Open When Letters

By sillyrussians

1.2M 1.1K 64

I wrote these letters for my boyfriend because I often feel like distance is a major negative factor in our r... More

Open... Right now
Open When... You're Happy
Open When... You're Sad
Open When... You need a laugh
Open When... You miss me
Open When... You've had a bad day
Open When... You're stressed
Open When... We argue
Open When... You want to know how happy you make me
Open When... We've been together for a year
Open When... You need to know why I love you
Open When... You need a hug
Open When... You need a kiss
Open When... You can't sleep
Open When... You want to know why I made these
Open When... I don't answer
Open When... You feel lost
Open When... I leave after visiting you
Open When... You want to visit memory lane
Open When... You're pulling an all nighter
Open When... You're about to see me
Open When... You need motivation
Open When... You are sick
Open When... You need me
Open When... You're bored
Open When... You're angry
Open When... You need a friend
Open When... You need confidence
Open When... You feel like giving up on us
Open When... I'm far away from home
Open When... You feel insecure
Open When... You are lonely
Open When... You are crying
Open When... You are upset
Open When... You feel like giving up
Open When... You think about our future
Open When... You want to know more about me
Open When... You don't know what to get me as a gift
Open When... You get a bad grade
Open When... You have family problems
Open When... You need to feel appreciated
Open When... You need some love
Open When... You want to listen to songs that remind me of you
Open When... You doubt my love
Open When... You're craving something sweet
Open When... You feel lucky
Open When... Distance is too much
Open When... You are worried
Open When... You need luck
Open When... It's that time of the month
Open When... You want some old memories
Open When... You want to feel tingles
Open When... I'm being a butt
Open When... You are thinking of me
Open When... You need to smile
Open When... You want to listen to music
Open When... You get the munchies
Open When... You want to read quotes
Open When... It is a special day
Open When... It's our Nine Month Anniversary
Open When... You're Hungry
Open When... You have a great day
Open When... Life doesn't go your way
Open When... You want to know why my heart beats
Open When... Distance makes you upset
Open When... You have a bad dream
Open When... You feel alone
Open When... I fall asleep on you
Open When... You're Frustrated
Open When... You are worried about me
Open When... You need to know someone cares
Open When... You are Daydreaming
Open When... You don't want to study
Open When... Someone makes you mad
Open... Just because
Open When... You Want Me
Open When... Your phone dies
Open When... You Want Candy
Open When... Brownies are life
Open When... It's Valentine's Day
Open When... It's Your Birthday
Open When... It's Halloween
Open When... It's Thanksgiving
Open When... It's Christmas
Open When... It's our Year and a Half Anniversary
Open When... It's Our Year and Seven Months Anniversary
Open When... This is your last letter
Open When... You get this (through the mail letter #1)
Open When... You get this (through the mail letter #2)
Random Letter #1 (My Universe)
Random Letter #2 (One Word: Special)
Random Letter #3 (A Year and 4 Months)
Random Letter #4 (I Miss You So Much)
Random Letter #5 (Our Future)
Random Letter #6 (A Letter of Appreciation)
Random Letter #7 (Everlasting Love)
Random Letter #8 (Your Love Spell)
Random Letter #9 (Love Without Limits)
Random Letter #10 (When You Smile)
Random Letter #11 (Dear Myself)

Open When... You need to hear a story

13.1K 9 0
By sillyrussians

Dear Boyfriend, 

Story time! Read this in my voice if you can, or try to imagine me sharing this wonderful love story with you. You might want to open gift #13 right now to enjoy while you read this extensive story. This is going to be a long few pages. I sure hope I don't bore you to sleep. Love you honey bunny, enjoy!

I'm so happy that you are in my life. I'm so lucky I found you before anyone else snatched up your heart. I'm so lucky you didn't choose any other girl over me. I'm so happy that you open up to me and share your true feelings with me. I'm so happy you let me love you the way I do. I'm so happy you love me back unconditionally. I'm so happy we are in such a healthy relationship that is progressing and lasting so long. I'm so happy that we both are satisfied and don't hurt each other. I'm so happy that you exist. I don't know where I would be now if it wasn't for you. You may not see it, but you've been the missing piece in my life that I've been searching for. That one missing puzzle piece that has the power to connect the rest and create something beautiful. Thank you for being my special puzzle piece. I'm so happy that we express our affection to each other everyday. I'm so happy that we can talk to each other for hours and not get bored or annoyed. I'm so happy because we are perfect for each other. That perfect feeling that I am accustomed to now didn't use to come so easy with anyone else. That's why you are my special one and only and I will never let you go. If you try to run, I'll give you reasons to stay. A lot of people, like our friends think of us as cute and perfect for each other. Whenever someone mentions how cute we are together, I get tingly, my heart warms up inside. It's an amazing feeling. I constantly replay the way we met, and how we became friends over time, and how our friendship progressed and developed to the amazing relationship that we hold and treasure now. Sometimes I wonder if it was a lucky chance, or if it was fate that joined us together? I'll replay it for you in my perspective so you could be the judge of that. Here's the story:

(The dates I calculated if you open this on the month of May. If you open it later, then the months are changed only by a tiny bit so don't worry. The story and it's meaning remains the same, no matter what time of year it is.)

A school that I only attended for a short term changed my entire life. It was about 12 months ago, that I got accepted into your high school, at about the same time you got accepted too. 9 months ago was the first day of high school. I knew a few people, but no one in my class. I tried looking for people that could potentially become my friends and I could start hanging out with them. I didn't interact too much with people on the first day, but I noted a few people. I noticed how one girl and one boy would be the loud and fun bunch of the class. I noticed one boy's "specialness" and how he thought everyone's business was his business. I noticed a girl's stupidity and a boy's mysteriousness/moodiness. I noticed that the rest of the class was rather normal and quiet. I noticed one cute boy, very cute indeed. I didn't know much about him; in fact I didn't even know his name until I've learned the names of the rest of the students. It would be fair to say that I watched, not stalked, this boy for the rest of the week. I knew he was very attractive, but I wanted to see what his personality was like. I was very curious to know more about him. I found out the basics of him during the first month of school. He lives near the school, he's a very smart guy, and he likes science, he's shy and quiet, he doesn't talk much, he's really skinny, and he seems nice. My interest grew for him every week. By that time this other girl had transferred to our school and we've became great friends. I told her about my "little" crush on you and she quickly told you also behind my back, which I was unaware of. I probably looked so stupid in your eyes with my deep crush on you, and you not having a single thought of a girlfriend in your head. You and I talked sometimes but not as often as I wanted to. In English class I would look at the back of your head and watch you chat with a boy and just think how great it would be if we were dating. Don't call me a stalker because I wouldn't do that, I'm just being honest in this story. I took pictures of you sometimes, and I kinda just stared at the back of your head. I often found myself captured in a daydream about you. I would tune out all my surroundings, and focus on some kind of made up scenario with the two of us. No distractions, just me visualizing us together, and the amazing things that could become possible. But as always, reality struck me hard in my heart when I realized that you didn't feel the same, and we would probably never be together. Then I would be warped back to the classroom, back to hearing our English teacher in the background, and starring hopelessly into the back of your head.

In Spanish class, I was completely lost. Like completely and utterly lost. I never understood anything or what I was doing. I usually tuned out everything and all the noise, because I wouldn't be able to understand anything anyway. This was just the class where I zoned out and spent in the wild realms of my imagination. I just cheated my way through everything and acted all innocent and needy, that's how I passed with an A. I always thought of asking you for your help but sadly you were placed far apart from me. My prince was positioned on the opposite side of the room where I couldn't admire how attractive he was. We were separated and that killed me. And of course I was still crushing over you while you didn't care. You could have thought I was pretty, sure, but you just considered me as another cute girl. Meanwhile, I was deeply in love with you. To me, you were a dream come true. Even if I couldn't come up and hold your hand, hug you, kiss you, and show you my affection and true feelings, a girl can dream.

When lunch came around, I never saw you. Believe me, I looked for you. I wanted to excavate the entire school for chu. I thought that maybe lunchtime would bring us a few major bonding moments that we could share together, but I never managed to locate you. And whenever I did, you were just in the biology classroom. And I knew I couldn't have a cute, private, romantic moment with chu while everyone was around us in a science classroom. Oh, how I hoped and dreamed about one though. I thought about chu all the time my cutie.

Being separated from you in math class was hell. I don't know how I've survived. Basically the only reason I got through the class is because I actually enjoyed the subject and the teacher. Although I can't deny my love for math, I can't deny my love for you either. I honestly missed you during those wasted 90 minutes of a subject that I could have learned myself in half the time. I could have used those minutes to admire my love. I could have used that hour and a half to get to know you more. To interact with you. To see you more often. Seeing you was the best part of my day, did you know that? It's amazing how much a girl will do for a guy when she is deeply in love.

Last period of the day, I see you once more. My last chance to leave an impression upon you. My last chance to communicate with you. Whether it be verbally, or just to catch your eye, I prayed for something from you. Anything at all from you would make my heart race. The feeling of love hit me hard, like a needle that pierced deeply into my heart. And every time you looked at me, smiled, or talked to me, that needle went in deeper. But the more it hurt, the more pain there was, and the more I enjoyed and appreciated it. I wasn't entertained much in the last class, because our professor was a very dead and boring man. If you sat next to me, all my thoughts and feelings would be circling around in my chest until they eventually exploded. If I was next to you, I would talk to you nonstop. I would have never ran out of words to say to you. Eventually I would realize how much I am annoying and bothering you, and then I would stop. But I think there would have definitely been a more faster and easier connection between us if we sat next to each other in any class. Nonetheless, I still swiveled my little body in my chair every 20 minutes just for a quick glance at the back of your head and your computer screen. I remember when we were taking pictures for our student IDs and you kinda put your hand on my back to make me go ahead of you. That was really adorable and completely made my day. I sometimes feel like I'm obsessed with you because I remember really small and insignificant things like these. Even though it was long ago, I'm pretty sure that's the first time you made physical contact with me. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be crazy like this about you. It's really hard not to when I'm so deeply in love with you. At the end of class, I always attempted to sit next to you in the front of the room. I wanted to plop my fat butt down in the seat right next to my baby. At dismissal, I don't remember us really talking. I always left right away because my mom would tell me to come out immediately. Sometimes I said bye to you, but I was really shy around you as you could tell. Who wouldn't be shy around their crush?

When I got home, usually a few hours later, waiting for me would be a snapchat from my wonderful friend. How much I loved it when my phone vibrated and it was from you. How I loved reading your snaps. It always gave me so much joy, so many uncontrollable tingles that overwhelmed me so much. It especially shocked me when you texted me at night and forced me to ask you questions. I was always confused why you did this, but I noticed that you were willing to share anything and everything with me. It was as if you placed infinite trust in me, despite not knowing me well enough. That is the kind of amazing thing that provided me with tingles that spread to every part of my body. I noticed that you always texted me first. Very rarely I would have to text you first, usually you would beat me to it. I found it amusing how you texted me so often, but never had the nerve to stare at me in the eyes and have a real conversation. Although I adored your shyness, it seemed like in person, all you tried to do was avoid me. When I was trying to do the complete opposite. All I ever wanted was to get close to you. Close enough for you to hopefully fall in love right back. For the feeling to be mutual. For us to be happy. Just thinking about how you never stopped asking me for questions, you would always ask for more, no matter if my brain was emptied and I couldn't think of any more, you begged for more and more. I would think to myself "Silly, of course I'll ask more. Anything to satisfy you my love. Anything at all. Anything that you need, I will be here for you."

One day I went to the carnival in our city. I went with some girlfriends and a few guy friends. I was really happy that day because honestly it was a really fun, exciting, and enjoyable time. I had a blast from the time I got there to the time it closed. There was only one thing that bothered me. A really big thing. I think I sent chu a snapchat of the fair and you told me that you lived super close to it, like 5 min away. Once aware of that, I invited you. I said "Come on, it'll be fun, come hang out with me." I really thought you would say yes. Because I was thinking to myself, if this guy has any type of crush on me, he must want to see me outside of school, and I'm completely not far away from him. He could easily come here if he wanted to. If he had any desire to get to know me better and hang out with me, then he would come. But of course, my hopes, dreams, and my heart was shattered. You said that he didn't like the rides. I remember you told me that you preferred the movies instead, and that was hinting to something, but it wasn't related to the current situation. I proposed that you just come here and hang around with me, we can chat and look around, we don't have to go on rides. Then you told me that you didn't want to be on church grounds. By that point I wanted to stop trying, it was obvious that you weren't into me. Nonetheless, I tried one last time. I told you that I had atheist friends who were here with me, and it shouldn't matter that it's on church grounds, it's not like we went into the church itself. You still said no, that you didn't want to. That ruined my mood a lot. My friend was standing right next to me, reading the messages as well and trying to help me convince you, but after the final no, she just hugged me and said "Aw forget about him". I tried to have fun for the rest of the time but you see how that was difficult. My crush has rejected to hang out AS FRIENDS. I started doubting if you even considered me a friend at all. It seemed pretty doubtful at the moment. I attempted to enjoy my night after that, and I did, but I would have been so much happier if you were there with me. I would have had the most enormous tingles that probably wouldn't have gone away for days to pass.

We often argue about the way you asked me out, but this is HOW I REMEMBER IT, okay? I know that you started giving me more compliments and your constant texting and communication increased. I definitely saw this as a good sign, and my love for you was thriving and growing by the second. One day I got a cute little text from my favorite person. I opened it and I start completely freaking out because there I saw a snapchat that said "Would you want to go to the movies with me?" I HONESTLY DIDN'T KNOW IF YOU MEANT AS FRIENDS OR ON A DATE BECAUSE IT SEEMED SO UNREALISTIC. I would never imagine in a million years that a girl like me would ever be lucky enough to get asked out by a guy like you. I texted back as fast as my tiny fingers allowed me to type. This is what I was waiting for. Communication out of school is exactly what I need to make you fall in love with me. I told you yes, I would love to watch a movie with you. We agreed on your nearest theater, and then you insisted that I pick the movie. Well, I glanced through the movies playing and none of them really interested me, so I told you that you could choose. I feel like you got frustrated because you spent half an hour arguing with me and commanding that I choose the movie. I already told you that I didn't seem intrigued by any of them, so you could choose one that seemed appealing to you. Once I convinced you to do that, I was still unsure whether that would be a friend-date or like a real date... So I decided to solve my issue by asking you the price of the movie ticket. If you just told me the price that would determine that we are paying for ourselves, which would mean that it is just a friend-date. If you told me that you would take care of it and I wouldn't have to worry about it, then it was a real date. My little honeycomb texted back in an instant telling me not to worry and saying that he's got it. I was so happy at that, my smile was so wide and my tingles were so evident, it was so hard to conceal and hide my emotions. Finally. This was what I wanted for a really long time. I was so eager for this date. You asked me out on Friday, November 13. You asked me what date I wanted to go to the movies, I said tomorrow. You got surprised and I feel like you were reading my texts and laughing and thinking the same thing, "This girl is really eager to spend time with me". And I was. You have no idea.

The next morning, we had some sort of an event at school. I was there for my cheerleading team, and you were there I think for volunteer hours? I remember I was running late and I lost my team, I couldn't find them at all. I entered the school and you and your friend were there. I STILL REMEMBER YOUR SMILE WHEN YOU SAW ME. YOU HAD SUCH A CUTE SMILE. THIS WAS THE FIRST TIME I SAW YOU SMILE AND I ALMOST WANTED TO MELT INSIDE. Like a chocolate bar that has been left out in the sun, I would be that melted chocolaty goodness that still looks and tastes good, but is difficult to eat without making a mess. This is the reason I encourage you to smile more baby. Your smile is adorable and amazing even if you don't see it. Even if you don't believe me, I stand by my word that your smile is the most wonderful thing in this entire universe. So right then and there, my day was made. You didn't have to say a single word to give me unforgettable tingles. Then we split, I went to locate my fellow cheerleaders, and you were mainly all around. During the time we all decided to have lunch, I remember you gave me a cookie. I took it and said thank you to be polite but I gave it to my friend because I just ate, I wasn't hungry anymore. You got sad but I couldn't do anything. I was full and I couldn't eat anymore, but I felt really bad. So technically the first "gift" you got for me was a cookie. I remember we had lunch with our group that day. Haha, that was kinda like our first hangout outside of school but literally in school. I enjoyed talking to them, I enjoyed sitting next to you, I enjoyed daydreaming about how our date would be later that afternoon. Then my mom called me. I gave you a quick hug and left. I got home and waited for our date. It seemed like forever because you know the feeling when you're super extraordinarily excited for something, and you just would do anything to speed up the time? That's exactly what I was feeling. I just couldn't wait to see my love.

A few hours later I arrived at the mall and you were running late. I made my mom circle around the mall a few times because she didn't want to drop me off unsure if you were actually going to show up or not. Then you came and were waiting for me. I still couldn't believe it. I know it sounds like I'm making a big deal out of nothing but IT ISN'T NOTHING. It's you. And you're the most amazing, wonderful, fascinating, sweetest, delightful, cuddly, adorable, cute, attractive, caring, loving person I know and love. A girl like me does not belong with a guy like you, that's why I am still surprised to this day that you asked me out and that I am with you. Back to my story, I walked in and there you were. Looking attractive and handsome as always. I hugged chu and you kissed me on the cheek. You knew on the inside I WAS EXPLODING WITH EMOTIONS. Y o u k i s s e d m e o n t h e c h e e k. My crush for a few long and torturing months has kissed me on the cheek. His lips had contact with my skin. You knew I was showered with tingles. You could tell my happiness from my face and from the way I acted. That was of course my highlight of our date and I could not focus on the remainder of it because of that one kiss. You seemed really calm and uninterested the entire time but still, I was hoping that you enjoyed it as much as I did. You paid for me, which made me smile. Then you seemed to enjoy the movie. To be honest here, I was more interested in you than the movie. I kept on waiting for you to hold my hand and I was debating whether or not to do it myself. I decided against it because I was thinking that the guy should be the one to make the first move. So I sat through the whole movie hoping that you would either hold my hand or ask if it was ok to kiss me. Of course I didn't get that, but the mere fact that you were sitting next to me outside of school was astonishing. After the movie, we walked around and had a nice conversation. Although I don't remember exactly what our banter was about, I got to know a little more about you, as in turn you did about me. I was very eager and anxious to chat with you. With you it was quite impossible to tell whether you were enjoying our time or whether I annoyed you since you showed practically no emotions. This kinda made me disappointed, I felt like you weren't entertained by me and that I was a waste of your day. But anyway, I think we talked about our likes and dislikes, our interests, and our friends. You noticed some of your middle school peers, and I encouraged you to say hi, but you didn't. I figured it was because you were shy. Then we walked outside while we waited for our moms to take us home. I remember that your mom came earlier than mine, but you waited for mine to appear because you didn't want to leave me all by myself. Then afterward, we split for the night and went our own separate ways. It was a long drive home, and my mom gave me a lot of questions because she was interested in how our date went. I told her it was good and I told her a few small things about chu. She said you seemed like a nice kid and if I wanted to see you again, it was fine with her. When I got home, almost instantly I received a text from you saying that you enjoyed our time and you would do that again. Well I thought that was great. That clarified the thoughts I had about you not having any fun. Well now that I knew that you enjoyed yourself as well, I was ultimately satisfied. Then my little sugar plum started rapidly sending me cute and affectionate text messages that I didn't expect. I honestly don't remember what you said; all I know is that it was overwhelmingly sweet for the first date. I think you actually told me that you loved me, only on the first date. You can see why I was surprised here. You seemed half dead at the theater with no emotions and feelings, and now you were typing these incredibly adorable things to me. I knew you were shy because you didn't show your feelings in person, but it was a lot easier to express them when you weren't facing me. That was okay with me, I understood that this whole dating process is new to you and I'm honored to be your first girlfriend. But anyway, you told me that you desperately wanted to kiss me, and you were sorry you didn't. I mean I just wanted to hold hands, but a kiss would have been nice as well. Your sudden kindness and passion made me feel really fuzzy and tingly inside. And you did not stop for the next half hour. You just kept typing and typing away, spilling your emotions out to me. Everything you said to me was so sweet and loving, it felt like we've been dating for a few months. As you can tell I was shocked with all the sincere affection I was received from my crush that didn't even seem that interested in me.

In school a few days later, you were still really shy. You didn't want to show much PDA and you were reluctant to hold my hand or kiss my check at times. I understood that you were a timid person by nature around people that you didn't know well, and I respected that. I recall that once time when I was going home, I said bye to our friends, and I leaned in and kissed you on the cheek as a goodbye. You seemed so uncomfortable after that because all our friends saw and I instantly felt so bad. To me it didn't seem like much but I thought about it and realized how it felt to you, so I think I apologized later that day.

We had our first kiss on November 18, 2015. It was only 4 days after we've started dating. It was on a Wednesday. We had 2 very cute mini kisses in the industrial building after school. I made sure I was wearing mango chapstick. Haha, I just think that was a perfect first kiss for you and once again, I'm honored to have shared that with an amazing guy like chu.

Our second date was ice-skating at an ice arena. You were texting me one weekend and you proposed a question. You asked if I wanted to see you this weekend and I replied with "of course". Come on, let's be serious, why wouldn't I want to see you? You then asked me what I wanted to do, and I came up with the idea of ice-skating. You informed me on the fact that you've never been and didn't know how to, and I assured you that I would hold your hand and guide you. You were nervous but it was okay. I had to convince you that no one learns completely on his or her first time, like any sport, it takes practice to skate smoothly without falling. So then we continued with our plan. We met up and enjoyed each other's company for the next 4 hours. At first you were insanely wobbly and unstable but with each hour you improved. And honestly, you caught the gist of it much faster than I did. And look at you now. You've become so much better and advanced than when you started. And I'm very proud of you for that my love. Haha, on that date I remember we kissed a lot and took pictures, and of course we were both filled with excessive happiness and joy. I noticed how you were acting more open and comfortable around me, and it was one of the first things I noted as we got on the ice. I am really grateful for that you know? That you decided to completely open up your heart for me so that I would have partial control over it. And of course I've promised to take care of you and shower you with endless love, regardless of whether you asked for it or no. So I think our second date went incredibly well (just like all of our dates).

You know I would love to continue on forever and ever but certainly it would just be much more easier if I was there. I wrote all this out just to remind you of our unique story, of our amazing beginning, that has influenced where we are today. All of our other dates were fantastic as well, and they progressed our love to grow into what it is today. No matter how much my hand aches after this, I did this all out of love. I surely hope you see how much love, affection, emotion, and effort I put into these letters because sometimes I stood up till the very late of the night just to finish wrapping up a letter. Each one I thought out to guarantee a smile on your wonderful face, and tingles in your caring heart. I love you so much. Feel free to read this story whenever you want a cute reminder of us. Everything I do is to make you happy. I just want you to be satisfied with this relationship and with me. Did I reach my goal baby? Are you smiling? If you are then I'm absolutely thrilled. I hope you have an amazing day or night, for whatever time you needed my storytelling. I love you tremendously, and this love will never run out. Kisses and hugs from your queen.


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