The Prince's Visions

By Havecouragebkind

167K 6.2K 1.8K

People say that death is not the end. For Evelyn, it's not. After battling cancer for almost four years, deat... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty three
Chapter Twenty four
Chapter Twenty five
Chapter Twenty six
Chapter Twenty seven
Chapter Twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty one
Chapter forty three
Chapter Forty four
Chapter Forty five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty seven
Author's Note
Becoming Aredhel

Chapter Forty Two

2.2K 76 27
By Havecouragebkind


When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. -Psalm 56:3



The early morning light from the window cascades down upon my dear Eilonwy as she sleeps soundly. The light seems to seep into her crimson hair and glow, making it appear to be flames spread across her pillow and mine. Her eyes are shut softly, her thick eyelashes splayed across her skin innocently. Her skin is warm against my own as I hold her in my arms, running my fingers down her spine. I watch her in utter awe, not able to comprehend that she is my wife- that we are fully bonded- because my heart feels so light and at peace. But the gentle thrum of her emotions that are now tangled within my soul tells me otherwise.

Her chest rises and falls against mine as she is lost in colorful dreams, and I cannot bring myself to wake her. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps, like a goddess from an old story. I gently ease out of her arms, careful not to disturb her, and I stand from our bed, walking over to my wardrobe. Warmth travels through my veins when I see her dresses hanging on one side of the wardrobe, my clothes hanging on the other, and I stare at them for long moments with a goofy smile on my face before taking out my night robe. I shrug into the silky fabric, and I walk over to the window, staring out at the still-sleeping city of Rivendell. Fog clings to the grass like a thick winter blanket, and not a single soul is walking around this early in the morning.

I sigh slightly. What are Eilonwy and I going to do now? Are we to hide in Rivendell for who knows how long? I wished to give her a proper honeymoon- to go traveling and to be entirely at peace with each other- and then I wished to take her home with me. But there is the matter of the mysterious lady who is out to harm my wife. Oi, if I could get my hands on this woman, I would have no remorse for snapping her neck. First, she hurt Estrith and would have killed her if it had not been for Eilonwy, and now she is after my new wife. Why can things never be easy for me? I thought that with the vanquishing of Sauron, Middle Earth would finally be at peace, but I guess evil never truly dies. I just wish this new evil was not aimed toward Eilonwy.

I just despise the mystery and the loose ends. I want to know exactly why this woman is out to get Eilonwy. The point of sending Eilonwy away as a baby was to save her from Sauron, but now that he is dead, why is she still a target? And this lady is supposedly working alone. What is the purpose of that? I can imagine that she obviously wants Eilonwy for her powers, but what use is her magic if the woman does not have an army?

A sigh escapes Eilonwy's lips, and I turn at the sound of the blankets rustling. A smile slowly works its way onto my lips as I watch her rub her eyes tiredly, and then her beautiful green eyes search the room leisurely, falling upon me.


Her voice sends chills down my spine and warmth through my heart, and I can feel her emotions blooming in my chest like a flower in spring: her shyness, her content, and her love.

"Good morning, Meleth nin (My love)," I say softly, still standing by the window.

She sits up in the bed slowly, clutching the blankets above her chest as she rubs her eyes again with her left hand. She yawns cutely, and I chuckle, watching her in utter happiness. Her crimson curls fall messily down her bare shoulders, and in the morning light, her skin looks so soft and tempting. She looks at me again, her forest-colored eyes meeting my blue ones, and a lazy smile pulls at her lips. "Good morning, my husband."

Our bond feels so fresh and new and bright in my soul, and I fight the urge to run and jump onto the bed like an elfling. "How are you feeling?"

She blushes slightly. "A little tired, honestly," she says with a breathy laugh, looking very uncomfortable as her gaze drops sheepishly, and I laugh lightly.

"Forgive me. Would you like me to ask for a cup of tea?" I ask her worriedly, but she shakes her head quickly.

"No. I do not wish to be disturbed today," she states firmly, picking at a piece of fuzz on the blanket.

"And what do you wish to do today?" I question with a wide smile, already knowing what she will say.

Her eyes look sparkly as she looks at me, and she smiles shyly. "I-I want to stay here with you," she says, "Come back to bed, my cute turtle."

I grin amusedly, walking towards the bed, and I sit down beside her. I reach forward to caress her cheek, and she leans into my touch. "I love you," I tell her, kissing her softly, "I cannot think of anything else I would rather do than spend the day with you. Even after last night, I am having a hard time understanding that you are my wife."

She wraps her arms around my shoulders. "Will it help if I show you how much I love you again?" she whispers, staring into my eyes lovingly.

"It might," I say, barely able to breathe.

And she does; flawlessly, perfectly.


A few days later, I find myself stuck in a last minute council meeting discussing the recent sighting of a mysterious lady near Rivendell.

"Send out twice as many guards as you usually do on patrols, Elrond," Aragorn suggests, running a hand over his short-cropped beard in worry, "If anything moves, we are to be alerted. We must take precautions. The safety of Eilonwy and the civilians of Imladris is our top priority."

"We do not yet know what we are dealing with, Aragorn. This woman has magic-apparently a strong dose of it. Regular guards will not be able to take her down if she decides to attack," my father says.

"We have you, Lord Elrond, and we have Lady Galadriel and Gandalf. Surely you can strengthen the magical borders surrounding us?" I question Lord Elrond seriously.

"That, I have already done, but with the help of Gandalf and Galadriel, we can make it even stronger. The border will only delay her for so long, though. That is what I fear. We have no idea what this woman is capable of or what she wants with Eilonwy. We must tread lightly," Elrond replies.

"I will not have Eilonwy harmed," I state firmly, my gaze traveling across the room, "Whatever measures can be taken, must be."

"And we will see to that, Legolas. But we know so little, ion nin (my son)," Ada says tiredly, placing his head on his fist.

"Eilonwy will be fine, Legolas. She is strong and brave," Aragorn reassures me, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I meet his gaze solemnly. "I know. I just hope that is enough."


Eilonwy POV

Since Legolas and the others are held up in a secret council meeting, I decided to take a walk in the forest. I promised myself that I would not travel far away from the city, but the forest looks so utterly enchanting today. Though, after my wedding, everything looks enchanting. It is as if everything has always had such raw beauty, but it was hidden from me until just a few days ago. The sun is still the same one that rises and falls every day, but somehow its light looks softer and more golden as it streams through the thick tree trunks and green leaves. Even the moss clinging to the trees and the dark blacks and browns that paint the tree bark look positively winsome.

Now that Legolas and I are married, my heart feels so full of light and warmth and love. I never knew it was possible to love someone so much, but Legolas is the proof that I was so wrong. And having Estrith, Aragorn, and all the others here in Rivendell makes it all so much better. There is never a dull moment with them. Gwilithon and Elrohir are always trying to embarrass Legolas and I with their dirty jokes and wide smirks, but I do not get annoyed with them. I find the laughter and teasing that everyone so happily dishes out to be so satisfying and heart warming. Never before have I been so indescribably happy. I feel as if I have truly found my home with all these people that have become like family to me.


Startled, I jump at the voice I have not heard in so long. I turn to see Elladan sitting with his back against a particularly large tree, and I blush deeply, knowing that I must have looked stupid walking through the forest with a dumb grin on my face.

"Elladan," I breathe, dipping into a curtsey as he stands.

"There is no need for that," he offers kindly, smiling at me in a way that breaks my heart.

Elladan is so sweet and full of goodness, and if Legolas did not sweep in and steal my heart from the beginning, I am sure I would have fallen in love with him over time. That is what I tell myself, anyway, to keep from feeling guilty for hurting him.

"But there is a need for me to bow, my princess," he says, his smile not quite reaching his eyes as he sinks into a gentlemanly bow.

I shake my head. "There is no need for that," I say, repeating his words, "I have not become accustomed to that title yet, nor do I feel worthy of it, honestly."

"Then let us speak of other things," he suggests, "Would you walk with me?"

I nod, falling into step with him easily. We walk in silence for several moments, and I try not to think on Elladan's sad eyes or the way he seems to struggle for words to say.

"I am sorry," he finally states, his voice soft and distant, "For not attending your wedding, I mean. It was cruel of me to not be there for you. You deserve so much happiness, and I see that Legolas has given it to you."

I look at him in surprise, and he chuckles quietly.

"'Tis quite obvious how in love you are. If I had not called your name, you would have kept on walking forever," he says, and I blush, "It is funny how love works that way."

"I am very happy, indeed. It seems that word does not fully explain the depth of serenity I feel. Your home only adds to this feeling. Rivendell is such a heavenly place, and I am blessed to be here basking in its beauty," I reply.

Elladan smiles genuinely. "No matter how long I live, I never grow tired of my home. I find comfort in the trees and the gushing waterfalls. Its beauty calms my soul in a way that no other place ever has."

I bite my lip for a moment, remembering Elrohir telling me that he believes his brother may know the woman who is after me. I fight against ruining this wonderful conversation, but I know I must ask him. "Um... Elladan," I say hesitantly, and his silver gaze falls upon me softly, "Well, I do not quite know how to ask this."

"You do not need to fret. You can ask me anything you wish. I will not be angry," he says, stopping and giving me his full attention.

"First, has your father told you of the woman who is after me?" I ask him.

"Yes, and Elrohir has spoken to me of what happened to Estrith," he replies.

"Your brother told me that he has reason to believe you know this... woman," I say slowly.

His eyes are pained as he looks into mine. "Morgwais. She was one of your mother's friends," he says, his gaze lost in a time before I was born, a time where my parents were not dead, "I used to think she fancied your father when we were younger. She looked at him as if he was her own personal ray of sunshine, but he thought of her as nothing more than Hithaeriel's friend. Your father loved your mother so deeply, even when we were all so young and naive; his eyes never strayed from her. Of course, that was not surprising. Hithaeriel was so lovely. She always reminded me of spring with her sweet voice and gentle nature."

'"Morgwais became jealous, of course, because she was in love with an ellon whose head had been turned long before she ever had a chance to make him fall in love with her. As my mother used to tell me when I was an elfling, jealousy is one of the worst emotions a person can feel because it is a combination of envy and hatred. Hatred can drive even the calmest of people to unreachable depths, and I believe this is what happened to Morgwais. Her love for your father was pure and strong, but her jealousy was raw and festering in her heart."

"And she is out to kill me because I am the product of my parents' love for one another," I finish, shaking my head slightly. It all makes sense now.

He nods solemnly. "I would assume so. After your parents married, she was never the same. She hated Hithaeriel, and with the withering look she would give your mother, it would not surprise me if she wished you dead."

"It is horrible that jealousy can do such a thing to a person," I say, blinking back tears, "You loved my mother so much, yet you never turned out like Morgwais."

"Everyone has the choice of how they will live. Morgwais let her bitterness consume her, and such emotions turn a heart black. I am not perfect, Eilonwy. I struggled for so many years with grief because your mother did not love me. I had hard feelings toward your father, despite the fact that he was a kind and noble ellon. I struggled with jealousy, but I did not let it overcome me. I was not going to let a broken heart change who I was inside. I was still the naive ellon who fell in love with Hithaeriel from the first moment I saw her. No matter if she returned my feelings or not, I was not going to allow myself to become cruel."

"Elladan, I think my mother did love you. I think she loved you, but her heart was already taken by my father," I tell him softly.

He meets my gaze. "I know. She told me so, once. I was so foolish and childish," he says, sighing, "I went to her house the night before her wedding was to take place. I wanted to tell her the truth of my love for her, at least once. She cried when I confessed, and I cried, too, for I knew she loved Edwemen more than she could ever love me. That is when she told me that she did love me, but it was not the same love she held for your father. I-I kissed her that night. I knew I should not have, but I had to. I had to kiss the one I loved at least once before I lost her forever."

A few tears roll down my cheeks as I stare at him, and I forget myself for a moment, throwing my arms around his waist and holding him to me tightly. He stiffens for a moment before he begins to stroke my hair. "I am so sorry that you had to go through that, Elladan. And I am sorry for being a constant reminder of her."

He chuckles once, and he pulls me away from him, holding onto my shoulders. "Shh, there is no need for you to cry. 'Tis the past, and neither you nor I can change it. I just thought you would want to know more of your parents. They were exceptionally kind people, and I loved them both very much," he says, his eyes swimming with sorrow, "And never say that again, Eilonwy. I am so happy to have you in my life. True, you look and act like your mother, but you are not her. You are wiser than she was, and more outspoken. You are your own person."

"I hurt you by marrying Legolas," I finally state, my eyes filling with fresh tears as I look into his broken eyes guiltily, "I am no better than my mother."

His eyebrows furrow over his stormy eyes. "Eilonwy, you fulfilled your destiny by marrying him, and I am
happy for you. You are dear to my heart, but I know that you are meant to be with Legolas, just as your mother was meant to be with Edwemen," he says, his eyes finally becoming wet with tears, "I knew from the moment I first saw you in Gondor that I could not allow myself to form an attachment to you. I tried to stay away because if I did not get to know you, there would be no danger. But I did speak to you, and even though we are not very close, I developed feelings for you. I could not help myself. You were just like her, but then you were so very different at the same time. I found myself falling in love with you, not the memory of her. I spoke to my father of these feelings, and he told me I would get my heart broken again. I knew all of this, Eilonwy, but 'tis impossible to stop yourself from loving someone."

He releases me from his hold, turning his back to me, and I stare at him through blurred vision. My throat stings from trying to hold back my tears, and my head aches with all of this new information. As I look at him, I realize just how old he is. He is thousands of years old, and I am merely nineteen. He is wise and has seen so much heartbreak, but he has remained so strong.

"Promise me, Elladan," I begin, swallowing back a sob that tries to work its way up, "Promise me you will not allow yourself to fade. Your father spoke to me of his worry. He asked me if I could make you happy. I told him the truth. I am not the one meant for you, but, Elladan, I pray you will find her someday. I pray you will find the one who will love you just as much as you love her. You deserve that elleth; not me or my mother."

Chills shoot up my spine when a familiar voice cuts through the silence of the trees. Only now do I realize that the immense beauty of the forest has changed. The air feels colder, more sinister, and the tree branches now seem to be gnarled hands twisting through the forest and trapping us in. The sun has even stopped shining through the leaves as if a dark spell has been cast across the forest along with the evil one who has found me.

"My, my, what a show this has turned out to be," she says in that same biting, silky tone I remember from the gardens of Minas Tirith.

I turn to look upon her for the first time as Elladan pulls me behind him, glaring at her. Her skin is as white and smooth as porcelain, but she is in no way fragile. She is clothed in a tight, form fitting black dress that swoops down to the forest floor like the wings of a raven. Her hair falls down her shoulders in waves as black as ink, and her eyes glow a silvery-white color. A twisted smile rests upon her lips as she appraises the way Elladan stands in front of me defensively.

"You know, you are just like your mother, Eilonwy," she says, and when my name leaves her lips, her eyes flash with hate, "Not only do you hold the heart of one ellon, but two."

"Do not speak to her, witch," Elladan practically growls, and my heart is beating so fast in my chest I can barely think straight.

"I thought we were friends, Elladan," she says innocently, "That is what you said earlier, is it not?"

"We were," he states cooly, "I considered the woman you used to be a friend, but I do not know you."

"Ah, what a pity," she says, looking over his shoulder at me, "Not only does my friend no longer like me, but I was not invited to the wedding of Mirkwood's new princess."

"What do you want, Morgwais?" I question her, narrowing my eyes, "To kill me? If so, why have you not done it, yet? You have had so many opportunities."

The anger and sorrow I feel swirl inside of me like a hurricane as I look upon her, and I feel my powers growing as the familiar surge of warmth that Elrond taught me to control shoots through my veins like electricity ready to explode at any moment.

"Killing you would be too easy, you dirty whore," she spits, edging closer to us like a cat ready to pounce, "I want you to suffer as I did all these years."

"You are disgusting and childish to kill me simply because my father did not love you," I tell her boldly, though, I feel terrified inside.

She scoffs. "You think those are my only reasons? You are the foolish one, child," she says, pointing at me, her eyes dark and menacing, "Sauron may be dead now, but I will arise as the new Dark One. Your new title of princess will mean nothing to me. I will crush you, and all of the ones you love. Middle Earth will belong to me, not to your precious Valar and Eru Ilúvatar who brought upon me nothing but pain and heartbreak. All of Middle Earth bows down to those traitors, but no more. It is time for a new age- a new reign."

"Eru and the Valar are no traitors. They are full of love for the people of Middle Earth. You wish to take and destroy for your own power, to make yourself feel strong and big just like Sauron and Melkor. But you are nothing, Morgwais. You have allowed the person my mother trusted and loved to be destroyed. You are twisted and evil, and you deserve the same fate as Sauron and the rest," I tell her.

Her eyes narrow into slits. "You will regret ever coming here."

She lifts her hands, and I feel a rush of heat crawling across my skin like fire. And then I know nothing but darkness.


A/N: Sorry for the long wait! It's now officially summer *Happy dance*!! So, now the action and drama I promised forever ago has now been served. *Grins evilly* Some horrible crap is about to go down, so I hope y'all are prepared. Love y'all to the Moon and back! Remember the ground rules!


Josie <3

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