Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)

By itshelbs

124K 3.3K 1K

What if one day you meet a special someone, but then come to find out that she's your new Algebra 2 teacher? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 17

4.9K 120 72
By itshelbs

Camila's POV

In class, I couldn't stop staring at Lauren. The memory of us in her bed from yesterday kept wandering back into my mind. It made me want to hold her and hurry to her house. Unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen any time soon. By the way, I had to be discreet; especially because I sat in the front row, in which everyone could catch me checking her out.

Lauren was in front of the whiteboard, solving a few problems that were more difficult for others. I rested my jaw on my hand while staring directly at her ass. I loved how her skinny black jeans fit her. Her white button down shirt complimented her figure really well. Her black belt was what made her outfit look all the more professional.

"Psst," I heard someone whispering. "Psst, Camila," I heard it again. I turned around to see what Ramon wanted. "Help me out," he scratched the back of his head, appearing to be frustrated.

"Miss Jauregui's explaining it on the whiteboard," I informed, in case he hadn't realized. There was no way he could have overseen that though.

"Just help me," he pleaded. "I can't understand it like that, I need someone to personally explain it to me," he explained. That was true, he usually only understood when Lauren took her time to sit and explain it to him.

"Hold on," I replied. First, I needed to wait for Lauren to finish solving the problems. I couldn't just get up and block the board from everyone else.

I heard someone clear their throat in front of my desk. Ramon was quick to look down at his paper, avoiding me now. He was such a coward. I turned around and saw Lauren with an amused expression on her face.

With her arms crossed, she asked, "Camila, why are you talking when I'm teaching?" she cocked an eyebrow.

I could hear the giggles in the background.

"I don't know," I shrugged effortlessly. "Why are you teaching when I'm talking?" I mimicked.

Lauren's eyebrows connected skeptically, "Camila, shut your mouth and get to work." She had to treat me like any other student of course. At least she didn't say it in a rude tone of voice, it sounded more like amusement.

"Burn," Ramon laughed.

I turned around, "Oh shut up, you can forget about my help now by the way," I stated. His facial expression changed into a terrified one in the split of a second. "I'm just kidding," I added before he could have a heart attack.

"Camila, Ramon, leave the classroom," Lauren pointed to the door. Woah? She was kicking me out? Me, Camila? Did she not realize it was me, her Camz? A whole bunch of ooooh's were heard throughout the classroom.

"But teacher," Ramon tried arguing back. On the other hand, I stood up with no problem. Hey, this was great, I wasn't going to struggle controlling my urges anymore. This worked out fine for me.

"Ramon," she stated firmly.

"I don't even know why I was going to argue," he caught on. He stood up and followed behind me.

"Anyone else feel like interrupting?" Lauren questioned. Everyone else stayed quiet and shook their heads, being complete angels now.

Ramon and I walked out and leaned against the wall. At the time, we looked to our left, seeing nothing. Then looked to our right, seeing nothing but an empty hall. As if on cue, we both slouched down the wall, and we just sat there. 

"I can't believe that Miss Jauregui actually kicked us out; she's never done that to any other students today," Ramon stated, giving it some thought.

Hmmm, he had a good point there.

"Who knows though," I shrugged it off.

Just then, my phone vibrated in the front of my jeans pocket. Immediately, I pulled it out and checked the text message. It was from no one but Lauren.

Baby: Hey beautiful. I'm sorry for kicking you out, but I couldn't take it anymore. Seeing you in class was making me want to rip all your clothes off ;)

I bit on my lower lip as I felt the bolt of electricity running through my body.

Camila: It's okay. I totally understand.

I had the biggest grin on my face now.

"Why are you smiling so much? Texting Vero?" Ramon assumed.

I shook my head, "Of course not," I puffed. Oh please. "Vero's just my friend," I clarified.

"I know, I heard that you rejected her," he laughed mockingly, as if it were some kind of joke. I didn't appreciate that; Vero didn't deserve to be made fun of.

"Then why did you assume I was texting Vero?" I questioned.

"I don't know," he shrugged. "Anyways, Vero doesn't deserve you," he stated, which got my attention. I gave him a puzzled expression. Ramon sighed, hating having to explain himself. "Look, I have Vero in my third and fourth period," he stated. "In third, she's always talking about you, on how much she loves you," he added. Oh boy, that brought back the guilty feelings. "But fourth," he paused, thinking how to continue.

"In fourth period what?" I hurried, really wanting to know.

"She flirts with Normani all the time," he stated. My eyes flickered. "And I'm not talking friendly flirting, Vero's getting Normani's hope up." He finalized.

"Maybe Vero isn't trying to," I tried defending her.

He shook his head in disbelief, sighing skeptically.

"Camila, she does it on purpose. It's obvious that Vero has a thing for Normani too," he insisted. My eyes narrowed to the ground while I thought about this. Maybe Ramon was misinterpreting it. I was lost in thought. "Look, I believe that she likes you, but she definitely doesn't love you," Ramon stated his opinion, although it sounded more like a fact. That's what I thought too. There was no way that Vero could possibly love me.

I really appreciated what Ramon was telling me. It helped me feel less guilty for rejecting her. Whether Ramon was trustworthy or not? He was. Sure, he liked to joke around a lot, but he's never lied to me before, so why would he now? He was a good guy, who was a bit of a player, but he was still honest. Ramon wouldn't lie to me, he had no reason to.

"Thanks for letting me know," I smiled at him.

"No problem," he returned the smile. "I don't want you to fall for her trap. I can tell that she's not the faithful kind of girl," he added, it's not like he was ranting. He was only giving his honest opinion, watching out for me. Once again, I appreciated it.

Now that Ramon pointed that out, something came to mind. Two years ago, Vero cheated on a girlfriends. It was no accident either. Vero always had the urges of seeing more girls than just one. Sure, maybe she changed, but either way, it was hard to change. Anyways, I didn't like Vero, it still wouldn't affect me.

What concerned me, was Normani. She didn't deserve what Vero was doing. Normani was such a sweet girl. Vero had to get her shit together and actually focus on Normani. Only Normani. They had to get together. My friends were going to help out with that.


Shawn was so excited about hooking them up. Dinah on the other hand, she wasn't saying anything through the phone. That made me wonder, was she still there, or had she left without saying goodbye?

"Shawn, is DJ still there?" I asked through the phone.

"Yeah, she's just grumpy," he replied. "OW!" he yelled into the phone. "Don't pinch me," I heard him whine.

"What's going on my children?" I wondered.

"Nothing, and don't call us your children," I heard Dinah's voice. "Walz, I'm not sure about this," she sounded concerned, unwillingly.

"You guys are younger than me, therefore, you are my children. Deal with it. And D... we need to help Vero forget about me," I insisted. "She already likes Normani, we just need to give her the extra push," I added, trying to convince her.

"Sorry, but I don't agree with it," I heard a noise, as if the phone was harshly being passed.

"Get back here," I heard Shawn's voice from a distance. "Camila?" he spoke clearly.


"Sorry about that," he apologized on her behalf. "I don't know what got into her," he sounded concerned and unsure. "She was fine earlier, up until I told her about your plan," he informed.

Why would Dinah act like this? There was no reason to. It made no sense. We couldn't waste time worrying about that though; we had to focus on getting Vero with Normani. Well Shawn needed Dinah's help. I couldn't do much, just come up with the plan.

"Try to convince her," I replied. "We really need her help," I added.

"Okay, I'll work on it," he was all up for it. Perfect! "Hey, before you hang up, D, Vero, and I were planning on going to see Deadpool at the movies," he informed. "Want to?" he invited. 

Ugh, I couldn't. I was spending time with Lauren. Whom was cooking at the moment. Damn, I really wanted to go and see Deadpool. I had been waiting to ever since we saw the first preview months ago.

"I can't," I hated saying that. It had become like my number one phrase to my friends.

"What?" Shawn almost shouted. "You've been dying to see it though," he stated what I obviously new. That wasn't helping.

"Well not anymore," I lied, when in reality, I desperately wanted to see it. Shawn insisted, arguing that I was lying, or had to at least give the movie a chance. God, he was making it so much more difficult for me. "Shawn I'm serious. Deadpool looks like a dumb movie," I insisted, wanting him to stop talking. "I can't go with you guys to the movies," I finalized. There a squeak at the bathroom door that I was in. I turned around and saw Lauren with her arms crossed and her head tilted to the side. Ugh, she did not look happy. "Hey, I have to go," without waiting for a response, I ended the call. "Laur," is all I was able to say.

"Camz, what did I tell you about going out with your friends," she questioned. "Go with your friends to the movies," she stepped to the side, allowing me to walk past her. "Go," she motioned me out.

I stood in place, and she my head, "No," I refused. "Lauren, I want to stay here with you," I stated firmly.

"No, you want to see that movie, I know you do," she replied. "So don't even try to deny it. Every time the preview comes on, you get so excited." she reminded me. "Don't be a trapped bird Camz," she whispered.

"I'm not," my eyebrows arched. I walked towards her and uncrossed her arms, instead, wrapping them around myself. "I'll watch the movie with you when it comes out on Netflix," I brushed her hair to one side of her shoulder.

She looked me in the eyes, as if trying to figure me out.

"Are you sure?" she asked unsure.

"Yes," my hands held the back of her neck. Her head tilted back and that's when I kissed her Adam's apple. "And I'm hungry, I want to eat what you made," I trailed kisses up her jaw, reaching her lips. Her lips opened, pressing themselves against my open lips. Her arms tightened the grip around me.

Still kissing, we walked out of the bathroom, heading to the kitchen. My lower back hit the counter. Her arms rested on the counter, on either side of me. My hands slipped in the back pockets of her jeans, and squeezed. That caused a laugh to erupt from her.

"I can't let you leave now," she panted. Haha, I knew that would work. "Let's eat," our noses nuzzled together. Lauren took a few steps from me to get to the oven. She grabbed a towel and took out a pan of pizza. It smelled so delicious. Carefully, she placed the pan down. "Hand me the pizza cutter," she instructed. My eyes quickly wandered around, looking for it. It was right next to me. I then handed it to her. "Thanks."

I watched as Lauren started cutting it diagonally, cutting it into eight slices.

"You made this from scratch right? You didn't just buy it and heat it?" I asked, wanting to make sure.

"Uh-huh, I love to cook," Yeah, as if I didn't know that already. Lauren placed the pizza cutter in the sink, and headed to a cabinet, then took out two plates. "How many slices do you want?" she asked me.

"I'll start with on," I replied, gaining a strange look from her.

"Obviously," she teased. "Seriously though, just one?" she asked again. "Trust me baby, it's good," she assured. I wasn't worried about that. I knew it was good. It looked and smelled delicious. Either way, Lauren knew how to cook.

"It's not that. I don't like having more than one slice on my plate," I explained.

"You're a weird girl," she retorted teasingly. I nodded, agreeing with her. "But fine, here you go, one slice of pizza," she handed me my plate.

Instead of sitting at the table, we stood at the counter and ate there. The pizza was still hot since it just came out of the oven, but I was dumb enough to take a huge bite. Spitting out the somewhat chewed piece, my tongue stuck out, catching some wind. I waved air to my tongue while Lauren giggled.

"Shit, that's hot!" I was barely able to say.

"Camz," Lauren laughed. "Wait, calm down," she tried holding onto my arms to calm me down while I hopped around. "Let me help you," she added. How the hell is she going to help me? I thought, and just then, Lauren cupped my face and allowed access into my mouth. She sucked on my tongue, making it better. Wow, I was not expecting that. Us making out made me forget about the burn.

Being distracted and entertained by what she was doing, I stopped hopping, instead, allowing her to do whatever she wanted.

"Wait," okay nevermind, we had to eat. "I'm better now," I grinned.

"Okay," she kissed the corner of my lips, ah, I had to stop my body from quivering.

Lauren held her pizza up to her lips and bit off, seductively. Why was she trying to seduce me right now? Was she even doing it on purpose, or was I just that weak and desired her that much? Knowing that I was becoming weak, I took a seat at the table. I had to cross my legs because of the throbbing sensation between them.

Lauren walked to the table, and scooted her chair next to me, slipping a hand through my thighs. My body got stiff, trying to control my urges. Her fingertips were being very playful. Why would she pleasingly tease me like this while we were eating pizza?

"Fuck it," I tossed the pizza aside and attacked her, knocking her to the floor. He rpizza went flying across the kitchen, hitting a cabinet.

Laying on top of her, I pinned her down and pressed my lips on hers. My eyes closed while nibbling on her upper lip. Not being able to contain it, my hips began moving in a circular motion, grinding with her. Her leg came over my waist, bringing me in closer, as if that were possible.

Wanting her hands to caress me, I let go of them. Just like I was hoping, her hands slid up my shirt, finding their destination to my breasts, and massaging over my bra.

Ever since yesterday, I had been desiring her touch again. I desired her lips, caressing every inch of my bare body.

Sure we were laying on the kitchen floor, but that was perfectly fine.


Today couldn't have been any better. Wow, I was barely able to leave Lauren's house a few minutes ago. Every time that I took a step away from her, I took two more steps back to kiss her. That took about a half hour of our time. I just couldn't get myself to leave her. My body ached for her hold. For the warmth of her body.

Even though I was feeling wonderful because of what Lauren and I just did, I was also exhausted. I just wanted to get home and go straight to bed. Hopefully my parents weren't going to stop me, or ask me questions. Mainly because I didn't tell them where I was going.

When I was parking my car in the driveway, I saw the back of a girl standing on the pathway to my front door. By the color and length of the hair, I was able to tell that it was Dinah. I wondered what she was doing her. I hurried out of the car and approached her.

"DJ?" I wondered.

She turned around, "Hey," she greeted with a kiss to my cheek.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked while we walked to the front door.

"Not long," she answered. "I need to talk to you about something really important," she stated when we reached the door.

"About what?" I asked as I unlocked the door.

"About Vero," she sounded nervous. I looked at her, feeling curious. Maybe she wanted to explain why she was acting so strange earlier during the phone call. Good, because I really wanted to know.

"Okay," I motioned for her to walk in.

My parents cars weren't out in the driveway, so I knew they weren't home. This gave us enough privacy, though, I wasn't sure if it was needed. I walked into the living room, being followed by Dinah. She welcomed herself to take a seat, getting all comfortable.

I looked at her, waiting for her to start.

As I waited, I noticed that she was fidgeting, whatever she wanted to talk about couldn't be good. Wow, it was really making her nervous. I had never really seen Dinah get like this. She was usually a carefree person. That's why I was so intrigued by what she had to say.

"I don't want you or Shawn to..." she paused, seeming to be finding the courage to go on. "To hook Vero up with Caroline," she finally said all at one.

My eyebrows connected, questionably.

"Why?" she must have had a good reason.

"Because I don't want that to happen," she didn't like answering the question.

"And why not? Vero needs to move on, I need her off my back, besides, I want her to be happy," I couldn't possibly understand why Dinah was so against it. I thought she wanted to see Vero happy, so why the hell was she having attitude about it.

"Ugh, Walz!" she groaned. "I like Vero!" she shouted, almost like blurting it out, as if she couldn't hide it anymore.

"Uh," my eyes flickered. No wait, I thought she liked Shawn. You know, I didn't know my friends at all. They were always confusing me. My hands slid down my face, "Are you serious?" I couldn't believe it.

She stood up and paced back and forth, "Yes!" she groaned again.

"Dinah, sit down, you're gonna bore a hole into the floor," I retorted. Wow, Dinah liked Vero! WHy the hell did she not tell me before? "Dude, I thought you liked Shawn?" I couldn't get over that. Dinah still paced back and forth.

"What? No," she shook her head. "I tried liking him, but that didn't work," she then added. Aha, I knew it!

"Why would you try liking him?" I didn't understand. My mind couldn't even focus. Dinah constantly pacing my living room floor wasn't helping either.

"To get over Vero," she stated. Well that was not the best way to go. Shawn didn't deserve to be a rebound.

"Does he know?" I sure hoped not.

"No, he doesn't know that I tried liking him, we're just friends," she replied. Okay, that was good. "Camila, I've liked Vero ever since summer," she explained. Why was everyone suddenly falling for each other over summer? Bullshit. Hmm, I met Lauren on the last day of summer.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe because I didn't want to ruin our friendship," she answered, not sounding too sure of it. "And then I found out she liked you, so I stepped back," she added. Aw, poor Dinah.

I pulled her arm, making her sit on the couch next to me. I wrapped my arms around her, as her head rested on my shoulder.

"Either way, I was already trying to get over her before finding out," she explained.

"If you were willing to step back when she liked me, why won't you step back now?" That's what I didn't understand.

Her head lifted off my shoulder, "Because I thought that she loved you, and I wanted her to be happy, even if it meant that it wasn't with me," she answered sincerely. "I know that she sounded determined. I liked and admired that. "And now I know that she doesn't love you, if she did, then she wouldn't be hitting on Normani," she stated. Yeah, that made sense.

"Exactly," I agreed with her.

"A few other friends have told me about Vero and Normani, but I didn't want to believe it, until you confirmed it," she said. Well now we were all finding out about it. Apparently, Vero wasn't as innocent as we all believed. She was our friend though, so whatever.

"Well if you want to fight for her, then you have all my support," I smiled. It would have been wrong of me to disapprove, or even think about helping Normani. That was not the plan anymore. Now Dinah needed our help.

"Thank you, Camila," she breathed out, seeming calm.

Well now we had to call Shawn and get him caught up.

Vero and Dinah, hm, that sounded kinda good together.

A/N: Hello babes! First and foremost, I am so sorry for making you guys wait this long for a chapter; I hope you liked it. I have some good news, and bad news.

Bad news first, I won't be able to update these next two weeks because I have to study and take my finals, but after, it will be my summer vacay, so there will be lots more updates coming. So look forward to that. Second, life at home hasn't been all that great, and I've been relapsing with hurting myself. If you're wondering, I'm not some suicidal weirdo that always cuts myself. I have mild Bi-polar disorder. My type of bi-polar usually consists of me having bad depression spells when people yell or put me down, which is what's been happening at home. Time for the good news! I finally came out to my best friend as bisexual. I've been wanting to come out to her for a long time, but I never had the guts to until a few days ago. She is really supportive of me, and was asking questions which I thought was really sweet of her. If you actually read these A/N's, then thank you! It really means a lot to me :) and you're all amazing, beautiful people. And I think you guys should comment and vote some more for me. Pretty please? ;)

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