Hidden Behind Walls

By PoetWanderess

414K 16.8K 2.9K

Raven Bordeaux never liked dealing with people. She liked being encased in her drama free bubble with her few... More

Chapter 1: Your Messing with my Zen
Chapter 2: Curse You Clayton
Chapter 3: Blood blood All Around
Chapter 4: Lip Bitings Tumblr
Chapter 5: Exit the Holy Sanctuary
Chapter 6: But my dear this is not Wonderland
Chapter 7: Bloody Noses Suck
Chapter 8: Oh the days gone by
Chapter 9: We've got really bad luck
Chapter 10: Chilling With My Woes
Chapter 11: And so it begins
Chapter 12: Never Ending
Chapter 13: Too high for this
Chapter 14: Cocky even when high
Chapter 15: Always the Dark Path
Chapter 16: Autumn Nights
Chapter 17: My Drug of Choice
Chapter 18: On our way
Chapter 19: C'est la vie
Chapter 20: And I was out here hiding from my demons in plain sight
Chapter 21: The Mansion at the Top of the Hill
Chapter 22: Laughter is the best medicine
Chapter 23: Sometimes you need your family
Chapter 24: An Empty Space
Chapter 25: And You are not Alice
Chapter 26: Christmas Day
Chapter 28: Slow down
Chapter 29: Lies and a Psychiatrist
Chapter 30: Talkings not my thing
Author's Note
Chapter 31: Graduation
Chapter 32: Road Trips are harder than expected
Chapter 33: Sunset & Tattoos
Chapter 34: San Fran Livin'
Chapter 35: Dim Sum
Chapter 36: Normality
Chapter 37: We'll Be Okay

Chapter 27: Metamorphosis

6.5K 271 13
By PoetWanderess

I UPDATED OMG. Still haven't updated "Met an Angel One Night" since like........yeah it's been a while. I have no clue where to go from here for this story which is why this update took so long. Well, here you go a new chapter. Thanks for reading, commenting and voting! 

Also you guys should listen to "Wait a Minute!" by Willow Smith. 


Clayton P.O.V.

I woke up on the same couch again, except this time I had fresh clothes on and Raven wrapped around me. Her right leg was intertwined with my right leg, her left hand in my hair, my left arm wrapped around her waist. Even our hands were clasped together over my chest resting above my heart.

Her small breaths fanned my cheek and I brought our joined hands to my lips and kissed her hand. Rave moved slightly, nestling her face deeper into the crook of my neck. I shut my eyes and tried to force myself asleep once again. The sunlight pouring through the overhead windows was still visible behind my eyelids, and there was thrum of noise starting up behind me. I tried to shake away the sounds, and turned my head to look at Raven. She was unutterably peaceful, the slight rise and fall of her chest making me wish I was asleep as well. I shut my eyes again and tried to fall asleep.

The background noise got louder, and a deep voice seemed to float over us accompanied with heavy footsteps.

"They're still asleep" the deep voice whispered. Another set of feet, more light footed, resounded closer to us as well.

"Oh, they are. Look at them...they're so cute. Do you think they needed a blanket?" the women, obviously Cassandra said happily.

"Something tells me they were fine" the deep voice replied. They footsteps started to fade away as they left the living room. I opened my eyes once again, definitely not able to sleep. I turned my head to view the living room. I'd been in here way too many times to count, I'd even helped deck out the house in Christmas gear. It still managed to amaze me how picturesque it was, filled with proper Christmas stockings, and a giant ass tree.

"Oi Clayton, are you gonna stop spooning with my sister?" Lily asked, her head peeking over the couch from behind. She always appeared on cue.

"I don't know Lily, your sister's pretty cute" I respond. Lily scrunched up her face in mock disgust and rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, Breakfast is ready" She says giving me a poke, "So wake up Raven the normal way , no morning kisses" she adds pointedly. She gives me the 'I'm watching you' hand motion and backs away slowly. I stick my tongue out at her and she does the same. She flits away from the couch and yells, "They're coming!"

I give Raven a slight squeeze against her side. She tries to twist away from my arm wrapped around her waist, rolling even more on top of me. I try again and soon enough she's sleeping soundly on top of me. I wince at the extra-weight and my bruises start to hurt a little bit more than I'd hope for. I try to tap on her lightly but she just turns her head, and goes back to sleeping. Ok, so the normal way isn't going to work. I force us to sit up and Rave still sleeps through it, she even changes into a more comfortable position.

It was highly amusing seeing her fight waking up. So I tried something else, I reached for her mouchwa and began to slowly untie it. Her hand clamps over my fingers and she opens her sleep filled eyes.

"What are you doing bugaboo?" she mumbles. I give her an innocent grin.

"Trying to wake you up" I reply. She slowly lets go of my fingers and settles her head down once again.

"Consider it accomplished" she murmurs, rubbing at her eyes.

"Breakfast is ready, we've gotta get up" I explain. She nods her head and begins to crawl off me, she overestimates the amount of space we have on the couch and drops like a stone onto the floor.

"Ouch" she moaned. I clamp my hand over my mouth to muffle my laugh. Raven is sprawled on the floor, nursing her back. She shoots me a glare and sticks out her tongue. I stick mine out at her as well. She lumbers up, her mouchwa slowly sliding off her head.

"I'm gonna go brush my teeth" she says, starting to walk in the opposite direction of the kitchen. I follow after her with a yawn, trying to shake away the remnants of a nightmare from my memory. She snatches up her phone from the floor where it was charging against a wall and slides into into her pocket. I don't even remember where my phone is now.

"Your phone's on the coffee table" she adds. I cast a glance over, and it is. I pick it up slowly and turn it over in my hands, finally deciding after a few seconds to click the home button to check for notifications. It was an endless sprawl of texts from some known contacts but also some random numbers as well. The most prominent texts were from Daren and Ruri which seemed to be endless. I ran the phone through my fingers and then decided to leave it on the coffee table. Raven then wanders off to the doorway that lead to the kitchen, her feet shuffling through while she passed the table bustling with toddlers gobbling food.

"Princess!! Clay-Clay!!" I hear Nathaniel squeal with a mouthful of eggs, he starts to scramble off his chair but Cassandra stops him.

"Raven and Clayton will be back in a minute, finish eating and don't talk with your mouthful" Cassandra stated, seating Nathaniel back on his chair. He furrowed his brows in confusion, and looked up at his mom.

"Who's Rar-ven and Clay-clay-clay...ten...tin?" Nathaniel asks. Rave turned around with a laugh, and I couldn't help but join her.

"I'm Raven, silly" Rave explained to Nathaniel, "And he's" she says as she points to me, "Clayton." Nathaniel held that confused expression on his face for a few more seconds, but then turned his face into a grin once again.

"You're funny Princess" Nathaniel says dismissing us with a laugh. Cassandra's grin was huge as she turned to us,

"I guess your names are Princess and Clay-Clay" she chortles.

"I guess they are" I say with a small smile. At that point the other kids started noticing our presence and stopped focusing on their food. They all started to scramble off their chairs, and their parents came rushing in. Haneul and Thierry were stopped by a woman with a dark brown afro put in a half up half down bun hairstyle. Haneul hugged the woman in an instant, forgetting about us altogether, her straight black hair swinging in her ponytail, the fair hairs sticking up at her edges. Thierry pouted, but waited patiently to be picked up as well. A man with the same curly light brown hair as Thierry swooped in and pressed numerous kisses on his face.

"Papaaa" Thierry says giggling. Raven nudges me, and points a finger at the two parents.

"That's my Aunt Lillian and Uncle Ives" she explains. Another set of parents, both with very pronounced cheekbones, appeared, claiming Marceline and Elan, who quietly submitted to their instructions of eating their breakfast with their parents assistance. The breakfast table became even more hectic with the influx in population. Raven slipped out of the chaos and I followed suit.

"Where are you two going?" A voice thick with an accent asked. Rave turned around slowly with a slow grin spreading on her face. I didn't know if I wanted to turn around. Raven raised her eyebrows and looked past me signaling that I should in fact turn around. I did the same slow spin towards the source of the voice. A old woman with graying hair pulled into cornrows and spectacles that sat at the bridge of her nose came into my line of sight. .

"Clay, my Grandma Louloune, Grandma Louloune, Clay" she says introducing us. She drapes her arms around me and gives her grandma a slight smile.

"Oh I know who he is....but where do you think you're wandering off too? Vini epi manje [Come and eat]" she chides.

"But Grandma we have to brush our teeth" Raven retorts. Grandma Louloune wasn't about to have that, but Mrs. Bordeaux swooped and chastised her mother. Grandma Louloune waved her off and started to amble over back to the kitchen area, not forgetting to shoot a glance back at us with a wink.

"Grandma Louloune is always trying to play matchmaker" Rave says with a laugh, but then her brow creased, "but ... we're already in a relationship." She turned to me with an eyebrow raised still questioning her Grandma's action. It was like a light bulb clicked in her head, and she suddenly became flustered. She couldn't look me straight in the eye and I couldn't help the smile creeping on my face.

"Stop smiling, it's embarrassing" she whispers trying to sound annoyed but her small smile betraying her.

"I don't know, this is the first time I've seen you so flustered" I remark, tilting her head up so she was no longer trying to avoid my face.

"Because my grandma is trying to give us alone time" she sighs placing her head in her hand.

"She ships us hardcore" I say with small laugh.

"Wayy too hardcore" Rave adds on.

* * *

I was in this fuzzy state of mind, drifting behind Rave and occasionally garnering attention from the children. I wanted to just close my eyes and be blind to the world. I felt like I was depending too much on her, but it was like before I delved into this dark place she brought me back up.

I liked to think she needed me just as much as I needed her. Though, I doubt it.... But that could just be the negativity talking. Too lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice that Raven had stopped walking in front of me and I couldn't really recall where we were going exactly. I stumbled and we went crashing to the floor. A relapse of the last time she fell popped into my head and I twisted our bodies around so that she landed on top of me.

"Oumph" she moaned.

"Sorry" I whispered, cradling her even though the bruises on my chest started to hurt like a bitch.

"We seem to do a lot of falling" she remarks.

"That's very true" I reply with a strangled breath.

"Oh gosh, I keep forgetting about your bruises" she gasps scrambling off of me. I managed a slight sitting up position.

"Hey, hey, hey Sunshine it's fine" I say tugging her back down. She gave me this no nonsense look that said 'I know you know that I know that that's bullshit.' I couldn't stop the grin on my face from appearing as I tugged on her a little more. She fought it for a little bit more, but then eased down until her head pressed lightly onto my shoulder, and her arms wrapped around my neck. She still kept a few inches between us, making sure not to touch my chest. We sat there for a few minutes, in the living room once again, with the sunlight pouring down on us faintly.

Once again I was pulled into these lull state of being. The dark clouds of my mind vanished and I couldn't help but playfully pinch her side. She pivoted away from my touch, but kept her head on my shoulder. I did it again and she repeated her action.

"Clay, stop it" she whined her voice buzzing near my ear. I bit my bottom lip and slowly raked my teeth across it. She unwrapped her arms around my neck and planted kiss on my jaw. She started to get up but I pressed my lips onto hers feverently. She kissed back and it sent shivers through my body. She gripped onto my hair and started to trail kisses down my neck until we heard the screech of a child. Rave flew backwards, her eyes bulging but misty, as though she wasn't thinking coherently.

Nathaniel came running in, being closely followed behind by Elan.

"GIVE POCAHONTAS BACK" Elan screamed. Nathaniel waved around the small figurine of the disney princess in his hands, a wide toothy grin on his face.

"NEVER!" he shouted back and continued to run around the couch evading Elan. Elan's face started to tint red with frustration. I decided to intervene sticking out an arm that caught Nathaniel by surprise when he passed by me.

"CLAY-CLAY" he screamed. Elan stopped running, his eyes flitting from me to Nathaniel. I brought Nathaniel closer and started to tickle him.

"CLAY-CLAY STOPP!" Nathaniel screeched. He loosened his grip on the disney princess doll and Pocahantas rolled across the living room. Elan quickly snatched up the doll, and shakily turned to me.

"Thank you!" he squeaked and then he ran off out towards the kitchen. I let go of Nathaniel and he rolled off me prepared to run after Elan.

"Nathaniel" Rave says with the tone of voice of a mom. Nathaniel stops in his tracks.

"Don't" she says simply.

"But...but...but Princess" Nathaniel pleaded. She continued to slowly shake her head. Nathaniel pouted but nodded his head.

"Ok Princess" he whispers. He then sulks off into the kitchen. I turned around to Rave who was shaking her head, and slowly getting up from her spot. I stood up as well.

"Back to the original mission" she says taking my hand.

"I'd like to go back to the delay" I said with a cough.

"You wanna go back to tickling Nathaniel" she says with an eyebrow raised and a subtle smirk on her face.

"No, back to this" I breathed, and pressed my lips onto hers once again. She responded with an eagerness that made my mind numb. Her fingers always ended up in my hair and I honestly couldn't breathe for a few seconds.  Suddenly she stopped, and pressed a kiss on nose and took my hand again.

"Yeah, I'm starving" She says cheekily, dimples pressing into her cheeks as she grinned. Her glasses sat near the tip of her nose and I pushed them up for her.

"Okay, Okay back to going out to get dinner for everyone" I retorted.

"To that Thai restaurant" she says, pointing towards the general direction of her front door.

"To that Thai Restaurant" I repeated, as we walked through the house out into the open air. 

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