A Light Inside The Darkness

By PotatohThings

23.1K 449 63

Tyler is just a normal teenager or so he thought, he came to visit his father for a vacation and being attack... More

A Light Inside The Darkness (BoyxBoy)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's Apologies
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Authors note

Chapter 15

439 11 2
By PotatohThings

Chapter 15: Brother and sister and my sister's half dragon husband?

Dave's PoV

I used to think that meeting my sister would be the best! It is not what i thought it would be!

You see i have 4 siblings amd im the 3rd to the youngest

Each of us  have different abilities that our father gave us,

Victor is the oldest his power is to control the energy around him and manipulate it into energy beams, that is untill he forced to use the dragon's power

Sebastian the calm yet deadly, he uses the power of the phantom and shadow. He is the calmest and polite

Me, my power is the sun and the stars, i use the power of the celestial spirit to my will

And then theres Kate, she is a shadow caster and assasin for the House of Thieves.

There are different houses that we belong to,

Viktor belongs to the House of Demons

Sebastian to the House of Fairies

Me my family house, House of Starlight

And Kate the House of Thieves

I was worried abour Tyler's well being, he hasnt woken up yet and here i am sitting in a smelly room waiting for my baby sister,

"Dave, long time no see big bro" Kate said as she entered the door

Her hair was brown and her eyes was a perfect shade of golden brown, she took after my mother's body physique and took after my father's strength

"hello Kate" I said with a smile,

"so what you up to?" she asked

"I need your help" I stated

"on?" she said as she sat down and put her feet in the table

"well, I need the Book of Dragonians" I said

"Hmmm, I think you came to the wrong person big bro, Dante is the man you need" she said

"who is Dante?" I asked

"he's my husband" she said like it didnt matter

"your what?!" I yelled

"Kate are you okay?" a man with a dark red cloaked barge into the room

"who the hell are you?" he said and fire began to swirl around us and his cloak began to rip apart and he transformed into a dragon

I on the other hand transformed into my celestial form, my wings extended and flapped gust to blow the fire away

"you dont scare me angel!" he said with his voice scarier and almost a growl hut I stood my ground and waved my hands to equip my staff

"Stoooooopppp!" a high screech voice said that caused me and Dante had to cover our ears

"seriously, I expected more from you brother" Kate said as she panted and catch her breath

"brother?"  Dante asked

"yes, Dante meet my Brother Davion or Dave. Dave meet my husband Dante Flamewill" she said as she helped Dante stood up

I Slowly floated back to the ground  and hid my wings

Dante was some what back to normal except his eyes

"Davion? You mean the House of Star Davion? He's your brother?!" Dante exclaimed as he gulped down

"yes and she's my sister" I said

"it's nice, no an honor to meet you my lord" he said as he bowed down

"huh?" I asked

"The high priest of Dragovnia speaks highly of the House of Light" he said and got up,

"Dragovnia? Isnt that the last clan that was killed by the hunters?" I asked

"yes but the 4 dragon spirit sent all dragon kind to the astral plane, the plane between the humans and dead" he explained

"ohhh, I am here to ask you about the kinds of dragons" I said

"ohhh what about our kind?" he asked cautiously

"dont worry young man, I will not use it to kill you, I have reasons to believed that my son is an unnamed dragon" I explained

"how can you tell your son is a dragon?" he asked as he took a seat

"he can manipulate fire and use the power of the heavens at the same time" I explained

"that is something but to be a dragon can he breathe fire? Can he fly and swim into a stream of lava from a volcano?" he asked

"not that im aware of"  I replied

"my lord, your son isnt a dragon only those who can use the pure oower of fire can be considered as a dragon" he said

"but I've seen him used fire and turned it into a shadow" I exclaimed

"my lord, no dragon can convert fire into such thing. Maybe you should look into other beings" he calmly stated as Kate hug him from behind

"brother, why are you so insisting that your son a dragon? I mean dad said its just a small chance of the dragon blood will be reborn" Kate interrupted

"I know but he defeated Viktor using the dragon flame" I said with a sigh

"The dragon flame can be bend into anything, a simple mage can use it as a simple spell but not convert it into anything powerfull as a shadow yet alone use it as a dark energy. A dragon's flame cant be used for evil purposes" Dante said as he waves his hand and produce a fireball

I sighed and put my hands over my face

"I better get back to my son, hope he wakes up" I said and stood up

"okay, thanks for the visit big bro" Kate said and hugged me

As she touched me her eyes turned black

'dont let the creature of the sea take a hold of your young one, he will betray the young ones trust and break something precious' Kate said in a very different voice, it was high pitched and her hair was standing like being blown by a gust of wind

"Kate?" I asked "you okay?"

"sorry ignore that" she said as she fidgeted "excuse me" she added

"well I have to go"I said and raised my hands and teleported myself back at the portal I opened

'what is Tylers power, I have a bad feeling of what is yet to come but for now. I shouls be by his side' I thought as I returned to the human realm

Viktor's PoV

"so Mr, Levon mind telling me what is a diety of the ocean doing in dry land?" I asked the pathetic merfolk

After that brat nearly burned me I returned to my demon master and reported, he was kind enough to give me a second chance and now im looking for ways to fight that brat

"I dont know what you're talking about" the pathetic fish said

I sighed and stood up "let him go, throw him in the ocean" I said with a smirk as a turned around

"no!" he yelled

"now, tell me is there anything I can use to manipulate the power of he oceans" I asked

"the pearl of Oceanus" he said frantically

"where can I find this pearl?" I asked annoyed

"the deepest trench in the world, its there" he said

"excellent, let him go" I ordered as my men tied him loose

He was out the door as I added

"ohh Mr.Levon, ill be expecting you again soon" I chuckled as he ran out of the cabin we were in

Now I found the source to beat the brat, I just have to wait and be patient before I strike


Short I know, it's not easy to write using a tablet, I just wanted to upload and don't want anyone to think i'm abandoning this story. Cause i am not. by the way a friend of mine asked 'IF I AM GAY' well if you're reading this after that arguement, I am not i just have a wild imagination and and I want to try new things and write stuff. But i am bisexual (i'm still figuring it out). I just hate narrow minded people

Anyway enjoy


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