Unwanted By Him (On Hold, sor...

By FreakyNinja23

245K 3.3K 531

What happens when your mate not only rejects you, but physically hurts and humilates you in school? The only... More

Unwanted By Him
Night Shadows
Crazy Mind
Changed Forever
Crazy Beautiful Life
Oh Joy
I Like You
Swim Party
Fight For Her
Great, Just Great
Run Away
Voices in My Head Plus Paint
So We Meet Again

Dangerous Zone

15K 256 60
By FreakyNinja23

Dedicated to CrazyAnimeLovinGirl2 because she is so freaking awesome. She commenting at the least 5 times on the last chapter and all of her kind supportive (sometimes helpful) comments are great! Picture is of Zack. Song of the day is So What by Pink, hopw you enojoy!

Chapter 7

Angel's POV

Dangerous Zone

Emily's head snapped up "Who is coming over here!?" she shrieked, way too loudly, with wide eyes.

Heads turned in out direction, but I didn't care. I just wanted Jason to disappear into thin air. I didn't want to do anything stupid today! It was going to be a fun day to! "Jason" I whispered.

A soft gasp escaped Emily's mouth. "He's here?" she asked dumbly.

I nodded sadly, keeping one eye on Jason who was steadily getting closer to Emily and I. "He's coming this way, as in he's noticed us, and he wants to talk, and he's the jerk that upset you, and the guy who's butt I want to kick?" Emily asked, or at least double checked.

I again nodded, the corners of my mouth twitching upward. Oh boy Jason will be in for something! I'm so longer some ugly fatty who lets people push me around, now I just want Jason to come over here so I can kick his butt.

An evil smirk must have appeared on my face, because Emily stares at me. "Time for revenge?" she questions, and I happily nod.

We slow our pace down so Jason could catch up to us, and it wasn't long before Jason reached us. From the corner of my eye I watched Jason reach out a hand and tap Emily on the shoulder.

“Excuse me" He says in is flirtatious voice. Good, he didn't know who I was. Wait- he was FLIRTING with somebody? I know I was rejected but.... "I think I'm lost, can you give me directions to where ever you’re going?"

I gagged, who used that pick up line, or who uses pick up lines that cheesy? Emily seemed to have the same reaction as she stifled a laugh. Oh wow, this will be interesting.

While Emily kept Jason distracted I discreetly took out my phone and selected Parker from my favorite list and sent him a message saying 'My mates showed up. Want to pay us a visit? At the mall with Emily'. The response was instant.

Parker had sent, 'Wait the mate, the one that.... I'll be there in five minutes with the rest of your boy's.'

I smiled, I'm so glad that I left Jason's pack.  Now I have great overprotective friends, I can't wait till Jason gets what's coming for him, that- that self centered butt face! Wait, the drive to the mall from our house was at least 10 minuets... Parker had better not be speeding or I'll kick his butt, too!

I put my phone away and wink at Emily, hopefully showing that we have reinforcements coming.

"-your feet hurt? Because you've been running through my mind" I hear Justin say.

I snort, and mumble "Yeah, running away.", but Jason's gaze turns to me. Oops, I guess I'm not used to werewolves other then my pack being around.

"What was that?" Jason asks a smirk still apparent on his face. I glance at Emily for support, but she's no help at all, so I drop my gaze to the ground and think for a moment, then I decide, it’s time.

"I said" I raised my gaze off of the floor once again "Yeah, running" my gaze was now on his face, but I haven't locked eyes with his yet. I need to time it. "Away" I hissed as I locked my gaze with his.

The reaction I felt- and Jason, was immediate. Tingles went throughout my body, but I could handle it, after all, the bond has weakened since we were such a distance apart, but Jason's reaction worried me.

Jason let out a startled gasp and took a step back. Then he rubbed his eyes and took a second look at me, as if he couldn't believe fat ol' Angelica has turned out to be beautiful. If Jason thinks I’ll forgive him, he has another thing coming for him!

Jason’s POV

My friends had dared me, and that was the only reason why I went over there. The guys had seen the girls around the mall and we passed a few times, and finally they discussed which one of us would have the best chance at getting their numbers, and it came down to me. I don’t mind getting these girls numbers though; they were the best looking out of all the girls here.

The older one had a happier glow then the younger one, but that didn’t matter. In the few times we had passed them I’d noticed that the oldest one had past shoulder length hair that was a dull (yet still good looking) all natural blonde. Her eyes were a beautiful electric blue, stunning enough to capture any lesser man in their gaze. The younger one (but not to young) was average height, but had a look of innocence about her. Her hair was beautifully cut; side bangs that enhanced her facial features, and dirty blond hair that was layered heavily at the bottom. I don’t been able to get a good look at the younger ones eyes, lips, or nose, but I was sure they’d all look perfect.

I tapped on the older ones shoulder, and cracked a few pick up lines when I heard the younger ones voice mumble something. “What was that?” I asked, smirking. My irresistible charm has worked… once again.

Her reply was one of a strong person who wasn’t looking for heart break. What a smart girl, but I wonder what could have caused this, oh yeah, her reply was “Yeah, running away”  and then she connected eye contact with me. It took all I had to not get on my knees then and there to beg for forgiveness, my wolf was wining at me.

‘This is your only chance’ my wolf was saying. ‘You’ll never see her again’ and although my wolf words were convincing I wasn’t going to scare my poor mate away. I didn’t get a chance to say anything though, as four guys jogged up to the older girl- whose name I had learned was Emily, and Angelica. The obvious alpha stepped forward.

“I’m Parker Loy, and this is my pack” and as he introduced his pack he was sending death threats to me though his eyes. “This is Mike, my beta, Zack, my gamma, Collin, my brother, Emily, my mate, and Angel, my favorite” He said, sending a wink to Angelica, and wrapping his hand around Emily’s waist protectively.

Emily was leaning into Panther, was that his name, or was it Pank? Maybe it was Parker, I had already forgotten it. Zeke, or Zack, had stepped up to my angels side and Angelica had leaned into his body just like Emily was doing to Parker, watching them made my wolf grown for Zekes blood, and maybe, but I’m not sure, made me feel slightly jealous.

“You better not have been bothering my girl” Zeke growled lowly, and then Angelica whispered something in the stupid guys’ ear. They both broke away chuckling slightly, when I finally registered what the guy had said. His girl… his?

“Your girl?” I said lowly, trying to keep my anger in check. There was no fighting allowed as this was a trip for business only, and nothing else except for maybe some fun on the side, but the counsel didn’t have to know about that.

“And mine” Stepped up Mike. I was confused; she’s dating two guys, in the same back?

Angelica giggled “Nope I’m only Zacks” whoa whoa whoa, she giggled? I don’t think I’ve even seen Angelica giggle, much less laugh or smile.

“You’re all of ours” Parker grinned and lightly punched Angelica on the shoulder. His gaze turned to me “Isn’t that right Angel?” He asked, eyes narrowing as he took in my looks. I bet he’s jealous.

“Oh yeah” Angelica joked “I’m all of yours, and only all of yours… excluding Mike” she laughed and stuck out her tongue at Mike. Mike had fakely grasped his heart.

“That hurt Angel, the hurt me deep” Mike said, laughing along with the rest of his happy pack.

Finally the rest of my pack had come to back me up. Two girls had tagged along; Kayla, my girlfriend and Lilly, my sister. Three guys had came along as well, my dad (but he didn’t come to the mall), and my closest friends, Ashton, and Troy. Caroline, my other sister, had stayed behind because she didn’t feel like leaving ‘bestie’ heartbroken, and yes her ‘bestie’ had just broken up with her long term boyfriend, whom was not her mate.

“Justin” Kayla latched herself onto my arm, wining. “Why are you over here with these sluts when you have me?” she asked, sending glares at Emily and Angelica.

I bit the inside of my cheek with I noticed fire going off in Angelicas eyes. “Oh no” I mumbled, waiting for Angelicas tears to start flowing as they always had, but they didn’t. Instead Angelica stepped forward, and looked straight into Kayla’s eyes.  

“Listen biotch, before you go insulting other look at yourself first, cuz I’m pretty sure having half of your boobs showing is more slutter then none showing at all.” My eyes widened in shock, boy has Angelica changed. She was like a whole new person, but I was brought back to attention when I heard a loud bang. I lifted my gaze up and saw that Kayla had just slapped Angelica.

Once again my blood boiled and I wanted to defend Angelica, but I couldn’t… I just couldn’t, not where it’d make me look bad at least. So I just stood and watched as Zeke, or was it Zack? Stepped forward and shoved Kayla back.

“I have enough sense not to punch a girl, but let’s not push it” Zeke said with a snarly tone.

Ashton reacted quickly, aiming a punch at Zekes jaw that surely would have broken it, if Angelica hadn’t caught his fist and kicked him. Zeke turned around and aimed a punch at Ashton, but Ashton had enough sense to duck, and the punch hit Lilly instead. I growled, because nobody is allowed to hurt my family, and I mean nobody. I turned to take a swig at Zeke and accidently kit Parker instead, and then all at once, hell broke loose.

And that’s why I’m now grounded at the hotel room; no going out unless with my father, and that’s why I have an almost healed broken rib.


I wish I could dedicate this to each and every one of you for being so supporting, and amazing, and awesome, and the best fans ever!!!! I hope this chapter is decently long as it is 7 ½ pages long on word. Gosh, wattpad pages are so long, I think 3 word pages = 1 wattpad one or something like that.

Don’t forget guys, as much as I love the commenting, and the voting, and the facebooking, and the twittering, the thing I love most is having readers, so please please send this to friends that might like it, and I’d appreciate it so so so so so much.  But then, the comments do show me hiw much people like the story,and well, I was just trying to say that even though I don’t say it very often; I apprishiate every single reader I have, even if they don’t comment or vote.

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