The Dragon (Book Five in the...

By Ellethwen2931

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Aerlinniel is traveling through Middle-earth with thirteen Dwarves, two Elves, a Hobbit, and a Wizard. She is... More

Chapter 1: Sting
Chapter 2: You're Back?
Chapter 3: The Cellars
Chapter 4: Barrels Down the River
Chapter 5: It Is Our Fight
Chapter 6: Some Fishy Business
Chapter 7: I Have The Only Right
Chapter 8: The Dragon's Eye
Chapter 10: The Dragon's Coming
Chapter 11: I'm Going to Save Him
Chapter 12: What Have We Done?
Chapter 13: You Are Forsaken
Chapter 14: The Dragon is Dead
Author's Note: Aerlinniel's Secret Character Interviews
Chapter 15: I Come for Mithrandir
Chapter 16: The Kingdom of Erebor
Author's Note: The Sixth Book is Out!

Chapter 9: I Cannot Go With You

660 37 4
By Ellethwen2931

Legolas POV

I jump in the house through one of the holes in the roof. And begin killing Orcs. An Orc approaches the wounded Dwarf and grabs him by his hurt leg. He screams in pain, and Tauriel throws her knife. It plunges into the Orc's throat. Tauriel and I keep fighting the Orcs.

"Get down!" One of the Dwarves say.

Tauriel kills the Orc, then turns to kill another one. The Dwarf stabs the Orc as well with the knife Tauriel had thrown earlier, and they kill the Orc. But then, the Dwarf falls over onto the floor, screaming in pain.

I stab an Orc and trip it, and it falls backward over the balcony railing and lands in a boat below. This action sends another Orc flying up into the air, and I slice off its head with my daggers. As the Orc's body falls into the water below, I release the head and it falls. I turn and see the remaining Orcs running through Laketown after Bolg.

"You killed them all." The boy says.

To which I say, "There are others. Tauriel, come."

I head towards the door.

"We're losing him!"

Tauriel looks at the wounded Dwarf then at me.

"Tauriel." I look at her for a moment and then walk out the door.

I jump over the balcony and onto a bridge, then begin running. I catch up to the Orcs and shoot one of them. The arrow goes all the way through its head and into the wood behind it.

I look around and look up to see blonde hair. I move closer and see that it is Aerlinniel. My eyes go wide. What happened to her? Why is she in that cell? I need to go get her out of there.

I find my way way over to where she is and sneak in quietly. I find the cell that Aerlinniel is in.

"Aerlinniel?" I whisper.

She whips around, "Legolas?" She whispers back, shocked. It is so nice to be able to see her again, I've really missed her. "What are you doing here?"

I explain, "Tauriel and I chased after the Orcs and they led us here. It looks like the Dwarves already left for mountain except for a few that stayed behind. What happened to you?"

"Mallory, Imryll and I were sneaking through Laketown when we were attacked. I was hit on the back of the head and was knocked out. I woke up here and I have no idea what happened to Mallory and Imryll." She tells me.

"Alright, well I'm going to get you out of here." I say and look around for the keys.

I find them on the wall right next to a sleeping guard. I carefully grab them and go back over to Aerlinniel and open the cell.

"Thank you, Legolas."

"Of course, now we need to get going." I tell her.

"Wait. My weapons." She says.

I quietly go back over to the sleeping guard and find her weapons on the table. I grab them and give them to Aerlinniel. When we get outside, she stops me.

"Legolas, I cannot go with you. I need to find Mallory and Imryll." She says to me.

I really don't want her to go. Not when I just found her. But, she wants to find her friends.

I give a small sigh, "Alright, head east. If they followed after the Dwarves they would have went that way."

"Again, thank you Legolas. Goodbye." She says to me.

Aerlinniel then takes a step closer to me and kisses my cheek. Then she darts off into the darkness, heading towards the mountain.

I stare after her for a moment and put my hand to my cheek and smile.

"Goodbye Aerlinniel" I whisper into the night.

I then turn and go the opposite direction as Aerlinniel. I enter a long alley and see Bolg enter it from the other side. I glare at him and take out my sword. Holding it in both hands, I walk towards Bolg.

All of the sudden, two Orcs appear out of hiding spots on either side of the alley and attack me. I knock the two of them down just in time to deflect a blow from Bolg.

I fight all three Orcs at once, and when I knock down the two again, I stab at Bolg's stomach. But Bolg drops his weapon and catches my sword between his arm and ribs. He pulls me closer to him using the sword and then throws me against a wooden pillar.

I drop the sword. Before I can get up, Bolg grabs me and throws me again, this time into a wall. Bolg then comes over and kicks at me, but I manage to grab Bolg's leg and knock him off balance and into the wall behind him.

I leap in the air and punch Bolg's face. I grab Bolg and smash his head repeatedly into a wooden post. Then, I throw Bolg against a wall, but Bolg grabs me, crushing me against his chest. I jerk my head back into Bolg's face, forcing him to release me.

I pull out a dagger and slice Bolg on the stomach, but Bolg grabs me and throws me toward the other two Orcs, who have gotten back up.

As I fight the two of them with my dagger, Bolg walks away. I dispatch the two Orcs and run over to where my sword is lying on the ground, and pick it up.

As I stand, I feel dizzy and fall back against a wall in pain, and breath heavily. My eyes open wide in shock and I raise my hand to my nose. I pull it away and there's blood. I look to the side and see Bolg on a Warg, heading out of the town.

Bolg is riding across the bridge on his Warg. I follow close behind him on my white horse.


I had sooo much fun writing the Leginniel part. I really hope that you guys liked it. :) I am hoping to update again tomorrow!

Love you my elves from the realm of llamas,

~Ellethwen <3

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