Instinct (1D)

By cheerbabi23

1.7M 36.5K 6.5K

A Girl named Stella lives in Washington. Her parents both work for the government. She believes a zombie apoc... More

Instinct (1D)
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
chapter four
Chapter five
chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter tweleve
Chapter thirteen
authors note
Chapter fourteen
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter twenty
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter sixteen

63K 1.8K 255
By cheerbabi23

Stella's POV~

I heard something. I put my phone back in my suite pocket and got up.

I grabbed my bow and an arrow. I left the remainder of my stuff on the bench. It's probably a bird or a dog or a zombie.. Hopefully it's just one zombie and not twenty.

I heard it again , it was coming from my right. It sounded as if it was coming from behind the car.

I inched closer and closer to the car, aiming my bow and arrow in it's direction.

"Who's there." My voice was demanding to know who was behind the car.


Liam's POV*

"I'm going to get up on the truck so I can get a better look at her." Harry whispered to all of us.

"Don't be stupid Harry. We can see her fine." I told him

"Yea but I can't!" He whisper shouted

I shook my head and sighed quietly.

He put his foot on the back of the truck's ledge, and threw his gun in the back of the truck.

Is he fucking serious?!

"Harry! What the hell?!" I whisper shouted at him.

"Sorry! It slipped!" He got off the truck.

"You liar! You purposely threw it back there!" I pushed him.

"It was a fucking mistake. Don't touch me!" He shoved me back.

"Guys.." Zayn said to us.

"It wasn't a fucking mistake! You did it on purpose! How stupid are you to throw a gun in the back of a truck?" I was now chest to chest with Harry.

"Guys Stella is coming!" Zayn whisper shouted and me and Liam peered from the car.

"Who's there." We heard her voice.

"Don't say anything." Louis told us and we all nodded. I took a step away from Harry and bent down even more.

Maybe she'll go away if we don't say anything. Or don't make any noise.


Stella's POV

"I said who's there." I repeated.

"I won't hesitate to fucking let go of my arrow." I meant every word I said.

I walked quicker to the truck. I was a few feet away from the truck.

"One.." I started counting.


Still nothing or no one came out. Maybe I'm hearing things?


"Wait!" They finally said

I knew someone or something was behind the truck.

I jumped back and gasped. Niall?

Niall came walking with his hands in the air.

"Don't fire. Please." He begged.

"Niall?" I whispered. What is he doing here?

"Yea it's just me." He walked closer to me. I put down the bow and arrow and he lowered his hands.

"You freaking scared me." I smack his fore arm and he silently laughed.

He mouthed a sorry and I nodded.

"Ouch." I heard a whisper and it wasn't Niall who said it. I took Niall and put him behind me and aimed my bow and arrow at the truck.

"No Stella it's just the guys!" He got in front of my bow and arrow.

"For fucks sake. What are you guys doing here?" I was now angry. I guess it would have been fine if it was just one person. But no it's five people.

The rest of the boys came out from behind the car. I sighed shaking my head.

"We wanted to know why you left us, Stella." Zayn asked. I look at him and he squinted his eyes a little.

I looked away not wanted to make eye contact with him.

"Um. I'm going to the safe camp." I said quietly and turned around, walking back to the bench.

"But why did you leave us?" He asked. I heard their footsteps behind me.

"Listen you asked why I left and I told you. You can leave now." I turned around.

"But we wanted to go to the camp too." Louis spoke .

"I'm sorry, I can't have you guys go with me." I shook my head and turned back around, walking to the bench to grab my items

"Why? Do you hate us or something?" Niall asked.

Why would he ask if I hate them? That broke my heart because that's not the reason why. They might think it's a stupid reason to why I left them

"Because... Because my dad told me not to travel with anyone if I want to make it to the camp." I told them the truth.

"That's all we wanted to know." Harry spoke and they turned around to walk away.

I thought about it. Maybe having them wouldn't be a bad idea. I could maybe use help if I need it. They're the only people I have right now. I don't anyone else besides my parents, but they're at the camp.

"Wait!" I said, and they turned around.

"You guys can come with me," I told them and they all had smiles on their faces.

"On one condition," I help up my finger to them.

"What?" They all said at the same time.

"Don't do anything stupid to get us killed."



Hope you guys liked! Sorry for the wait, but school does come before anything else!

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