
By TheoryKierei

1.2M 64.7K 18.1K

(Book 2 of HomeLess) Domino has always lived his life exactly the way he's wanted to. No one ever stood in h... More

Laugh At Me
When You Can't Walk Away
You Don't Want This Story
A Collar and Leash
Maybe It's Worth It
Bite Me
What Words Can Never Say
There is No Fork in This Road
Just Words or a Life
Your Life: Untitled
When You Were Young
Seven Years Old
And I'll Be Me
Love Yourself
Sitting Next To You
And You Are?


31.3K 1.8K 432
By TheoryKierei


Nerves stole his breath as he was helped toward the infirmary. An ambulance had already been called, but it seemed like every car accident that could happen in the city fifty miles away, did. None were available to come for at least twenty minutes, which would mean that he would have had to wait over an hour.

His feet stumbled as the two guards, one on either of side, finally managed to get him inside of the large sterile room. Tommy's vision started to blur as the scent of copper mixed with the antiseptic in the room. His vision swam abruptly, the bright light making the rushing sound in his head turn into the roar of a waterfall.

He could tell that someone was shouting and he was definitely still being moved, but as to who and where, he had no idea anymore. After what felt like several minutes, but had to have only been seconds, he was on his back. The left side of his chest throbbed and he couldn't keep the scream in his throat from sounding.

"Get the gauze and hold it over the wound."


The thundering noise in his ears began to subside, allowing him to hear, but it seemed like he was suddenly underwater with how far away the words sounded.


The demanding tone forced the quiet back slightly, startling him just enough to bring his ability to focus, forward.

"Listen to my voice, Tommy. That's an order. You better be able to tell me everything I say during this later."

Everything...? Tommy thought tiredly.

He didn't think he could remember any of it right after Chris had spoken, but the man didn't seem deterred.

"What is your job?" Christopher asked. It sounded like he was moving around a lot. Doing a lot of things.

Tommy tried to answer him after a moment, but could only get out a nearly-mute groan.

"Right. How old are you?" He asked, then added, though he sounded slightly further away. "Get the hell out if you can't do simple shit right!"

The sound of feet scrambling away met his ears. Soon the door closed, and Tommy knew that he was either alone with Chris, or whoever else was there was being very quiet and staying out of the man's way.

"I want an answer Tommy, now."

Twenty... eight? Nine?  One?


He flinched at the loud yell right by his ear. The movement made his chest jerk and he gasped and whined.

"Good. Stay with me. You're starting to go into shock, I need you to stay here."

Something cold pressed against his left chest and Tommy felt everything instantly disappear. His mind went blank, but he only got a second's reprieve before sharp, stabbing pain broke free of his sanctuary and pulled him back. He knew that he was screaming, then. There was nothing else he could do to cope as his chest felt like it was being carved apart.

"You're doing so well. You can keep screaming. It's okay. No one else is here." Christopher said as he moved something in the wound on Tommy's chest, making the man choke on a sob and try to move away.

"No. Stay still for just a few more moments. I have to clean this and close the wound before it gets infected or you lose anymore blood."

The commanding tone was lost on Tommy as he tried to scoot further away from the object creating the unbearable pain. Before he could get far enough away, a large hand pressed against his back, stalling his attempts. Tommy heard the sound of something metal dropping onto something else of the same material. Then, what he could only assume was Christopher's doctor's coat, rustled as he moved.

"I'm sorry, Tommy. I can't make the pain go away yet. You don't deserve to have to deal with it, but you're doing so well. Please just give me ten more seconds and I promise I'll back off and let you rest."

The promise seemed impossible. It took longer than ten seconds to do just about anything, but he didn't really have a choice. Even if he managed to get off whatever table or bench he'd been set on, he doubted he could even open his eyes, let alone get to his feet to run.

"Good boy. Just take ten deep breaths and count. I swear, ten seconds."

Tommy did as told. It took all of his remaining strength to remember what came after one. Then two. Then three. Each sharp stab to his chest made his mind blur, but he refused to stop counting. He had been told to do something. It was a simple request and even hurting, he wanted to make Christopher proud.

Maybe I still... have a crush... on him. He thought as darkness flashed in and out of his mind.

"All done."


Like his body had heard the words, Tommy felt himself allow the darkness to take over.


The sound of a button being pressed every few moments made Tommy slowly wake. He hurt, like hell, but it was more in the back of his thoughts right then. He must have given me something good. The thought made he chuckle, but he could barely hear the sound with his own ears. It seemed to get someone's attention, however, because he heard shifting right beside him.

He was probably reading his Kindle... I remember seeing him with it sometimes at the club.

"How are you feeling? I gave you a decent dose of morphine after I was sure that you would be okay to sleep."

Ah, yeah. The good stuff, then.

Tommy tried to form words to answer Christopher, but his mouth wasn't quite up to the task yet. The sound of something being set down caught his attention, then the sound of Chris standing up followed.

"I've got some water for you. I want you to drink." He said as he walked away, then returned a moment later.

He really didn't want any, but he knew better than to argue. He was in no condition to decline something that would help him, and Christopher sounded like he hadn't gotten much sleep, so it was probably in his best interest to not make the guy mad. When he felt a straw gently press against his bottom lip, he began taking small, hesitant sips.

"Someone finally came and told me what happened. They are probably going to fire Carter, or at least put him on extended leave, for missing the knife in his arrest. The guy was a high level dealer..." He added, growling the last part.

If the man had been brought all the way into the prison, through the metal detector, he wouldn't have gotten a chance to use his weapon. He would have been tackled the second he went for it.

"And you. I'm mad as hell that you went outside to get the guy just because Carter needed to take a piss."

Tommy felt his lips drop into a frown. It wasn't against protocol to do such a thing, but it definitely wasn't common. He had figured that Carter had checked the man sufficiently enough. He'd made a mistake.

"As' jus' try--" A finger firmly pressed against his lips once the straw was removed.

When it didn't move immediately, Tommy felt his heart flutter faintly just beneath his injury. He could also feel the morphine pumping through his system, or at least its' after effects... because he never would have pressed a soft kiss to the finger pressed against his lips if he wasn't under some kind of influence.

"Thank 'ou... M'ster 'ristopher."

He wanted to show his thanks. Not just because he felt the man's anger through his simple, gentle touch, but he owed the man his life. Sure, it was his job to save people, but it somehow felt more personal than that.

Probably because I have a damn crush on him... still.

The thought made his brow furrow slightly and he turned his head. Christopher's finger slowly moved over his cheek with the motion, but Tommy tried to ignore it as he focused on working his eyes open. The lids of them felt like lead and refused to lift at all.

"Shhh." Christopher whispered as the rest of his fingers moved to press against Tommy's warm skin, immediately settling any of his previous nerves, only to create double the amount.

After a minute Christopher withdrew his hand, chuckling. "You're making the heart monitor go crazy."

Heart monitor?

The beeping suddenly became very loud in his ears, when it hadn't even been noticeable before. Tommy felt his face heat with embarrassment. He finally had all of Christopher's attention, and he really wanted the man to just back away for a minute so that he could regain his composure and not seem like a fool.

I want to go home and curl up under my blankets. He thought, then realized something.

"When 'an I go 'ome?" He managed to get out, the words strangled by his sore throat and exhaustion.

"Home? Not a chance. You're here for at least a week before I clear you to go anywhere."

A week!

"Don't even think about arguing. Those are doctor's orders and I've already submitted them, so you better submit to them, Tommy, because I will tie you to my bed if I have to."

His bed?

He knew that the man had a bed in the room behind a curtain that he used for overnight shifts or overtime, besides the small gurneys employees got who came in injured or sick, but...

I'm in 'his' bed? He thought, suddenly realizing the soft comforter settled comfortably beneath him and the scent of Christopher all around him. He only had a light sheet over his body, but he didn't doubt that it was because of the injury on his chest that he got nothing heavier.

"Now be a good boy and go to sleep. I have to go do rounds in wards five and six. You best be asleep when I come back."

Tommy kept his mouth shut as he heard Christopher leaving. He wanted to tell him not to order him around, because that had definitely been an order, but he knew that saying that would do no good. Christopher was a dominant and he rarely listened to other people complain.

You aren't dead and the pain isn't as bad as it was. Be glad you have a bed, morphine... and an angel looking after you.

With those thoughts, Tommy managed a small pained smile and allowed his body to relax into sleep.

(Soooo, I wanted to ask if you guys had any ideas for future chapters of this story. I don't plan out my stories and think it would be interesting to see what you guys think should happen. (besides the obvious pervy stuff XD) Had a daydream or dream you wanna see playout? A new location or interest you want them to participate in? I might use a few ideas or mash them together :P Either way! You guys can totally get behind each others' ideas too lol Your conversation are quite epic :D)

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