ThumbeJimin[A Jimin Fanfic]

By HanaQi

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Chloe Summers, 18 There is nothing fair in life. However, it changes when she comes across a little guy, the... More



207 16 5
By HanaQi


"Chloe...? Chloe?"

My head pounded. It hurts like hell. I hear someone calling out my name. It took me lots of effort to finally open my eyes, light pouring in, making me wince from the brightness.

"Chloe? Are you ok?" I felt a large, warm pair of hands patting me on my arm. Still squinting my eyes from the blinding white light, I tried to identify the person next to me.

" I?" I breathed, my vision still blurry as my eyes have yet to adjust to the sudden light. I could only here his voice, forming echoes around me.

"You're in a hospital..." the man answered, as he reached out and shook me lightly, trying to wake me up from a trance.

I blinked rapidly. "You...Nam...joon..Namjoon?" I exclaimed,a little surprised and shocked.

Namjoon smiled as I recognised him and he muttered under his breath, "Oh, thank recognised me..."

I tried to sit up from my lying position in bed, wanting to see him more, as it's been long since I last saw him.

I wobbled and my head throbbed yet again. Hissing, I held my pounding head with my hands, eyes shut as it hurts so fricking bad.

" down, you're still weak..." Namjoon utter as he assists me to lie back down. I nodded as I could feel my whole body being jelly.

Suddenly, I'm hit with a wave of nausea. I got up and covered my mouth, feeling nauseous, the pounding feeling in my head, isn't subsiding.

I reached out and touched Namjoon's hand. He immediately understood,got up, and grabbed a glass of water for me.

Downing the drink in one shot, I grimaced as the pain persists. " hurts.." I mutter.

Closing my eyes tight, I see flashes of images, blurry. The familiar surroundings of trees, flowers...birds...The beautiful sunlight pouring through the canopy of the forests, the fireflies in the dark, the sound of the flowing river waters...

My head felt immensely heavy as I crashed back down onto the bed, burying my head in the pillow, wanting the pain to stop.

For some reason, my heart ached as well. It was as if someone took my heart away from me, and now it is yearning, aching, in pain. I clenched my chest area with the palms of my sweaty hand, breathing heavily.

Why am I seeing these images and feeling this pain?!

"Chloe...are you ok? I'm going to get the doctor.." Namjoon stutter as he stood up abruptly and rushed out of my hospital room.

My lips still feel parched, my throat dry. I reached out to grab the glass and fill it with water.

Only, it slipped from my careless hand and shatter into a million pieces on the floor. "Oh shit,"I cursed under my breath.

As I stood there, debating on how to clear it up with a pounding headache, a person came beside me. He squat down and picked up the broken pieces.

I stood up wobbly and slowly glanced up at the helpful stranger. "Thank..."I was about to say when I gasped, my hands covering my mouth as I looked at his face.

"Hey, sis..." he mutter as he shrug at me.

"Cole?!" I breathed, taking in the sight of him. He actually look slightly lean and healthier. Unlike last time when he did drugs...and..

My head pounded furiously again and I exclaimed in pain.

"Sis, are you ok?!" Cole exclaimed as he held me firmly.

It was night time, in a dark forest. There was bright moonlight. Heavy footsteps. Glint of metal underneath that moonlight. Cuts, blood and pain....

Instinctively my hand went to the part of my arm that was slashed. Who...did...?

Cole eyes went wide as he saw my reflexes. He knew, that he is responsible for slashing my arm. Biting his lip, he said, "Sorry sis, for...for hurting you...I.....was not myself..."

I look up at him, slightly bewildered. " was Cole that..slashed my arm?" my own little voice told me, at the back of my head.

My muscles twitch involuntarily, as if in remembrance of what happened that day. Casting my gaze on the ground, I couldn't really bring myself to look at Cole, directly in the eye. At least, not yet...

"I'm really sorry, Chloe..." Cole utter as he grabbed a stool and placed it next to my bed. Plopping himself down on the metal seat, he slowly touched my hand and grasped it, begging for forgiveness.

"I shouldn't have hurt you like that. I was stupid. I was high. Thank god, I stopped before it got serious...." his voice trailed off as his facial expression contorted to something between shock and confusion.

"Although...I have forgotten why I stopped..." he mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand. "Well," he shrugged. "All well ends well I guess.."

Slowly, Cole's voice seem to drown with my thoughts as I caught a glimpse of a face. Brown hair.... A touch...A kind gesture... It transitioned so fast that I can't seem to remember or focus on anything.

I couldn't seem to remember anything that transitioned before me. My brain racked itself, creating even more immense pain. However, tears began pouring from my eyes like waterfalls. As if something pierced through my heart, I clenched my chest area, hurt and confused.

My mind doesn't remember anything but my heart reacts to it...

Cole slowly approached me and place his hand on my shoulder, reassuringly. "Chloe...sis? Are you-"

"The doctor is here," Namjoon said, interrupting Cole as the medical team burst through the door. They began examining me, by flashing lights into my eyes and reading my pulse.

"Why did you make her cry?" Namjoon hushed at Cole, and gave him a "serious" look.

Cole merely scratched his head and shrugged.

I winced at the blinding light and the doctor began telling his medical assistant, medical terms that no one understands and they nod to each other, giving a thumbs up.

"She's fine...just a bit over the edge and overwhelmed that's all. She just needs some rest and she'll be fine," the doctor announced as he jot down notes on his file and nod towards Namjoon and Cole. He then exited the room, followed by his assistants.

"That's a relief," Namjoon breathed as he wiped the sweat that is glistening on his forehead. Cole nodded too, clasping his hands together and pursuing his lips.

I couldn't hear the doctor nor Namjoon as images once again played like a film in my head. There is something...No, a person...A man?

His name...I know it. It lingers on my lips, itching to be pronounced.

"Where..." I tried to speak, with a little difficulty.

"Yes?" Namjoon immediately ran to my side, his ears close to me to hear what I have to say.

"Where...Is....Where's...Ji..Ji-" I tried, the name clawing at my lips.

"Jin?" Namjoon asked, amused. "Well, I don't know why you are curious about Jin but...he is currently in UK. Getting whipped into shape by his parents."

Namjoon eyes lit up a little as he began to reminisce his childhood times. A little smile tug at the end of his lips, "I never mentioned it to you before Chloe, but Jin and I used to be childhood friends. He came to Korea before me to meet his father/principal and enrolled in the school."

His voice took a serious tone as he gulped, "Something happened to him whilst in Korea and he spiraled downhill. I tried to approach him but he is thick-headed and pretended not to know me."

He sighed, "But, since he is in UK now, we are slowly coming to good terms with each other. After all, our parents are friends.. But, why are you asking about Jin?"

Cole glanced at Namjoon as he teased, " I don't think she is listening to you, bro..."

"Why you little-" Namjoon had Cole in a headlock as he messed his hair up with his free hand.

Jin....Jin.... I shut my eyes tight as images of Jin surfaced in my messed up mind. It was night time, I was walking in that alley. He kidnapped me...and..he..he...

I gagged. Hugging my knees close together I shook my head as I mutter repeatedly, "" Tears are stinging my eyes and my breathing became uneven.

"Chloe?" Cole asked, concern extremely evident in his tone.

Namjoon gestured for Cole to leave the room and Cole obliged. Shutting the door slowly, Cole sat by the door, his figure limp against the chair placed outside the room.

Pursuing his lips, Namjoon hugged me close to him as he rubbed my back, trying to soothe me.

"I know..Chloe.. Don't worry, it's over. Please," Namjoon kept reassuring me, calming my nerves. "I heard it through Jin as he broke down in front of me. He was on drugs and wasn't himself. When he came back to his senses, he felt awful. He wasn't thinking straight. He even thought he went crazy as he had witnessed some crazy encounter."

"It's ok, Chloe...You're fine...Stay with me, " Namjoon kept mumbling as he hugged me. After several moments, he joked,"Say, do you miss me?"

"Will you miss me...?"

I remember that voice. That calm voice. That reassuring and warm voice. Who is he?!

"Namjoon...I...I need..." I gulped, feeling slightly jumpy.

"What is it that you need, Chloe? Cole? I'll call out for him right now!" Namjoon stuttered a little as he tried to stand up.

I shut my eyes as I shook my head. I tried to think of the next syllable... "I need..Ji..Ji-"

The hospital room door is being pushed aside as Cole peeked in to ensure the coast is clear. Looking at my brother, I felt slightly calmer and I took in deep breaths.

"Say, anyone wants pancakes?" Cole asked, as he rubbed and patted his tummy.

Pancakes....The blurry images in my mind appear finer and detailed. I can't see his face. I could only see his brown, soft hair. His small warm hands. His smile. His shining eyes.

How his pink lips contrasted with his white pearly teeth. Whipped cream being licked off of his full lips as my pancakes are being devoured.

Namjoon nodded and looked at me, who is deep in thought. "Do you want pancakes, Chloe?"

"It's...Ji..Ji...Jimin. Jimin. JiMIN." I talked to myself again and again.

Namjoon and Cole looked at each other in confusion before they look back at me, "WHAT?!"


Leo sat by the windowsill, watching the drama unraveling before him.

"Thanks for bringing me here, Fairie.." Leo mutter as he brushed the dove's pure white feathers.

Sighing to himself, Leo didn't know whether should he feel happy or sad about Chloe. After all, Jimin's attempts to erase her memories didn't go so well.

Giggling to himself, Leo stared up into the blue cloudless sky as he muttered, "Looks like she still remembers traces of you, Jimin.....even though you took away her memories..."

Taking one last look at the black-haired girl in the hospital, whom Jimin fell so deeply in love with, Leo closed his eyes and utter a wish, a prayer, "Please, Chloe....Wait for Jimin..."

:: updated on 1 June 2016 ::

Only one chapter left!
Uni life is stressing me out and it is just the 2nd day..TT
I miss my home..

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