In the Naruto world, where th...

By AnnabelleRaen

1.1M 39.4K 15.2K

Hey~ I'm Kuroi. I have a voice in my head that's been there since I can remember, a wolf the size of a car, a... More

In the Naruto world, where there aren't any cookies
Enter Kuroi, to Konoha
I'm in Konoha. Be Jealous.
Duckbutt, Kitsune and Bubblegum...what could go wrong?
A friend arrives! *Insert drum roll*
Getting slightly off-topic,ne?
Zabuza and Haku
Training Days...Such a drag
Saving the S-ranks
The first experience-agonizing
Inside her mind
The Chuunin Exams and a sleepover
The Chuunin Exams- Phase One
The Forest of Death
Inside the Forest
Training Start
Kuroi's Releases
The Preliminaries
The Preliminaries' Second Battle
The Akatsuki ---SIDE STORY---
Back to Konoha
Meeting Again
Because weird things just happen like that
Final Battle...and an Extra
Another thing to think about...
Titans in Konoha?! Oh, it's just you, Akira...
Oreo-chi-moo-moo goes on a field trip
Flying Crayons will rule!
I have no idea what to call this chapter
A little Holiday
For your Entertainment
Enter Sai Clan Leaders...and potential SasuNaru....WHAT?
The Loyard Clan Leader
Because of boredome
Name of Chapter Here--> _____
Ninja Clash In The Land Of Snow
The Ruins at the Depths of the Earth! Part 1
The Ruins at the Depths of the Earth! Part 2
The Ruins at the Depths of the Earth! Part 3
The Ruins at the Depths of the Earth! Part 4
Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Lend me your ears [END]

Naruto's Pain

16.1K 648 112
By AnnabelleRaen

"Where's Kuroi?" came the whispers from the stand. No one knew where she was. There was a good six hours before the Exam started, but nevertheless, not knowing where she was made the contestants uneasy. The Hokage was getting worried, as were the other Kages, but they said nothing. Naruto looked in all directions, while trying to stay with his team. 

"Naruto, relax! She's fine, and you're not helping my nerves!" Sakura yelled, approaching him. He sighed, obviously unhappy. Sasuke watched with interest, as the dobe seemed different today.

"I know she's okay..." Naruto started. "But she's not here." he finished in a serious monotone, shocking everyone. Sakura grew an anime vein.

"STOP BEING SO GOD DAMN DEPRESSED!" she exclaimed, and brought her fist down. Naruto, however, caught it and looked at her with a deadly glare. There was silence as everyone looked upon the scene in shock. 

"Don't." he said, and she wrestled her hand free from his grip, and walked over to Sasuke, who's eyes were slightly side. 

"Kuroi's rubbing off on him." Sakura muttered. "Right, Sasuke-kun?" she asked, and he sighed, having had it up to here with her.

"Hn," was his response. "She really has." he said with a smirk, shocking Ino and Sakura, and more or less everyone who was watching, except for Naruto, who was still looking unhappy with the situation.

"Oi, how come he smiles when he talks about her?" asked Ino, who had rounded everyone up; fangirls or not. Sakura nodded.

"It's true." she said, and then they all started fantasizing about Sasuke smiling when talking about them.

Half an hour later, the matches hadn't started, but she still wasn't here.
"Where is she?" asked Sakura, to noo one in particular. Naruto was now shaking.
"When I find her..." he trailed off, and his anger and worry was obvious in the way he spoke. the other two of his team were obviously shocked by his unusually non-hyper attitude. They were then called to the Hokage by an ANBU member, who said he was in the arena. As they reached there, they found that everyone else who was participating in the Exams was there as well. The Kages turned to them upon hearing their arrival.
"Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto. We have are here to-"

"We don't know where Kuroi-chan is, old man." Naruto cut him off, and there was silence, until;
"Forgive him, Hokage-sama, he's not himself today, he seems to be upset by Kuroi's absense." Sakura said, bowing slightly. She reached to tug on Naruto's sleeve, only to be stopped by a glare from Naruto.
"Naruto, why are you this mad?" the Hokage asked, and Naruto snorted.

"She said she'd always be with me. And now she's gone. Our mental link has been cut." He replied, and there was shocked silence as they all proccessed what he had said.
"But, Kuroi would never..." the Hokage tried to say, but trailed off.

"Yeah, you're right, she wouldn't." Naruto was trembling. "No...she hasn't. She wouldn't leave me...alone." he said, falling to his knees. Soon enough, he was all out bawling. "K-Kuroi-chan wouldn't....she wouldn't.....she wouldn't.....never." he said as he flopped down on the floor of the arena. Suddenly, there was a loud -VERY loud- rumbling sound, and there seemed to be shadows everywhere.

"Would anyone mind telling me why Naruto's crying?" came a voice. Everyone was silent, until there was a shout of surprise. "Kuroi-chaaann~" Naruto ran towards a huge looming shadow. The shadow flickered in and out of existance, then it formed into.......

--Kuroi POV, as always--

My shadow flickered like the flame of a candle, then shrunk until it had formed into me. Looking down at a sniffling Naruto in my arms, I glared at everything in sight. I had not slept at all, and felt like setting everything on fire. He sniffled and sobbed in my arms, and I looked up, at the Hokage.

"Sarutobi...Hiruzen...would you mind telling me why my Naru-kun's crying?" I asked, ignoring the shocked gasps I was recieving. The Hokage looked at me and sighed in amusement.

"I should be asking you the same thing, Kuroi. Why is he crying? You should know, your mental link had been cut." he replied, and I barked out a laugh.
"Don't play games with me, Hiruzen. This village is in your hands, remember that." I said, much to the chagrin of a few ANBU. The Hokage sighed again, this time with obvious irritation. "He-"

"Kuroi-chan, I thought you left me, you idiot!" Naruto screamed, and again, all was silent, apart from Naruto's uneven breathing.

"What?" I asked, my voice fading in and out due to shock. Naruto backed away, tears streaming down his face.
"I-I THOUGHT YOU LEFT ME...ALONE!" he said, and this time, it was my turn to back away.
"You...thought I left you? You thought I left my only fucking family by himself? Is that the extent of your faith in me, Naruto?" I asked, and he flinched at the use of his full name. The onlookers who knew me were definitely shocked as well.
"No! Ugh, Kuroi-chan, you cut our link, so he said you had left me like everyone else!" he screamed at me, and I froze.
"By 'he', do you mean..." I trailed off, and he nodded. My eyes narowed, and I released my killing intent. Kago yelped and sped away. Lucifer stiffened beside me, and the others were forced to their knees, apart from Naruto, as my hatred wasn't directed to him. It was for everyone else because had they actually be there for him, he wouldn't have had his trust problems. And at the main source of it all. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, before speaking an a dangerously calm tone.

"Lord Hokage, Kazekage-sama, Mizukage-sama, Raikage-sama, I request we go to your stand instead of speaking in sucj an overpopulated area." I said. The Raikage was about to protest, but was cut off by Lucifer appearing next to him.
"Both my master and I would appreciate if you did as she asked. After all, it was no more than a 'request'." he said. The Hokage sighed and we all poofed to the Kage's stands, my team, too. Sighing, I looked at Naruto.
"Naruto Uzumaki, you fucking asshole!" I said, my voice raising higher by each syllable. There was a moment of silence, before we heard a snap then a crash, and looked to see Kago at the now smashed doorway.
"I get that you're angry, but how about opening the door for someone who isn't allowed to break the damn door down!?" he exclaimed, and I sent him an apologetic whine, my eyes once again focused on Naruto, who was also looking at me.
"Naruto, do you honestly think I would leave you here by yourself?" I asked, and shook his head.
"No, but Kyuubi..." he trailed off as I grabbed his shoulders, and then pulled him into a hug.
"Never." I growled into his ear, and he seemed to hesitate before putting his arms around me and hugged me back. We stayed like that for a while, until we both pulled away, and I smiled at him, then gave a look of undisturbed concentration.

"Kurama?" I called, sensing Lucifer materialise behind me. I sensed a different presense in the room, and stiffened, as did Lucifer. I growled, and heard a low warning growl in return. It was Kurama, but was more of a signal to say 'be careful' than anything else. I nodded cautiously at Lucifer, and he nodded back, and together we slowly walked forward, through the sewer like tunnels of Naruto's mind. I wrinkled my nose as I smelt a familiar scent. The Snake Bastard. It seemed his Five Pronged Seal he had placed on Naruto had done something to Kurama as well, and was reacting to the demonic aura that Lucifer and I had left behind the last time we were here. I growled deep in my throat as we approched. Lucifer grimaced as well, and came up beside me, so we were now standing directly in front of Kurama's cage, which was now surrounded by a barrier of black...smoke? I reached out to touch it, and my hand was repelled by a weird electric kind of feeling. Ignoring it, I reached further into the dark smoke, until my hand came into contact with the smooth metal bars of Kurama's cage.

"" came Kurama's warning, and I tilted my head to the side.
"What do you mean?" I asked, and there was silence, until Lucifer spoke.
"It would appear that whatever this stuff is has...affected the Kyuubi on some way." he said, and I nodded, swishing my hand around in the black smoke, watching as it coiled around my hand, much like Gaara's sand would do to him. Then, I heard it. The most painfull howl I've ever heard. And it came from Kurama's cage. My eyes went wide as the smoke turned a dark red, and I smelt blood.

"Kurama? Kurama!" I panicked, and Lucifer appeared at my side, then pulled me back, as soon as a dark red claw made of smoke came and swiped at me. I cussed silently as Lucifer and I regained our footing and stood back up. Keeping a wary eye on the claw, I noticed that there was one part of the smoke that stayed black. We made eye contact, and both nodded, understanding what wasn't needed to be said. 'Take care of the claw, I'm going to help Kurama.'

"Be careful." he warned, in a voice that had no room for refusal. I 'hn'ed in response and waited for the perfect moment to strike. The claw moved towards Lucifer and I, and just before it reached us, he jumped away, confirming my suspicions; it only attacks whatever moves. Grinning slightly, I waited again for the claw to swipe Lucifer, then dashed for the patch of black smoke that covered Kurama from view. Another heart wrenching howl was heard, and the suddenly, I was right infront of Kurama, his red eyes looking down at me, surprised.

"Kuroi...sama?" he asked, and I nodded.
"How are you here?" he asked, and I shrugged. "I just went through the black part of the smoke." I said, and he nodded.
"The black smoke doesn't hurt you, but the red stuff kills with a single touch." he replied, and I grimaced. Sensing my discomfort, he nudged me gently.
"What is it?" he asked, and I sighed.
"Lucifer's out there." I said, and he licked me.
"Crosszeria-sama is strong." he said, and I nodded, knowing it was his way of consoling me without actually showing emotion. I sighed as each minute passed by, and then suddenly, Kurama growled, deep in his throat. I stood up and looked in the same direction he was, and saw a huge black snake. I snarled.
"Orochimaru." The snake coiled and uncoiled its tail, and then vanished, along with the rest of smoke surrounding the cage. I cocked my head to the side, but shook it away. I had to find Lucifer. Stepping out of the cage, I looked around, only to find Lucifer sitting on the floor, looking confused. I couldn't help but giggle at the confuzzled look on his face.

He sat up straight, then stood and looked me up and down, twirling me around, inspecting me. When he was done, he gave an approving nod, then looked to Kurama in his cage, who was slightly panting. He looked over to us and gave us a slight nod in thanks. I grinned and leaned against Lucifer, who was unharmed, thank God. There was a short but peaceful silence as we regained our breath, and I giggled sheepishly. They looked at me.
"What is it?" asked Lucifer, and I rubbed the back of my head.
" long has it been since we were in here?" I asked, and Kurama answered,
"Seven hours." he said, and I groaned and flopped on to the floor.
"What?" Lucifer asked. I looked over to him.
"The Chuunin Exams." His eyes widened and he quickly grabbed my hand and we were then out of Naruto's mind. When I opened my eyes, I saw....

"Gaara?" I mumbled, and he looked down at me. I sat up, noticing his sand was holding me in the air. I growned, holding my head. "Why the fuck does my head hurt like I just got run over by a cement truck?" I asked, and Lucifer and Kago snickered.
"You almost were..." Kago said, and my eyes widened. "...not." he finished, and I glared at him.
"I'll kill you, Kago, I swear I will." I muttered as I struggled to stand. I stood on my feet, slightly wobbly, and nearly fell, but Gaara caught me. I nodded my thanks. Gaara sighed as Lucifer came over and took me out of his arms, and held me bridal style. I ground my teeth together.
"Lucifer, put me down!" I said, and he chuckled as he walked away, and to my team. He shook his head.
"Nope, this is fun." he said, and I growled.

"Shaddup, you know you love me." he grinned, and I chuckled.
"You're such an idiot sometimes." I said, and he then put me down infront of a sniffling Naruto.
"Woah, what the hell happened to you?" I asked, and he then glomped me.

"K-Kuroi-chan, he told me what happened, are you okay? Nothing happened, right?" he said in one breath, and was twirling me in circles. I flicked his forehead and he fell backwards.
"Dude, I'm fine, calm thy tits." I said, earning sweatdrops from the onlookers.
"Oi, who told you to look?" I snapped, and they deadpanned.

"This one is rather...different."a blonde haired boy muttered in a low tone, he looked around seventeen, maybe? I chuckled.
"Get used to it, bro." I called. He was on the other side of the room, so it wasn't surprising when he and his teammates looked at me in surprise. I grinned and waved. Then, after deciding I wouldn't pay attention to anyone else's matched, apart from Naruto, of course, I skipped over to them.

"Hiya!" I said, and the red haired girl glared at me. What's with girls glaring at me, holy fudge monkey! The blonde smiled, and...roses? sprung out from the background. I edged away from him, only to be followed by him, saying stuff about his handsomeness. I looked at the other member of the team, a black haired kid with glasses. Jumping behind him, I hid.
"Take him instead!" I squealed, much to Lucifer's amusement. He chuckled, startling the blonde's team. The black haired one eyed him suspiciously.
"How come I didn't sense you...?" he asked, more to himself than anything else. I giggled, catching his attention.
"Because he's Lucifer Crosszeria. Nuff said." I said, and he smirked slightly down at me.
"You shouldn't be in a place like this, it's dangerous." he said in a smooth voice. I froze, as did everyone else in the stadium; the ones who saw my first match, of course. Hell, the-unimportant-people who were fighting in the arena froze. The black haired guy and his team looked around, obviously wondering if they were missing something.


" old do you think I am?" I asked, and his eyebrows furrowed. "Ten...maybe?" he said.


"Hey, are you crazy? She's got to be at least eleven." said the red haired girl.


Oh hell no.


Who wants to get to be the one who makes up the way Kuraoi kills these guys? Hehe, Oh no, she got called short! (inadvertedly, but still, it was implied!) DUN DUN DUNNN!





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