The Runaway ***NIAM AU***

By kaylahardy120

47K 1.3K 208

Liam begins an online chat session with a boy named Niall who he immediately starts a friendship with. But wh... More

The Runaway
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 28 - EPILOGUE(mature)

1.3K 70 13
By kaylahardy120

I expected this to be a longer story /: oh well! At least it gets a sequel! It'll be the first sequel I've written! 

Also....yeah I'm adding some...sexual stuff so...I'll put a note to tell you where to stop reading if that ain't your (:


****Liam's POV**** 

"Liam," a husky Irish voice whispered causing me to slowly start waking up. I groaned a little as I felt soft lips on my neck. 

"Leeeeyyyuuummmm," the voice grew louder as the lips began to move up to my own lips. I opened my eyes and was met by two sparkling blue ones as he quickly licked along my bottom lip before snuggling up against me. 

"You sure know how to wake a person up," I grumbled as I tried to go back to sleep. Niall chuckled as he traced along my stomach and hummed softly. 

"Liam, you gotta get up and start getting ready for Kate's wedding rehearsal," Niall whispered in my ear and I groaned once more after I realized I wasn't going to get to sleep any longer that morning. I tiredly sat up in bed with a yawn as Niall followed in the same manner. 

"Can't I just sleep a little longer?" I asked Niall who was happily out of bed and getting ready for the day. He looked over at me lovingly as he tossed me a t-shirt and some shorts. 

"Come on Liam! It's only one day, plus we have time for sleeping and cuddling and LOTS of other fun things tonight," he grinned and I sighed as I smirked at the boy. I knew exactly what he was talking about too. Niall and I had kept our relationship pretty mellow the first few months while I was recovering, but as soon as my doctor took me out of my wheelchair and said I could be fully mobile again, Niall had grasped the opportunity to "try" new things and now that was all he wanted...not that I obliged or didn't want it...because I definitely wanted it.  

"Oh my God," I sighed as I brushed passed him and went to change and fix up my hair. 

"Oh you know you love me," Niall cooed as he walked into the bathroom, brushing his teeth and geling his hair. I rolled my eyes playfully and nodded as I wrapped my arms around his neck causing him to raise his eyebrows in amusement. 

"Yes, I do love you, very much," I whispered before kissing at Niall quite hungrily. Niall usually would made some sort of sarcastic comment about how he knew he was sexy, but could I please try and refrain myself from touching him for at least a minute, but Niall just continued to kiss me without a peep. 

"As much as I REALLY want to continue, we need to get going or Kate's gonna kill us," Niall murmured against my lips for a minute before fitting in a few more seconds of kissing. 

"Good start to the day," I grinned as I linked arms with Niall and we made our way to the car. Niall started the car and started the drive. I leaned my head up against the window and yawned while Niall tapped his fingers rapidly on the steering wheel to the beat of whatever song was playing. 

"I'm jealous you get to be an important part of the wedding and I jsut have to sit there and watch my sexy piece of a boyfriend do all the fun stuff," Niall grumbled and I sighed, glancing over at the boy and taking his hand tightly. 

"Well I'm all yours at the reception," I grinned and he returned the grin and winked with a slight nod. 

"I sure do like the sound of that," Niall replied softly as his thumb ran along my wrist. I saw him wince a little and I moved his thumb off my wrist. He glanced at me and sighed. 

"I'm sorry," he whispered and I bit my lip. 

"I'm okay Niall, you know that. I'm going to have the scars forever, but I'm okay," I answered and he sighed as he rubbed his eyes. 

"I ruined your perfect skin," he whimpered and I squeezed his hand. 

"Stop," I whispered and he took a deep breath. He went silent and I searched my brain for something that would cheer him up. 

"Hey, we aren't gonna have much fun tonight if you're all depressed," I mumbled as I nudged him and I saw a smile playing at his lips. He looked at me out of the corner of his eyes and he shook his head. I rested my hand dangerously high on his thigh and I watched as he licked his lips. I let my hand slide slowly higher and higher and he took a deep breath as he gripped the wheel tighter. 

"You're gonna pay for this later Liam," he growled while I laughed, taking my hand off his leg. 

"There's my Niall," I sighed happily as we arrived at the venue. 

****Niall's POV**** 

"Come on Liam! Can we please go home? I'm tired!" I whined as Liam talked to what seeme dlike every person at the rehearsal. Liam gave me a look and I pouted as I sat down at the nearest table. Two little girl were sat at the table with me and I grumbled. 

"You girls want to go home too don't you?" I asked and they nodded and I sighed. 

"Li-Li," I groaned as he started across to the other side of the room. 

"You know Liam?" I asked the girls quickly and they nodded with a smile. 

"Come on, let's go bug him," I said with a grin, standing up and holding my hands out to them. Each one latched on and we skipped over to where Liam was talking with Kate and Jay. 

"Liam! Liam! Liam!" I shouted as I let go of the girl's hands and they ran over to hug him. Liam smiled down at the girl's, but I could see he was angry underneath the smile. 

"Hi girls, why don't you go and see Mom?" Kate smiled, ushering the girls to where their mother was conversing. Liam glared at me and I sighed. 

"It's alright Liam, he wants to do more exciting things than sit all day? Am I right Niall?" Kate asked and I eagerly nodded as she chuckled. 

"Go on ahead love, you don't need to stay and help us. You've already helped so much, you deserve to have a little bit of relaxion," Kate smiled as she hugged Liam and gave me a smirk with a wave. Liam sighed and brushed past me as I looked at Kate. 

"He'll be fine," Kate grinned as she winked and I nodded as I chased after him. 

"Liam! Come on, please don't be mad!" I cried as I finally got to the car. He slammed the door and looked at me in disbelief when we got into the car. 

"You embarrassed yourself and me! You're twenty Niall! You were acting immature like a five year old!" he exclaimed as he sped out into the street. I looked down as I began to feel guilty and horribly upset. Liam had never been angry with me until that moment, and the pain I felt inside made me want to scream and throw myself out into the street. 

"I don't even know why I brought you," Liam muttered and I winced as I let my head fall onto the window. 

"I'm sorry," I whispered, but it was much too quiet for Liam to hear. When we got back to the house, Liam was basically giving me the silent treatment. He even went and took a shower without me! I just laid in the bed looking up at the ceiling until Liam came in and got in. He shut off his light on his side of the bed and he wrapped the blankets tightly around him. I looked at him for a minute before I broke down. 

"I'm sorry Liam! I'm so sorry! Please don't be mad at me! Please forgive me! It hurts so much knowing how upset you are with me! I'll do anything to make you talk to me again! I love you so much," I whimpered as Liam slowly moved so I could see his eyes looking at me. He sighed as he rolled over so he was looking at me. 

"I forgive you babe, just have to learn to be patient! I know it's boring, but please try and understand okay?" he asked and I nodded frantically as I wrapped my arms around him tightly. He chuckled softly as he held me close. 

"I don't know how much longer I could've stayed mad at you," Liam mumbled as I smashed our lips together and struggled to find the bottom of his shirt. 

"You only wanted me to forgive you for this," Liam smirked as he peeled his shirt off and I quickly shook my head. 

"No, no of course not Liam. Do you have any idea how entirely much I'm in love with you? The pain inside hurt me so much knowing how angry you were with me. I love you more than you could ever be able to try and imagine. You're my everything, you're my world," I whispered as Liam just stared up at me. 


"Oh my God, just fuck me," he whispered as he pulled my lips down to his. I grinned against the kiss as he pulled at my shirt and managed to get it off. He ran his hands down my chest and stomach before he wrapped his arms around my back. 

"I love you," Liam whispered, breathing heavily as I kissed down his neck, chest, and finally down to his navel. Liam ran his fingers quickly through my hair as I began to undo his pants. I grinned up at Liam as I began to SLOWLY peel his pants off. He grunted and shot me a look as I crawled back up and gave him quick, gentle kisses. 

"You tease," he grumbled as I finished taking his pants off and threw them onto the floor. 

"I told you that you'd pay," I sang softly as I ran my finger slowly under his boxer's waistband causing him to squeeze his eyes shut as he gripped the bed sheets. 

"God damn it Niall!" he screamed as I smirked, undoing my pants and throwing them over with Liam's. I kissed back up Liam's chest and nibbled at his neck for a moment before I gave him more loving kisses. Liam reached down and stripped my boxer's off quickly so that all that was left to remove were Liam's boxers. I continued to kiss him, letting my tongue dominate his as I explored every inch of my boyfriend's mouth before I moved down with my kissed to the waistband of his boxers. I bit the waistbadn causing Liam to gasp as I dragged his boxer's off with my teeth. 

"Fuck," Liam huffed as I finally managed to have us both fully open to each other. I dove back in to kiss Liam before I abruptly moved away from his lips and down to his cock. Liam slammed his head against the headboard as I kissed the top before taking him in. 

"Oh my fuck," he grunted as I continued to tease the poor boy. 

"Please! Niall!" he screamed as I finally had him in. I couldn't help but laugh at how aggressive he'd suddenly gotten. I took him out of my mouth and was going back up to kiss him, but was quickly flipped over so I was underneath Liam. 

"My turn," he whispered breathlessly as he grabbed onto me, causing me to moan out loudly as he grabbed a bottle of lube and ran it along me. I squirmed at Liam's pleasuring touch and he grinned. He pecked me with a kiss before I felt his finger enter me. I bit my lip to surpress a moan as he slowly thrust in and out. 

"I'm topping tonight," Liam whispered as he released my cock and lubed up his own. Liam soon was towering over me as his lips moved against mine, now with his tongue taking over with him positioned to enter me. 

"I love you," I huffed and Liam nodded with a smile as he silenced me with more kisses. Liam began to enter me and I squeezed my eyes shut as I tightened at his entrance. I moaned against Liam's lips as he was fully in, and slowly began to pull and thrust in again. 

"Liam, Liam," I cried breathlessly as he pressed his lips to my neck, and particularly to my sweet spot which only added to the pleasure that was beginning. I took a deep breath as I clawed at Liam's back, and thrust my hips up as I began to feel something happening. 

"Oh Liam," I moaned as he let his hands run along my cock. I couldn't help but smile as I felt myself tightening. 

"Liam!" I screamed as I finally was able to release and relax. Liam continued to thrust and with a few kisses and some movements of my hips, Liam released too. He collapsed next to me as we both breathed out heavily. 

*****OKAY YAY IT'S OVER*****

"Oh my God," I whispered as I caught my breath. Liam snuggled into my side and his kissed my cheek. 

"I love you so much," he whispered as he ran his finger along my chest. I wrapped my arms tightly around him and nodded. 

"I love you more," I answered as I pulled him in for a kiss. 

"Hey...we don't have to be up for another seven to eight hours....we could-," I started with a grin, but Liam quickly shut me up with a kiss. 

"You get top," he whispered which caused me to grin as I nodded, kissing him again and again. At that moment, I had no care about anything else except Liam. Liam was my everything. He was my savior and I knew I could never live without him. From that moment, I knew I'd be safe forever with Liam, and that we'd never be apart and we could runaway together to wherever we wanted forever and ever. 

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