Breaking Point || on hold

By sleepingxrainbows

46.7K 1.6K 163

With having a king for a brother, living at a bar, being an outsider everywhere she went and not knowing wher... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Not a chapter
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One

Chapter Thirteeen

1.4K 51 0
By sleepingxrainbows

My eyes blinked open and all I see is the a white ceiling with a ceiling fan in the middle. I try to get up but my body is quickly restrained by chains. I just sit with my back against the wall, examining  the chains that hold me back. Blood crusts and peels off at the cuffs of the chains and red stains surround the area in which i'm laying at. What the hell happened?

My back feels stiff from laying down for so long and my right arm feels tingly in a bad way as if it's waking up. Looking around the room I am in, I see nothing but a door, a chair and more chains that make me sick to my stomach. And it really did; as soon as the door opened, I move my head to the side and throw up whatever I had in my stomach until I'm left just dry heaving.

"Well that's not very lady like of you" a voice says amused. I look back up and shake my head a bit to move my hair from my face and there is the guy from earlier. He stands near the door that is propped open, looking as if he just woke up. His hair is messy and his clothes are wrinkled and he wears his lopsided grin.

"What do you want?" I snarl.

"Oh nothing much cutie, just checking on you and making sure you weren't dead" he says nonchalantly.

"Yeah, well I'm not unfortunately. And what the hell happened to me?"

"Well you see, we were trying to get you to do some kind of ransom video to send to HOMRA. It was that or trying to get you used to sleeping in the same bed as me" walks around the door, his boots echoing in the empty room. "But of course, you weren't having either of it so you put up a fight against my men and ultimately they got tired of you and they knocked you out and chained you up. And now we're here!" he says in a positive voice. I only roll my eyes at him, annoyed by his attitude.

"So when can you unchain me?"

"When you're ready to go to bed princess" he winks

"Just kidding I'll stay here for the night" I instantly respond. I'd rather die than be in the same bed as him.

"Well either way, you have to leave this room. Your throw up stinks and you need to get you all patched up" He says as he digs his hand into his pockets and fishes out a key.

"Why are you doing this?" My pride was faltering and my voice came out small.

"Doing what?" he asks, unlocking the chains.

"Helping me but hurting me"

"Well that's what that one Fushimi guy did to you" he mutters, unlocking the other chain. I immedieatly attempt to stretch out my arm until I quickly recoil it back from the pain that was still happening as if my arm was waking up.

"That was different" I hold my arm.

"Not by much though. Sure he helped you and patched your wounds that one time but don't forget, he also completely denied your feelings and never made an initial move to speak with you. AND he kissed you just to mess with your emotions. Sounds pretty messed up if you ask me" he carefully grabbed my left arm and pull me up to feet. My knees go weak from all the sudden weight and I almost fall back but he quickly grabs onto my other arm carefully and helps me out of the room.

"Don't you talk about messed up. He never kidnapped me just for creating some kind of deal with HOMRA, nor did he let other people beat me and then chain me. And stop reminding me that you stalked me and know all my personal life. It weirds me out even more"

"I never actually gave them permission to beat you" he begins explaining as we leave the room and make a left in the empty corridor. "I told them to go get you. When I found out they laid more than just a hand on you and then chained you, I beat them. They're currently in the infirmary, maybe you'll get to see them, assuming they're not dead"

We enter the end of the hall and into a large open room where there are a couple of beds on each side of the room. The guy leaded me to a nearby bed and helped me sit back down.

"But back to the main point, that guy you liked and I are not too different. So it's completely biased for you to be okay with him doing it but not me"

"Just shut up. I don't want to hear you anymore. I don't even know why I'm talking to you" I feel his gaze on me before I see him shrug and walk away to another room labeled "office"

He later returns with a burly looking man that sits himself in a rolling chair placed near the bed I sat at.

"I gotta go deal with some business. I'll see you two later. Be good to her Haruto"

"Yes sir" the so called "Haruto" responds before opening the drawers in the nightstand beside the bed I sat at.

He pulls out white gauze, medical tape, antibiotic creams, antiseptic wipes and a lollipop. I look at him funny for the lollipop but don't say anything. He looks down at my wrists and begins his work.

"So you're the infamous Naomi Suoh"

"In the flesh" I respond, attempting to not wince too much at the stinging of my wrist and discomfort of my right arm.

"I've heard all sorts of things about you. That you're the red king's little sister, that you put up a fight, that you're as pretty as pretty comes and that our boss is completely obsessed with you"

"I don't know about the pretty or obsessed part but I do try to fight back when I need to and Mikoto is my brother"


I haven't seen him in what seems like so long, I miss him so much. And Kusanagi, and Yata and Kamamoto and Anna and everyone. And that includes Fushimi.

"Well I can tell you right now, you are very pretty. I can see why the boss has taken an interest into you"

"Well I can't. And I don't really want to. All I really want is to go home" the last part comes out almost small and weak, as if I'm breaking once again. My bottom lip begins to quiver and I feel my eyes begin to water, something that hasn't happened in a long time.

"Hey don't cry kid. If everything goes well,  you'll be back home. If not, don't worry, we'll try to make you feel as at home as possible. We're not all that bad"

"How am I supposed to believe that when you took me from my home and made me come here" I snap, the tears finally falling from my eyes. "I always thought I wanted to leave HOMRA and be on my own but now all I really want is to be home with everyone. And I want to be able to hug them all and braid Anna's hair and sleep in my own room and go to my brother whenever I have nightmare the way I used to when I was a kid. And I want to go to that damn book shop and sleep on the rooftop and draw the sunset. I want it all back, I want to go home" As I let everything out, both tears and feelings, Haruto sits there and listens with a sincere look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Naomi but I can't help you with anything. I just work and heal everyone up. Now if I were you, I would just keep quiet and go with the flow" he says as he takes my right arm and inspects it.

"And between you and me" he whispers as he "inspects" my shoulder, "everyone is asleep around 3:30 in the morning. That includes guards that are supposed to be on duty. If you stay anywhere on this floor, the exit is just up the stairs and down a hallway. There will be a black messed up door and as soon as you step foot out of there, you'll be outside and in an alley"

"That's it? Why is it so simple? And why are you helping me?" I wipe the tears from my face

"Because you remind me of someone who passed by here just like you a couple years back. Only difference is that the boss didn't like her as much as he likes you. She died before she could leave.

"And the answer to why it's so simple is because it also not. This gang has numerous hideouts and buildings. This is just one of them. There are more floors beneath this one as well. Plus the building that we're under doesn't look abandoned on the outside so people think regular people live upstairs. Really it's just for looks and sometimes our men who stay up there" he explains as he wraps my thin arm in a cast.

"Thank you" I murmur as I take my arm back.

"No problem. Now get some rest while I go find you something to eat. Also, have a lollipop" he hands me the lollipop he took out from earlier before standing from his chair and walking out to the hallways in which I came in.

I keep the lollipop in my hand before laying down onto the inclined bed that I found surprisingly comfortable. My eyes drooped quickly and I soon found myself ready to sleep, but not before curling up my body, trying to keep myself warm.

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