Our Fates (Error x Ink)(C)

By PretzelSituation

14.9K 446 130

(I am no good at descriptions gahh! This is my first fanfic type thing so I bet it'll suck absolute arse when... More

Go Straight
Our Destinies...?
The Final Fight

Need to Split

1.7K 54 12
By PretzelSituation

The Creator's P.O.V

"Your majesty?" My bony fingers knocked on the large door, which was creaking open a little. The familiar figure turned toward the door, a smile tugging the corners of my mouth. "Could I come in, your majesty?" I asked. The figure nodded with a smile on his face as I entered the throne room. Beautiful golden flowers were scattered everywhere, the rays from the sun seeping through the large holes in the ceiling and crawling through the cracks. "Ah, it is good to see you, Ink Sans." Asgore smiled at me as I walked in further towards the large goat King. "Come, sit down." He gestured to some seats and a little table that I personally thought was quite cute, sitting alone in the centre of the large Throne Room. We both smiled wide when we sat in unison. "Now, if you don't mind me asking, how is the surface, Ink?"
"The surface? Yes! Good good. It's very peaceful, as always, and they are developing new ways of living. Introducing technology that I'd never even dreamt of. Nothing like I planned humans to do in the future of the Earth." I said, bringing a smile to Asgore's face. Like Toriel, he was quite glad that the humans were living in peace without us monsters. "That's excellent," He replied. "Do you have something to talk about?"
"Yes! I do." I gave a nod as I said this. "It's about The Balance."
"The Balance..? You mean, you and your twin's Eternal Balance?"
"The one sealed by space and time combined, yes."
"Go ahead,Ink. I'll be listening to what ideas you may have about it."
"I've not been too sure that everything on my twins side of the Anti-Void has not been at rest like usual. I can't see it anymore, all of the windows entering it and seeing through the wall have been sealed."
"Uh-huh. We keep fighting, over and over, with no winner at the end. He keeps going after the universes I created, but with enough courage at my back, I can somehow stop him from destroying it altogether. I won't let him do that. I keep those alternate universes alive because...they remind me that I'm not alone. That I have destiny behind me, knowing that people - monsters like you and me - will be by my side for eternity."
"Oh yes, the alternative universes.." Asgore said, clearly not understanding what I said.
"So, I'm going to create a new era of time. A new Balance. A new beginning that will change us both forever."
"What? You can't possibly.." He gasped in shock, surprised at my decision. Indeed, it would be a big shot straight at anyone - very unexpected and sudden -  to hear about my idea. "I know it's a wild stab in the dark, your majesty," I sighed. "But that's what I'm going to do. It'll benefit us all! Humans and Monsters! I just want what's good for the world, Mister Asgore..."
"I know, Ink. There's nothing wrong with doing what's right. After all, you are the creator, after all. The legends say that you would do anything for the good of the world, is that right?" The King asked as I stood up. "Yes," I answered. "That's why I need to fight Error for the final time."

Hey guys! I hope you are enjoying the story so far, because I sure am! Just to let you know, I'm happy to take requests, and I'll get back to them and respond to them hopefully a.s.a.p! Unfortunately I won't receive them weekdays 9am-4pm GMT, as my school network syncs with the restrictions on my iPad so that I can't go on it while I'm at school (sorry about that).
Also, I have Gods of Olympus now, and I have to say I'm fully addicted! Even though I'm only level 6 haha. If any of my readers have it, I could ask the clan leaders to add you into it! My username is MemeOfTheWheat ;)
Anyway, updates! They shall be coming soon, don't you guys worry. Anyway, have an awesome day/night!

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