It's Complicated

By olsonss

10.3K 697 148

She thought her life was complicated before him, but she didn't even know the half of it. Deputy Emma Swan fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 6

703 60 6
By olsonss

That night it takes Emma almost all of dinner to bring up the subject of a dinner party. She only manages to to spit it out when they are cleaning up the mess from dinner.

"Walsh?" Emma asks nervously.

"Emma...?" he asks unsure.

"Well I was wondering if you would want to have a dinner party on friday night?" she asks, trying to gage his reaction.

"A dinner party? You hate dinner parties," he chuckles.

"I don't hate them. I just thought with us being back together we should have some of our friends over for dinner," she blushes. Walsh kisses her cheek.

"I think it's a great idea. I just never imagined you would suggest this. Who would you like to invite?" He asks as he hands her another plate for the dish washer. She sets the plate in it's place and turns back to him.

"Well Mary Margaret and David, and what about Will and Anastasia?" she suggests.

"I figured you would invite the Nolans, but Will and Anastasia aren't together anymore," he says with a knowing smirk.

"What? They aren't? What happened?" Emma asks multiple questions at rapid fire speed.

"It turns out that all she wanted Will for was his money which he won't see until his father dies, which isn't going to happen for many years, the man is only sixty-two. So, she left him for some billionaire in New York," he explains. Emma leans against the counter.

"I didn't like her, but I had no idea she was that ruthless. Will loved her," Emma said in shock.

"I know," Walsh agreed with her.

"Well we should still invite him to dinner, he might need some company," Emma suggests.

"It's probably a good idea. I have been checking up on him, but I have the feeling I am the only he talks to," Walsh says.

"See Will needs to get out. Invite him," she urges him. Little does he know she needs Will to be here for her job.

"Alright I will. Can you tell the Nolans?" Walsh asks as they walk out of the kitchen.

"Of course," she plasters on a fake smile and they get ready for bed.


Emma waltz right into David's office the next morning to find him and Killian debating over sports. They drop their conversation when she shuts the door.

"David, I hope you and Mary Margaret don't have plans Friday night because you're invited to a dinner party," Emma says in a sing song voice.

"You dragged me into this?" David sighs.

"Well you and Mary Margaret are the only other couple I know, so yes I dragged you into this. It was your idea anyway," she teases.

"Don't look so smug, Swan. It's bad form," Killian teases her. She chuckles at this.

"Will Scarlet is going to be there?" David asks.

"I told Walsh to invite him, so I assume that he will be there," Emma says.

"That's all that matters I guess," David huffs.

"Good. We are starting at seven. Don't be late," she smiles.

"You are enjoying this way too much," Killian beams at her.

"I am, but this was all his idea, so he has none to blame, but himself. That's all I have for today. I'll keep you updated," she says as she strides out the door.


Friday night rolls around faster than Emma ever wanted it to, but suddenly it's 6:59 on Friday night and she is watching Walsh making dinner in the kitchen. Emma offered her help and was reminded of how last time she almost burnt down the kitchen. Instead she takes a sip of wine and watches the process. She already set the table, so her one hostess duty is out of the way.

A knock at the door sends Emma to her feet. She opens the door to find Mary Margaret and David hand in hand. Emma steps aside.

"Come on in, guys," she smiles. The couple takes their coats off and places them on the coat rack. Emma brings Mary Margaret into a hug.

"How do you guys do this all the time? Dinner parties are nerve racking," Emma whispers into her ear. This statement causes Mary Margaret to chuckle.

"I think you're stressed for another reason altogether," Mary Margaret says with a knowing look. Emma just smiles and nods.

"We brought your favorite, cherry pie," Mary Margaret says as they move into the kitchen.

"I am sure it is wonderful as always, Mary Margaret," Walsh compliments her.

"Oh thank you Walsh," she responds as David and Walsh shake hands. Emma gets her friends drinks.

"Is it just us tonight?" David asks motioning at the table set for five people, not four.

"Oh Will's coming. He should be here by now though," Walsh says while glancing at the fancy watch on his wrist, that certainly wasn't there earlier in the week.

"I am sure he'll be here soon. You know Will," Emma assures him. Walsh just nods and turns back to the food. Emma continues to chat with the Nolan's. Around twenty minutes later there is a knock at the door. Emma goes to get it, but Walsh stops her.

"Let me get it. I need a word with him," he explains and she just nods. She walks over to David.

"What do you think that is about?" David asks.

"Not sure, but we'll find out," Emma whispers. Walsh opens the door and Will swaggers in. Emma and the Nolan's pretend to be in deep conversation, but Emma keeps her eye on the two friends. Walsh looks angry as hell and luckily Emma can say she's only seen him like that when they broke up. Will looks just as mad. The two men resolve their little argument as quietly as possible and join the group.

"How is everyone this evening?" Will asks the group. They all just nod and they descend into small talk.

Dinner is served shortly after Will's arrival. The group talks about work and the upcoming plans for the summer. Even with this conversation Will doesn't really say what he does for a living even when David flat out asks him. Will changes the subject.

Emma collects the dishes insisting since Walsh did all the cooking she has to clean up and for once he doesn't fight her on this. While she is placing the dishes in the dishwasher Will swaggers in.

"I think it is time you and I had a talk," he states. Emma puts the dish in the rack.

"A talk?" she asks as she picks up another dish.

"About you and Walsh. He told me everything that happened and I can't say that I am all too surprised," he crosses his arms.

"You're not?" she asks with her eyebrows raised.

"You're a runner. You have that look in your eye, always looking for the exit. I knew you were going to hurt him and I was right. What I cannot figure out is why you came back to him. Cause you're not going to marry him, you were never going to say yes to him. You're not the marrying type. I don't know what game you're playing with him, but you should stop before both of you get hurt. Stop tricking yourself into thinking you want more with him," he warns her with a stern gaze. Emma knew that Will didn't like her, but she had no idea that it was this bad.

"I made a mistake, people do that, but I came back to him. I realized I fucked up and he took me back. You have no idea how I feel about him. Walsh certainly doesn't think I am wasting his time. He chose me and I am sorry if you can't handle that," she says in a hushed tone. He looks a little shaken with her response. He didn't expect such a response from her.

"You and I both know you don't love him, so stop pretending," he says as he joins the others in the living room. He was right she didn't love him, but how could Will see that? Was it that obvious? It takes her a minute to collect herself. Emma had no idea he'd attack her like that. She loads the last of the dishes and starts the dishwasher. She joins the others in the living room.

As Mary Margaret and David are putting on their coats Emma decides this her moment to leave the two men alone for a minute.

"Walsh, I have something to give David. I am just going to walk them out," she says and presses a kiss into his cheek. The room seems taken away by this action, simply for the fact that Emma is not a public display of affection kind of person. Walsh just beams, he couldn't be happier. She gives David a pointed look.

"I have that file you asked for in my car," she says hoping he'll play along. At first he looks confused, but with a nudge from Mary Margaret he finally gets it.

"Oh good I wanted to look over it before tomorrow," he says as the group moves out the door. As soon as the door shuts and they walk down the hall.

"Why did you want to walk out with us?" David asks as they wait for the elevator.

"I wanted to give those two a moment alone. Also, I had nothing short of an argument with Will," Emma states.

"I noticed he cornered you," Mary Margaret comments as they step into the elevator.

"What did he say?" David asks as he pushes the ground floor button.

"Well I am sure you'll hear it on the recording tomorrow, but the short version is he thinks I am playing a game with Walsh and said he knows that I don't love him," Emma says trying very hard to not make eye contact with either of them.

"Do you think he knows?" David asks, his voice full of worry. The elevator doors open to reveal the lobby. The little group walks out and Emma leads them to David's truck.

"I don't think so, but he definitely senses something is not right. He never really liked me anyway though," she says as she breathes out.

"Emma, be careful. This could go south quickly," David warns.

"You don't think I know that?" Emma snaps. Mary Margaret places a hand on Emma's shoulder.

"We just care about you. David is just concerned about you. He- we don't want to see you get hurt," Mary Margaret explains. The school teacher then pulls Emma into a hug.

"I know, this is just so frustrating," Emma says while holding onto her best friend. Mary Margaret lets go of her and David just envelopes Emma into his arms.

"I just don't want to lose my close friend and best deputy," he lets her go, "Don't tell Graham that," he chuckles.

"Your secret is safe with me," Emma smiles, "I better go. You guys drive safe." They couple assures them that they will return home safe before hopping into the sheriff's truck.

When she lets herself back into the apartment the two men are standing toe to toe, both of them look furious. Both of their heads snap towards her.

"I'll just give you guys a minute," Emma says backing out of the apartment.

"No need. I was just leaving," Will says as he storms out past her. Emma steps into the apartment fully and shuts the door. Walsh's gaze is fixed on the door. Emma makes her way over to his side and places a hand on his shoulder.

"What's going on?" Emma asks. Walsh finally looks at her.

"Did you and Will have an argument?" he asks her. She can see the fury in his eyes and she takes her hand back.

"I wouldn't call it that, but essentially yes. Why? Did he say something?" she crosses her arms.

"What was it about?" He asks and steps closer to her. She takes a step back and runs into the kitchen counter. She has nowhere to go.

"He doesn't think I am good enough for you. That I don't love you," she explains while not making eye contact with him.

"Well do you?" He asks his voice softening slightly.

"Do I what?" Emma lifts her head to look at him.

"Do you love me?" He asks, hope glimmering in his eyes. She places her hand on his cheek.

"Of course I do," she says quietly, "I wouldn't have come back to you if I didn't." It's a blatant lie, not that he knows that. He grabs her face and pulls her towards him. His lips crash down onto hers. The kiss is suffocating. He puts so much passion into the kiss and she feels like she can't breathe. It almost makes her feel bad because she does not return any of the feelings. To avoid those feelings she throws herself blindly into the kiss, which eventually evolves into more.

The whole time all she can think about is Killian. His lips. His hands in her hair. His hands roaming her body. It's the only thing that gets her through it. Walsh isn't Killian, not even close. Emma has to pretend he is. She knows she shouldn't even be thinking of Killian that way. He's practically her boss for fucks sake.

Once they finish she feels dirty, like she cheated. She has to remind herself that she is not with Killian Jones. That he is her boss and she doesn't mix business and pleasure. That she is not a relationship person when he clearly is. That she isn't capable of letting someone in. That she is better off alone. David and Killian definitely won't be listening to the tape tomorrow. Especially not Killian. Walsh pulls her into his arms and falls asleep. It takes her a while, but eventually she fades into slumber.


Don't hate Emma, some things just had to happen. As always please comment and vote! xoxoxo

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