The Story Of Naomi - LOK FanF...

By FlavaIsMe

67.4K 1.6K 412

*Old Work* "Well, my family have a lot of great benders. Aang, Tenzin, Katara, Kya even my dad was a great fi... More

1. A new beginning - Part 1
2. A new beginning - Part 2
3. A new beginning - Part 3
The Letter
4. What a Coincidence
5. The Gala
A/N - I'm back
6. Got your back
7. The Fire Ferrets
8. The last match
9. Stuck in reverse
10. Awoken secrets
12. Fear the truth
13. When it Comes Down to an Ending - Part 1
14. When it comes down to an ending - part 2
A/N - Sequel!

11. The Importance of Trust

3K 86 56
By FlavaIsMe

I was about to go to Korra's room with some tea, when I saw Asami walking down the hall with a sad expression.
''I know that look.'' I said and stopped her.

She looked up at me and smiled.
''What do you mean?'' She asked, and I could easily sense what was wrong.

''You wanna talk about it?'' I asked her.
She looked down and continued.
''Remember how awesome you are Asami!'' I yelled as she walked further down the hallway.
I heard a little laugh which made me continue. She would be okay. I sensed how strong she was. 

I walked in to see Mako holding Korra's hand.
''Hey Casanova. How's she holding up?'' I asked in a weak whisper.
''I don't know.'' He said in a low voice.
''She's strong. She'll make it through.'' I placed a comforting hand on Makos shoulder.

He left the room after some time and I looked down at Korra.
''So avatar. You still thinking about that dream we had as children?'' I asked her and laughed as I put a hand on her shoulder.

I tensed up a bit when I felt her nerves. I closed my eyes, and tried to focus on her spirit and pain. I felt her slowly relaxing more and in a strange way it felt like I had helped her.


We were all siting around the dinner table, looking at Korra eating everything she could.
''Mmm. Mmm. The food tastes amazing, Pema. I'm finally starting to feel like myself again.'' She said with a smile, and I smiled at her. It was good to see her feel better.

''We're so thankful you're home safe.'' Pema said as Bolin and Asami took out the dishes.
''Korra, I realize you've been through a lot, but I need to know everything that happened'' So much for her getting better.

''Well, first off, Tarrlok isn't who he says he is. He's Yakone's son.'' She said, Tenzin and Lin looked surprised.
Yakone, where had i heard that name before?

''It all makes sense now. That's how Tarrlok was able to bloodbend us without a full moon.'' Lin said, and I finally remembered reading about Tarrlok's crazy and feared father.

''But how did you escape? And where's Tarrlok?''
''Amon captured him and took his bending.'' We were all surprised.
''What?'' Me and Tenzin said in union.

''Yeah, he showed up out of nowhere. He almost got me, too.''
I was happy he didn't. He would've taken her bending away, if possible, and nothing could've been worse than that.

''This is very disturbing news. Amon is becoming emboldened. Taking out a councilman, almost capturing the Avatar ... I fear Amon is entering his endgame.'' I was thinking the same thing as Tenzin.
Bolin, Korra, Mako and I all looked at each other with concerned looks.


I was outside training my chi blocking and fighting when I head footsteps sneak up behind me.
I turned around and looked at my four teenage friends.
''Oh, hey there.'' I said, feeling the sweat on my forehead.

''Hey, we were looking for you.'' Korra said and walked closer.
''Looking for me?'' I asked surprised. ''Why?'' I looked at each of them.

''Through all of the chaos we never got to ask you if you're okay, and what actually happened.'' Bolin said, and I smiled because they were caring about me.
''Oh, me? I'm fine. No need to worry.'' I answered and turned around.

I thought they were about to go, when Korra spoke. ''You're lying. You tugged your hair behind your left ear which means you're hiding something.'' Korra said.
I sighed when she remembered my tell.

I turned around and looked at them with an innocent look.
''Is it that obvious?'' I asked and sat down, they all joined me.
''Even I could tell. And i've only known you for a couple of weeks. And you were unconscious for the most of them.'' Asami said and made me chuckle awkwardly.
''Now tell us.'' Mako said impatiently.

''Well, I was watching the match when everything went down. An Equalist attacked me, but I beat him to it. Afterwards I saw you guys needed help and I jumped down in the water-'' Korra interrupted me a little surprised.
''But you're terrified of water?'' She asked and I face palmed. The others looked at me in a surprised spirit. ''Thank you for telling everybody, BEST friend.'' I said and she laughed nervously.

''That's why you didn't want to go down in the arena.'' Bolin said. I nodded.
''But anyway. As I was trying to swim, that Equalist that electrocuted you guys, did the same thing to me. The next thing I remember is a lot of weird dreams and waking up.''
I didn't wanna think about them, not after my mom left. I wouldn't want to break down without her there anymore.

I could feel Bolin's arm around me and I smiled at him.
''I never told you guys why I'm here, did I?'' I looked at them, and they were looking and listening.
''It was my mom's idea to send me away for awhile.'' I said looking down.

''Why would Kya do that?'' Korra asked.
I breathed heavily. ''Because she couldn't...'' I choked.
''It's okay Nao, you can tell us.'' Bolin said, and I felt him squeeze my shoulder a little.

I sighed. ''A few months ago, my dad went on a trip over seas.'' I started.
The next thing I said, came out as a whisper. ''He never came back.'' I could feel the tears, but I forced them back.
''What? Is my second uncle... dead?'' Korra asked in disbelief and stood up.
They were all quiet.
There was pity evident in their eyes... I kinda felt bad.

''I don't know Korra! He showed up in my dreams while I was sleeping. Old memories, from when we were kids. Him and my mom. Learning how to chi block.'' I said and stood up angrily.

''Sorry. But why didn't you tell me?'' She asked.
I shrugged. ''I-I... it was too hard to face the fact of him not being here I guess. God, that's hard to say out loud.''

They all stood up and we group hugged. ''We're all here for each other.'' Asami said and I smiled.
It was nice to get everything out and I knew I could trust them.

Suddenly we could hear big explosions coming from the town. We all looked at each other in panic, and ran out to Lin and the airbender kids to look at the explosions.
Oh no. Not now.


We arrived at the city filled with chaos.
''Where did you say you parked the car?'' Asami asked Korra as we all looked around.
''It's right around here somewhere.'' She looked around and spotted the car. ''There it is.''

''Wow, nice parking job.'' I laughed at Asami's comment, when we saw the car crashed into a pole.
''Hey, you guys got arrested and left me alone with the car! I made it very clear I don't know how to drive.'' All of the things I had missed while I was out... I was getting a headache. 

''All things considered you did a great job! But how are we going to pay for all these parking tickets?'' Bolin grabbed the parking tickets off the windshield.

Mako grabbed the parking tickets out of Bolin's hand, crumpled them up, and burned them. Bolin gasped in horror. ''Relax, the city is under attack. The police have more important things to worry about.'' I was laughing when a dark figure came out of a dark corner.

''Katsu?'' I almost didn't believe it when he walked out. I ran to him and jumped into his arms.
''Where have you been Naomi, how are you feeling?'' He asked and pulled me away so he could look at me.
''That's a long story. How are you?'' I asked relieved that he was okay. I actually almost forgot about him with all the chaos happening.

''Are you coming Nao?'' Asami yelled from the car. I looked at them, then at Katsu.
''You need to come with me Naomi, I need to show you something important. It's about the Equalists.'' He said with a worried voice.

''You guys can go without me. I'll find you later!'' I yelled at them.
''Have fun with loverboy!'' Korra yelled as they drove off.

I looked up at Katsu. ''Okay, show me.''
''Follow me.'' He said and grabbed my hand.

He dragged me through town. ''Hey, what is it? Why are we going so fast?'' I asked and stopped up.
''It's just. You really need to see it.'' He said in a weird way. I could feel something wasn't right.
''Why can't you just tell me Katsu?'' I asked trying to pull my hand back.

His hold tightened and it hurt. ''Katsu let me go.'' I said calmly.
''No.'' He said and I looked around, I saw a big airship hovering over air temple island, the Equalists. ''Oh no, I have to help them.'' I said and tried to get free again.

"Katsu, let go" I said trying harder to break free of the iron grip he had on me.
''I'm sorry Naomi, but I can't'' I looked at him with a scared and confused expression.

I kicked him under the knee, and he let go.
I was about to run away when he tripped me over, but I quickly got up again.
''What are you doing?'' I asked him, ready to chi block him if necessary.

He didn't get to say anything, before I felt a cold metal stick hit my back, and I got electrocuted once again. My scream slowly died down, as I fell to the ground.


''GOT YOU!'' I yelled at my dad as he fell to the ground.
''I won, and you know what that means.'' I said and sat down besides him.

He chuckled. Even though I just chi blocked him, he was already getting up. I wanted to be that strong one day.
He sat down besides me and looked at me.

''Naomi. What I'm going to tell you now, is only something your mom and you needs to know. Okay?'' He said in a serious tone, and I nodded.
''You can trust me dad.'' I promised.

''Good.'' He looked at me with intense eyes, and I stayed quiet.
''The reason why I can chi block is because Ty Lee's son teached me way back before I could even bend.

''You were a late bloomer?'' I asked him, and he nodded.
''The latest one. I didn't discover my firebending before I turned 18.''
I was surprised, my beliefs struggling with my fathers words.
''But you're so good at it, how can it be?'' I asked, and he smiled.

''Ty Lee's son was a non-bender like me. He taught me everything he knew. We were really close. But the day he discovered I could bend, he got jealous and threw our friendship away.'' He looked down with a sad expression.

''He started teaching. He was one of the greatest, but died a couple of years ago.'' It was the first thing he had told me about his past, and everything was so interesting.

''Just remember this.'' He looked up at me again, and took a hold of my hands before he spoke.
''Never think you're not good enough because you can't bend. You're the strongest girl I've ever known, and you're going to be an even stronger woman.'' I could feel a tear slip down my cheek, and I let go of his hands to give him the biggest hug.

''Thank you dad.''


I woke up, with tears running down my cheeks.
''Well well well, if it isn't the avatar's little non-bender friend'' I opened my eyes to see the man who electrocuted me a month ago.

I looked around. ''Where... where am I?'' I asked, feeling how much my body hurt.
''That doesn't matter, what matters is where the avatar is.'' I tried to get up, but I was tied to a metal pole.
If it was Korra she would've used her bending to get out of the rope that was keeping her here, but me, I was helpless.

''Where is avatar Korra?'' He asked me again.
''I don't know." To be honest I wasn't sure, I didn't even know what day it was.
''Now let me go or i'll-'' He started laughing.

''Use your bending?'' He asked. He laughed even more when I didn't respond.
''It must be sad to be the grandchild and child of every powerful bender fro the last century, and not be able to bend. I'm sure that's all you ever wanted.'' I looked up at him in shock, those were the words-
''Katsu told me about it. It's kinda funny how young love, can make you so naive.'' He said and walked closer to me.

''No, he couldn't have...'' I said quietly.
''Oh really?'' He turned around.
''Katsu? can you come in here for a moment?'' He called and when Katsu showed up in an Equalist uniform the room fell quiet.
I was staring at him with wide eyes and he was staring right back at me.

''Dad! what did you do to her? You promised not to hurt her!'' He said, and I felt disgusted to hear him call him dad.
''Well I didn't do anything, why don't you ask her?'' His father pointed down at me.

Katsu walked closer to me and sat down in front of me.
I was looking away when he turned my face to look at him.
''Please don't be -'' I interrupted him.
''You disgust me.'' I said, feeling my heart break.

He sighed and stood up again. ''You don't understand Naomi. You shouldn't be a part of this.'' He said, almost sounding hurt.
''Well I am! And you better let me go!'' I yelled in an angry manner.

''You can go now Katsu, I'll take care of her.'' His father said.
''But-'' Katsu's father interrupted him.
''Leave. Now.''

Katsu left us alone, and I looked around the room for something that could help me.
It was a room made of metal, I would guess. I looked up and saw wires, and I could clearly hear the water running through the room.

''Let's see what you're made of non-bender.'' He said and walked closer to me.
I closed my eyes and hoped for the best.
Come on Naomi. You got waterbender AND earthbender blood running through you. You can do this.

Suddenly I heard a loud thud, and when I opened my eyes, he was down on the ground unconscious.
''Score.'' I said without wondering about what happened.
I looked around the room again, still wondering. 

As I looked at the ground, something catched my eyes.
A knife, laying besides Katsu's father.
I catched it with my feet and got it in my hands.
I freed myself, and ran out of the room.


I sneaked through the building with equalists clothes on. It felt weird, but I liked being invisible.
I finally got out of the under ground tunnels, and walked straight into the city.

Everything was ruined, and the chaos were everywhere to be found.
I was going to air temple island, when I heard Hirosi Satos speech from the City Hall.
''It is a glorious day, my Equalist brothers and sisters! Amon has torn down the tyrannical bending government! He has declared bending illegal and he has the Avatar on the run. Our great leader has a vision for the future. One day soon, bending will no longer exist and we will live in a world where everyone is finally equal! The United Forces are on their way right now to try and stop that dream. But we will prevail!''
I needed to find team avatar, and couldn't go fast enough.

I found a place where I could be alone and think.
The park.

''Great. What now Naomi? How are you going to find them when everyone's gone?'' I was walking around in circles, when I heard something coming from the bush behind me. Two Equalists.
I stood up and looked at them.
''Who are you, and what are you doing here?'' One of them asked, a male, and I knew by the voice who it was.

''Mako?'' I asked as I took my mask off.
''Naomi?'' They said in union, and took their masks off.
''And Korra.'' I said with a smile.

I ran into their arms and hugged the both of them.
''I've never been so happy to see the two of you in my life.'' I said, and let go.
''Where have you been?'' They asked surprised.
''More importantly. What did i miss?'' I asked.


''And that's why we're living under ground.'' Mako finished telling me everything, and I was still trying to understand how the city went down so fast.
''Now tell us where you have been.'' Korra asked, but before I got to say anything Bolin ran up to us and hugged me tightly.

''Where have you been? I was so worried.'' I blushed when he said that in a cute way, but he stepped back. ''I mean we all were.'' He added, and I smiled when Asami came up to us.
''You two were gone a while.''
The tension is getting worse.

''And where have you been Naomi?'' She asked, and they all looked at me.
I was about to finally answer that question when a strange man interrupted.
''Welcome back! Hope you worked up an appetite, cause dinner is served.''

We all sat down and started eating. I was so hungry, and I think they all noticed.
I didn't even notice what they were talking about, before they were all looking at me.
''Didn't you get the part where he said it was from the dumpsters?'' Asami asked, but I kept on going.

''I haven't exactly been eating for almost 48 hours, since I got captured by my so called lover boy and his psycho dad.'' I said and they all let go off their food to looked at me.
''Wait what?'' Mako seemed shocked.

I sighed and placed my food on the ground.
''The man who captured me, he was the one who almost killed me back in the arena, and he's Katsu's father too.'' They all stayed quiet.

"I didn't like that guy anyway.'' Bolin said, and I chocked on my food.
''No. He was a jerk.'' Korra said, and I looked at her surprised.
''What? he stood you up two times Naomi. He didn't even come to see you while you were out for 3 weeks.'' She had a point, and I stayed quiet.

''How did you get free?'' Mako asked, and I smiled.
''And what did he wan't?'' Bolin asked.
It was nice to know they were worried about me, I felt like they really cared.

''They asked me where Korra was.'' I said, ignoring Mako's question.
I wasn't even sure myself.
''Figures.'' Asami said, deep in thought.

I stood up, stretched and yawned. ''I'm going to bed. Night.''
''Night Nao.'' Korra said before i left them

I wasn't even sure what had happened...
So many strange things had happened to me lately.
But out of all of the questions I had in my head, there was only one important.
What was Amon's next move?


Hello everybody! ENNAMA here!

So Kastu was a traitor all along?
Who knew... ;)
What do you think about him?

Vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter or have any questions.


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