Hidden Hearts

By 52Mila52

357K 16.5K 2.6K

*This is a fan fiction based off of C. L. Stone's Ghost Bird series. Sang Sorenson is a very perceptive girl... More

Chapter 1. The beginning
Chapter 2. She who sees everything
Chapter 3. She who says it all
Chapter 4. She who hears everything
Chapter 5. Mr. Blackbourne
AN: Just a quick explanation...
Chapter 6. Gabriel
Chapter 7. Victor
Chapter 8. Kota
Chapter 9. And so it begins... or not?
Chapter 10. She who disappeared like a ghost
Chapter 11. Back to the beginning
Chapter 12. The half-naked girlfriend
Chapter 13. Dead meat
Chapter 14. Group hug!
Chapter 15. Silas
Chapter 16. Storm
Chapter 17. Nathan
Chapter 18. Dogs and bitches
Chapter 19. Grumpy bear
Chapter 20. Dreams and wishes
Chapter 21. First day
Chapter 22. First day part II
Chapter 23. What one does for family
Chapter 24. Sleepover
Chapter 25. First kiss
Chapter 26. Dominatrix?
Chapter 27. Missions and Retribution
Chapter 28. Moving
Chapter 29. Toasts
Author's Note
Chapter 30. The Academy - Aware
Chapter 31. Academy - Present
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33. Fire
Chapter 34. Family
Chapter 35. Bonding
Chapter 37. Academy - Inside
Chapter 38. Stalker
Chapter 39. Laying down the law
Chapter 40. When truths come to light
Chapter 41. Shortie!!
Chapter 42. Girls
Chapter 43. Boot camp
Chapter 44. The end

Chapter 36. Academy - Request

5.8K 332 15
By 52Mila52

Once all of the boys had all woken up grumbling from splitting headaches Sean had gone in search of treatment for their "malady". We spent the whole morning in the hospital, visiting with Gabriel and Victor.

They would spend the rest of the day in the hospital, in observation, and be discharged at night to be taken to Owen's house until they were both feeling better. Gabriel was feeling fine already, but Victor still needed some watching.

As soon as the others were all feeling well enough to leave we split and went out on our way, some going home, others going on missions for the academy.

Kota took me to his house. It was his day off and his mother and sister weren't at home.

Arriving at his room he handed me a green dress that he took from his closet, saying that there were other things in the first drawer to the dresser.

Considering the blush on his cheeks I guessed that by "other things" he meant bras and underwear.

I blushed and walked over to the dresser, grabbing what I needed before locking myself in the bathroom and taking a well-deserved bath.

Once I was finished I left the bathroom to find an already showered Kota folding back his bed's blankets.

He looked up at me when I approached him and the bed, his expression thoughtful before he nodded his head in silence, as if reaching a silent decision about something.

His commanding green eyes focused on me and he adjusted his glasses with a finger, saying. "Yesterday was a very emotional and tiring day. Even after your nap at the hospital you look ready to drop, Sweetie. Come lie down a little." The last was an order. Kota, the head of the family was worried about her health and demanding that she rest.

I smirked at him, feeling the Luke-side of my person rising to shine.

"You know you don't need to make excuses to get me on your bed, Kota." I practically purred at him.

He blushed, his eyes widening.

Big mistake.

She couldn't help herself. It had been a very tiring day and her defenses were down, her self-control completely lost.

I walked over to him until there was only a breath between us and raised my hand, delicately pinching one of his cheeks.

He looked confused for a second and then smiled at me with amusement.

"What are you doing?" he asked, the command of his voice gone, his tone light and amused.

"You are too cute when you blushes, Kota." I told him with a soft smile in my face.

He blushed even redder, his eyes widening a little in surprise. His green eyes were so beautiful I couldn't stop staring at then.

The uncertainty and hope in then made me snap. I cupped his cheeks in my hands and sealed my lips to his, in a kiss that I would never forget.

It took him a half-second to respond, but once he did he practically devoured me. His arms went around my waist, picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, my fingers going into his hair.

He started to walk and I brushed his ears. He growled against my mouth and I felt his body tremble. I smiled. Gotcha.

Soon I felt my back hitting the bed, but I didn't let go, our kissing never stopping as he moved me until he had me exactly where he wanted me, lying on his bed, my legs around his waist, his weigh over my body.

His arms were on either side of my head, the only things keeping him from crushing me to the mattress.

His body against mine was bringing me sensations I had never felt before and I craved more. I craved his hands running over my skin, my hands finding more spots that would make him growl and groan like he had done before.

Our mouths separated, both of us needing air. Breathing heavily we stared at each other, emerald green eyes meeting clear green ones.

His glasses, that were still on his face, had gone askew and I raised a hand to remove them. He closed his eyes as I did so and leaned his forehead against my own once I was done.

"My God... what are we doing, Sang?" he asked me, his eyes still closed.

I smiled, feeling a little playful "Well, I think we are kissing like there was no tomorrow, Kota."

His eyes opened and the vulnerability in then made my heart squeeze. "Is that all this is for you, Sang? Kissing?"

Cupping his face with my hands I told him the truth. "I love you, Dakota Jameson Lee, and kissing you will never be just anything. It's a gift every time it will happen."

His emerald green eyes brightened and he smiled at me. He lowered his nose to mine and rubbed it against my own in an Eskimo' kiss. His smile gaining a playful edge he asked "You sound very sure we will be kissing in the future."

I smiled back at him and said rather sassily. "Those lips of yours were mine the moment you laid them on me, Baby. Have no doubt I will spend the rest of my life kissing then whenever I get the chance."

His smile softened. "My lips aren't the only thing that belong to you, Sweetie. My heart and soul are also yours." He said before his lips lowered back to mine.

Our kiss was softer this time, more caring, gentler, making goosebumps raise on my skin and with the way he brushed his lips against mine. My body trembled and shivered from the little bits and licks we exchanged and my world tipped when he pulled back and whispered "I love you".

Later we slept together, hugging each other, never wanting to be apart.


The next day...

Owen Blackbourne was sitting at his kitchen counter, drinking a coffee, when his phone rang.

Checking the caller ID he saw Dr. Roberts name flashing on the screen and immediately picked up.

"Hello" he said.

"Owen." The older man greeted. "I have some news for you."

Owen's eyes narrowed. "What sort of news are these, Phil?" He asked suspiciously.

"Well... I suppose it depends on your point of view." The man answered.

Owen frowned. "Just spit it out, then." He ordered.

"The Academy is requesting to be introduced to your Miss Sang." Phil said.

Owen closed his eyes for a second, his fingers pressing the bridge of his nose.

This wasn't going to go well for some of the boys.

Kota, in special, was still unwilling for her to be introduced to the academy since her missions had the potential to be dangerous.

And a few of the others still felt a little unsure of her commitment to them, fearing she might leave their family for another one. Thought the fire situation with Theo had gone a long way to cementing their family closer together.

Not only Sang's relationship with some of the boys had firmed, but also the one between Silas and North with the rest of them.

Owen knew she was never leaving them. Sang loved them all as much as they loved her.

But a few of his brothers had abandonment and insecurity problems which they had gained from their pasts with their blood families.

Even he sometimes had trouble with second guessing his own decisions.

"When?" he asked.

"Soon." Was all that Phil said before he hung up.


Back in Illinois Marie hid in her room.

For a few weeks now her mother's behavior had been very strange.

First, she'd been overjoyed watching the news on the Tv. News about a tragedy that happened in a boarding school.

Now, she acted almost paranoid. She kept looking over her shoulder as if expecting someone to be watching, she didn't pick up the phone, she didn't go out of the house.

Most of the day, her mother spent in her room, flipping through an odd looking photo album which Marie had never seen before.

The mother became more and more irritated every time she looked at the album.

Marie became more and more worried. There had only been one time in all her life that her mother had been so mad.

It was when Sang lived with them.

Life was horrible back then. Her parents ignored Marie completely, her mother was always furious and her father didn't spend any time at home.

He still didn't, but now he sometimes looked at her, at least. Without Sang to pass on his messages he was forced to talk with her, instead.

She was happier now.

But her mother was acting very strangely.


Victor woke up feeling disoriented and in an unfamiliar room until his memory of the past two days rushed back at him.

After spending the day in Kota's house once the matter with Erica had calmed down they had spent the night running after Theo and then he and Gabriel had stayed the day in the hospital before coming to Mr. Blackbourne's house at night to rest.

Looking around at the guest room he was in he couldn't help but notice the pink wallpaper, grey sheets and white furniture.

He raised an eyebrow and smirked.

It seemed that Dr. Green wasn't the only one decorating pieces of his house to suit Sang's tastes.

Considering how his oldest and most stern brother was completely wrapped around the finger of a tiny Princess made him smile.

Sang was good to them, she always been.

He got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower and dress up before going downstairs.

He was in the same house as Gabriel the Diva and Mr. Blackbourne the Suit, after all.

It wouldn't do to walk downstairs in his pajamas.

Once he was dressed he walked downstairs and into the kitchen meeting the rare sight of Mr. Blackbourne's worried face.

He frowned. "Is something wrong, Mr. B?"

"You know you can call me "Owen", right, Victor?" Came the distracted answer, his voice ringing with worry still.

Victor shrugged. "I know Owen, but I've been calling "Mr. B" for these past six years, it will not be easy to change that." I gave him a look then, telling him to just spill it.

It might have been a long time since I was my family's team leader, but I still could manage to give them a command or two when I felt the need.

Owen told me about Phil's phone call and how it was worrying him.

I could understand his concerns, especially with Luke and Kota, and maybe North too, but there was no point in us worrying about it now.

"We agreed to allow our separated relationships with Sang to happen naturally, without planning every little thing so she wouldn't end up feeling pressured into fitting herself to our plans." I told him and when he nodded agreeing I continued. "Let the academy meet her, we both know she isn't going anywhere, it is time the others see it too."

He looked thoughtful for a couple of minutes before his eyes firmed with his decision and he nodded his head.

Things were going to get interesting...


Silas Korba entered the room they were all working to decorate for Sang in Dr. Green's room and not for the first time he regretted that he couldn't do the same for her in his own house, but his father wouldn't understand. He wasn't like Erica or Uncle.

North rose from where he had been crouched in the floor, putting the carpet, and faced his best friend.

Silas was the very first friend North had ever made, and his relationship with the Greek boy would always be very important for him. But now they had other concerns.

There was a girl between them who they both loved and who loved the people who they had come to think of as family.

She wasn't a normal girl.

The academy would want her.

Others team's would want her.

North looked Silas in the eyes and could see from the calm look on his friends face that Silas didn't think Sang would leave them.

It made North relax. if Silas was sure so there should be some truth to it. North had learnt to trust the silent boy observations.

Silas might not talk much but he saw a lot.

They didn't speak while they worked in the room, they didn't need words to understand that they would work together to keep Sang in their family.

Beware any who tries to take her from them. They would be facing two rabid dogs.

AN: 2130 words

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