Deadly love

By DejaANShanti_Stories

699K 17.5K 1.9K

Money was her motive. Having to turn grown and not having the right guidence really fucked Chyna up..Hustling... More

Deadly love
The other man
Im Not Ready .
Help !
I Tried To Warn You !
home sweet home.
The Date
Your lost
I can't believe it. !
Who do you think you are
( redo )
Lets Wait
Busted...Now Drama
Dont trust nobody....
Get My hustle On
Its A.....
Back stabs, Lies, Bad Luck.
New and improved me!!!
He's a mother******* Beast
Get out !
I dont need the stress
You Pushed Me
You thought.

All men are the same

18.8K 740 140
By DejaANShanti_Stories

- chyna P.O.V -

its been a week since the incident with Christian and tay , and shit is already tight. Do you know how hard it is to take care all my siblings plus pay off lando for picking up the body? if I dont pay his ass my body will be the next thing he picks up although im a bad bitch , and he gon have to fight my ass for my life still thats not the point he did me a favor and now I have to pay up . I have no idea who to go to at this point my mother is no where to be found for some odd reason , but shes the least of my worries right now trust her ass will surface back up... she aways do. sitting in my room holding back the tears that wanted to fall so bad just thinking about the situation im in. I have nobody and the only person I had had to die all because she wanted to be a snake. Thoughts of calling Christian ran through my head he's the only Person I could think of that has that type of money , and although I owe his ass I still feel like he would help me so once again I find myself swallowing up my pride and calling him. I never really knew what they meant about desperate times calls for desperate measures until now .




-G P.O.V-

" Hello ?" I spoke through the phone.

" hello " she spoke

I stayed quite for a minute because I dont know why shes calling and I know she doesn't have my this soon.

" yea ? " I was finally able to say .

" can you do me a favor ? " I looked at the phone like it translated what she said wrong.

" A favor huh ? And what might that be ? because It seems like ever time I do a favor for the jones family it bites me in the ass " I said in a sarcastic tone.

" Look can I talk to you face to face ? "

" naw not today I got-"

" please only for a minute I promise I wont take up your time "

" iight meet me at Dan's " I said referring to this little soul food restaurant l.

" okay " she said before hanging up . I couldn't wait to see chyna kiss up to me. I never seen the nice side of her before she always acted like a bitch , so to see her kiss my ass will be fun , but for some reason it didnt feel like that was what she was trying to do.





pulling in front of Dan's I got out and walked in the restaurant I seen chyna already seated so I walked over and sat across from her. She smiled at me and said hello.

" sup , so what you wanna talk about ?" I asked getting straight to the point.

" okay I need a favor . I need money to pay off lando for cleaning up my moms house that day "

" chyna I would be stupid doing business with you "

" Do you really think I would come to you if I had other chooses ? I have to take care all my siblings plus get ready for to give birth "

I sucked my teeth at the sound of her giving birth I really didn't wanna hear about her and that baby.

" why are you sucking your teeth for ? rather you like it or not you are still going to be a father "

" yea we will see ..."

" yes we will "

" okay so what do you want from me ? you already owe me money that I still have not received , and imma need you to tell your brother to come out from where ever he is hiding and get back to the job I hired him to do "

"Christian my brother is not working for you anymore "

" you really think your punk ass brother is going to steal from me and stop doing his job ? " I wasn't bout to put chris back on my grind his ass was about to die.

" Christian you so damn heartless. You have not once asked me how I felt about any of this . I know you want my brother dead , you must think im stupid , but you will get your money just leave my brother the fuck alone" Chyna was making me hard without even trying she had affect on me.

" You expect me to give your ass money when you already owe me money ? "

" you are right I should have never asked you" She started roaming threw her purse and pulled out a envelop.

" congrats boo " was the last thing she said to me before walking off. I looked at the envelope in my hands. The hell was this girl up to?

I watched her walk out the place doing her pregnant waddle. I opened it up pulling out the few stacks of was maybe all her ass had to her name...Inside also was ultrasound pictures.

" The Twins "

Was written in bright red letters. The fuck? Twins? I pulled out the next peice of paper. I unfolded it reading the slip....It was a blood thats why that doctor poked me with that neddle...i need to pay more attention...then again I was high as fuck on some other shit because I didnt want to be there.

And I was THE father. What in the hell? So, she wasnt lying. Ugh, not that my life couldnt be anymore complicated.

Looking at these papers I was seeing that I had twin sons with....Chyna Jones...What in the hell had I got myself into?


" Baby you hungry " Kim ask as I walked in. I shook my head no heading to my room. I wanted to fucking sleep. My stress level was at a all time high....My kids fucking uncle stole from me and now I have to kill him...what ever Chris has to die. I dont care how Chyna or anyone else feels about the shit..

I stripped down and climbed into my hudge as bed thinking of Chyna. She would have fooled my ass...I knew she had shit up her sleeve when I first met her...but that didnt stop me from being attracted to her ass and still wanting to try and be with her before...all bullshit aside..she reminds me of a female me...thats probably why we cant seem to get along or be on the same page, too much of us is alike.

I shook my head. TOO FUCKING MUCH, it was insane.

The bed dented in beside me.

" You wanna talk ? "

I rolled over ignoring her turning off the lights then, laying my head down back to her. " Im straight, Good night "

With that being said, I laid there pretending to be asleep.

Fuck the world !





- Chyna P.O.V -

All this damn noise in my house! My siblings were going to drive me crazy.

" Ok, come on bed time. Yall got school in the morning " I tell them. I didnt have enough rooms for everybody so we were all over the place. The rooms in the bed, floors, and livingroom on the couch and floors..I love them more then they understand for my stangy ass to be sharing my space like this, seriously.

" Good night " I turn out all the lights.

" Chy ? "

" Yeah ? "

" Where is mama ? " Ugh, I'd be damn if I know.

" I dont even know "

" I like it better here with you anyways, we missed you " I smiled. Feels different when you hear that without having to have sex with someone.

" I missed yall to. Now go to sleep. School in the morning " I left them to be going into my room...My last resort to get money so my ass and Chris ass wasnt sharing funeral dates. I scrolled through my contact list...The number was there...I hit the call button, listening to it ring nervously.

" Whats hannin' ? " Tony deep smooth voice came through the phone..I thought about seeing him not long ago when I was in the restraunt with christian. How good he looked...

" Its Chyna " I tell him.

" Damn whats good ma' ? It only took you long enought to hit me up, what you up to ? " I laughed.

" Nothing...babysitting "

" We getting in practice ? "

" Something like overtime, kids are work "

" Im sure you got it though...what cant Chy do ? " He tease. I listened to his sexy as laugh.

" Tony...I need a favor "

" Which is ? " He listened...Fuck i aint got no other choice. Im done with G i put my pride aside to many times to ask for his help only for him to be childish and it to come back and bite me in the ass.

" I need some money....I swear I'll pay you back...Its for something important. Im in some trouble..please ? " I couldnt believe the Chyna i had become. I would reconize myself.

" You know how to pay me back...."

I sighed.


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