Part of me

Od LeeMi-Nah

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Momoko Cross is the twin sister to Yuki Cross. They are identical in looks but strikingly different in person... Více

Character sketch
Chapter One - A new day
Chapter Two - Even you could lie to me.
Chapter Three - Prove yourself
Chapter Four - Memories
Chapter Five - New Student? How troublesome.
Chapter Six *Lemon only*
Chapter Seven and a half - Shiki Lemon only
Chapter Eight - Come Back
Chapter Nine - Again and Again
Chapter Ten - The End of you

Chapter Seven - You can't be serious?

682 17 10
Od LeeMi-Nah

"I heard something over this way." I muttered to myself, walking silently through the trees and towards the sounds. It has been a few days since I've seen Zero, my father having watching over him closely over the past few days. They worry about his health status and I can understand. Shizuoka sucked a lot of blood out of his body. Even I worry a bit about it. Yuki seems to be keeping her distance too. Kaname as well. I haven't seen anyone is a while; it has been lonely. 

"This is Cross academy I hope. Am I mistaken? Ugh, I came right after overtime work. So it has become late . . ." The megane said, me knowing his true form right away. I have spent enough time with vampires to know one. 

"You are a vampire, no need to play coy with me." I said, pulling out my artemis rod and holding it in front of myself protectively. 

"I see, you are also a guardian. Momoko Cross was it?" He asked, smiling even though his gaze tells me he is unfriendly. "Then, there is something I want to ask you . . . The whereabouts of the other guardian." He suddenly flew at me, sharp nails growing quick from his previous dull ones. I went to duck out of the way but a figure grabbed me around the waist, pulling me up into an uncomfortable position. I feel like a piece of luggage. 

"What's your business with me?" Zero asked, me looking up to see that serious gaze of his. 

"Zero Kiryuu. For committing the murder of a 'Pure-Blood' Shizuka Hiou. By command of 'supreme institution of vampires', the senior council, you are sentenced to death." 

"What proof do you have?! You vampires love to go around pointing fingers don't you?" I said, "Honestly, you people make me sick." 

"We take pride in our duty to protect the pure blood nobles of the council of ancients. But you managed to escape our eyes and get your hands on Shizuoka-Sama. As far as we are concerned, pure blood vampires are a sacred existence. Anyone who inflicts as much s a small cut on any one of them should expect to be executed, Zero Kiryuu." The man said, pushing his glasses up. Zero put me on my feet as I struggled, losing the ability to breath properly. 

"Then that must mean I need to be executed too right? I've cut Kaname before with a kitchen knife." I taunted, the man looking to me with surprise. When I was little, Kaname had come over and we were baking in the kitchen. I was cutting up some chocolate for our cookies and his finger accidentally got in the way.

"Then you must be punished as well. This serious crime can only be paid with your mortal lives. That is a 'cheap' bargain don't you think?"  Zero's hand curled around the other man's and he cranked it backwards the sounds of his bones breaking as he pushed him into a restrained position on the ground. 

"It's too bad, there are no 'cheap' bargains to be obtained here." Zero said, wiping the cut on his cheek  from the man's nails. 

"Even if you've defeated me alone, you cannot escape. We said we will have you executed." The man said, others now appearing from the shadows. I readied myself, as one came towards me. I was just about to take him down, but he bursted into smoke before I could even move. The night class. . . 

"The council of ancients has connected to attend this school. It was already made inevitable matter to have that woman hunting for Kiryuu." Kaname said, his unwavering presence flooding this area. 

"Kaname Kuran Sama!" The other vampires called, bowing down in respect. 

"However, the pure blood's sacredness and for the sake of protecting it, why must they be executed?" Kaname asked. 

"Kaname-Sama. If a pure-blood noble such as yourself stands in our way, we would be unable to fulfill our duties. We would like you to leave with your honourable school friends." One of the bowed ones said. 

"I thought I had made special efforts to warn against dishonouring this academy with any foolish behaviour. Even from the dogs of the council of ancients. I will not allow anyone to harm anything of mine." The man's arm popped, Kaname's hand clenched in a tight fist. "Now disappear." I watched the other vampires leave, my eyes nearly unable to catch up with their speed. 

"Kaname. You protected us. Thank you." I said, bowing formally. I am not as mad at him anymore, but still . . . I have given him so many chances and he has wasted them all. But he is is one of my best friends and has always been there for me. I can't ever hate him forever. 

"Momoko." He said, approaching me and caressing my cheek gently. I felt Zero tense up beside me but I ignored it for the now, missing this hand of his. "I am sorry for putting you through all of this." I smiled sadly, tears coming to my eyes. 

"Momoko." Takuma said, worried as this is one of the first times he has seen me cry. 

"This is the first time, Kaname has apologized to me truly." I replied, wiping my face. I got pulled into a hug by the pureblood, me letting my tears flow steadily as he apologized profusely in my ear for hurting me and for letting Yuki hurt me too. He apologized for taking my memories and for keeping me in the dark. This is the Kaname I know; the soft, pure and lovely boy that has always been precious to me. 


"You finished with your talk with the Night Class?" Zero asked, the two of us walking along campus doing our nightly patrol. I nodded, me having accompanied the Night class to their dorms. We had a little talk, all of us on good terms now. They will be leaving soon on our break, so I am happy that we have settled things before then. 

"Yes. We got things settled." I replied, brushing back my slightly damp hair as it is wet from the shower I had taken before coming to find Zero. He hummed, looking at me from under his long silver bangs. "What?" I asked, smiling at him. 

"Your shampoo smells nice." He replied with, me feeling a blush creep up my neck and to my cheeks. 

"Ah. It's not different from before." I replied, him suddenly pulling me between two of the school buildings. 

"But I can still smell that vampire on you." He said, mentioning Kaname without saying his name. 

"I was sure to scrub really well though." I whined, me pinned between the wall and his arms. 

"I notice a lot more now you know." He said, me blushing now furiously at what he is talking about. I completely understand. 

"That's embarrassing Zero, don't say things like that." I said, the boy brushing some of my hair back and pressing a kiss to my lips. 

"It's nice to see you squirm for once." He murmured, me wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him closer. 

"Don't get used to it." I told him between kisses, this boy trying to get rid of any trace of Kaname possible. 



"Kiryuu!" I looed over and saw my dorm leader, him peering at something out the window. 

"What is it dorm leader?" I asked, me possessing a room in the normal boys dormitory. I don't often stay here, but I thought that I should for a little bit. The day students probably have been wondering where I have been off to recently. 

"Look outside. Cross-San has been at the entrance to our dorms all this time. She usually just comes in though, did you bully her?" 

"Huh?" I asked, looking out the window too. 

"Ah, the girls' dorm leader is talking to her. She's probably getting a reprimand." I chuckled, Momoko is known for sneaking in here. She pulls off a good male aura when she dresses the part. 

"That's a guy from the night class. . . he. . ." I opened the window we are looking out of and hoped out, my legs easily able to hold the pressure of my landing. 

"Aidou-Senpai. Students of night class aren't supposed to be in the day class's area." I said, using this language as others are around. 

"That's right Hanabusa- Senpai. We should go back to the dorms." Momoko agreed, following my lead. 

"To the dorm? I don't want to and I absolutely won't!" He pouted, Momoko hovering and trying tot think of what to do. It seems this annoying brat has stayed behind and decided not to go with the other vampires along with Kaname. 

"Momoko, you go look for a rope. I'll tie him up and take him back there." I said, bolting after the blond who registered my words faster than I had hoped. 


"Don't make me run for something so stupid." I said, glaring at the vampire. We are now at Momoko's place in the main building. 

"You should have helped me escape in the first place." Hanabusa replied with, me now more than just irritated. 

"Anyways, is it okay to be here? Otherwise, how about Zero's room in the day dorms?" Momoko asked, the two of us rejecting that idea immediately. Now he's going on about all the arrangements we have to do to keep him happy. What a goddamed pain. Who let this idiot into the academy again?


"It's alright Zero. It seems that Hana is just a bit lonely that's all." Momoko said, washing some dishes. Hanabusa has eaten through five plates of food and still isn't settled down. My hands cramp from flipping the pan around so much. She smiled as she washed, probably thinking about something content. I wish to protect that smile of hers for as long as I can, despite all the oddities happening around this academy. Something in the air still does not feel right. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something feels eerie. 

"I wish he would just go home." She chuckled, moving a plate from the sink to the counter but it slipped on another dish and toppled to the floor. 

"Oh!" She exclaimed, bending down and beginning to try to pick up the pieces. She cupped them in a free hand and then piled them in her palm, her letting out a small sigh as her finger got cut on the edge of a piece, me able to smell her blood right away. 

"Don't touch them anymore." I said, taking the pieces out of her hand and tossing them in the nearby trash bin. 

"Here Zero." She said, holding her finger up to me that is bleeding quite a bit. The cut is a bit bigger than I thought. I sighed and took her hand, opening my mouth slow and licking her finger. I felt my hear speed up and I couldn't help but take more of it into my mouth, my eyes closing as I gave into my senses. I pulled back as my chest clenched harshly; I have been too long without blood and Shizuoka took most of my supply. "Oi, I know you're starving. You can't get that past me." She said, running her other hand through my hair. "You make a cute face when you're sucking blood. My little monster." She said, me giving her a slight grin. 

"Don't make me into one." I said, her shaking her head. 

"I meant it affectionately." She replied, me rolling up her sleeve slowly. 

"Then pardon my intrusion." I kissed her wrist before piercing her pure skin with my fangs, slowly taking her blood into my mouth. The girl I love simply pet my head gently, as if telling me that everything is going to be okay. I always feel. . . that with her at my side. I can make it through to another day. 



"Did you have a bad dream?" I asked Zero, him covered in sweat. I had peeked around the curtain to the bed he is sitting up in; we are in the infirmary. I had been dragged around the campus by the night class who are looking for who bit a Day Class student. It seems they are trying to distract me from something or someone. . . "What's wrong?" I asked, as he looked at me through half stormy eyes that are filled with panic. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly whispering my name. 

"You're alive. I thought . . . I had killed you!" He exclaimed, his child like voice coming out in his fear. I had never seen him this scared since we were children. 

"Hey. Zero!" I exclaimed, taking his face in my hands. "Zero!" His eyes finally focused on me, staring into mine with realization that I am here with him. "Are you okay?" I asked again, him keeping his eyes on me as he let a small 'yeah' escape his lips. He brought his face closer and pressed a kiss to my lips as to assure that I am here. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tight, petting the hair at the back of his neck. "You're okay. I am here." I assured him, the boy wrapping his arms around my petite frame and falling back into the bed, the two of us lying in the silence and just basking in each others presence. 


"Just a little more you guys. I am sorry for making you come shopping with me." Yuki's friend said, the three of us out on a little trip to town. 

"No problem! I didn't have anything planned today so . . ." Yuki replied, this being the first time I have been this close to her since the incident. . . I keep on Wakaba's other side so that she can't pull anything stupid. I don't know where we stand, we are at stalemate right now. 

"You've been acting weird like that all day today and avoiding Zero-Kun weirdly. Everytime Yuki is troubled, it is because of Kuran-Senpai or Zero-Kun." I kept a straight face and adjusted my bag on my shoulder. I wonder if Yuki knows about Zero and I? And if she knows that Kaname and I have made up? I haven't asked anyone about their recent chats with my sister. 

"I . . . Haven't spoken to either of them recently." She said, glaring at me slightly out of Wakaba's view. 

"Maybe you could ask them what's going on Momoko. You and Zero seem to be everywhere together lately." Wakaba said to me, me humming and agreeing. I have been around him more lately. 

"Zero and I simply get along well. I'll ask him next time we are together." I said, me seeing something click in Yuki's head. She was about to ask me something but I got a tug on my coat, me looking down to see a little boy. His head is down and looks to the floor. 

"Mommy. . ." He cried, me bending down to get a good look at him. 

"Is he lost?" Wakaba asked, Yuki also looking at the boy with concern. 

"Did you get separated from your mommy?" I asked, wiping his tears. 

"Please bring me back to mommy." He begged, me taking his hand and looking to the two girls. 

"I am going to go find this boy's mother. You guys can continue on, I'll catch up." I said, looking to the boy and telling him to lead me to where he last saw her. 


"Are you sure we are going the right way?" I asked the boy, us having wondered into a place where there are barely any people. 

"Just a little further." He said, his hood over his head now. 

"It looks like there isn't anyone here." I said, bending down to look at him. "Is it really here?" 

"Yes. Thank you big sis. I was so scared when I was alone." He said, me now noticing that both of his eyes are different colours respectively. Blue and red. He is a handsome little guy though. I am worried about leaving him here. 

"I'm worried, should I wait here with you until your mother comes?" I asked, brushing some of his hair back. 

"You're so kind, big sis." he leaned forwards and pecked my cheek, whispering a thank you in my ear before my whole head went blank. 


"Where am I?" I groaned, holding my head and sitting myself up. 

"I'm glad. You've recovered very quickly." Kaname said, surprising me. I brushed my hair back and suppressed the dizzy feeling I am feeling. 

"I was bringing a lost child home and then passed out." I told him, Kaname taking my hand and patting it gently. 

"That must have been one of the guests' children at the night party. Vampire children steal energy from people. This place is the basement of a rundown building owned by the Hanabusa family. There is a party going on currently and if they find out that a human is here. . . you will be in great danger Momoko." Takuma said, coming into the room. 

"Hm? A party?" I asked curiously, looking to Kaname with a devious expression. He looked down at me, knowing I am up to something that will probably trouble him in more ways than one. 

"What are you planning?" Kaname asked, brushing my hair back with his delicate long fingers. 

"Do you have a dress I can borrow?" I replied, Takuma smiling slightly and nodding. This is one of the only times I will have the opportunity to see such a sight. A place filled with vampires, intrigues me so. 


"Don't be alarmed. Stay close to us." Takuma whispered in my ear, me holding onto the back of Kaname's suit jacket so that my hands would stop shaking. I am a bit nervous, but I think I can get through it as long as Kaname and Takuma are at my side. The doors in front of us opened and the chatter in the room went to dead silence as the vampires all bowed in respect to Kaname. I noted two beings that didn't bow . . . Zero and Yagami what are they doing here? 

"I did not mean to disturb you all. My apologies." Kaname said, keeping his head high even though he made an apology. The perks of being a pureblood I guess: bow your head to no-one. 

"Kaname-Sama is it true that you took the human's side at the board meeting? This human's side?" One asked, motioning to Zero with a graceful swoop of his hand. 

"It is true." Kaname said, everyone whispering good things about Kaname. 

"You have a human at your side, Kaname-Sama." One noted, Kaname simply looking at the vampire with a steady gaze. 

"Yes. She is dear to me." He simply said, this being the words that are going to keep me safe. No one will dare touch me now and if they do, Kaname will go on a rampage. His powers are scary when he is angry, he loses control quickly.

"Kaname-Sama, thank you for taking care of my son." Mr. Aido said, bowing after these words. 

"Thank you very much for inviting me to this party Mr. Aido. I am sorry that I do not show mu at parties much." Kaname apologized, this one different from the one he gave me. Insincere. Hanabusa gave me a surprised look, not expecting me to be here. 

"No not worry about it Kaname-Sama. Actually, today I have a factor to ask of you."

"Father!" Hanabusa exclaimed, obviously not wanting him to continue. 

"This is my daughter, Tsukiko. It would be great if you would take interest in her. Our family would like that very much." I looked from behind Kaname to Tsukiko who is fair and pretty like her brother. Takuma had a hand on the small of my back, the two of us standing slightly behind Kaname. I should really be standing slightly behind Takuma, I shouldn't be at the same level as him. 

"Father, please stop. Kaname - Sama, I did not ask of this." Hanabusa said, me knowing he has a very high respect for Kaname and always has. 

"I do not know how things will turn out, but I will keep that in mind." Kaname said with a  slight smile. He is saying this to not offend. This caused an uproar from the other vampires, all of them asking to please have Kaname meet their daughters. 

"Everyone, please do not say things like that. Poor Kaname." Another pureblood said, coming into the room and everyone bowing to her. I felt myself freeze, Kaname moving slightly so he is standing in front of me. 

"Sara-Sama, a member of the Shirabuki family." Someone whispered, Takuma whispering me to stay calm. 

"Sara, it has been awhile." Kaname said, greeting the woman. 

"Kaname-San. Ever since you started going to school, I haven't seen you at all. We are the only remaining purebloods we have to stay together." She smiled and then looked practically straight through Kaname and to me. "A human? What is one of your kind doing here?" She asked, me stepping out from behind Kaname and bowing to her, but only slightly. 

"Good evening, Sara-San. My name is Momoko Cross, a childhood friend of Kaname's." I greeted, the pureblood moving closer. 

"No honorific? You must be close, but a human would never be able to understand." She said, me smiling curtly and pulling out my gun, holding it out in front of me and holding it steady; the way he taught me. 

"I would stop moving forwards if I were you. I am not scared of blowing you head off." I said, the other vampires stirring. They don't make a move since I am precious to Kaname, but they don't like that I am threatening another pureblood. This is clear from the words they are saying and the terrible expressions being made. 

"Momoko." Kaname said, putting his hand over mine but not touching the weapon. 

"Kaname I don't trust her." I said under my breath, knowing he had heard me none the less. 

"Trust me then. You will not be harmed tonight." He said, loud enough that the others can hear. I lowered my weapon slowly but kept my eyes on the vampire. She is going to bring trouble in the near future, I am sure. 

"Kaname -Sama." I looked over and saw Shiki approach us, him bowing slightly to the pureblood. 

"Senri. Would you watch over Momoko?" Kaname asked, giving me a look that tells me that I should go with him. I nodded, following Shiki and letting him lead me away from the crowd. He didn't take my hand, but let me hold onto the back of his coat, me staying close as the gazes o the vampires scared me into keeping too far from the boy.

"This should be more comfortable." Shiki said, pulling me into a room and shutting the door quick behind us and locking it tight. 

I slid down against the door and took a deep breath, scared to death about what had just happened. I never realized how truly scary Purebloods can be.

"Are you okay?" Shiki asked, bending down in front of me and pushing my hair out of my face; pieces having fallen from my up-do. 

"I just need a minute." I breathed, placing my hand atop of his that is currently resting on my forehead. 

"Are you together with Kiryu?" He asked, me wondering if this is to distract me. 

"It hasn't been explicitly determined. We slept together once, but I don't know what that means exactly." I replied, being completely honest. He may be mine, but who knows what we really are. Papa always told me that one can never love without experiencing more than one. You can't make a decision so fast. . . His lips were on mine before I had finished thinking , my eyes fluttering open to see Shiki staring back at me. Such beautiful stormy eyes. He pulled back slightly and the corners of his mouth tilted up. 

"I can't be left behind then." 

"I don't know if Zero will share." I said, Shiki shaking his head. 

"He's not going to have a choice." (Author note: there is going to be a lemon inserted right after this sentence. I am going to write it up in another chapter and title it as ~Shiki Lemon, Chapter 7.5)

It is winter vacation. Everyone is going off home to see their family, but me . . . I stay here with my father, evil sister and Zero. Kaname and the other vampires have gone off to a villa, probably having something to complete. I am going to miss them; Shiki promised he would bring me back something to which I am looking forwards to. He always brings be back something to lift my spirit. I sighed and watched the steam rise from the bathtub. I have been having these dreams lately, that feel more like memories. I have to remember . . . Remember what I have lost. 

"Momoko?" Zero's voice called from outside the bathroom. Zero knows about Shiki and what we have done. He doesn't like that Shiki is a vampire, but he understands that I should experience more than one love. So he is allowing Shiki to be the only one to share me with. He refuses Kaname any leeway though. 

"The chairman became worried because you wouldn't come out. Are you okay?" 

"Yeah. . .." I let out a scream as I looked down at the bathtub water: blood. 

"Momoko?! What is the matter?!" Zero asked, the water changing back as quick as it had to blood. 

"N-nothing. I'm getting out now." I said, getting out quick.

"Okay . . . I'll wait outside." Zero said, me cracking the door of the bathroom open and holding my onto the bottom of his shirt quick before he would walk down the hall to give me space. 

"Please . . . Stay." 

"What's wrong? Did you see a ghost?" 

"I have been trying to remember. What happened to my memories. . . " 

"You were left in a place where there was nothing around, but a vampire who would roam. It would make sense if you parents were hunters, or were involved somehow. . . but the chairman said that there was no such case." Zero said, talking me to calm me down. "Maybe if yo look at the associations reports from the past you might find something new, you might remember. Do you want to?" I hadn't thought of that possibility, but I nodded nonetheless. It is time I know what happened to me.


"Hey are you two serious. It seems like I am pestering, but are you really really sure?" Papa asked, "It is not a place I would recommend. Now is the time to turn back." I turned to my father and smiled at him softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. 

"It is time for me to find some answers. I can't live like this anymore." I said, turning back and following Zero into the building. Many eyes followed us, me feeling a little anxious. 

"Don't worry, they're not looking at you." Zero said, this place being the hunters headquarters. Zero is in a very delicate situation, but he is doing this for me. 

"We placed a ward on the outside to keep vampires out. If you were able to come in, that means you've been domesticated." A man said, looking to us. 

"And if he is?" I asked, looking to him with a glare. He was surprised, his eyes wide. "Better than having a wild one on your doorstep; he is much less troublesome." 

"Zero is a respected ally, you are right." This woman with odd hair said, a fan in hand as she came towards us. "He was born to the Kiryuu family. A family superior even among hunters with the powers of a vampire. He is to become an even more dependable ally." 

"Forgive me president, I just . . . He is a vampire after all." the other man said. 

"You're being stubborn!" President said, smacking the man with her fan. "And so." She said, looking to us. "Why did you come here today? You've grown big Zero." 

"It's been awhile." Zero agreed. 

"Oh, and is this your girlfriend?" The woman asked, looking down at me.

"And if she is?" Zero asked, pulling me to stand closer to his side. The woman smiled, seeing our relationship perfectly clear. "We are here to see the report from ten years ago."

"You're kinda cold Zero. Hey Cross-Kun. I think you might have made a mistake with your education policy." 

"If you have no intentions on guiding us, please be on your way." Papa laughed, the woman walking and showing us the way anyhow. 

"These are private reports. I will only show them to you because it concerns cross-kun and I. Welcome to the library of records, here sleeps the history of all the major battles between vampires and vampire hunters. Do you want to give up?" She asked, me shaking my head. 

"I came here for answers and I will be receiving them today." I replied, moving in and sitting down at a desk, Papa bringing me some books. 

"I have collected all the records up until around the time you were born. You might yourself realize something that I have missed when I researched before." he said, leaving me to read. I flipped through page, finding on that had Papa's name in it. So he was a vampire hunter too? A famous one at that. That doesn't surprise me too much. I thought I had heard some rumours in the Night Class about him and it seems that they were true.  . . The next page I flipped to, the book grew into flames me letting out a scream in surprise. 

"Momoko!" Zero exclaimed, coming in and holding me back from the book. 

"The page about the winter ten years ago. . . suddenly. . " I stammered, trying to get it out. I couldn't though. I was too much in shock. What kind of magic is this? Who didn't want me to find this out? 


"How is your vacation?" He asked, me lying in bed with a slight cold. I'd been out and about without a jacket on for too long now and it has finally caught up to me. 

"I have a cold." I replied, Shiki chuckling on his side. 

"I told you not to go outside without a jacket." He said, me hearing the rolling of something in the background. 

"What are you doing right now? Are you not with the others?" 

"No. I am going home for a little while. I might be late coming back." He said, me missing Shiki a lot. I miss my cuddle buddy. 

"Hm? I don't like you being separated from the others." I said, him stopping and the rolling noise stopping. 

"How about I come home soon and take care of you? Would you like that?" 


"I miss you." He said, me closing my eyes. 

"I miss you too." I replied, closing my eyes. 

"You'll wait for me hm?" 

"Yeah. I'll wait for you." I agreed, Shiki probably smiling contently at this. I gave him a small goodbye, hanging up just as Zero walked in. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked, coming to sit on the side of the bed. 

"Everything hurts." I replied, him tucking me in tight and petting my head affectionately. 

"Do you want to cuddle you?" I nodded, Zero picking me up and setting me on his lap. The blankets are wrapped tight around me as I rested my head on his chest; so lucky to have two boys who care about me so much. 

*So Shiki or Zero?? I still am kind of unsure. Kaname is definitely not an option at this point, but I feel that Shiki has some potential. I wanted a Shiki lemon too so that will be the next chapter up! Please comment and tell me who you ship with Momoko!!!*

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