Paw Patrol: Vacancy

Af Insomni-act

54.9K 1.1K 1.1K

Marshall is turned down by Chase and broken. Now he has a vacancy in his heart. He meets a new pup and they s... Mere

Reveries (Part 1)
Reveries (Part 2)


3.5K 82 39
Af Insomni-act

Chase did his best to keep up with Marshall, all the while trying to stay a distance behind and out of sight. There were a few close calls where he almost had gotten separated due to stop lights and moments where he had almost been spotted due to low traffic.

Marshall still had the same smile plastered on his face. He was still on a high of excitement from watching the Apollo movie.

"I wonder if Joey has seen the movie yet." He said to himself. "Come to think of it, I haven't even heard him mention anything about Apollo yet. Does he even like Apollo? Meh I guess I'll find out later." Marshall reached for his radio dial and turned it on. His ears perks up at the piano score being played within the song. "Hey I love this song." He starts to sing along.

"I've been looking for the answer... somewhere

I couldn't see that it was right there,

But now I know what I didn't know.

Because you li-ve and breathe, Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help"

Chase could see Marshall moving his head along with the music and despite how he was feeling, couldn't help but chuckle at him. Marshall looked so goofy to him right now.

"That Marshall..." He sighed while shaking his head. It's been awhile since Chase actually got to see Marshall act like that. He was back to his normal self after all and Chase was happy to have him back.

Marshall pulled up to Big View Trail and parked his truck at the bottom. Chase parked a good distance away from him, so he wouldn't notice his police truck.

"Aww man, I'm so late." Marshall said to himself, as he ran up the trail. "The sunset is going to start any minute now."

Marshall continued to travel further and further up the trail until he eventually came to a secluded spot with a large hill running down to an area with a lake. Once he ran down the hill, he could see his favorite dalmatian come into view. He was staring at the sun's reflection on the lake, seemingly in a another world.

He's here! Marshall thought as he smiled. Maybe I can sneak up on him.

Marshall stopped running and began to walk slowly, taking quiet steps. He wanted to be quiet as a mouse and he knew how good he was when it came to being stealthy. He crouched low to the ground and began crawling toward his unsuspecting victim. Once he positioned himself right behind Joey, he adjusted his stance and prepared himself to pounce.

"You finally made it huh, Marshmallow." Joey said, without moving an inch.

"Huh? How'd you know?" Marshall asked.

"You may need to practice on your stealth a little bit more." Joey faced him with a smile. Marshall walked over and sat by his side.

"What do you mean? I was quiet as a mouse." Marshall defended.

"More like noisy as an elephant." Joey joked, making Marshall pout. "It's not your fault. My ears are just really keen." Joey said, lifting his ears up and down.

Marshall laughed and grabbed Joey's ears. "Yeah, with ears like these. You could hear the earth turn."

"They're the same size as yours, you know." They both laughed.

"So, how's the patient?" Marshall asked.

"He's great. Dirk said we both did a great job. Of course having you with me made all the difference." Admitted Joey, causing Marshall to smile wide.

Chase was watching and listening to the entire conversation from behind a nearby tree, looking very displeased.

Marshall and Joey both stared out over the lake. Both of them taking in the peace and serenity of everything.

"Our special spot." Joey began speaking out of the blue. "The spot where we first met..."

"Yeah." Marshall smiled.

"I can still remember how abrupt you were at first. You really hurt my feelings." Joey chuckled.

"I-I was just in a bad place then. That's all. Sorry..." Marshall replied nervously.

A light breeze began to blow through the air.

"Even still... I'm really glad I met you." Joey said, still facing the lake. "You're an amazing pup, and so kind-hearted. I've never met anyone like you." Marshall looked over to him and was met with another smile, but noticed something else on his company's face. A blush. As if it were a domino effect, a little blush found its way onto Marshall's face as well.

"Oh..." Marshall started as he looked away. "Before I forget, I brought you a gift."

"A gift?" Joey looked surprised.

Marshall pulled out a white pup-tag with a red cross. Chase focused his eyes from the distance and realized that this was the same pup-tag that Ryder handed Marshall just before he left from the Lookout. Marshall held the pup-tag out to Joey, still blushing.

"You told me about how your old speaker always had static... so I had this made for you." Joey stared at the pup-tag with wide eyes, speechless. "It's like my pup-tag, except it has the same frequency as your old speaker. Now you'll be able to hear your emergency calls more clearly and... you can also contact me."

"Marshall..." Was all Joey could utter out at the moment. He looked up at his dalmatian pal. "You really didn't have to do all that."

A frown appeared on Marshall's face. "You don't like it, do you..."

"No!" Joey interjected. "I love it! It's just, you really didn't have to go through all that trouble."

"It wasn't any trouble... I really wanted to do it for you, though Ryder did all the work after all." Marshall replied.

Joey accepted the pup-tag from Marshall's paw and hugged him tightly. "Thanks Marshall, it's the best gift I've ever gotten. You're the best. No, you're even better than the best. I love hanging with you." Marshall, though caught off guard with the action at first, lifted his arms and returned his friend's hug. He felt so warm like this. So safe. He never wanted to let go.

"I'd do anything for you..." He unmistakably said aloud.

As the embrace was coming to an end, he looked up into Joey's eyes. Those amber eyes. Joey looked into his as well. They were both blushing, and as if out of nowhere, their muzzles slowly inched closer to one another until...

Joey's ears perked up. He turned his head and was met with a snarling shepherd standing clear out in the distance with rage burning brightly in his eyes. Marshall turned in his direction, eyes opening wide in shock.


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