Jemi lives on...

By KamiLiz

10K 149 24

Jemi has been happening behind all of your backs, that's right a relationship that the media hasn't even figu... More

Jemi lives on...
Nick's affection
Let you Go
I think about you ❤
Honey❤, you're my golden star! ☆
And that's why I smile :)
♥ Heart by Heart ♬
Worth it
Thanksgiving ◊
Mission - Get Nick a gf.

☀ Bring me the Night☽

699 13 0
By KamiLiz

Thanks for sending the feeback quickly, ima countinue with the story now. :)

(Song: Bring me the Night by Sam Tsui & Kina Grannis) Btw it's back to Demi's POV (Point of View). 

Back to reality, Demi & Joe had jobs to do, people to see, appointments to complete, etc.

Busy-filled days.

I awoke next to a snoring Joe, yeah, he looked cute whilst sleeping, but sometimes he snores.

I looked on my phone to see what was in store for today, and remembered today's full of appointments for photoshoots and scenes in Glee to play, I had to be a lesbian, not sure whether I like it or not, haha.

All I know is the song I performed with Naya, was amazing! I didn't expect to do such an old song, but still loved it.

I looked at Joe's phone, to see if he was late for any schedules, and to my luck, he wasn't late and he had an alarm set, I hated having to wake him up, it just made me feel cruel, yeah I might be helping him, but at the same time, everybody needs their sleep.

I got out of bed quietly, and went downstairs to make breakfast.

I knew Joe would be worried if I done another fruity breakfast, so I got some Honey, nut cheerios, and sat at the table to eat them, the next appointment I had wasn't until half a hour later, and it was a photoshoot at Elle, although I loved the magazine, it wasn't really my style.

I heard footsteps on the stairs, Joe was awake, I really need to improve my stealth mode...

Joe: "Morning Demz"

Me: "Morning Joe"

Joe: "Already made breakfast I see, and no more smoothies?"

Me: "Yeah, just like you ordered, your majesty." I loved joking about Joe being king, 'cause tbh (to be honest) I always saw him as my king.

He always treated me so nicely, so I certainly felt like his queen.

Note to self: arrange a wedding soon, you've been with him for years, it's about time to wed the King. I giggled.

Joe: "Any appointments today?"

Me: "Yeah, photoshoot for Elle and Glee appearences"


Joe always loved acting like a #1 fan.

Me: "Yeah, didn't you hear, your gal is going to be a lesbian on the show? Surely a #1 fan would know that, tut tut"

Joe laughs.

The pair forgetting about Nick sleeping on in the spare room, finished their breakfast whilst Nick headed in the kitchen and suprised both of them.

Me: "Morning Nick, sorry if we awoke you, but you sleep so quietly, I almost forgot you stayed for the night"

Nick: "Morning Demz, it's fine, mother always told me I slept quietly, unlike snoring Joe"

Joe: "Hey, my snoring doesn't awake Demi, so it can't be that bad...Did it awake you Demi?"

Laughing and trying to talk at the same time, not a good idea, never try it!

Almost choking on breakfast, and laughing to much, I finally chime in.

Me: "No, I always awake by myself..."

Joe cuts in. "See, told ya Nick!"

Me: "But, it is a nusiance when I wake up in the morning, it's all I can hear, till I get downstairs, so luckily it doesn't echo that far."

Joe never took offense from Demi/Nick since he always knew they were just kidding.

I look at my phone to check the time, "oops, I need to go guys, photoshoot to get to, see you soon".

I quickly kissed Joe on the cheek, hug Nick, waved and rushed to my photoshoot.

(I didn't want to start a smooch session infront of someone who I knew, it would kill inside, that's just heartless).

[Joe's POV]

Nick: "So, do you have anything planned today?"

Me: "Yeah, two photoshoots and a gig, remember?"

Jonas Brothers were coming back together, so we needed to do some gigs again, to attract the same people again, and tell them we're back or attract more people.

Nick: "Almost forgot, I'm free until the gig"

Me: "Lucky you, just a fun, work day for me"

Nick: "Omg, you're so lucky!" (sarcasm)

I could always sense when Nick used sarcasm, he always used a certain voice for it, and it was really funny!

Me: "I know right?!"

I always loved playing along with Nick's sarcasm.

I looked at my watch and noticed Nick looking down.

Me: "You can help yourself Nick, it's not as if we can't buy the food again."

Nick: "I just don't feel like eating"

Me: "Nick, it's bad enough with Demz doing a fruity smoothie the other day, and I won't let one of my brothers starve"

Nick looked worried, then I noticed what I said about Demi, I covered my mouth.

Me: "Nick, don't worry, I got her to eat some Lucky Charms, so she's fine"

Nick: "Phew, don't scare me like that bro"

Me: "Haha, you actually thought I would let Demi starve? No way dude"

Nick: "Good, you know how much she trusts you."

Me: "Yeah, I know...Anyways, I should be going to a photoshoot, and if you're not going to eat, I will feed you like a baby."

Nick rushes to the fridge and makes a sandwich.

Nick: "Calm down bro, I'm on it!"

Joe laughed, hugged Nick, waved goodbye and went to his photoshoot.

Nick was left at home alone, hopefully it doesn't end up like the films Home Alone, but we all know it won't end up like that.


(Back to Demi's POV)

Eventually my photoshoot ended, but straight after that I have to go to the Glee set, and I just feel so tired, feeling a little homesick and wondering what Nick was up to, I got in the limo and texted him.

"Hey, last night was fun, we should do it again sometime, if I don't fall asleep again, haha xoxo"

Just a minute after he replied, making me jump.

"Yeah we should, any idea on what film? xoxo"

I text bk saying "Um, I'll help decide after I'm done filming Glee, till then you can do anything you like. xoxo"        We had so many DVDs I barely remembered whether the films were good or not.

5 secs later, BEEP!

"Have fun on Glee, I'll just go see what u two have to watch xoxo"

I arrived at the Glee set, and immediately started filming, didn't even costume change, just film, film film!

After 2 scenes they made us do over, and over, and over, and over again & again, I just felt so tired, so they let everyone have a break and I went outside, I called Joe to see if he had finished with his photoshoot yet. After one ring, "Hey Demz, what's up?".

Me: "Not much, I just done so many scenese in Glee and I'm so tired!"

Joe: "Sounds fun, I just completed one photoshoot and now I need to go to another one!"

Me: "Work is tough.." Joe cut in.

Joe: "But worth it"

Me: "Yeah, but still..."

Joe: "I know what you mean."

Me: "What are we having for dinner tonight?"

Joe: "I don't know, how about chinese?"

Me: "YES!!!"

Joe: "Chinese it is, have fun on your next scene"

Me: "Have fun on your next shoot, can't wait to get home"

I don't know what it was, but it felt like I hadn't seen Joe forever, when I only saw him this morning, and now I'm pretty much craving him.

Why was I feeling like this?!

Love is crazy and unexpected, that's for certain, I just hope my eyes don't start tearing up, I remembered a song I listened to the other day, and sang it to myself to calm down.

So bring me the night, send out the stars, 'cause when I'm dreaming, we don't seem so far, darken the sky and light up the moon, so that somehow you'll be here with me soon...Bring me the night x2 That brings me to you

I loved that song so much, I knew the lyrics off by heart, and whilst singing it, it kinda feels like Joe is singing along, it's silly I know, but it's just relatable at the moment, it calmed me down, so I went back inside and had some red bull to stop this tired feeling.

Always worked perfectly well, and just as the director was about to call break off some couple were arguing like Hell to each other, everyone just crowded round them and watched them like a show.

"Hey, why haven't you answered my texts?"


"Doing what?"

"Filming, photoshoots, chores, you know the whole bunch."

"But you told me you were free?"

"No, that was for last week."




I felt grateful to have Joe, and seeing these arguments just made me feel sorry for the couple, it's like they're trying to fix something that's unfixable, surely people argue sometimes, but not always in public, and on Glee's set.

The director was getting pretty mad, so he shouted "BREAK IS OVER, STOP ARGUING!"

Everybody, except the pair went back to the set, and acted as if nothing happened.

I carried on acting parts with Naya, and ignored the couple, it can't be helped.

Naya: "That couple is crazy"

Me: "I know right?"

Naya: "They must envy us so much"

Demi & Naya laughed, as the director was more interested in getting the couple to shut up.


I eventually got home, Nick & Joe both greeted me at the door and took turns at hugging me, I needed a hug so bad, so praise the lord!

I kissed Joe on the lips, just a short & small kiss, to say "I missed u, ilysm!" Nick went to find a DVD so I'm sure he didn't see us kiss...Phew.

We couldn't decide on a film, again, just like last night.

So I eventually said "Let's just watch Real Steel" *puppy dog eyes*

Joe: "Fine, Real Steel it is, I wanna watch that film again anyway!"

Nick: "I haven't seen it." Joe & Demi cut in.

Me and Joe: "YOU NEED TO SEE IT!"

Nick laughed and turned it on.

We got through the whole film, I was a little teary-eyed, but no big deal, Nick was the same, and Joe was trying to be a man about it.

Underline the word trying, he was good at being manly in photoshoots, but not good at trying not to cry on emotional films.

Nick stayed for the night again, in our spare room, and Joe couldn't stop talking about how great their gig was, I would've went but Glee went on FOREVER!

They're doing another gig tomorrow, so I'll go to that.

Nick went to sleep before us, we stayed up for another hour, chatting and finishing off the Chinese.

We both went to bed after that, and slept cuddling each other forever & ever.

(well, until tomorrow morning).

Joe didn't snore that much last night, since I actually woke up to a peaceful bed, so I checked my phone and I had no work, I repeat NO WORK! YIPPEE!

I checked Joe's phone, and noticed he had a music video to shoot and a gig tonight.

How was I going to tell him that I was free?

Brag about it, or just pretend I do and instead stay home with Nick?

I prefer just saying "NO WORK!" screaming it to the sky, and I'll raise my finger at the neighbours who stare.

I guessed Nick heard me jumping up and down, since he opened our bedroom door, and came straight to me as if something was wrong.

Me: "Morning Nick, any work for today?"

Nick: "From your jumps for joy, I guess you're free, and actually I have a music video and a gig to play, you do remember Jonas brothers are back together?"

Me: "Of course, it's just morning, and I can't do stuff like that in the morning, so I'm free, all alone, what am I supposed to do?"

Nick: "Well, first we should get out of here, before one of us wakes up Joe" Nick pointed to sleepyhead Joe.

Me: "Fine, we'll go downstairs, tip-toe though!"

Nick: "Yesterday when I had a free day, I just lazed about on the sofa, looking at some jonatics' tweets, laughing to myself with some random tv show on."

Demi: "Sounds great, I need to give ma lovatics some love anyway, thanks for the idea, ima steal it off you, and any idea what tv show was actually on?"

Nick: I really don't know, it must've been some pranking show, 'cause every half hour I heard some lady say "OH MY GOD, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TRICKED US"

Demi and Nick laughed, then Joe heard them and came downstairs.

Joe: "You two had breakfast yet?"

Me: "Nope."

Joe: "Well you better get some, me and Nick have a music video to get to"

Nick: "Chill, it's not for another half-hour"

Joe made himself some breakfast and tried his best to join in our conversations, but that rarely worked, it just made things awkward.

Eventually we made ourselves breakfast and Nick was rushing, to get out the door as soon as possible, whilst I just sat there, eating as slow as I could, so I could still talk to them at the same time.

Me: "Have fun at your music video, I know you'll all kill it, tell Kevin the same"

Both Nick & Joe hugged me, and as Nick got in the limo, Joe checked to see if Nick was looking out the window or not, and quickly kissed me.

I didn't even expect it, and those kisses are always the best, why did he have to do this to me? He know it only makes me want him more, WHY?!

It was passionate but short and sweet, he waved and ran to the limo, before Nick started shouting "HURRY UP!"


I had the whole house to myself, what to do?

I sat on the sofa, looked on my phone, went on twitter for an hour or two, just reading tweets, I always loved just reading their amazing responses, all of them were so supportive and...well amazing, I loved them all so much, and wanted to meet everybody, but that's impossible...Sadly.

I thought about doing a world tour sometime next year, but that's only if everything is completed and I need a break, so I can just perform and connect with people I loved and they loved me back, I just always loved that feeling, it was always so captivating.

Just meeting all the fans, and some of them tearing up, luckily I always had a packet of tissues in my jacket (for just incase reasons) I loved that they would tear up just because I was standing right infront of them, it was an amazing feeling, it always made me feel better, like even if I felt sick, it just made my whole day brighter.

Hopefully this is long enough for the moment, I have some maths homework to do, so see you guys soon, thanks for the feedback, and I hope u enjoyed this long chapter. Aloha xoxo

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