Waitress On Fleek

By TalentedWriters

3.7K 205 140


Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4.5 (SPECIAL)
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 6

192 11 10
By TalentedWriters

Crystal Haven's POV:   

"So," Kacey says, walking over to the counter where I'm handing out flyers. Kacey places one of her elbows down on the counter while taking her other hand and softly throwing one side of her hair over her shoulder. She bats her eyelashes as she looks over to Megan who's punching in the cost.

    "Megan! May I also come with you to the vacation? Lance will be so bored without me. He needs someone that's opposite of his gender to be beside him," Kacey says in the most beautiful and cutest way possible. But, it looked more like creepy and a little scary to me. She looks like one of those dolls in the stores I try my best to stay away from because they are super creepy.

    And also, am I not the opposite of his gender?! What is she trying to say?

    I go back to passing out my flyers. When I hear Megan scoff at Kacey words, I look over at them in sudden interest.

    "No way, in hell are you going with us," Megan says with a toss of her beautiful red sort-of curly hair. "Lance is over you, and he will always be over you."

    Kacey looks in shock at Megan. Her eyes go wide and her jaw fall open but closes it as soon as she opens it. "But you loved me!" she cries.

    "I never loved you. I needed to be respectful with you because you were my son's girlfriend," she says disgustedly. "Now, please go back to what you were doing and leave us alone."

Kacey scowls at me and turns around, whipping her sharp hair in my face. She stomps back to her table in defeat. I smile to myself as she violently pushes the chair out and sits in it, letting out a string of curses from her dirty mouth.

With my sonic hearing I hear her say, "I will get you back Crystal."

No way is she ever going to be able to do that.


    "I can't believe we're almost there!" I squeal to Lance who's sitting right next to me in the car. He takes an earbud out of his ears and gives me a look.

    "For the last time," he says. "Shut up." He turns his back so I can't see him and goes back to listening to his music on his iPod. Hmm, that reminds me I never heard him sing or play any instruments since he says he's in a so-called "music club."

    "Right," I say. "Sorry."

Not sorry.

    A few moments later, Megan pulls the car over to the beach. "Get out, kids!" she calls over her shoulder, walking around to get the luggage.

    I jump out of the car in joy and smile brightly at the water. Over in the distance, I see the large cruise ship which is brown in the bottom but white on the top. I excitedly start walking towards it but Lance grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me back.

    "Lance, aren't you excited?" I ask him.

    "Not as much as you are, if that's what you mean," he says, rolling his green eyes.

    "Let's go," Megan calls to us. She'd already started to walk so it wasn't an issue to run over to her.

    As soon as we reach the cruise ship, Megan walks over to an old man who's accepting the tickets. I stay standing near Lance who's checking out a girl in the distance, I realize. I push him with my hands and he falls down on the sand, glaring up at me. His hand crumbles the sand below his palms and turns into a fist as he slowly stands up, stalking over to me. I squeal and run childishly over to Megan, who's about to walk inside the ship.

    "Lance! C'mon over," Megan smiles and calls over to him.

    We walk inside the ship. The hall is painted with white and brown swirly designs that remind me of zebras, except the color is brown and white not black and white. In the middle of the hall there lies a circular brown tile. In front of the circular brown tile there are two white poles that sort of supported the second floor.

One thing bugs me. There's no pink.

The brown handles of the spiral staircase leads us to the second floor. I notice there are two of the same staircases on each opposite sides. Deeper inside the cruise, it slowly gets narrowed and that's when I realize that we're getting closer to the rooms. Even though there is a narrowed shape, furniture fill in every empty corner of the place.

  Everything looks very elegant and... cute. The last item that makes everything in the room shine, is the white crystal chandelier. I walk over to the showcase that is behind the staircase where there are many posters that display the past cruises. After checking out the place, I walk back to where Megan and some men are talking.

"I'm sorry, ma'am but since you didn't inform us right away, we could only get two rooms settled for you," the tall man says.

    "That's bull! I certainly emailed you right away, I wonder what happened," Megan says, looking quite nervous. "I understand. I'm sorry." The man walks away leaving Megan having a silent talk to herself.

    "Megan? What happened?" I ask, walking closer to her.

    "Oh, honey! There's only two rooms and I'd rather you both share it with each other because during the night... some awful things happen and I have to use the bathroom every few seconds..." she trails off.

    I don't pressure her into telling me why Lance and I have to share a room as much as I dislike the idea of it. I glance at Lance who looks to be checking out another girl so I kick his foot, bringing him back to reality.

    "Do you have a--"

    "We have to share a room together."

    That shuts him up.

    I walk through the halls with Lance trailing after me, trying to find our room. Entering our room, we find the wall is a creamy white color where one side has the bed against the wall and a sofa against the other wall, near the foot of the bed. In the middle of these two is a circular table with a black outline. On top of the table is a beautiful glass vase with a couple of red flowers in them. Further in, is a balcony that shows the sea.

"Damn," Lance whistles. I can't even say anything because that's what this room makes you do. You get awestruck because of the beautiful designs inside of it and outside of it.

I walk over to where the balcony is, open the curtains covering it and step out. A cool breeze touches my neck and my hair flows softly into the wind. "Beautiful," I gush. It really is.

"You can sleep out there if you want," Lance says from behind me. I turn around and shoot him a glare.

"I'm not sleeping outside," I say. "You are."

"I am so not sleeping there," Lance says, chuckling a little.

"No wait, you're not gonna sleep outside. You're gonna sleep on the couch," I tell him.

"What! No I won't," Lance grumbles.

"Why don't you two just sleep on the bed together?" Megan asks, walking in.

I forgot that we didn't close the door.

"No way!" we both shout. Megan puts her hands on her ears and scowls at us. I bite my lip and utter an apology while Lance just glares at his mother. I glance at him and realize he's blushing. I suddenly feel hot and sweaty. I must be blushing, as well... probably more than him.

Megan sighs and walks away, closing the door behind her, to her own room.

"Hey, so Lance since I'm a girl you should lay on the floor of the balcony while leaving this side all to me. Your good right? Yep, you're good," I say, going to my bed and laying down while taking the blanket and covering it on top of me.

Lance just stands there not believing what I just said in front of him. He suddenly smirks and lays right on top of me. "Hmm I like this position. Good thing Crystal is not here anymore. I can do whatever I want."

"Mphhhhhh gheeeeeey ghete out mehpher," I try to say hey get off of me but it came out as a muffled sound because of somebody. He was literally lying down on me. Well, I think he is. The blanket is muffled against my face and I feel pressure on my body. Lance might be laying on top of me.

There isn't anymore oxygen left inside of the blanket.

"Mphhhh mhey I guant bwethe," I can't breathe, I try to say.

"Hmm, what did you say?" Lance asks, pressing his ear against my face.

I move my legs as hard I can to make him lose balance and fall off of me, but being the strong idiot he is he doesn't move a bit. No! I will die, I need air!

Oh I got a plan, hehe. I wrap my hands around Lance behind the blanket and try to roll him off. He rolls to the edge of the bed effortlessly. I reopen the blanket, breathing heavily.

"You needed air? You could have told me," Lance says, beginning to sit on the bed but I tackle him down to get revenge.

"How was I supposed to tell you that?! You were suffocating me, you jerk!" I scream at the top of my lungs, making him wince and cover his ears.

"Get off me," he says.

"Not after you did that to me," I say, sitting still on his lap. My ponytail I had done a few hours before, slowly becomes loose and each strand falls, some coming in front of my face as I glare at Lance's pretty forest green eyes.

Lance smirks and lays down on the bed, making me fall on top of him. Our breaths go one on one and I almost forget what I'm doing. Tired, I softly lie the side of my head on his chest and slowly the world around us darkens, blackens, and disappears.

The weird thing is, it feels right.

Megan Spink's POV:

    I knock on their door and shout, "You asleep?"

    No answer.

I knock again, but still no answer. I try to open the door, and it opens! Weird. They didn't even lock the door.

    Lance and Crystal are lying on the bed with Lance's arms secured around her tiny body and the both of them breathing in slumber. I smile to myself and walk over to the balcony, shutting the curtains closed.

My plan went better than expected. In the morning before we left, I put in a weak sleeping medicine in each of their drinks, hoping they would somehow end up sleeping together.

I take out a blanket from the closet and place it carefully on the both of them.

    Now this, is a cute picture to take!

    I quickly run to my room and grab my camera from the stand. I run back to the room which is still open and quietly tiptoe over to them. I take a quick picture and make my way out.

I make my way towards my laptop and download the picture. It takes a couple minutes to process and load but once it does, I use the cruise's printer to print the picture out- in color. I tiptoe back inside Crystal and Lance's room and slip the picture inside of Lance's dark blue messenger bag in a place that he can reach inside and simply pull it out.

    "I ship you guys. So much," I whisper into their ears and kiss both of them on the cheeks before walking into my own room and going to sleep.


Hi guys! Thank you for reading this! Please share my page with other people you know so I can get more reads and votes- thanks :)

Have a beautiful day, loves.

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