Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)

Af itshelbs

124K 3.3K 1K

What if one day you meet a special someone, but then come to find out that she's your new Algebra 2 teacher? Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 16

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Af itshelbs

Camila's POV

The situation was being handled in the principal's office. I was still shaken up, even with my parents here, consoling me. They weren't the only ones in the office. The principal, Lauren and two police officers were here as well. Fortunately, they had Austin handcuffed in another room.

My mom's arms were wrapped around me as I shook, still frightened and in complete shock.

"Oh mija," I could hear my mom sobbing. "How could you allow for this to happen?" she questioned someone. In case she were questioning Lauren, I looked up to make sure. "Do you just leave the students unsupervised?" she was raging.

"Mami, stop," I cried. This wasn't the time to complain about that. I just wanted Austin expelled from school. I didn't want to see him ever again, I didn't want him near me.

"Mrs. Cabello, the school day ended, we weren't aware that they were going to stay after school," the principal justified. "Besides, we were all in a meeting," he added.

"Mrs. Cabello," that was Lauren's voice. I looked at her. She approached us where we were sitting. She leaned over to us, resting a hand on my shoulder as my mom released me a bit. "The bright side is that we were able to stop it on time," Lauren directed her attention to my mom. "That boy won't ever be near Camila again." She assured.

"Mrs." My dad was calling for Lauren's attention.

"Miss Lauren, I'm not married," she explained.

"Sorry, Miss Lauren, why was Camila even with that boy?" he asked. It was understandable why he didn't want me to answer. I didn't want to talk.

Lauren looked down, as if feeling terrible all over again.

"I uh, I asked her to tutor him," she answered, sounding afraid of my parents response.

"Why would you ask my daughter to tutor a delirious boy like him?" My dad questioned, sounding angry. He chuckled skeptically, "Don't you see what you've caused?"

Lauren's hand slipped off of my shoulder.

"Papi! It's not her fault!" I looked at him. My mom held me. "And don't you dare tell her it's her fault! Miss Jauregui is the best teacher I have ever had, she wouldn't purposely put me in danger," I said with anger and frustration. My parents couldn't just go around blaming everyone, especially Lauren. "In case you haven't been told, she's the one who saved me," I informed.. My dad should've been thanking her, instead of accusing her.

"Camila, it's okay," Lauren's hand held my shoulder again. "I understand how you're feeling," she directed her attention to my dad. "And I do want to apologize either way," she added. "Mr. and Mrs. Cabello, I'm deeply sorry," she apologized, even though she didn't have to.

"Miss Jauregui is a great teacher, just like Camila stated. Lauren wouldn't intentionally put any of the students in danger," the principal was sticking up for her too, which made me happy. "She's not to blame for this happening," he finalized.

"I'm sorry," my dad seemed to clear his mind. "I'm just really disturbed by what happened," he excused. "Thank you for saving my daughter," he finally extended his hand out to Lauren.

"It's okay," she took his hand. Then took my mom's hand and smiled.

"If there's nothing else left to say, we'll be taking Austin now," one of the officers stated. "We're really sorry." he gave an apologetic expression. "Excuse us," the officers walked out of the office.

The principal sat in his chair, "Camila, don't worry about Austin, he'll be expelled," he informed. "He'll be punished in jail too," he added.

"Thank you for everything," my mom replied. "We'll get going now," she added as she stood and helped me up too. "Miss Jauregui, thank you too," she smiled at her.

Lauren smiled in return.

"Come on mija," my dad threw an arm over my shoulder, consoling me. "Let's go home."

As we reached the door, I stopped and looked back.

"Thank you Miss Jauregui," I wiped tears off of my face. "See you in class tomorrow," I turned back to the door.

"It's okay if you want to stay home tomorrow," the principal allowed.

I needed to come though. Staying home wasn't going to help me much. Besides, I wanted to see Lauren. I wasn't going to see her today, sadly. My parents were probably going to be watching me the whole time, making sure I was okay.

We left.


At the dinner table, it was silent. No one was eating anything, just playing with the food on their forks. It was awkward. This made me remember what happened earlier with Austin. I couldn't get it out of my head. I couldn't forget how disturbing it was to feel his body weight on me.

Inevitably, a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Try not to think about it love," my mom advised.

It was easier said than done.

"I'll try," I breathed out.

"Camila, how old is Miss Jauregui? She looks so young," my mom commented.

"She looks to be about twenty-three," my dad guessed.

Wow, a few hours ago, I was almost raped and here they were, talking about my teacher, my girlfriend. I guess it was better than it being quiet and feeling the tension in the room. This could actually help me forget the incident.

"She's twenty-six," I answered.

"I bet it must be tough teaching high school students. Especially being as young and beautiful as she is," my mom stated. She actually started to eat now.

"Maybe, but Miss Jauregui is wonderful at teaching, most people in class are really learning the material," I informed. "Even Jonah," I added. 

"Who's Jonah?" My dad's forehead creased in confusion.

Well I guess it would help to explain.

"Jonah's a guy in class who usually has trouble learning or paying attention," I clarified. They made that ohhh okay look.

"Well she seemed nice, I'm glad you have a teacher like her," My mom commented.   

"I bet a lot of guys in class check her out, right?" Oh god, dad brought up this subject. "A young lady as gorgeous as her can't be overseen," he added, gaining a glare from my mom. That made me want to laugh. "I'm just saying," he said in defense. "You know I love you," he leaned into my mom and kissed her on the lips, while I looked the other way.

"You better," mom retorted playfully. "I completely agree though, Miss Jauregui is beyond beautiful, at first, I thought she was a model," she joked. Oh come on mom, a model? What would a model be doing at school? I understood her logic behind it though.

I'm glad that my parents liked and thought that Lauren was beautiful. Even though they didn't know about her and I.

"Whoever she's dating is one lucky guy," my dad stated. Well, I was the lucky girl, but he didn't need to know that. "If I were him, I would be watching her like a hawk, making sure to push off all the little perverts that are looking at her," he joked.

"What?" I was so interested in this.

"Well you know, so many must be after her, anyone could steal her from her boyfriend," he elaborated.

"Well from what I know, she's single," what a complete lie I told. Though, to everyone else it was true.

"Well whenever she gets a boyfriend, he'll have to watch her really well," he insisted. This made me worried, my dad was right. There were so many trying to get at her. I didn't want anyone stealing her from me.

"Okay," I wanted to end this conversation now. "May I please be excused?"

"Of course, mija," my mom dismissed. 

Before leaving, I kissed my parents' cheeks. Now, I had to go text Lauren. I needed the comfort of her words. Only she could make everything alright.


Shawn and Dinah were walking me to class. They didn't want to leave my side. According to them, they were taking care of me. That wasn't needed, Austin was no longer in school. Thankfully he was expelled and put into jail.

"Guys really, I appreciate it, but I don't need to be watched at all times," I laughed lightly. "I'm perfectly fine," I stated, although I really wasn't. Being at school was a reminder of what happened yesterday. I got goosebumps all over again.

"We're still going to be your bodyguards though," Dinah assured, and threw an arm over my shoulder.

"Yup, so stop complaining," Shawn teased.

They were awesome.

"Camila! Camila! Mila!" my name was being shouted from behind us. All at once, the three of us turned around, only to see Vero running to us. "Oh Mila," she brought me into her arms. She released me, but her hands stayed on my shoulders, "I heard what happened," she added.

"Yeah," I didn't know what to say.

"How are you feeling?" I hated seeing the pity in her eyes.

"I'm fine," I smiled widely, proving that everything was fine. I didn't want people to be making a big deal out of it. That was only going to affect me more.

"It's okay to cry," she stated. I knew that, but I didn't want to cry, at least not at school.

We started walking to my class again. Vero was by my side, and Dinah was on my other side, while Shawn walked directly behind me.

When we arrived, they walked me into class and even asked Lauren to watch after me. They were unbelievable. I wasn't a child. I didn't want to be treated any different, I wasn't even raped. Thank God!

"Camila, are you okay?" Lauren approached me.

"Yeah, thanks for asking Miss Jauregui," I smiled. Seeing her brightened up my morning. I caught Vero's stare from the corner of my eye. Discreetly, I glanced at her, she looked to be in disbelief. Maybe because I was fine with Lauren asking me how I was doing, and wasn't okay with her asking me.

"I'm glad to hear that," Lauren smiled back at me. "Take a seat," she instructed. "Thank you for watching after her," she thanked my friends.

"Your welcome, Miss Jauregui," Shawn grinned from ear to ear. Aww, that really made him happy. That probably made his day.

The warning bell rung.

"Wait here when the period ends, we'll come pick you up," Dinah settled.

"Fine," I groaned playfully.

They left. Vero was leaving too, but she stopped at the door and smiled at me before taking off.

"Are you friends again?" Lauren asked me.

"I guess," I shrugged.

"Hey, be honest with me, how are you really doing?" She asked again, this time wanting me to be sincere.

"Honestly, I'm doing better but it's still affecting me," I spoke truthfully. I couldn't lie to her.

"Sorry for asking you to tutor him." her eyes narrowed down.

"It wasn't your fault. I'm sure as hell not blaming you," I assured. "Either way, thanks to you I wasn't raped," my pinky overlapped hers, on my desk. She gave a side smile and then slipped her hand off of my desk, only because other students were coming in.

"Camila!" Ethan shouted, getting everyone's attention. "Is it true? What happened with the geek I mean?" he walked towards me, wanting all the gossip. Seriously, sometimes guys liked to gossip more than girls did.

"Ethan," Lauren said in a warning tone.

"I just want to know," Ethan shrugged.

"I heard about it too, but I thought it was just a rumor," Ramon then joined in. People were starting to stare at me to tune in. Ugh! I didn't want this!

"Boys. Don't ask Camila any questions," Lauren demanded. At least I had her to help me out with this.

Ramon turned his attention to her, "I heard, that you beat the geek," he stated part of the rumor.

Oh come on, Lauren didn't beat him up. Although she would have if the principal wouldn't have stopped her. She was only allowed to pull him off me and throw him to the ground.

"That's not true," she clarified. "No everyone please take a seat," she instructed nicely.

"Anyways, we're really sorry that you had to go through that," with that said, Ethan hugged me. It made me want to giggle, I thought it was really nice of him.

"Yeah," Ramon hugged me after Ethan had let go. I remained seated while they tapped my head,as if I were some little girl.

"Boys, please sit down," Lauren chuckled.

"Yes ma'am," Ramon saluted and made his way to his desk, which was somewhere behind mine. Lauren smiled at me before turning to look at the whiteboard. She started writing down the plan for today. "Fuckin' hot," I heard Ramon mutter. I looked back, and noticed him checking Lauren out.

When I was taking out my notebook and pencil, I noticed someone standing in front of my desk, directly. Wondering who was blocking my view, I looked up.

It was none other than Lucy Vives.

"Hello Camila," she greeted, polite, and calmed. "I heard what happened," ugh, not again. "I just came to see how you're feeling," she added, sounding nervous. "I hope that you're better," she paused, seeming stuck.

"Thanks," I gave a genuine smile. Even though we sort of had problems before, I still appreciated her stopping by.

Lucy walked away, and that's when I saw Lauren looking directly at me, as if wondering what that was all about. Oh come on, as if she couldn't hear. I gave a cheeky smile, making her glare playfully at me.

"Quiet down class," Lauren settled us down. "Take out your textbooks and write down the objectives in the calendars," she added while carrying the teacher's textbook in her hands and flipped through the pages.

Well that meant that I had to take out my binder to get my calendar.

"Camila, are you okay?" someone blurted out. It got a laugh out of the class, and even from me. It sounded funny.

"I'm fine," I answered, without looking back to see who it was. I couldn't recognize the voice though.

"Okay, just checking," the person replied. I laughed lightly at that.

Even though I was still feeling disturbed by what happened yesterday, I was glad to know that there were people who actually cared. It made me feel cared for.

"Okay class, no more interruptions," Lauren stated, now starting the lesson.

Well at least now I had a good view of Lauren. God, I loved watching Lauren.


Luckily, my parents weren't watching me like a hawk today. They actually let me out of their sight. My friends did too. Meaning that I was able to sneak off to Lauren's house. At the moment, I wanted nothing more than to be in her arms.

Today, I had to put up with a bunch of questions. Also spent a lot of time clarifying the rumors. Boy, a few of the rumors were crazy. Like, there was one that supposedly, Lauren kicked Austin in the dick, and now he wouldn't be able to have children. Another one, apparently Lauren beat Austin into a coma. There was another rumor, that Austin wasn't really a guy. I wasn't sure whether I wanted to clarify that one or not, but I did.

"Camz, I freakin' adore you," Lauren and I were sitting on the couch. I slouched into her arms. Haha, that word again, adore. When was it going to be the day when I would hear I love you?

"I adore you too," hey, I wasn't going to be the first to say it. At least not any time soon... maybe.

"I know that I've apologized before, but I want to apologize again for asking you to tutor that asshole," anger was heard in her voice when it came to Austin.

"Lauren, it's not your fault," I reassured. "Please stop apologizing, it's getting annoying," I teased.

"I'm sorry," oh my god, she did it again, haha. She caught on, "I'm sorry," she caught it again and groaned.

I sat up and leaned against her, "Just shut up," I chuckled and pressed my lips against hers. My hand slipped behind her neck. Her head tilted to one side, while mine tilted to the other side. Her hand lightly pressed against my lower back.

Our mouths opened, making the kiss more passionate. I was beginning to feel the heat between us. To get more comfortable, Lauren laid on her back, while I laid over her. Her head rested on the couch's armrest.

I still held the back of her neck while her hands now held my waist. I wanted the kiss to be more passionate, so I slipped my tongue through her lips. I slid my tongue on the roof of the inside of her mouth, causing her to giggle because it tickled her. I knew she loved that, she told me before.

My free hand roamed her leg, and I made it come up to my waist.

Lauren stopped the kiss, catching some air.

"Baby, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, you just had a bad experience," she justified.

"No Laur," I shook my head. "I need your touch, I really need it baby," I stated. "That asshole put his crusty lips on me, and touched me inappropriately. I need you to wash off his touch with yours," I explained. I breathed heavily, feeling my heart pound. I could feel the heat in my cheeks. I needed and wanted her touch.

Without replying, her hand held my face gently, pulling me in for another kiss. This time, she nibbled on my upper lip more gently. Her hips moved up as she rearranged herself on the couch. Of course, she still remained on the bottom, but now my leg rested between hers. Her leg moved over my waist on it's own. My hand caressed down that leg, scratching over her jeans.

My tongue slipped through her lips again, but this time I didn't tease her, instead, it explored every inch of her mouth. Lauren took control over the kiss, sucking my lips in. I loved feeling how desperate she was to kiss me. How she didn't want our lips to part, not even for a second.

Her hands lifted part of my shirt up, her fingertips pressed against my bare skin. It sent chills down my back. She massaged my lower back while I trailed kisses down her jaw. When her hips arched, pressing against me, I felt a nonstop electric sensation run up and down my entire body, causing me to slightly shudder.

Lauren giggled at that. My eyes closed as I took a second to gather myself, and continued kissing down her neck. As always, I kissed her Adam's apple, which now made her shudder.

"Are you sure about this baby?" Lauren asked through bated breaths. I hummed a yes. I was definitely confident in my decision, besides, it was all about our urges. That's what mattered. "Okay, then let's go to the bedroom," Lauren pushed off her elbows. She waited for me to climb off of her, and then stood up.

She took my hand and directed me to her bedroom.

I had been in here, but for other reasons; just to lay down in bed with her to watch movies, we even had a few makeout sessions, but nothing past that. Now, there was nothing stopping us.

Lauren stood behind me, holding onto my hands, intertwining them. Her chin rested on my shoulder before letting go of my hands. She pulled my hair to one side, exposing my neck. Still hiding behind me, and intertwining our fingers again, she sucked on my neck. My eyes closed as my head tilted slightly to the side, allowing her more access. Lauren was being so delicate, she was making me feel butterflies. I loved that feeling.

Lauren's hands left my own, and caressed to the end of my shirt, pulling it up slowly. Her hands slid up against my skin in the process. My head tilted back. My eyes remained closed, just enjoying her touch.

She sucked and nibbled along the length of my neck, and by the feel of it, there was going to be a hickey. I raised my hands up as Lauren pulled my shirt over my head. She still stood behind me, having her hands on my hips.

I turned around and held the end of her blouse. I pulled it up while smiling at her. Throwing it off to the side, Lauren held my waist, pulling me in close to her. Our lips reconnected. My hands held the back of her neck, as her hand pressed against my lower back, that was one of my weaknesses.

Though Lauren's hands made their way to my jeans, unbuttoning them, she looped her hands in the belt holes and pulled them down. Helping her out, my hands rested on her shoulders while I stepped out of my jeans when they dropped to my ankles. I felt Lauren smile on my lips as her hands slid up my thighs, caressing gently.

This made me want to press completely against her.

Our lips parted and we both looked down to her jeans. My fingers unbuttoned them. Lauren pulled them down herself, wiggling out of them. I giggled since she had difficulty. Finally, she was able to kick them off.

"Bout time Laur," I teased.

Her eyes squinted skeptically, "Mm, come here," with that said, she pulled me into her.

Her lips pressed against mine. Now that I was able to feel her bare against me, a bolt of electricity took over my body, running up and down, nonstop. My knees became weak, and I was basically hanging off her neck. I walked backwards, as she directed me to the bed. The back of my knees hit the bed, making me fall back with Lauren on top of me. I wouldn't want it any other way though. I wanted her to take complete control.

I scooted myself more toward the pillows. Lauren smirked seductively, and crawled over me. My eyes narrowed to her breasts, desperately wanting her bra to drop. Feeling a bit cold and a little exposed, I undid the covers with Lauren's help. We both put our bodies under them and started kissing. Lauren straddled me, since there was a leg on either side of me, my fingertips caressingly scratched her bare thighs. Lauren's tongue slid up my neck, reaching my jaw and gave kisses.

A breathy moan of 'Lauren' escaped my lips.

My hips arched, causing her to start slowly grinding down. My hands were about to cup her face, but she held them and pinned them to the bed.

"I can't believe we were actually going to wait," I tried so hard to contain my moans.  

"What the hell were we thinking?" Lauren chuckled, breathing heavily.

"I don't know," I shrugged.

Lauren let go of my wrists. And that's when my hands held her shoulders, inserting a finger beneath her bra straps. I made them slip off her shoulders. My hands made their way to her back, in order to unhook her bra.

"Now, let's take yours off," I heard her say in a sensual voice, but I was only able to focus on her breasts. Staring at how round, firm, and succulent they looked. Wanting to massage and nibble on them. "Camz," she was calling for my attention, though that only excited me more. "Camzi," she called again, this time actually getting me to look her in the eyes.

I lifted off my elbows as she unhooked my bra and threw it somewhere across the room. Her eyes looked directly at my breasts, and a smile formed on my lips.

She tossed the covers off and climbed over me. She motioned for me to lay on my stomach, so I did. I folded my arms on the pillow and rested my head on it. Then, I felt Lauren's lips give a light kiss on my lower back. And she trailed kisses up my spine. It was so relaxing, and comforting. My eyes closed as I enjoyed the feel of it. I loved how gentle she was being. As she kissed further up my body, I felt her body weight on me again. Her center was now resting on my ass, pressing on it.

She pulled my hair to one side of my neck, leaving the other side exposed again. That's the side she kissed on. Her hand slid underneath me, directing to my breast. As she sucked on my neck, she pinched my nipple, causing me to moan. She massaged my other boob with her other hand, while she grinded on me.

I wanted to turn onto my back and see her beautiful face, but I couldn't. I was letting myself enjoy what she was doing to me, letting her pleasure me.

After a while, Lauren told me to lay on my back. Her lips pressed against mine, making out for a bit until she started trailing kisses down my neck, but didn't stop. She just kept going, until she met my breasts. Lauren nibbled and sucked on one, while she caressed the other. Her tongue twirled around my nipple, and gave a little bite.

I couldn't contain my moans. I groaned out "Mmm, Lauren. Baby," seemingly giving her more confidence.

"Lauren," I gasped.

"Hmm?" she kept sucking on my nipple. I wasn't calling for her, I just couldn't help but to moan her name.

My back arched off the bed a bit, but she pressed me right back down.

My hands ran through her thick hair. She seemed to like that, so I kept doing it. She looked up at me with a smirk while biting on my nipple, and giving it a little pull. That must've been the hottest thing I had ever seen. She kissed between my breasts and continued south.

My hands remained in her hair as she trailed kisses down my stomach, reaching my naval. She lifted up and took a moment to breathe. That allowed me a chance to gather myself as well. She straddled me again, sitting on my thighs this time.

She was staring at me with a genuine smile.

I smiled back, "What?" my eyebrows connected in curiosity.

"You're so beautiful," she breathed out, seeming speechless and amazed. Wow, really? She was the gorgeous one. I wish my body was as perfect as hers. I knew she was beyond beautiful, but damn, I never imagined this much. She was a goddess. Now more than ever, I felt so damn lucky to have her.

"No, you are," even though I loved looking at her nude body, I looked her in the eyes.

She shook her head, still smiling.

She leaned over to me and connected our lips. My hands slipped around her neck, not allowing her to stop kissing me.

Lauren scooted lower, and hooked two fingers on each side of my panties to start pulling them down. Even though I was really nervous, I helped her out. My hip lifted up, while she pulled them off. Now I was completely exposed. I felt the breeze, which made my body quiver slightly. Lauren noticed; her eyes shifted down, looking in between my legs.

"Hey, now take yours off," I mimicked from before. Just like I requested, she slipped out of them. I couldn't help but stare. At that very instant, I wanted to take control and just lay her on her back and pleasure her. Though, she kept full control over me.

Lauren motioned for me to rest back.

She fixed herself between my legs, blowing and breathing between my thighs, teasing me. I bit my lower lip, trying to control the hormones I was feeling. Without a heads up, Lauren kissed my most sensitive spot. Uncontrollably, my hips arched a bit. Her tongue immediately slid up and down at an agonizingly slow place.

My hands grasped at the bed sheets.

"Lo," I said in a breathy tone.


"M-more," I stuttered out.

Her tongue went further, increasing the pace and pleasure; she then entered me with two fingers. The throbbing sensation was becoming stronger and stronger. Lauren's tongue twirled and her lips pressed against my clit, sucking hard, making me have the most intense pleasure of my life. 

As she continued, one of my hands released the handful of bed sheet, and went to grab a handful of her hair; pushing her closer, to me, if that were possible.

Not being able to hold on any longer, my body shook uncontrollably, as my back arched. "Lauren!" I moaned loudly. She wasn't done with me yet. She continued to suck on my clit, while continuing fingering me. "Bab- mmm!" My hips bucked off the sheets as Lauren brought me to my second orgasm within seconds after my first.   

Lauren quickly retracted herself, and crawled over me, to hold me. I looked at her to see a huge grin plastered on her face. Oh she was so loving this. "You taste amazing Camzi," she whispered in my ear seductively. I gulped as she kissed me; allowing me to taste myself through the kiss. When we separated she looked me in the eyes as I took took her fingers, swirling my tongue around them; savoring my sharp taste, while never dropping her gaze on me. Dark green eyes glazed over with lust. 

After a few minutes of gathering myself, Lauren laid on top of me. Our legs intertwined, with our breasts pressed against one anothers. My arms rested on her lower back, as her arms rested on either side of my head. Lauren then fit her knee between my legs and settled down on my thigh. Lauren's core was pulsing with want and need it felt like.

Lauren's heat was pooling on my thigh, spreading her wetness as her hips began to move. Lauren let out a low moan when she grinded her stiff nub against my thigh.

"Baby," Lauren puffed out. She's getting close I thought.

My hands then proceeded to grab at Lauren's ass, helping her grind herself down on my thigh. I took one of my hands from her ass and fit it between her bucking hips.

Lauren stilled above me, looking at me confused before I sunk a single finger into her burning core, without warning. "Camila!" Lauren gasped as her eyes widened in surprise. I immediately thrusted a second finger into her, to which Lauren threw her head back, in a silent scream. She then pushed down harder onto my hand, wanting more. "Faster baby. Please," she begged in a whimper.

I then started moving in and out of her at a faster pace, while curling my fingers, trying to hit that spot. She began to whimper with each pump of my hand. Lauren was still grinding down on my fingers, so I started to go faster than before.

"You like having me inside you baby?"

"Y-yes," Lauren croaked out. This released a gush of wetness onto my hand.

"You're so hot, holy fuck Lauren."

"Camz, more," Lauren whimpered.

I then decided to try and push in a third finger, I didn't want to hurt Lauren. I wanted her to feel good. She gasped as my digit went further in her. "Is this okay?" I asked hesitantly.

Instead of answering me, she growled in frustration; grabbing my hand and shoving in as deep as she could take it. "Fuck!" Lauren screamed quietly. I decided to thrust as hard and fast as I could. At one particular deep hard thrust, I grazed her g-spot, which made her hiss, "Yes, yes, yes-" With one final hard thrust, Lauren bucked into my front, in an almost painful arc, "FUCK! Camil- shit baby! Keep going, mm, yes! SHIT!" Lauren screamed as her channel squeezed my three fingers, gushing hot liquid into my palm. "Fuck baby, I'm cumming!!"

I kept pumping in and out of Lauren, as her core clenched and spasmed around my fingers. When she had rode out her orgasm, I removed my fingers and sucked them clean. Lauren watched with a glint in her eyes, and then we slumped down against her bed; the both of us, completely spent.

"Camz," she gasped out, breathing heavily into my neck area.

"Wow," I breathed out, with a grin of satisfaction.

Now being under the covers, Lauren pulled me into her arms instead.

"I'm glad that we didn't wait," I commented, now that my mind wasn't clouded with lust. My heart beat was becoming regular again.

"Me too," her hand played with a stand of my hair. Her jaw rested on the side of my head.

All this time, I had completely forgotten about Austin. That bastard didn't invade my thoughts at any moment. Like I said before, only Lauren could make me forget about my problems. Only she could make everything better.

A/N: Hey loves! This took so long to update because I was perfecting the smut lol. Was this chapter okay though? If you want to see a few camren videos, go to these links, and then comment and tell me what you think. The links will take you to my tumblr that I never use haha.




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