see the so called 'Logan' from earlier with a glass of whiskey and a cigar incased in his lips, the singular perfume of it fouled the air around us. I pinched my nose and gave him a look of disgust which make him chuckle pulling the cancer stick out of his mouth. "What's that look for? I only came to give you some more advice." He sneered taunting me with what he has in his head which I have already gone through but I'd rather not tell him that.

"Like the jaw dropping information you gave me earlier?" I shot back as he smirked at me, leaning against the wall that held the window I was looking through.

"Fine. Then I guess I won't tell you that in order for you to survive in the games you have to get sponsors. And guess what you have to do to get that?" He stopped as if waiting for me to tell him to go on but I won't bow down to his little game. "They have to like you." He told me jabbing me after each word with his finger at my chest. "And so far..... You're not up to a good start." He commented taking a swig of his whiskey and plopping his cancer stick back into his mouth. I acted like I was surprised to try to make him leave which he eventually did but not without saying that 'Erik is likely to survive longer than you can' to top off how aggravated I was.

Effie, Logan, Erik, and I descended off the train inside a indoor train station which we were led into the large building were we were staying in connected to the station. It was very tall and had never ending halls which Effie led us down several halls before Erik and I were given to people who had to clean us up. I don't know why we couldn't do it ourselves but we had to be cleaned before we are dressed up to be shown off to the audience and sponsors. How do I know this? Let's just say that being a telepath has its perks.

I was now sitting in a room in a hospital gown with only underwear underneath. The room was incased in 4 walls of solid metal even the exit door. The thought of it kind of freaking me out. I too sometimes have a fear of being trapped and never being able to leave.

"Hello." A very enthusiastic and tall coffee colored man strut in. He had short brown curly hair that was a few shades darker than his tan skin with a black polo shirt, lighter black vest, black dress pants, and shinny black shoes. He was a dark color with no variation. Except his eyes which had plain glider eyeshadow with black eyeliner and a black fedora with white rimming it. He walked up to me and offered his hand in a handshake which I gladly excepted telling him my name. "Charles huh? My name is Bjorn Smith and I am District 12's clothing designer for the X Games. I basically help you and your partner look fabulously exceptional in front of the audience to help you receive sponsors. Which I am guessing is going to be more easy for you than for Erik."

"You are very sure about that." I blurt out matter of factly.

"Why wouldn't you be?" He questions pulling up a chair plopping down in front of me.

"Because apparently I'm not very likable." I sigh looking down at my feet like my bare feet are the most interesting thing in the world.

"Bitch, please. Who told you that?" His face screwed up in confusion and slight anger.

"My mentor did. He said Erik will last longer than me. Because Telepaths don't last long in the games." I recited as if reading out of the 'how to survive the X Games' manual.

"Logan told you that?" He asked as I stated at him in shock.

"You know him?" I ask hysterically.

"Yes. Was he drunk or sober when he told you that?" He was talking fast now eyeing me.

"What?" I ask now more calm.

"Was he drunk or sober?" I stared at him wondering why he would ask me that. I thought back to that moment for my answer.

"He was drunk."

"Then don't worry. He spouts shit when he is drunk and doesn't mean it. He can be a such great guy when he is sober. He is a good guy to get valuable advice from." He told me smiling to make me smile which worked. I nodded my head at the information he gave me. "And in my opinion you are a very likable person." He informed me as I felt my cheeks heat up making me turn away to cover them. "Now that 'that' has been put right lets go get you dressed up in your fabulolishous outfit." He patted my leg before leading me out of the silver room into another room full of mirrors with a center place for a person to step up to look into the mirrors.

"So..... What costume am I wearing?" I ask sarcastically watching as he shifts around the room familiarizing himself with the materials he plans on using.

"You are not wearing a costume. You are going to wear my art." He states fake being dramatically offended placing his hand on his chest his mouth in a gasp motion. I smile at this as he grabbed a big chunk of black cloth yanking a lot of it out laying it down to cut it. "Now Charles could you go stand on that center step for me?"

"Sure." I walk over to the center and ascend the steps to the top of the center  as I hear Bjorn meddle with the cloth. Next thing I know I am blinded causing me to jump slightly. "Wha-"

"You're fine. I just want to do my work without you eyeing me and once I am done you can see the final product." Bjorn informed me as he started to place his hands on my shoulders. I tensed as he ran his hands from my shoulders down my arms to my wrists and stopped. He next put his hands on my waist making me tense up so tight that not even Peacekeepers could have moved me. Suddenly I heard Bjorn sigh as he wrapped something that went around my shoulders. "Stop being so tense. I'm not going to rape you. I'm just taking measurements for your outfit. I won't do anything that you're not comfortable with." With that being said I slowly relaxed as he measured some more. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes to hour that I stood there deep in thought about how much I already miss my daily life. "Done. Wow. You look fabulolishous." He announced pulling me out of my self pity. Suddenly he yanked the blind fold from my eyes half ripping my head off in the process. I gasped as pain flew to my head and my eyes shut from the sudden bright lights.

"Bjorn! What the hell?!?! That hurt." I whined as I rubbed my eyes and he mumbled a sorry. Once my eyes were adjusted I looked up and stopped breathing as my jaw dropped in awe. I looked like a whole new person with wavy black locks for hair and baby blue stones for eyes. I examined my clothes my leather black suit with a odd design on the it like black leopard prints that blended it under the back dress coat was a bright white polo underneath with black dress pants with the same design as the dress coat and simple black dress shoes. A simple plain style yet sophisticated and intellectual.

"Wow. Charles. If I knew you looked like that I would have helped you way sooner." He announced nodding his head in approval as he circled around me looking at his art piece. "You look amazingly fabulouslishous!" He squealed jumping up and down like an excited child who got a treat.

"Thanks." I answered at the compliment smiling at his eyes were sparkling at me like a model or tasty treat.

"Now for the finishing touches." He skipped to a table near him grabbed a small container and opened it revealing- "Black eyeliner." He said finishing my thoughts. He grabbed the stool he was using and positioned it in front of me then proceeding to hop up on it. I swear everything he did reminds me of a child not someone his age which I would guess he was in his early thirties. He slowly approached my eyes with the black eyeliner open as I held my breath.

"Wait." I exhale as he moves his hand away from my face giving me time to say what I want to say. "Isn't eyeliner for girls?" Bjorn put his hand on his hip as he pursed his lips his eyes glaring at me. "What?" He rolled his eyes and brought his hands back to my face applying the eyeliner to us as he spoke.

"I have had this job for 8 years. And have excelled at it in every way. Do you question my art?" He glared at me playfully while commanding me to close my eye here and there. Once he finished he stepped away looking at me his eyes absorbing in what I look like. "Done." He blurt out placing the eyeliner back where he found it. "We'll go ahead. You can turn around to see what it all looks like." I did as I was told in fear that he would throw a ruler at me that was sitting right next to him on the counter. He then extended his hand to help me down because you can't bend very well in the suit. As I reached the floor the doors to my room burst open with a fast walking Effie entering the room. She stopped dead in her tracts with her mouth gaping open when she saw me making my face heat up.

"Charles you look......" Effie struggled to find the right words.

"Fabulouslishous." Bjorn supplied walking up next to Effie closing her mouth that she didn't know was open. She then shook her head gaining her train of thought back.

"I came in here to collect Charles because he has to be on the carriage with Erik in less than 30 min!!!" Effie informs grabbing my arm and running with me as fast as her pink high heels can carry her out of the room. Effie led me down many halls with Bjorn following behind shouting at her not to mess up the work he had done on me. She led me down many hallways twisting and turning at many different directions before arriving at tall metal doors which Peacekeepers opened for us leading to an outdoor overhang that lead to the outside with the audience buzzing. I was shocked to see it was dark outside. I didn't know that much time passed. I was then pulled by Effie to the very back where District 12's carriage was located with an angry Logan with Erik already there next to it.

"Where have you been?!?! The other districts have already mounted their carriages." He yelled at me making me sink in the ground where I stood.

"Sorry. His design took a little longer than the norm." Bjorn told stepping in front of me in a protective manner. I have only known him for less than a day and he has a huge impact on me.

"Well it is still his fault either way. Stupid Telepath!" He spat at me the venom in his words hitting me hard as I looked down tears forming in my eyes but I didn't dare let one fall.


I look up just in time to see Logan bite the cement concrete floor and Erik glaring at Logan who was now on the floor.

"Ouch. What was that for?!?!" Logan screeched rubbing his left red cheek sitting up and glaring at Erik.

"Yeah Erik! You are ruining my master piece!!! My work of art that you are wearing!!!" Bjorn butted in dramatically sighing as Erik ignored his comment his full focus on Logan.

"You heard Bjorn. He took a little longer than normal. Charles has nothing to do with it. So stop blaming him for every mistake. Or I will end you!" Erik boomed threatening Logan making him get up by himself not before brushing himself off and glaring over at me. Erik then walked in front of me in a protective stance causing Logan to 'tsk' turning around and leaving the area. We watched him go as Bjorn quickly rushed over to Erik and fixing the damage he did on his costume. Erik was wearing the same black leather pattern as me but he had maroon armor over it, maroon gloves, shoes, and a cape to match it. I wonder why he did that for me. And why we have the same black design.

"Don't worry. He'll come around. And maybe then he will give you a chance." Effie told me putting a hand on my shoulder in a comforting way as Bjork threatened Effie if she touched me again he would kill her. Then suddenly loud music boomed on making me jump with an announcer telling the crowd it is the 74th annul X Games. "Oh. It's starting. Get on the carriage. Go on. Go on." Effie shooed us onto the carriage with me on the right side and Erik on the left. I watched as the other carriages in the front started to leave outside the area we are in.

"Wait!" Bjorn shouted jumping in front of our carriage with a torch frightening the horses.

"Ugh. Bjorn!" Effie groaned rolling her eyes. "Make it quick." Bjorn nodded his head as he approached us with the torch causing me to back away into Erik who steadied me.

"Don't worry.  It's just effects for your outfits to make it look amazing. It won't hurt. The flames look real but are fake." Bjorn told setting my outfit on fire then Erik's. Effie leaned Erik down to tell him one last thing before the carriage in front of us started moving ours following. As we moved closer to the exit the louder it got. Once our carriage exited out the thousands of lights from people to announcers cheered it was almost too loud for my ears. The night air smelt of a strange substances from gasoline to funky perfumes wafting in the air. The night was lit up by large screens, fire, and and the light reflected off of the audience's outfits. I jumped when I saw the harmless fire on my wrists that Bjorn lighted us up with and relaxed in remembrance. I could hear the announcer making comments about how awesome and amazing out carriage was as I looked up at one of the screens seeing myself staring back. I was caught up in the moment when I felt something touch my hand. By instinct I flinched away looking over at what touched and saw Erik's hand. I gave him a threatening look to not touch me again. 

"Come on. They'll love it. Effie gave me the idea." He leaned in closer and whispered to me making me shiver even though my body was literally on fire. "We'll get more sponsors." He taunted as I glared at his smirking figure. I couldn't go against that and let him do as he pleases. He grabbed my hand then extends both his and my hand into the air causing the crowd to go wild with excitement. I was shocked by this reaction from the crowd and announcer who thought that what we did was absolutely amazing. Then Erik raised his other non conjoined hand in the air in a fist. He looked almost like Rocky when he climbed up all those stairs in the movie. His face a huge smile showing his shark like teeth and his chocolate brown hair wavy like an ocean as the wind went through it. I felt a slight feeling of attraction for him in this single moment. He looked very different than the previous Erik I have met. He looked just so much more..... free. I was so mesmerized by him in his second nature that I didn't notice that our ride came to a stop and Effie was calling to me.

"What?" I asked as I looked up at a confused Effie and over at a smirking Erik.

"It's time to go to our room." Effie told us turning on her heels around to lead us to our room as Erik jumped down off the carriage still holding my hand. I ended up following what he did for we are still connected by our joining hands as he dragged me with him down the hall following after Effie. She arrived at two doors which looked like it led to an elevator as we stopped behind her with Erik still holding my hand. More like squeezing the shit out of it but I couldn't shake him off. The twin doors opened leading to an elevator signaling that I guessed right as Effie hopped on with Erik following her dragging me with him. The elevator closed with Effie in front of us and Erik and I behind her. Her long fake pink fingernails tapped the glowing 12 in the elevator causing the doors to close and us to now travel upward. "You boys are lucky you get the penthouse." She sang cheerfully her back to us.

"Where did Bjorn go? Is he not coming with us?" I asked trying to distract Effie from seeing our connected hands. I violently tried to shake Erik off me but there was no use, his grip wouldn't budge and was like iron wrapped around my hand. I glared up at him as he deviously smirked down at me with some flair showing behind his eyes that told me he had upper intentions. I could just tap into his mind and read his intentions but I was taught by my sister many times that that was rude. And an invasion of privacy. I sighed loudly giving up getting out of his grip anytime soon out of the corner of my eye I could see him puffing out his chest boasting.

"No Bjorn won't be coming with us he has his own place he goes back to." She turns back to us looking down at our intertwined hands then back up at our faces. I blush as Erik smirks back at her she opens her mouth to say something when to ding of the elevator stopping alerts her. The doors open as Effie clacks off with us, Erik dragging me behind her into the large so called penthouse.

The word large would not have been the one I would have used to describe the penthouse gigantic was more appropriate. And I thought I had a big house.

It was gigantic with futuristic furniture, stone floor, staircase along the wall, and huge windows that over looked the rich and posh life outside of it.

"Make yourselves at home." Effie welcomed with a large smile that stretched out her very cosmetic face. She clacked her way to the stairs going up at about halfway she stopped looking back and beaconing us to follow. Erik again dragged me with him up the stairs following Effie. Once Effie reached the top she halted causing Erik and I to do the same. She turned around again and looked at us with a peachy smile as she pointed down the hall with her right arm. "Charles, honey, your room is down that hall last one on the right." She dropped her hand and raised her left arm. "Erik your room is down that that hall last one on the right as well. You both can wash up, check out you rooms, and settle in. Get comfortable because this room will be what you say in for the next week. If anything in it dissatisfies you or want something added ask me. I will be downstairs pass the dining room down the hallway the second room. Logan will be staying in the room next to me. The first room down the same hall -"

"Logan will be staying with us in the penthouse?" Erik snapped at Effie as she fiddled with her polished fingernails nervously.

"Yes." She stated surprisingly strong as Erik rolled his eyes clenching his fists which one of them held my hand. I winced at the sudden strong pressure put upon my hand but bit my lip to keep from crying out. "Since he is your mentor he will be staying in the same penthouse as you." She told him leveling herself to him as he glared at her.

"Yeah. And what a great mentor he has been. I wouldn't be surprised if he cut our throats in our sleep. I don't want that criminal staying in the same house as me and Charles." He gave his opinion making Effie's eyes go wide and my head snap up at my name.  I looked at him sideways as Effie came back from her shock with a wide smirk.

"Wait don't tell me that you actually care about your fellow tribute. The one person you have to go up against in the arena to win." Effie stated as now Erik went into shock and stepped back wide eyed breaking the hand contact with me. He then glared back at Effie regaining his pride.

"No. I just don't want an ax murderer living in the same space as me." He told as he turned and stomped away. "As if I would care about a weakling like him." He shouted across the hallway at Effie as he stormed into his room slamming the door leaving me and Effie in silence.

"He is definitely a strange bird." Effie remarked as she huffed a 'hm' and turned back towards me. "I will be downstairs. I'll come tell you when dinner is ready." Before I could respond she clacked away down the stairs leaving me the only one alone at the top of the stairs.

I sighed as I dragged my heavy feet away down the hallway to my room. Once I think I reached the right room I opened it to see that it was absolutely outstanding and five times bigger than my room at home. It had a king sized bed with a nightstand that had a lamp on top and a alarm clock. The closest was on the right side of the room and next to it was the bathroom. I immediately made my way to the bathroom and opened the door to see the entire bathroom colored a white peachish color with a large bathtub to fill five people. The shower was next to the bathtub with clear glass doors and across from it was a clear glass mirror and a pearl white toilet with its own little room. Taking in the bathroom I quickly stripped and turned on the shower. As the shower warmed up I looked around the bathroom going to the mirror to the drawers below the counter below the mirror finding everything I needed for a weeks stay. Toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, brush, deodorant, gel, shaving cream and a razor even the shower was stalked up with shampoo and body wash with a scrubber. After seeing I have everything I need I jumped into the shower. The smooth warm water cascaded down my aching muscles relaxing them. I reached for the shampoo taking a little and putting it in my hair as I scrubbed it around then smoothed it up into a mowhalk. It is an old habit I have done since I was young. It brings back memories of my old house and Raven. I miss her already. I shake the thought away as I washed the rest of my body.

Once I was done I hopped out and wrapped myself in a towel. I dried myself off with the cloud like towel and made my way to my bedroom. In my bedroom I noticed clothes already laid out nicely upon my bed. Shocked I looked around my surroundings to see if the person who put out my clothes was still in the room. I sighed relaxing when I realized no one was in here except me. I took in the soft forest green shirt that laid atop my bed with black legging like pants to go with it. Once I changed into the new set of clothes that felt like pajamas I noticed something white laying upon my navy colored bed sheets. I walked over to the other side of the bed after drying my hair and picked it up. It was a remote. I moved the remote around in my hand as I went back to the bathroom to hang my towel.

I returned back to my bed and examined the remote closer. I hovered my finger over the on/off button a second before pressing it. I gasped loudly and tripped falling back onto my cloud like bed sheets. The walls that used to be a ugly brown changed to grassy open field. In awe I sat up and looked down at the remote trying another button with and arrow on it. The scenery changed again to a dry open desert place. I clicked the remote faster now. Going from desert to beach to rain forest to outer space. I clicked even more going to all types of places I have never seen before. The places were now flying past faster than I can touch the button. Until I froze with my hand hovering over the button all the air in my lungs left me as I saw the next scene. It was home. Or a place like home. It had the same dry streets and old poor houses and shops. I dropped the remote on my bed and made my way over to the wall taking it all in. I placed my hand on the wall where the old house was feeling the humidity, smelling the dirt, seeing my sister at our house waiting for me to come home from work. I slumped my head against the wall where the shop was next to my hand and the old poor house. I sighed closing my eyes feeling myself at home with Raven. I miss you, Raven. Why did your name have to get picked? Why did fate have to separate me from you? If only nothing happened we would still be living together back at our huge house. But we can't. Once fate has set its course you can't change it. My mom once told me that..... back when I was young. Before she got sick. Before my dad became an alcoholic. Before he feel into depression and killed himself. Before my light, Raven, came into my life.


I jumped as I felt the vibration against the wall. I sighed again for the millionth time today and stepped away from the wall. I grabbed the remote and pressed the on/off button making the scene disappear. I then placed the remote on the nightstand before exiting my room and closing the door.

I hear shouting before I reach the top of the stairs. I look over the railing to see Logan and Erik at it again. Logan was near the end of the stairs while Erik was more in the dining room with knifes floating behind him and Effie was in the middle trying to stop this. Both of their faces were screwed up with anger as they glared at each other. I slowly made my way down the stairs stoping half way now understanding what they are fighting about.

"Take it back!" Erik shouted twisting his hands as the knifes moved around behind him.

"Hey, I only told the truth. If it wasn't true. I would take it back." Logan stated looking calmer than he was only a few seconds ago. It's as if he never was in the middle of a fight.

"Stop it you two!" Effie warned as she looked between both men.

"Take it back! I'm warning you." Erik hissed as the knives blade pointed to Logan's direction. I made my way farther down the stairs ending up behind Logan which I am guessing doesn't know I am there yet. I reached for his shoulder to tap to stop this but was interrupted with Logan's firm response.

"Stop acting like such a child. No wonder your parents are dead."

With that a whooshing noise filled the air and the right side of my face and my upper right arm stung. Silence filled the room as I tried to process what just happened. I see something shiny to my right and turn my head to the wall to see the knives embedded into the eggshell colored wall. My cheek burns and is wet. I wince bringing my hand up to it. I touched the wet substance on my cheek and pull back. Blood. That is what covered my hand. I bring my fingers together feeling it in between my touch. I broke out of my trance when I heard a loud gasp. I look up in time to see Effie running towards me as fast as her high heels can carry her which would have been funny if not for this situation. Logan moves out of the way as she plows towards me.

"Charles," Effie gasped grasping my face between her dry yet warm hands, "Oh my god. We did not see you there. Are you okay?" She touched near my cut on my face making me wince. She then hugged my head to herself in a calming manner before I could answer she started accusing Erik. "What is wrong with you Erik? How could you hit poor Charles?" She rambled on about how horrible he was until she noticed my blood staining her dress. Then she freaked out even more not knowing what to do. "I don't know what to do. I have never been in this situation." She started to hyperventilate and that is when Erik stepped in.

"Here let me have him." Erik demanded Effie as he reached his hand out to me knowing that I am practically in a headlock. I was about to reach for him when Effie pulled me away from his direction putting her body in front of her arms.

"No! You'll just end up hurting him again." She assumed squeezing me tighter to her as I let out a yelp in pain. She instantly let go when she heard me cry out making me drop to the floor. "Oh my god. Sorry." She dropped to her knees to help me but I politely pushed her away.

"I'm fine, Effie. Really, I am." I lie trying to calm her down only making her more upset.

"No you're not. You're bleeding." She points out my cut arm then my face.

"Effie. I'm pretty sure Erik knows more about this than you." I state as she looks as Erik then back at me. She sighs defeatedly as turns towards Erik.

"If you hurt him again. I will unleash the powers of hell upon you." She warned Erik who gave her a look that said 'you already have'.

"Yes, mom. I will be more careful." He responded sarcastically as he grabbed my non hurt arm dragging me to the kitchen where the first aid is. I childishly jumped up onto one of the kitchen counters as he moved near the sink opening a few drawers before finding the first aid kit. He came back to stand in front of me setting the first aid next to me. I swayed my dangling feet as he opened the kit removing what he needs. He then stared at me with his steel gray eyes examining the cut on my face after he moved gently putting a band aid on it. He then grabbed my cut arm making me wince.

"Sorry." He mumbled as he then examined it and put a larger bandage on it since the cut was not deep but longer than the one on my face. He seemed lost like he wanted to tell me something but doesn't know how.

"For almost killing me? Or just now?" I ask as he stiffens his actions on my arms stop suddenly. He lifts his gaze from my arm to my face then the band aid on my face.

"Both." He responds going back to work on arm carefully like I was made of glass and might break.

"You don't talk much do you?" I ask as he finishes his work on my arm looking back up to meet my eyes once again.

"No." He responds putting back the first aid kit back where it belongs.

"Why?" He turns to me his steel eyes piercing into my soul.

"If you know what's best for you, you should stay away." He warned turning to leave the kitchen, "Don't you know? Curiosity killed the cat."

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