Don't Look Back

By Cheerreader96

68.7K 1.1K 207

Alexa Mercer has the perfect life. She’s the head cheerleader, popular, has the perfect boyfriend and she get... More

Don't Look Back- Chapter 1
Don't Look Back- Chapter 2
Don't Look Back- Chapter 3
Don't Look Back- Chapter 4
Don't Look Back- Chapter 5
Don't Look Back- Chapter 6
Don't Look Back- Chapter 7
Don't Look Back- Chapter 8
Don't Look Back- Chapter 9
Don't look back- Chapter 10
Don't look back- Chapter 11
Don't look back- Chapter 12
Don't look back- Chapter 13
Don't look back- Chapter 14
Don't look back- Chapter 15
Don't look back- Chapter 16
Don't look back- Chapter 17
Don't look back- Chapter 18
Don't look back- Chapter 19
Don't look back -Chapter 20
Don't look back- Chapter 21
Don't look back- Chapter 22
Don't look back- Chapter 23
Don't look back- Chapter 24
Don't look back- Chapter 25
Don't look back- Chapter 26
Don't look back- Chapter 27
Don't look back- Chapter 28
Don't look back- Chapter 29
Don't look back- Chapter 30
Don't Look Back- Chapter 31
Don't Look Back- Chapter 32
Don't Look Back- Chapter 33
Don't Look Back- Chapter 34

Don't Look Back- Chapter 35

1.8K 40 5
By Cheerreader96

Chapter 35-

I shut my locker with a bright smile. Justin got released from the hospital today.

I couldn't have been happier. We found out the news last night when we were changing to go to bed. Yes, I stayed with him at the hospital the whole time he was there. For four whole weeks; that includes the time he was in a coma.

I was in the bathroom changing when there was a knock on the door. Lets just say the doctors and nurses learned to knock before entering Justin's room.

I stepped out just as Justin yelled come in.

"Hello, I have very good news for you Justin." his doctor told us with a smile. Justin looked over to me and I hurriedly made my way over to him.

"What is it?" Justin asked him hesitantly. Even though the doctor said good news I could tell he was nervous. I was too.

"Your going to be released tomorrow." the doctor said with a bright smile. I smiled brightly, I was happy; beyond happy.

"What time?" Justin asked calmly. I rolled my eyes, he was happy and I knew it.

"Noon. But there is something I have to warn you." now I was scared. "No strenuous activity for a few weeks. No gym, sports, lifting, or sex."

I froze and blushed a dark red. "W-what? No! We --" Justin cut me off. It was a good thing too , I wasn't making the least bit of sense.

"Okay, thank you." the doctor nodded and left the room. I fell back onto the bed exhausted. Justin turned the light off and lied down next to me.

"You never told me why you keep that piece of paper there." Justin said, pointing to the small lined piece of paper over where he wrote on my cast.

"It's so no one will write over it.”

Just thinking about it made me blush. My locker suddenly shut, making me jump almost a foot into the air. I turned around to glare at Shane and Jessica. They where even more annoying since they started dating. I got my phone out of my pocket to check the time. 12: 37, that meant Justin has officially been out of the hospital for 37 minutes now. Another bright smile lit up my face.

“Somebody seems happy!” Jessica sing-songs to me as we started to walk to lunch. Shane elbowed my side softly. I nodded my head and stopped near the cafeteria doors.

"I am." I told them, my hand unconsciously going up to play with my necklace. Justin and I had the whole day planned out. The doctors still had him on rest so we couldn't go out on a official date.

I was going to go over to his house to watch movies and look after him till Jenifer got back from work. He didn't know about the watching him part. That was me and Jenifer's secret plan.

I couldn't wait for school to get out so I could go meet him.

"Alexa?!" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned my attention to Jessica.


"I asked what does your dad think about the whole Justin thing?" I stared at her confused. I could have sworn I told her about it.

"Surprisingly, he let's me see him. He actually went to the hospital to tell Justin thank you for stopping Mr. Daniels. It's weird to see them get along since the last time they were together they were fighting."

Shane nodded his head and walked into the cafeteria. Jessica rolled her eyes and followed him into the cafeteria. I followed behind her. Instead of sitting where we used to sit we all sat with Shane and his obnoxious friends.

We where just walking over to the table when all of a sudden Shane stopped talking. Confused, I turned toward Jessica, she was staring toward the door of the cafeteria. That's when I noticed everyone in the cafeteria was quiet. I turned around to the door and almost dropped my lunch. I set it down on the nearest table and ran over to the door.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him out of breath.

“I had to pick up some things and just felt like seeing you , and the idiots.” he said nodding his head to Shane and Jessica. I laughed and that's when I noticed how quiet it was in the room. I turned my head around a bit and saw that everyone was looking at us. Including the teachers. Nosy people. I pulled Justin out of the cafeteria and shut the door behind us.

"Now, did you really want to see me or is there something you want?" I asked Justin while crossing my arms across my chest. He smiled at me before taking my good hand in his.

“Why, can't I just stop by to see you without wanting anything?” I rolled my eyes at his over innocent tone of voice.

“Justin, I know you.”

“I don't want anything, just came to tell you something.” I let out a breathy sigh and waited for him to continue. “But I do know your little secret.” he smiled devilishly at me. I toyed around with my necklace waiting for him to continue. I noticed that it was becoming my nervous habit. Justin did too because he smiled even brighter. This was not a good feeling.

“I know my sister wants you to watch me after school.” I froze, how did he know?! “And as your punishment for not telling me, your staying the night.”

“How is that punishment?” I asked him skeptically.

“We're watching whatever movie I want and you can't sleep till I say so.” I dropped my hands and stared at him speechless.

“But we have school tomorrow!” I protested. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, waiting for him to talk.

“So, it's only a half day and I know you don't mind it.” he kissed my lips lightly and tried to pull away from me. I pulled his head back closer to mine and kissed him. I blushed, I don't know what made me do that.

“See, you wont mind at all.” he pulled away from me and walked away from me. Slowly, I walked back to the cafeteria and made my way over to my seat and sat down.

“What did he want?” Jessica asked me with a mouth full of food. I rolled my eyes at her and touched my lips softly.

“I got in trouble.” I sighed tapping my fingers on the table. Shane laughed  and slapped my arm.

“He found out Jenifer wanted you to babysit him didn't he?” I narrowed my eyes at him. How did he know that? I gasped and slapped his arm, hard.

“You told him, you jerk!” I hit him again. “How did you find out?” Jessica shrank away a little bit. I suddenly got the perfect idea.

“You guys will pay for this. Trust me.” with that the bell rang and I walked away.

-------------------- --------------------------------

“If you don't stop I’m going to kick you!” I whisper to Justin harshly. I was already mad at him and he was making it worse.

Right now we were watching a movie. We were watching the scariest movie of all time in my opinion. I bought it when I was younger and haven't seen it since then.


I don't know how Justin knew I hated that movie. No one but my parents and Jessica knew I disliked it. Justin’s seen the movie before so every time something happened he'd either lightly touch me to make think something was crawling on me or squeak this horn in my ear. It was getting really annoying.

He settled back onto the couch the way he was before he blew the horn in my ear and I relaxed a little bit. Then all of a sudden, a horn blasted in my ear! I screamed and nearly fell off the couch and on top of Shane and Jessica.

Justin started to laugh and Shane and Jessica turned to look at us.

“Will you guys stop it, were trying to watch a movie.” Shane told us with a scowl. I frowned and stood up.

“I'm going to the kitchen till the movies over.” I announced to them.

“Shh!” Jessica whisper yelled turning toward me. I stalked out of the room and into the kitchen. Stupid Justin. My plan was to bring Jessica and Shane to annoy him but it didn't work. Instead, they where yelling at me for nearly having a heart attack every time something bad happened.

I opened the fridge and got out a water, banging my cast in the process. “Ow!” I turned around and saw Justin standing there. He walked over to me but I ignored him. I walked over to the table and sat down, opening my water and taking a drink. He let out an annoyed breath and sat down across from me.

“Are you ignoring me?” he asked me while leaning over the table a bit. I don't say anything, I don't even look at him. This is what he gets for scaring me. Taking my phone out of my pocket I open the angry birds app and begin playing it. My phone was suddenly yanked away from me.

I acted as if nothing happened and began to look around the kitchen again.

“Really, Alexa? Angry Birds?”

No response. I heard him let out an annoyed breath and shift around, trying to gain my attention. I rested my hands on the table and smiled, knowing I was annoying him. He walked over to my side of the table and leaned on it. Suddenly, his face was right in front of mine.

This was hard to ignore. I could smell the cologne I was slowly growing accustomed to, making it harder to concentrate. His lips were close to mine as well, making it that much harder to think. I didn't know how much longer I could last not talking to him when he was this close to me.

He moved his hand so it was resting on my neck.

I stared blankly at him, I was determined to win. Even if it took a lot out of me. He moved closer like he was about to kiss me and I quickly stood up. God, this was harder than I thought!

I quietly made my way to Justin’s room, trying not to interrupt Shane and Jessica while they were watching the movie. Closing the door quietly behind me, I ran over to his bed to grab my pajamas from my bag. Justin’s footsteps could be heard approaching his room so I ran into his closet to change. When I was changing I got a good idea. I was going to hide in the closet and not come out till he found me. At least this way I’d get some sleep.

I heard the door shut behind him and I stood stock still, halting my breathing. I could have sworn I’ve been standing in that closet for 15 minutes without him even looking for me. I decided to wait 5 more minutes and if he didn't didn't find me I was coming out.

5 minutes passed and I decided to wait another 5 more minutes. I heard the room door open followed by Shane and Jessica’s quiet voices. I was now sitting on the floor with my legs crossed. This game was starting to feel like torture.

When I reached the 30 minute mark, I opened the door quietly and looked around the dark room. The jerk fell asleep without even looking for me! What a great boyfriend I had. He's lucky he just got released from the hospitial otherwise he'd be in for it. I walked around Jessica and Shane’s sleeping bodies and climbed into bed with Justin. Waiting around in the closet was tiring.

“It's about time you came out.” I jumped and nearly feel off the bed when I heard Justin’s voice. Now I was pissed. He knew I was in there the whole time and he didn't get me! He was so in for it tomorrow. I really felt like hitting him.

Without saying a word, I lied down. Justin’s arms wrapped around me and I sighed when I felt the bed shift. He was leaning down near my ear and began to speak.

“You can stop being mad at me now.” he whispered.


“Alexa,” I turned to look him in the eyes. “I'm sorry.” I didn't say anything and just lied there looking at him. I moved so I was closer to him and wrapped my arms around him. He moved my hair out of my face and I smiled. I closed my eyes and snuggled into his chest. And that's how we fell asleep.

Jessica was the first one awake. How do I know this? She jumped onto Justin’s bed to wake us up and she landed on top of my legs. Thanks to Justin’s movie and sitting in the closet for nearly an hour I was exhausted.

Usually it was Jessica who made us late, but this time it was me. Justin walked over to me and I smiled as he took his hand in mine. He picked up the hand with the cast on it and tore the paper off of it. I smiled even brighter at this.

For the half day we only have classes 4,5,6, and 7. 7th hour being art class. The class Justin, Shane and I were walking too. This is the hard part. The past few weeks I’ve been skipping art class and no one knew about it. Truth is, I’ve been afraid to step into the same room that Mr. Daniels once claimed as his. It was the same room where he stared at me, and lied to me. The same room where my mothers killer sat across from me and I never knew about it.

Shane parted ways and was on his way to his class. Me? I was freaking out inside. How could I go into that room again? I don't think I’d ever be able to. Justin was about to open the door and go in when I stopped walking. His hand tugged mine gently but I stayed put. Usually during this hour I went to the bathrooms and hid.

Cliché I know, but it works.

“What's wrong?” Justin asked me quietly as he pulled us away from the door.

“I can't go in there.” I whispered in a panicky voice. “I haven't gone into that room in 3 weeks and I’m not starting now.”

He dropped my hand and took my face in his hands gently. I hate this. Everything I loved was ruined thanks to Mr. Daniels. My chest was heaving up and down, it felt like I was having an anxiety attack. I’ve been going crazy keeping this to myself. Maybe I should have told someone about this sooner...

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Justin call my name. That's when I started talking and breathing a mile a minute. I was basically saying the same thing over and over again and that was 'I don't wanna go in there.'

I was suddenly cut off when Justin’s lips were against mine. It took a second to register but I finally responded. After a minute I pulled away, out of breath.

“Better?” Justin asked me slightly out of breath. I nodded not being able to speak properly. I heard a throat clear and turned my head to see a small group of girls standing there. They looked to be freshman. I was confused as to what they wanted until the one with a headband spoke up.

“I, um, need to get into my, uh, locker.” she muttered out. My cheeks heated up slightly and I turned to Justin who was slightly smirking. I moved away from her locker keeping my head down a bit. Justin grabbed my hand and began to walk down the hallway. The late bell rang but we kept walking, something I was happy about.

It was quiet when I stopped walking and sat down on a bench outside of a classroom. Justin sat down next to me.

“I just realized that this will be the first time in a month that I won't get to sleep next to you.” I said slowly as I looked up at Justin. Truthfully, I would miss sleeping next to Justin in his arms, it was something I was growing accustomed to.

Justin grabbed my hands and made me stand up before slowly pulling down to his lap. I smiled as he brushed some hair away from my face.

“I was thinking about the same thing.” Justin told me as he started to play with my finger-tips. I smiled and just like that it was quiet again. Well, until Justin looked up at me again.

“Alexa?” Justin asked me after a few minutes of comfortable silence. I looked up at him waiting for him to start talking. He took a deep breath before continuing. “How would you feel about moving in with me? Not in my sisters house but if we got our own apartment?” he looked at me expectantly.

I blinked a few times overwhelmed. Would I mind? No, not at all. Even though my father was okay with me being with Justin I didn't think he'd be okay with me moving in with him. Or Jessica’s mom for that matter. She hates Justin even more after the whole Mr. Daniels thing. As a matter of fact, she called me the other night just to scold me about dating him.

My heart was beating fast, I didn't know what to say. I knew what I wanted to say but I didn't want to get his hopes up. Or mine for that matter. And that's were our ages came into play. We were only 18 after all, how could we both live together like adults? Even though it feels as if I’ve known Justin all my life and I was in love with him, truth was we've only known each other for about 4 months.

“Justin, I really want to move in with you. You have no idea how much I would love to.” I smiled after I said that and so did he. “But there's my Dad and Jessica’s Mom to think about.” he stopped me mid-sentence.

“What do you want? You're 18, they can't stop you.” he had a point there. Why did this have to be so hard!

I was in love with Justin, I knew that for a fact. But why was it so hard to decide if we should move in together? After a minute of thinking it all over, I looked back up to Justin, who was waiting anxiously for my answer. I took a deep breath and smiled widely.

“Yes, I’d love to move in with you.” he smiled brightly and picked me up, spinning me around before setting me down on my feet. Somehow, we ended up by the lockers again. Justin’s lip were on mine in not even a second. Caught off guard, it took me a second to respond to him. Right when I started to kiss him back the bell rang and I could hear the other students rushing out of the classrooms.

We pulled away from each other breathless as he rested his forehead on mine gently.

“I love you.” he said as he leaned down and brushed his lips across mine gently. I smiled and pulled him closer to me by wrapping my arms around his neck.

“I love you, too.” I told him smiling brightly. I didn't care that we where against some peoples lockers and I didn't care if those people were waiting to get into them. The only thing I cared about was my amazing boyfriend standing in front of me.

It may have only taken about 4 months but I feel in love. And this time I knew it was real.

No matter what anyone thought or said about it, I was 100% in love with Justin Micheal’s.

And I couldn't have been happier.


[A/N: It's all over! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who read, voted and commented on this story, it means so much to me! There is going to be a sequel!!! It most likely wont be out till next year, I still have a lot to do with it. 

Thank you all!


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