Wanted➣ Lauren/You Fanfiction

By stories_5H

380K 16.7K 11.3K

"You can't control who you fall in love with." or; in which Lauren Jauregui meets someone that makes her feel... More

|1| I Wanna Make You Feel Wanted
|2| We Can Work From Home
|3| Feeling Stressed...Out
|4| Go Love Yourself
|5| My Heart Breaks a Little When I Hear Your Name
|6| Sometimes Quiet is Violent
|7| I'm Just a Sad Song
|8| I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it
|9| You've Got A Friend In Me
|10| Count On Me
|11| 7 Years
|12| The Girl's a Work of Art
|13| stars
|14| My First Kiss Went a Little Like This...
|15| Everything Means Nothing...If I Ain't Got You
|16| Junto a Mi
|18| No Lyrics
|19| How To Save A Life
|20| I'll Keep You Safe
|21| Beautiful Escape
|22| Figure My Heart Out
|23| Just The Way You Are
|24| This is Logic
|25| Please Don't Hate Me
|26| Please Don't Go
|27| "Even Though I Know You'll Never Be Mine."
|28| "Tell Her You Love Her Too."
Epilogue: Falling in Love With You [Part 1]
Epilogue: Squeeze [Part 2]
Epilogue: Rest of My Life [Part 3]
The Playlist

|17| You're Pretty Fucking Dope

10.6K 489 185
By stories_5H

"Take me church."

"Lauren, shut up."

Giggling, Lauren rushed over to her and grabbed her arm,"Come on, it was nice." Lauren kept ahold of her arm, leaning against Y/N as they started their walk back to the hotel. Lauren was wearing her sunglasses,(she claimed it was the perfect disguise), as they walked."It was a nice service."

"It felt weird." Y/N shrugged.


"I haven't been in that church since I was, like, ten." Y/N said, glancing over her shoulder to look at it. She saw the several people walk out of the church joyfully, making her groan before looking at Lauren."They were staring at us too."

"They were probably just shocked to see you there again. They missed you." Lauren said glancing around the street, nodding when she noticed that they were going the right way.

"I felt like my mom invited us purposely."

"She wouldn't invite you without a purpose." Lauren retorted.

"No. I mean," Y/N sighed."The dude up there..."

"The pastor."

"...yeah, him, he was looking directly at me when he said mistakes are meant to be made." Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, huffing quietly.

"He could've been talking about anyone." Lauren tried to defend.

"He was looking right at me." Y/N huffed.

"You know what?" Lauren stopped abruptly, looking at Y/N seriously."How about you find out if he was directing it to you?" The younger girl looked at her confusedly, waiting for her to explain her comment. Avoiding Y/N's eyes, Lauren started walking again with Y/N following."I may have invited your family and that guy's family to the concert tonight." She muttered quickly, so quickly that Y/N almost didn't make out what she said. But when she did, her eyes widen and grabbed Lauren's arm to stop her from walking.

"You what?!"

Lauren grinned at her innocently,"Sorry-"

"No." Y/N interrupted her seriously, angrily too; Lauren noticed now how she has never seen Y/N get angry before."Why would you do that? I told you when we got there to not even look at him- that kind of back fired because he was giving the public talk," Y/N muttered to herself."but I still told you about his past with me."

"I know. He's your ex-best friend's father and he's also the one who made your family stop talking to you." Lauren stated, sighing afterward."But you're going to have to face him and his family at some point."

"I'm not going to the concert." Y/N said seriously, her fists clenched to her sides before walking away.

"What?" Lauren said confusedly, following Y/N."What do you mean you're not going?"

"I'm not going."

Lauren grabbed her arm, stopping her from walking and forcing her to face her."You're seriously mad about this? I'm giving you an opportunity to make amends with these people–"

"Those people are the reason my family shut me out! My dad is best friends with that guy, probably closer since my dad let him get into his head and kicked his daughter out." Y/N shouted, yanking her arm out of Lauren grip angrily. Lauren was shocked, to say the least, Y/N never yelled at her, not this loudly before. Y/N huffed when all she heard was silence from Lauren."Have fun at the concert." She said simply, walking off and crossing the street quickly. Lauren stayed where Y/N left her, scoffing when she saw Y/N walking down the street.

"You're acting like a child!" Lauren shouted making Y/N stop walking.

Y/N looked up at the sky, taking a deep breath to try and calm herself down. She shook her head, no good will come from yelling at Lauren again. So she simply shook her head and continued walking to where her feet took her.

"And you're running!" Lauren shouted, again, making Y/N stop. Taking a deep breath, Y/N shoved her hands in her pockets, biting the inside of her cheek before turning around. Lauren had her arms crossed, she couldn't exactly see her eyes but if she could she could probably see how this was hurting Lauren. That's something Y/N learned of Lauren, she could hide her emotions but her eyes couldn't.

"It's not running if I tell you where I'm going." Y/N shrugged, yelling so Lauren could hear her. Lauren scoffed, shaking her head looking away from the girl."I'm going to my old elementary school. See you after your concert." Y/N said then turned around, beginning to walk away.

"Y/N!" Lauren shouted, clenching her fists."Y/N!"

The younger girl acted like she didn't hear her name being called, she just kept walking sighing quietly to herself."Don't look back." Y/N muttered to herself, knowing if she did she would give in.

"Are you Lauren Jauregui?" Lauren turned her head, quickly wiping her tears away as she forced a smile on her face. The little girl looked up at her, smiling with a pen and a newspaper in her hand."Can you sign this?" The little girl asked shyly, holding the pen and newspaper up to Lauren. Lauren giggle quietly, glancing to where Y/N walked off to only to find her already out of sight.

"Uh, yeah." Lauren said as happily as she could. She took the pen, kneeled beside the little girl and began signing it."You coming to the show tonight?" She asked the little girl.

"No. My Mom doesn't have enough money for it." The little girl shrugged sadly, a small pout on her lips."My Mom said it was half her paycheck."

"Damn." Lauren muttered, smiling innocently when she saw the little girl look at her questionably."What school do you go to?"

"Why?" The little girl asked her skeptically.

Lauren chuckled, handing her the pen back."I just wanna know." She shrugged.

"Well I used to go to the elementary school that was five blocks from here," Lauren's eyes widen happily, nodding to let the girl know she can continue."but now I go to the middle school that's like thirty minutes away. I take the bus now." The girl said happily.

"Can you tell me the name of the elementary school?" Without a second thought, the little girl told her the name. Lauren stood up happily, but the girl wanted to continue talking which made Lauren mentally groan. Any other time she would love to talk to the little girl, but right now she has get Y/N because they need to work things out.

The little girl stopped talking abruptly, making Lauren look at her questionably."I have to go." The little girl said, her eyes wide before she ran over to the corner of the street. Lauren followed her with her eyes, then turned around to look at where she was looking. Her own eyes widen, she can now say that she has ran away from a group of fans...as of now. Lauren took a deep breath, beginning to run as she heard the screams get closer.

Y/N picked her head up, furrowing her eyebrows when she heard screams. Then she shook it off, it's New York. Wait a second, it's New York. Y/N stood up from the swing she was on, rushing over to the corner of the park of the school she was in. She squinted her eyes, trying to see why those people looked like they were getting closer. She raised her eyebrow, then her eyes widen when she saw Lauren running towards her.

"Help me." Lauren yelled, running past Y/N to hide behind her. Y/N mentally groaned, she knew she shouldn't have left Lauren alone. She sighed, preparing herself on what to say to make the harmonizers leave.

The fans stopped in front of her, wide smiles on her faces and phones in their hands. She sighed, she can't do this. They are too freaking adorable, she can't say no to those faces. She glanced at Lauren,"What do I do?"

"I say we run." Lauren whispered, nodding determinedly.

Y/N scoffed."They are your fans."

"I know. But you're my best friend and I need to fix whatever I did." Lauren told her quietly, her hand wrapped around the younger girl's right arm. Y/N glanced at the fans, seeing them with their phones our most likely recording. Y/N nodded, smiling because she knew exactly how to make this a win-win situation.

"You guys going to the show tonight?" Y/N asked them, her smile still on her face, Lauren found it suspicion. Lauren gripped Y/N's arm tighter, making the girl groan before hearing some fans answer they were and a few say they weren't."Well, those who aren't going, guess what?" Y/N opened her arm widely purposely, making Lauren let her arm go which got a frown from Lauren."You are now. Thank, Lauren." Y/N moved aside, gesturing to Lauren, who was smiling a little while waving.

"Really?!" The fans asked shocked, wider smiles than before on their faces.

Lauren hummed in response.

"So you guys will be seeing her later," Y/N chuckled, wrapping her arm around Lauren's shoulders."We'll make sure you get in. Don't worry about it."

Lauren crossed her arms, knowing that she might get in trouble for inviting more people to the concert when it's already sold out. She smiled at the fans, waving as they giddily walked away together. Once they turned the corner, Lauren punched Y/N's arm repeatedly making Y/N take several steps back.

"Ow. Is that how you thank me?" Y/N laughed, rubbing her arm before turning around to go back to the swing she was on. Lauren followed her, confusion on her face as she looked around the playground. She watched Y/N sit down on the same swing as she was before and stood in front of her, waiting for her to say something."You're angry." Y/N pointed out, smiling innocently at Lauren.

Lauren rolled her eyes, her arms crossed as she stared at Y/N.

"Sticky note." Y/N added.

"You can't do that!" Lauren said frustratedly, groaning loudly, and dramatically, Y/N chuckled."You think this is funny?"

"High-larious." Y/N said sarcastically.

"Fine. Whatever." Lauren muttered, turning around and beginning to walk away. Y/N raised her eyebrow, standing up from the swing and watching Lauren walk away angrily. She shook her head, laughing quietly before running after Lauren and placing her arm around her waist to pick her up. Squealing, Lauren tried to get out of her hold, only for Y/N to laugh as she spun her around for a while."Let me go." Lauren muttered, trying to stop the smile playing on her lips.

"Not until you say you aren't mad anymore." Y/N shook her head, keeping Lauren in her hold as she carried her back to the swing set. Lauren huffed, shaking her head stubbornly as she gave up on trying to get out of her hold."Sticky note says no running."

"You ran." Lauren countered.

"Like I said, it's not running if I tell you where I was." Y/N smiled, both annoying and making Lauren happy at seeing it. Y/N laughed, letting Lauren go once she reached the swing.

"Fine, I'm sorry." Lauren muttered, crossing her arms as she walked over to the swing next to Y/N. Y/N watched her, a smile still on her lips as she did."You left though, and I didn't know where you were so it counts as running."

"Then I'm sorry, too." Y/N shrugged, gesturing to the swing next to her."Sit down." Lauren raised her eyebrow questionably. Y/N sighed quietly,"I admit that I might have overreacted. Just a little." Y/N said quietly.

"Just a little?" Lauren scoffed, taking a seat on the swing."You yelled at me."

"Yeah...sorry about that." Y/N chuckled nervously, she took a deep breath."And I am going to the concert. I'm going to have to deal with them going, I have to face my demons sooner or later." Y/N shrugged.

Lauren laughed softly,"Okay. One more thing," Lauren said earning Y/N's full attention,"I honestly don't know what I would do without." She said seriously.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she chuckled awkwardly,"Where did that come from?" Y/N asked a little confused, and touched.

Lauren shrugged,"I'd fall apart without you." Lauren added."It's just a hint for tonight." She stood up, extending her hand towards Y/N for her to take.

Still confused, Y/N took her hand and laughed,"Okay. What's happening tonight?" Y/N asked, feeling Lauren interlock their fingers together as they began walking back to the hotel.

"You'll see."


She tapped her foot nervously, looking around the dressing room as she waited for the time to come. She took deep breaths, her eyes shut now as she tried to calm herself down for the show. She honestly can't remember being this nervous before for a show. She's had her entire family watch her before, and never was she this nervous.

Her eyes opened, realizing why she was so nervous.

"Girl, you're sweating and the show starts in an thirty minutes." Dinah laughed, sitting next to Lauren on the couch in the dressing room. Lauren looked at her, noticing how she was already done with her makeup and wardrobe change. She started bouncing her leg up and down faster, realizing how close showtime was."You okay?" Dinah broke her out of her thoughts.

"Huh? Yeah. Why wouldn't I be okay? Do I look the opposite of okay? Because I am not the opposite of okay. I am perfect actually. No, not perfect but I'm sure you know what I mean." Lauren rambled, causing everyone in the dressing room to look at her."I'm fine, okay...every synonym of okay! I'm great, actually!" Lauren forced a smile on her face, looking at the eyes on her."What?"

"Someone's nervous." Dinah muttered, looking away from the green eyed girl.

"Dinah." Ally scolded the Polynesian quietly, trying not to move much since she was the last one to get her makeup done. She sighed quietly, looking at Lauren sympathetically."What's wrong, Lauren?"


"Why am not surprised?" Lauren heard Camila mutter in the corner of the room.

Ignoring her, Lauren continued."She's here. She's going to see the show. See me perform. Us, us perform."

"And that makes you nervous?"

"What else can she make you feel, Lauren?" Dinah smirked, earning a glare from both Lauren and Camila. Dinah raised her hands up in defense,"Geez, can't take a joke."

"Ladies!" Will walked into the dressing room, Ally finished once he did."Showtime in five. Let's go!" He yelled excitedly before he closed the door and left.

"You're going to be fine. Just act like she isn't there." Ally patted her back, smiling at her reassuringly before walking out of the dressing room.

Lauren sighed, being the last one to exit the dressing room."I can't really do that if I'm going to be singing to her." She mumbled, not caring that no one heard her. She grabbed her mic, took a deep breath before walking on stage with the girls.


Y/N crossed her arms, ignoring the talking that was happening behind her, that is for some reason louder than the music. She took a deep breath, calming herself down as she watched the girls pull chairs from backstage and sat on them.

"Okay," She just smiled at the voice of Lauren."we're gonna slow it down a bit, guys."

"It's one of my favorites off 7/27," Normani added, smiling as she looked out at the crowd, who actually calmed down when the girls sat down."we're starting off with Dope."

And the harmonies began, making Y/N completely forget about the people talking behind her and remained focused on the singing girls. She saw her brother walk closer to her, smiling at her before she looked back up at the stage.

...With hands that could save me, face that could break me
Sort of in love with you
But I wouldn't say that to ya

And now I'm tryna find the words
To tell you how I feel and show you that it's real
And now I'm tryna find the words

"Are you sure you guys aren't together?" Miguel leaned closer to his sister, raising his eyebrow at her. Y/N shook her head seriously, then questionably looked at him."Because she has not taken her eyes off you since she sat down, and since we got up front."

...I've been thinking 'bout ways that I wanna hold you close
Just so you know
I don't know what else to say, but you're pretty fucking dope
Oh, just so you know
I don't know how else to say it, but you're pretty fucking dope

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, looking at her brother,"We're just friends."

"Tell mom and dad that. And Jenny." He added, shrugging shortly."But don't worry, I got your back if they tease you on this." Y/N simply nodded, looking back at the stage when she heard them switch songs.

I know you don't want me anymore by the look on your face
They say when it rains it pours, you can tell by my face

Oh and I know, and you know that we've been here before
I think I know how it should end, we got an audience calling us crazy
We ignore those with opinions of hate
We're not like the rest of them, friends with insanity as of lately

"You sure?"

"Miguel!" Y/N laughed, looking at her brother crazily. She shook her head at him, not wanting to miss Lauren's part she looked back at the stage quickly.

Everyone comes with scars but you can love them away
I told you that I wasn't perfect, you told me the same
I think that's why we belong together and unashamed
I told you that I wasn't perfect, no way
Way, way, no way, no way

She heard the fans go crazy as the girls switched over to another song.

When we're alone, I get so close
Give me your warmth I've never known
Face to face, caught in a wild embrace
This is the safest place I've ever known

She chuckled when she saw Lauren meet her eyes then quickly avert them. She noticed the small blush on her cheeks before nodding her head along to the beat of the song.

Put your arms around me, baby
Put your arms around me, baby, and squeeze
Only you know how to save me
Put your arms around me, baby, and squeeze, squeeze

The crowd went silent when the lights turned off, the whispers were heard and the only whispers Y/N could hear were the fans saying they were starting to do covers. She really needs to get back on social media, because apparently they know everything before her.

The lights turned on, well only one and it was a spotlight on Camila, who started doing her cover of U With Me? by Drake. Once she done it was Dinah, who was doing a cover of Marc E. Bassy's You & Me. Normani perfectly hit every note of her cover of Let It Go by James Bay. And Ally, do not get Y/N started on how Ally sang Hideaway by Daya. What confused her the most was how the music stopped playing when it was Lauren's turn. But then she knew why, maybe it was because the sound people were changing the audio so it could fit with Lauren's cover.

As good as you make me feel
I wanna make you feel better
Better than your fairy tales
Better than your best dreams
You're more than everything I need

Y/N wasn't the only one cheering when Lauren hit that high note. The crowd was louder than ever before as Lauren ended the part of the covers. Y/N saw the tint of pink back on Lauren's cheeks, she laughed quietly as she smiled at Lauren.

You're all I ever wanted
All I ever wanted

And when Lauren saw her smile, she let go of a breath she didn't even know she was holding in.

Although there were some unwanted people sitting behind her, Y/N enjoyed the show. And sure her mom would stop and talk to her once in a while to ask what was going on, she enjoyed every minute of it. And once the show was done, she promised her mom she would meet her up later then ran backstage to see Lauren.


Alright so I am currently finishing up the next chapter so there might be a new chapter tomorrow, but I am noticing now as I am finishing it that I'm leaving it with a cliffhanger...so I apologize for that now.

Oh, and I've read the comments and seen that you guys are waiting for a kiss between Y/N and Lauren...all I can say is it's already written down.

Uh...I don't know what else to say but you're pretty fucking dope.❤️ I love you guys!

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