Travlyn: Tough Love

By MadHarry53

798 12 8

Travis and Katelyn see each other after 5 years have gone by. Travis is moving into the neighborhood after fi... More

The move
The Conversation
Awkward Conversation
Date Night
Date Night (Part 2)
By for Now
A Great Night
A Rough Morning
Boyfriend and Girlfriend?!?!?
Telling every one
Thank You
Fourth of July (part 1)
Fourh of July (part 2)
Kidnapped (Part 2)
Kidnapped (Part 3)
Kidnapped (Part 4)
Kidnapped (part 5)
Is this a dream?
Hospital Once Again
School problems
Holiday Spirit

Angel's Kiss

39 1 0
By MadHarry53

Katelyn's POV
I started to blush as Travis looked at me with a smile.
I slowly inched me hand onto his and he didn't stop me.
Travis then leaned in and kissed me.
I felt like an angel just came down and shower me with love.
I melted into his arms as his kissed me then I kissed back.
I never felt like this Around a guy science highschool,it felt natural.
Of course my Feelings go the best of me and I slap Travis after.
To be continued........

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