The Journey Taken Together

By Alexa781

7.2K 1.5K 1.9K

Love is a strong word. It is said to those we care for the most. Some think love never dies. However, this is... More

The Journey Taken Together
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
The Journey Taken Together: Editing
Gold Ivory Awards
How to Love: An Ultimate Guide

Chapter One

969 143 266
By Alexa781

**Dedicated to teenagebookworm_**

(Officially edited)


I walk out of the mountainous building in glee. The summer sun shines brightly in my face as I feel a hand on mine. With a quick glance to my right, I notice Dennis beside me.

"Aye, bro," I hear a male voice yell to my left. I peek over my shoulder and see Steven join us on the staircase.

As I proceed down the staircase, I begin to feel anxious, but happy at the same time - anxious to start college and happy to finally be out of the hell hole we call high school. I glance at Dennis, and a sly smile comes across my face as our fingers intertwine.

Steven grips the hand rails as he smiles and laughs, while we continue our conversation about spiking the punch at the upcoming party. Steven our best friend, the 'best man', and the one who brought us together, is our glue.

"What's up bro?" Dennis laughs as we reach the end of the staircase. Steven jumps off of the last step and falls. He gets up and tries to shake off the embarrassment, but I just giggle and wrap my arms around him.

His face turns red and I look at him. "What? Can't take the heat?"

"Well . . . uh . . . just remembering the good times," he says and I grit my teeth.

"Is that supposed to be an insult, Spiderman?" I spit out.

"Nah, just remembering how you spilled juice on yourself during lunch, and my good buddy over here introduced me to ya," he teases and I punch him in the chest.

"Come on now! We have been friends for a long time. Can't you be nice to me just this once?" I whimper and a smirk is brought upon Steven's face.

"Nope, I have known Dennis longer. After all, we did meet on the first day of sixth grade. I didn't meet you until the last few months," he explains and I pout.

"Yeah, but I hung out with Thea more, bro," Dennis says, making me laugh.

As kids, Dennis and I would always play soccer together when we were bored. As we grew older, we started doing other things, such as going to the movies, or simply just hanging out at the mall.

"Ready for the party?" Dennis asks, looking down at me.

"Are you sure you want to go with me?" I tease, sticking my tongue out at him.

"I sure am," he says, kissing my head gently. As we stroll out into the parking lot, Dennis gives me a soft kiss on my cheek and looks down into my eyes. A storm of butterflies flutter inside of my stomach as the blood rushes to my cheeks.

We approach his car. He opens the door for me, and I slide in. Dennis reaches across my lap and buckles my seatbelt for me, and then he gets in, eventually buckling his own.

I turn up the radio and roll my window all of the way down. He smiles over at me, causing me to giggle. He slides his hand over to mine, and I look down at it. I blush and think about taking it. I decide to hold his hand, and he squeezes mine. We aren't dating, but I have a feeling that he likes me a lot. The only problem is, I really like this other guy named Daniel Bachman.

Daniel is not your classic 'jock'. He plays a lot of sports, but he is also very smart and funny. He is not afraid of hanging out with me, but yet is so restrained by his girlfriend, Gigi. I know I have no chance with him, but it just gives me another hobby. Looking over his Facebook page everyday and drooling over his pictures is not considered stalking . . . is it?

We arrive on my street, and I sigh. As we approach the driveway, I look over at Dennis, and he looks a bit bummed.

I release his hand and speak softly. "Thank you for the ride," I say to him while feeling guilty about my actions. If Daniel saw, it would ruin my chances of being with him. Dennis gets out of the car and walks over to me.

"Pick you up at seven?" he asks while smiling. He takes my hand and kisses it gently as I give him a small smile in return. I feel something warm in my heart as he lets go of my hand.

"Sounds great," I say, stepping out of his way and up to my porch. I open the door and am stopped by his hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see him blushing and biting his lip.

"I look forward to it," he says and gives me a soft kiss on my cheek. I smile and wait for him to get back into his truck before I step inside.

I step inside of my house and sigh. Dust and dirt fill the cracks in the floor. My mom used to clean this up all of the time when she was here, and my dad was never home to care, and doesn't even try nowadays. Now that I am all alone, I have no motivation to clean the house up.

I walk further inside of the house and freeze. What am I going to wear?! I have nothing picked out because I just found out about the party. I run upstairs to my room and begin to dig through my closet. As I look through it, I see my familiar range of jeans and shirts; no dresses for me. I decide to wear a nice blouse and a pair of light blue jeans.

I put on the clothes and look at my reflection. A short, chubby girl pops out at me, and I frown. My long, blonde hair sticks out on both ends, and I grab my hairbrush. Pulling it through the tangled mess, I look at my glasses and sigh. No one has ever really made me feel beautiful. Now I'm stuck with choosing between two people.

I sigh and think of the pros and cons of each situation. If I choose Dennis, it may ruin our friendship. If I try to be with Daniel, I may embarrass myself and fail, hurting Dennis in the process. I don't want to hurt Dennis or anything, but then again, I will never have a chance with Daniel as long as Gigi is around.

I sit down and put my ear buds in so I can listen to music. My favorite band is Eye of the Creator, which I listen to very often. I close my eyes and drift into a deep sleep.


I wake up to the sound of my doorbell ringing. As I try to get up, I slip on one of my shoes, and land on my butt. I hear footsteps coming up the stairway as I quickly try to get up, but I slip once again. Appearing in the stairway is Dennis, and he sure does look handsome. I look at him and smile. His brown hair has been combed to perfection, and his brown eyes sparkle in the light. The black and white shirt he wears hugs his sides, but it makes him look cute.

"How'd you get in?" I ask curiously.

"You forgot to lock the door," he mentions sheepishly.

 I continue to stare at him while blushing and not saying a word, as I am still on the floor. He looks down at me and begins to giggle softly.

"Need some help there?" he smiles while walking over to me and holding out his hand.

"I was going to say you look nice but since you wanna be a meanie . . . nah," I say giggling and take his hand. He pulls me up and looks into my eyes, his eyes piercing into my heart. My stomach fills with butterflies as he looks me up and down.

"Are you dressed?" he asks in a sarcastic voice.

"Actually, I am. I'm sorry to disappoint," I say looking away while blushing profusely.

"I'm kidding, you look beautiful," he says while taking my hand into his as he lifts my chin up with the other. I look into his eyes and immediately freeze. I cup his cheek in my hand and feel a spark in my heart. He presses his forehead against mine, and I close my eyes. I wrap my arms around his waist, and we begin to sway back and forth with each other.

"You know what," I say while unwrapping myself from around him. "Do you wanna just ditch the party and stay here to watch a movie?"

"Yes. I'd love to do that," he says, and I smile at him. He picks me up, and I whimper. He gently kisses my nose and takes me downstairs to the couch. I pick up the remote and turn on the television to find movies to watch. Dennis goes into the kitchen and puts in a bag of popcorn. I choose the movie, "The Fault in our System" and he sits down next to me. I snuggle up against him, and he wraps his arm around me. For a few good moments, we are sitting in silence. Then, Dennis places his finger under my chin and moves mine to his, allowing our lips to be level. He begins to lean in, and I close my eyes.

The microwave goes off and our eyes open. He laughs and kisses my cheek, and I smile softly. I pat his lap, using it to get myself up to go retrieve the popcorn. While I'm dumping it in the bowl, I feel strong hands around my waist. I turn around and Dennis is looking at me in a way he has never looked at me before. His eyes are filled with lust, and it sort of excites me. His hands run down my body to my hips as he lifts me onto the counter. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He picks me up and pushes me against the wall while beginning to softly kiss my lips. I press into the kiss passionately while running my hands through his hair. He continues to kiss me while . . .


I wake up from my terrible dream, sweating profusely. I turn to my fiancé, Daniel, and give him a fake smile. He kisses me and heat rises to my face. Reassuring that he can read my mind, I kiss him back. He heads into the bathroom and I sit up. I look at my calendar, and groan. Today marks the one year anniversary of the separation between me and Dennis.


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Thank you all for taking the time to read this story : )

Also, thank you to this_is_her for the amazing banner! : )

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