Dark Green

Від stylesmine

309K 7.3K 517

What can you do when you love and fear the same person? What are you willing to sacrifice for that person? Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Not a chapter
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Dark Green sequel: Light Hazel

Chapter 7

8.5K 198 7
Від stylesmine

POV Quinn.

I hit the soles of my Vans against the wooden floor. The young secretary doesn't stop looking at me with interest. Why did I agreed to do this? I had to have said no to my father. After approaching here on Monday, the secretary had made me an appointment for today, Thursday, right after my time in college. I am grateful not to have classes on Friday, it has been a horrible week. Among the university , study, overtime at work and the little sleep I had because of all the concerns that are in my mind, I've been more stressed than ever. I expected to take the documents as soon as possible, I have to bring my father but I never thought I had to make an appointment. Furthermore, to make things worse, I have to take the car to Jared's garage right after I finish this. I have struggled with my parents to let me the car today to come to college but I made it.

I look at my wristwatch loosing my nerves and place over my shoulder the suspender of the dungaree that dropped. I hope this doesn't take long, I don't feel like facing the rector. The girl behind the desk gets a call and gets up from his chair. The short skirt and small shirt she is wearing makes all my thought true. I know why she's working here

"Come with me, please" she asks politely.

I get up from the chair with my big purse in hands and follow the young woman so close. We go through a long corridor that has nothing to do with the college I'm studyin in and I only hear the girl heels slamming against the wooden floor. She stops a few steps ahead and calls the small glass door that 's in front of her. A male voice allows the access before the girl opens the door.

"Miss Parker is here" she announces.

"Thank you, Caroline" the man thanks.

She pulls away and let me pass. I appreciate the detail with a smile and stand in front of the door but I don't enter the room. I was stunned when I see a young man behind a large heavy wooden desk. I'm sure it's a little bit younger than my father and I am surprised when he smiles at me with so much charm.

"What do you want, Miss Parker?"

I like him being that polite. I close the door behind me and I get to one of the chairs in front of him while gleaning the permission that my father gave me on Sunday . When I find it completely wrinkled in the bottom, I place it right in front of him.

"I'm looking for the record of Harry... " I look for the name on the paper "Styles"

The man tends his tanned hand on the table and takes the paper. I put the bag on my lap and play with the zipper. I'm nervous but I try not to show it, as always. I have to fix the car before going through the station to leave the file and that makes me more nervous. I'll have to hide it well if I don't want Jared to find it. The chancellor looks at the paper with interest and frowns after reading it.

"It sounds serious, doesn't it?" he ask looking up .

I nod twisting my lips. It is too serious and I fear for my physical  He leaves the paper over the documents on the table and presses a button of the modern phone.

"Caroline, find the file of Harold Edward Styles, please" he says at the microphone.

"Of course, sir"

He released the button and leans back on the chair. This squeaks and I cannot avoid wrinkling my nose. I hate that kind of sounds.

"She will come in about five minutes"

"Great, thanks very much for everything" I smile.

"Anything else you want to know about the campus or your classes?" he questions as he plays with a pen between his fingers.

My feet move nervous. I want to get out of here now .

"No, everything is perfect. I love this place"

The man drops the pen and settles back on the table. He opens his mouth to say something else but just then the doorbell rings. I sigh of relief when the young secretary enters the room . I feel uncomfortable when they exchange provocative looks, it is clear that there is something between them. She hands him the folder and leaves the room with exaggerated hip movements. I have to struggle not to laugh out loud.

"Here you go, I hope this is enough"

I take it with both hands before I get up and take my bag.

"Thanks for your time, rector "

"Mr. Stinson" he corrects with a smile.

I respond to the gesture and leave the room with speed. I hold too hard the papers I have in hands as I leave the large building quickly. The most difficult thing comes now, nobody knows that I have these documents in my hands. My heart pounds when I finally leave the building and look at all sides to make sure that Harry isn't there. At first glance, there are only a couple of students walking clueless in the area. I embrace the folder hard against my chest and head the vehicle that is a few feet away. I look like a psychotic looking at all sides with every step I take and walking so fast. Thankfully, not many people are in the area or I would be the campus weirdo. With trembling hands, I take the keys from my purse and press the button in it. The car is opened and I enter inside with speed. I still have the folder in one of my hands and sigh when I am in a safe place. I close my eyes and I rest my head back , this is going to kill me one of these days. When I open my eyes to start the car, the folder is supported on the wheel and curiosity wins me. A look can't hurt anyone, right? Besides, maybe many answers of the thousands of questions that I have in my head are in this folder. But, no, I have to get away from this. What he did to Jared may be nothing compared to what he can do to me if i see the papers. My hands are opening the folder even though my head tells me the opposite. I have to learn to take control.

The first page appears the enrolment in the university and I can't help but smile at the picture in the corner. Harry's face is very similar but the gesture has nothing to do. A big smile appears on his face showing those dimples I had only seen once. His green eyes shine brightly and display millions of emotions to the camera. I'm sure the picture is five years old or more, like a boy of sixteen. A small bangs covers his forehead and lovely locks adorn the rest of his hair. I find the photograph so weird but lovely. I turn the page and all the riots Harry had coaused during his less than half a year studying: fights, drinking alcohol on campus ... My eyes open wide when I read the phrase "have sexual relations with a teacher". But despite all that, the reason for expulsion was an attack on one of the campus football coaches as this had found a bag of drugs in Harry's locker. I close the folder and put it on the passenger seat. I'm still shocked by everything I just read, all these facts are horrible and I don't understand how he wasn't expelled earlier. Although drug possession in college property with  having sex with a teacher are the worst. All this has to have an explanation, all these actions seem to indicate that he wanted to be expelled under any concept but why? More questions are forming in my mind but I must go to the garage if I want to leave early from the workshop. I put the keys in the ignition and start the engine to leave the empty parking lot.

In a few minutes, I get to garage of Jared's family and I play the horn so the guy knows I'm here. I see him appear from his uncle's office and hand tells me to enter the car in the garage that I have right in front . Once inside, I grab the folder and I keep it inside my bag. I jump up on the site when Jared hits the glass with his knuckles. I have to calm down before Jared suspectes.

"I thought you were going to arrive soon" he says when I jump out of the car.

I step aside to let Jared take care of everything and cross my arms over my chest.

"Sorry, I had to do some things on campus"

He takea the same cart the other day but the wheels don't squeak. He puts it closed of front and repeats the same operation he did last weekend.

"Okay, this will take me an hour or less" he indicates as he concentrates in fixing the car.

I walk around the garage examining everything around me. I'm surprised to see pictures of old vehicles on the stained walls. I stop in front of one that looks familiar. I'm sure my parents have had that car when I was younger but I don't remember very clearly. I step in front of the office of Jared's uncle and is completely empty. I can see a comfortable sofa from the outside, I would lie there and give me a long, relaxing nap. After the stress I have suffered for collecting the documents, the time of the downturn comes and all i want to do is sleep. I yawn covering my mouth with my opened hand helplessly.

"What are you doing this weekend?" he questions while I hear metal hitting metal.

I turn in the direction of his voice but I'm still standing in front of the office.

"I think we go... camping? I don't know, my brother wants to do activities with his girlfriend and the family" I explain as shrug.

It's true, I have heard that this weekend we go camping but that's not exactly how I want to spend the weekend. I hope to get out of it and be able to stay quiet at home. I fancy a weekend of reading, study and pajamas.

"How are you doing with your brother 's girlfriend?"

"Very good, she's so nice and charming"

He nods from far and stops the little talk we had just had. I don't want to bother as it seems to take a lot of concentration fixing the leak or whatever he is doing. I appreciate having eaten a snack before going to the office of the chancellor, I'd be starving if I had not. I turn to one of the open garage door and look outside. It's getting cloudy, that means that it will rain soon. I'm tired and all I want to do is take the documents to the office of my father and go home. It's not that I don't want to spend some time with Jared, it's just that I'm too tired for everything.

When I turn back again, Jared is in the car with folder in hands. It takes me a few seconds to realize what is happening. I run to the car with pale face and snatch the papers from his hands, he didn't have to have read this.

"What are you doing rummaging through my stuff?" I ask louder than i should.

He looks at me and I can see the confusion in his eyes.

"Why do you have that in your bag?"

"I asked you first!" I cry out of myself.

The only thing i didn't want to happen, is happening right now. The luck is not by my side.

"The bag has follen and the papers were out of the folder"

I hold the brown folder tightly in my arms. I don't know how I will get through this.

"My father needs it for an investigation" I confess after a few seconds of silence.

He sits sideways on the black seat and arm rests on the crack in the door. His look is too intense so look withdrawal of his and I bite my already healed lip. I know what will be his next question but i wish he wouldn't do it.

"What's going on between you and Harry? And don't tell me anything, i'm not that stupid"

I feel the tears forming in my eyes again. I hear the first drops of water falling on the ground outside and think about running away.

"I'm so scared" the treacherous first tear slides down my cheek.

I turn my gaze back to his and his face changes completely. I can't take it anymore, the pressure in my chest is getting bigger. I throw myself into his arms and cry against the blue overalls he's wearing. My hands are over his strong chest and feel how his arms curls around my small body. His warm breath hits me and feel the corners of his lips touching the cold skin of my neck. I know I'm too close to him, I shouldn't have acted that way but I need this hug. I need to feel protected and the only person who can do this right now, is Jared.

"Everything will be fine, you hear me? Everything will be okay" he whispers in my ear over and over again.

After being in that position for a few minutes, the sobs and cries ended heard. Jared doesn't let me go in any second while listening my words against his chest. I can feel the rhythm of his heart races when I tell him what happened at the station and in the alley. His arms squeeze me harder when I confess him all the fear I feel about Harry but I skip the part of... Do we kiss? I don't even want to remember those feelings so I won't talk about them out loud.

"Do you think he can..." I wonder when I get completely calm.

Jared drops his warm embrace and let me apart from him slightly, even so,  we are still quite close to each other.

"I don't think he could be such a coward"

I look into his blue eyes. I must look horrible now, red and swollen eyes, dut to red face. I hate when people see me mourn that way but I really needed this. I've taken a big load off and I feel much more better. I couldn't have vented with someone better than Jared.

"Thanks for listening"

Suddenly, his hands place on either side of my face and get mine closer to his. It takes my breath away when he feels his face so close to mine.

"I won't let hi touch you, okay?"

I nod and he finally separates from me.

"I have to finish this , I'll take you to the police station and then to your house" he says as he leaves the seat and gets back to the open part of my car.

I keep a folder in my bag and head back to the same place in which he is. My father wasn't going to like seeing me with Jared.

"I don't think it's a good idea "

I look without much interest as he grabs a new piece and places it in the place where apparently the older one was. He holds it firmly with one hand while he takes a screwdriver with the other and tightens the screws.

"I'm doing it anyway, I don't care what your father has to say " he concludes.

I know that all my attempts to convince him not comming won't do anything but my father won't tolerate this. It will be very tense and uncomfortable time.

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