In Love With a D-Boy

By LimitlessCreativity

185K 2.7K 231

Remember when I said I wouldn't be back. Remember when I didn't think love was a real thing. Now I can see. A... More

In Love WIth A D-Boy
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 8

2.1K 110 36
By LimitlessCreativity


Tyler literally walked me all the way home even though I told him I was good when we were about a block away. He walked me all the way to my door and my heart was pounding.

"Ok I'll see you later. I'm home. Go away before I get in more trouble." I said shooing him but he didn't budge and just as I thought my mom was coming to the door.

"Chardannay." She said. I could already hear it in her voice.

"Yes ma'am." I walked a little faster but Tyler walked right beside me. Why wasn't he leaving?

"Hello Mrs. Miller. My name is Tyler King. I go to school with Chardannay." Tyler reached out his hand toward my mother. She looked at it skeptically but shook it out of good manners which I was happy for because she could have just embarrassed both of us. "I wanted to ask you if it would be ok if Chardannay tutored me?" I looked at him failing to hold back my shock which I know my mom didn't not notice.

"Who is this lil boy?" My mom asked looking at me.

"We have all the same classes." I replied. "We been in school together since elementary school."

"What you trying to pull lil boy because my daughter not like these other lil hot ass girls out here."

"Ma'am I mean no disrespect in anyway. I'm just really trying not to fall behind in school and I know that Nay is one of the smartest people in my class."

I mentally rolled my eyes. Tyler is smarter than me but I would never admit that. My mom stared holes through Tyler but he didn't crack.

"What is going on?" My mom asked me.

"Nothing momma. He asked me to tutor him. I was planning to come home and ask you today and he just kind of came over. I guess he wanted to ask you himself." I replied. She looked back at Tyler who held eye contact with her.

"I'm sorry if I was out of line ma'am. I just didn't think it would be right to ask her to ask you and not come and introduce myself."

"She is on punishment right now. Maybe next week she can start tutoring you but yall know it's gonna be some rules." Momma said. I looked at her surprised.

"Yes ma'am. I wouldn't do anything to disrespect you, Nay or your household." Tyler replied.

"Ok, Nay get in this house."

"Bye Ty." I replied walking into the house passed my mom.

"Bye." Ty replied.


It was Monday and I was a free woman. My mom had finally let me off the hook. It was an understood concept that I was never to be out after dark again. I didn't care anyway though because I was finally free.

"God your momma be trippin for real." Ken said as we walked to lunch.

"I am just happy that I finally get my love bug back." I replied hugging her. Something truly seemed off. I put my hand on her stomach. "How is my God baby?"

She shied away from my hand a little.

"Nay chill man." I looked at her confused. This was the first time she had ever told me not to touch her stomach. It's not like it had grown any yet. I stared at her confused but she only looked away and walked ahead of me quickly. Of course I followed, something was seriously wrong with my best friend.

"Ken what's wrong?" I asked when we entered the bathroom. She went into a stall and I caught the door as she tried to close it in my face. "Would you just talk to me?" I looked down at her shoulders quiver. She looked up at me with bloodshot eyes.

"I lost the baby." The words hit me harder than I thought they would and I wasn't prepared at all. I stood staring at her with my mouth agape as tears started to pour from her eyes. She looked exhausted. I didn't know what to do so I just wrapped my arms around her and let tears slip from my eyes too.

"I needed you. I needed you so much and your mom wouldn't even let me in the house." She cried. I squeezed her tightly.

"I'm so sorry Ken. I'm so sorry I wasn't there." I heard the bell ring but I wasn't letting her go until she calmed down. I could feel the devastation radiating from her body. I didn't have the words to say, so I asked what seemed logical to me.

"Did you tell Von yet?" She started crying harder.

"He's going to hate me. I killed our baby."

"Ken sometimes these things happen." I didn't know what I was talking about but I said it to soothe her. I thought I had seen it on a website somewhere at least, but I was for sure that she didn't cause this miscarriage.

"I should have been more careful." It seemed to me as we set in the bathroom a hush came over the school. It must have been because everyone was in class. I looked toward Ken.

"Are you ok?" I questioned. She nodded slowly and I helped her up. As we headed out the stall of course there was trouble waiting. She came through the door laughing loudly.

"Wow speak of the mutt." Rosie crackled. I rolled my eyes and wet a paper towel for Ken's eyes because they were super puffy from crying. Suddenly my head jerked forward and I exploded. I don't even know what happened. All I remember is Ken pulling me away.

"Naw don't hold that bitch." Rosie spat. Her face was red and her hair was a mess.

"Look go about yo business maine." Ken said.

"Let me go Kennedy." I said calmly.

"Don't hold that bitch." Rosie yelled. I looked at her like she was stupid before looking at myself in the mirror there was nothing out of place but Rosie looked like she had been through a whole fight. Where was I at?

"Rosie go ahead before she beat yo ass." Ken warned. I just shook my head.

"I'm cool Ken." I turned my back on that fake sow and proceeded with what I was previously doing when I felt something hit my head. Before I could come to terms with what had happened I saw Kennedy punching one of the girls with Rosie on the floor. My head was actually spinning a little when I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. I went off.

I grabbed Rosie by the hair and punched her as hard as I could. Of course she was swinging back but my punches were connecting every time.

"Let her go!" One of the girls started yelling. I just focused on my hand hitting its target until it was sore. I had so much going on in my mind and every punch was like a breath adjusting to the fact that Kennedy had had a miscarriage. I felt another sharp pain on my face and smelt the metallic scent of blood. I pulled forward with all my strength and Rosie hit the floor. I touched my face seeing the blood and everything turned red. I kicked her in the face hard but before I could kick her again Kennedy grabbed me and pulled me back. A teacher rushed into the bathroom. Rosie's friends were over her helping her. Her nose was bleeding badly. Ken was standing behind me holding me tightly.

Before I knew what was going on I was being slammed to the floor by the school security guard. It hurt like hell as she forced my arms behind my back. Before I knew it Ken was on the floor next to me but soon enough we were being drug to the principal's office. We were allowed to talk to each other but I didn't care because Rosie and her friends had started everything.

When I was called into the office I wasn't even allowed to speak or defend myself. It was instant insinuation that I had started the fight. Just because I was the better fighter doesn't mean I started it. When my mom walked into the office and saw the scratch on my face she chewed the principal a new one. Lucky for me I had been telling my mom all along about Rosie's antics.

"So you're just going to assume that my child started this fight?" My mom asked at the edge of her seat looking as though at any second she was going to come across the principal's desk.

"When the teachers entered the restroom it was your daughter that was standing over the other student."

"And what about that says I started a fight? Sounds more like I won the fight. My daughter has been coming home and telling me about this girl picking at her. I told her to ignore it but she does have the right to defend herself. Have you even looked at my child's record? A straight A student, has never been suspended or had a negative behavior report. You gonna tell me that my child started a fight. Nall." My mom went on and on. The principal looked defeated.

"The penalty still stands that fighting warrants 10 days suspension." The principal finally said

"10 days!" My mom looked like someone had showed her throw up in a basket. "I'm not saying she shouldn't be punished but that's harsh for defending herself isn't it."

"We have no way of knowing who started the fight. There were no cameras around and so we just don't know. So the punishment is the same across the board." My mom looked pissed but she just soaked it in. I would definitely be back on punishment and it's all Rosie's fault. I wish I could have kicked her one more time.

"Come on Chardannay." My mom got up without saying anything else to the principal and I followed. As we left the office I saw Kennedy and her mom waiting. We got in the car and I instantly started explaining myself.

"Momma I swear I didn't start it. Ken and I were in the bathroom and we were about to leave and Rosie came in and pushed me. I hit her back but Ken pulled me off and then I started washing my hands and she hit me in my head. I..."

"Don't talk to me right now Chardannay. I don't know what's gotten into you. I'm so disappointed."

"But ma there was no way to avoid this."

"There is always a way. You didn't try you just let it happen. Now you kicked out of school. What you gonna do? Your grades are going to slip."

I looked down ashamed but I knew I was right. There was no way I could have let Rosie just hit me the way she did. When we got home I went straight to my room. She didn't have to tell me. I knew I was grounded already. Today my teacher's all started teaching something new. My mom was right. I was going to get behind.

I woke up and realized that I had fallen asleep. School had just let out. I wanted so badly to call Ken but I knew that was a no go. Sudden knocks on my door jolted me up.

"Yes ma'am." I called out wiping my eyes and getting off the bed. When I opened my door my mom walked away down the hallway to the front door. I stepped into the living room and saw Tyler. My mom sat down on the couch and he turned and looked at me. His eyes were full of worry.

"You ok? I heard about what happened?" He questioned. I stepped deeper into the living room feeling very embarrassed. I pushed my hair behind my ear and nodded. He looked as if he wanted to take a step closer to me and hug me tightly but he didn't.

"I brought your missed work. I can help you with it if you want." I looked at him like he was crazy. We both looked at my mom.

"You definitely don't need to get behind because of this foolishness." My mom said. Inside I lit up. That was a yes that Ty could come over and a maybe I wasn't on punishment like I thought.

"Is ok if we start now?" Ty asked.

"You can go in there to the kitchen table." My mom said. I headed toward the kitchen and Ty followed me. I sat down in a chair and he sat beside me.

"She scratched you deep." He reached for my face but I pushed his hand away.

"It's going to be ok." I replied with a weak smile.

"What happened?"

"She attacked me."

"I heard you whooped that ass though." He grinned. I hushed him quickly.

"Don't be cursing in my momma house." I whispered.

"Oh my bad." He whispered back. Suddenly my mom was in the kitchen getting a glass of water.

"I need a pencil." I said looking down at the paper in front of me.

"I got one." Ty said pulling his bookbag off.

"So why yall beefing anyway?" Ty asked.

"There isn't any beef. She think I want Tre but I don't." Ty looked at me and a sadness shown in his eyes for a split second.

"That nigga ain't all that."

"Not at all." I replied feeling a deep ache in my heart.

"So who you like?" He asked with that same grin.

"How about we work and then you can ask questions."


By the time I was finished copying notes and he explained the concepts to me he had asked me my entire life story.

"Since we done can I ask one final question?" He asked.

"That was a question."

"Ha ha...anyway, who is it that you like?" I looked at him with my heart pounding. If I say him it's going to be way to overwhelming. I started to say Tre just because but in my heart I knew it wouldn't be a joke so I settled for the old standby.

"Nobody. Why I gotta like somebody?"

"So I don't have any competition?"

"Boy shut up." I said pushing him just then my mom came into the kitchen again for like the 100th time.

"Yall not done yet."

"Yes ma'am we are done. We just finished." Ty said closing his book.

"I think I understand everything."

"It's cuz I'm a good teacher." He said brushing his shoulders off.

"Get out of here with that old mess." I replied laughing.

"Mes. Miller is it ok to bring Nay's work tomorrow too?" He asked actually looking timid.

"Do you have a crush on my daughter?" My mom asked flat out. I was so embarrassed.

"Yes ma'am I do." He just answered flat out and I couldn't believe it.

"Ma it's not even like that." I replied.

"I didn't ask you." My mom said harshly. "So what are your intention on coming here?"

"I don't want her to miss any work and we have all the same classes." He replied.

"Lil boy don't come here thinking you gonna get all fresh with my daughter."

"Yes ma'am."

"Go home."

"Yes ma'am." Tyler picked up his book bag and started leaving.

"Bye Nay. See you tomorrow." I waved and he left.


Being at home all day was torture. I couldn't have been happier to see 3 o'clock to roll around. When my mom came through the door she looked at me surprised and then suspicious.

"You cleaned the house." I nodded. "And started dinner?" I nodded again.

"I just wanted you to come home and be happy." I smiled. She eyed me up and down. "And I was super bored, soooo how was your day?"

"Good I just want to get off my feet right now." She slipped off her shoes and sat down on the sofa. "What you cooking girl?"

"Baked chicken." We said in unison as we both started laughing.

"Since I taught you that recipe that's all you cook." My mom smiled. I was so relieved to see her smile. It was such a rare thing. Usually she's tired or stressed but to see my mom honestly smile was a great feeling.

"I did try some mac and cheese too." I smiled.


"No we didn't have that kind. We have Velvetta." I replied. "It came out good though."

"Well good. That means I don't have to cook tonight."

"Yup." I handed her the remote and sat on the floor beside the couch but as soon as I settled there was a knock at the door. I had snuck and called Ken earlier today and she was on punishment too so I knew it wasn't her. I got up and answered the door shocked to see Tyler standing there.

"Hey you ready because there is a lot of work today." He said with a smile. I stared at him and he looked at me confused before looking past me and seeing my mom.

"Hello Mrs. Miller." Ty said.

"What are you doing here?"

"I told you I wasn't going to let you get behind." He replied seriously. I honestly thought he was joking and it was only a way to get into my house.

"Hey lil boy. Let him in." My mom said. I stepped away from the door and Tyler walked in.

"How are you today Mrs. Miller?" Ty asked. Once again I found myself feeling really shy for some reason.

"I'm doing fine. I just got off work."

"Was it a hard day?"

"Every day is a hard day. Go on back there and study." My mom waved us toward the kitchen and turned up the volume on the Steve Harvey show. I sat down at the table first and then Ty sat beside me. He was so close to me that our arms brushed together. I moved away quickly like I was burnt. He looked at me strangely and then smiled.

"How was your day queen?" He questioned but somehow I got stuck looking at his lips. I felt my mouth moisten and my throat become dry all at the same time. I pried my eyes away from him and looked down at the books he had placed.

"It was boring." I replied. He chuckled and somehow I noticed every vibration that came from his throat. 'I am so trippin right now' I thought.

"Well I'm here to brighten it up." He turned to me with the brightest smile. I had to turn away so I didn't blush. We started with math and moved to English.

"You think you know something huh?" I questioned as we read over Shakespeare's sonnets. He laughed.

"I know a little."

"Boy you probably think Lil Wayne and Future are poets."

"They are in there own rights but not this kind of poet."

"You don't know anything about poetry."

"Why do you think that?" He questioned sounding really serious. I looked him up and down.

"You probably a rapper right?" I laughed but he looked offended.


"Oh then read me a poem."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that." I smirked. He shook his head and reached into his book bag. He pulled out a composition notebook and started flipping through the pages.

"How about this one? I call it Beauty in the Sunrise." He said before clearing his throat.

"Beauty in the Sunrise"

There's beauty in the sunrise

Just like the shine in your eyes

The curve of your hips

The bend of your neck

The slope of your back

There's beauty in the morning glow

Your warmth is what I want to know

Your touch is in my dreams

Your skin...your skin...

There's beauty in the afternoon sun

It's hard to know the day's half done.

Yet again I've failed to impress you.

I've missed on the chance for us to be one.

There's beauty in the sunset.

Like the closing of your eyes.

The sweet scent of your perfume as you walk away.

The fall of your chest as you breath

The smile that curls your lips.

And the day is done.

I as I lay to rest.

I can't wait for the sunrise.

So that I can see the beauty in you.

I sat there stuck on stupid.

"Who wrote that?" I questioned.

"Me." I smiled so hard. I didn't believe he really had words like that. He looked away from me with a blushy smirk.

"Come on man don't be so surprised."

"Ty that was good. Why have I never known that you actually had words?"

"Because you never listen." I took in what he said for a second and somehow we ended up staring into each other's eyes. Our trance was broken by my mom clearing her throat both of us looked away as if we were caught doing something we were supposed to be doing.

"Mrs. Miller you got it smelling good in here."

"Don't talk to me that's Chardannay's cooking."

"You can cook?" Ty questioned.

"She can cook baked chicken." My mom laughed.

"Ma really?" I pouted. "I cook a little but baked chicken is my specialty."

"It's about time for me to take it out anyway." I said standing up and going over to the stove. I had managed to make mac and cheese and stove top stuffing so we had a complete meal. I checked the chicken and it was perfect.

"You should stay for dinner boy." My mom said. I looked at her shocked. "Make him a plate."

Why didn't my mom just shoot me through the chest? I was beyond embarrassed. Not only was Tyler in my house but now he was about to eat my cooking.

"I have to make momma's plate first." I said to him. He nodded and started clearing the table of our school work. I took momma a plate and then made one for him and then me.

"Nobody has ate my cooking other then Ken and ma so don't pick on me ok." I said before sitting a plate in front of him.

"I won't. It smells wonderful Nay." He sounded so serious. I handed him a fork and after we blessed the food we dug in. I did manage to keep the chicken tender but add a lot of flavor. I was very proud of it. I gave myself a pat on the back.

"Nay this is amazing. Everything is great." Ty said with a big cheesy smile. "I'm gonna have to wife you up if you cooking like this."

"Boy boo." I laughed. We ate and joked around until I looked at the clock. We had already cleared the dishes and he helped me clean the kitchen but it was 9 o'clock and I know my mom likes to be in bed by now.

"Ty you have to go." I said pushing him toward the door.

"Why what I do?"

"It's getting late and ma has work tomorrow." I replied. He scooped up his book bag.

"Oh that's right. Mrs. Miller I'm sorry I was over so late."

"It's fine. Have a good night."

"Good night. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." As I waiting for him to leave it felt like there should have been more to our good bye like a hug but I wasn't about to do that in front of my mom. He walked off and I waved and closed the door.

"I'm so sorry ma. I was cleaning up and I lost track of time." I said.

"It's fine. I'm going to bed. Good night."

"Good night." I smiled to myself. I guess it was a good day.


Comments please....What do you think of the new Tyler? Is he changed for the better? What about Ty and Nay's relationship? Will Tre stand a chance? Leave me some lines so I know that I have readers. I know I don't update as often as you guys would like but I'm still writing.

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