Ghost Bird... Do You Hear Me...

divamobile द्वारा

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This story is on hold. I will only update once inhave time. I am currently training in a new career that keep... अधिक

In The End, There's Always Love
Family Photo Day
Parsley Ruined My Life
Happy Meetings & Hospitals
Waiting Game
A Blast From The Past
Pending Updates
French Lessons
Is Everyone Here?
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Dodging Bullets and Cleaning House
Wounds Suck
Untitled Part 18
Danger Zone

Erica's Education of the Youth

278 40 6
divamobile द्वारा


Erica's Education of the Youth

So guess what? Thanks to Dizzo1, I had to opportunity to write a chapter for her amazing FF, Wylde Ride (Please go and read it, as well as the first book Invisible). So this got me thinking 'I am not so comfortable with writing the sexy stuff, or things regarding sex, or sex ed... Oh come on! Didn't you read Unpolished? It was downright uncomfortable sometimes when it came between she and her men!' Anywho, I thought Dizzo1 had a wonderful idea. So wonderful help was found. Kota123456. I believe she found the humor, humility, and horror of the situation perfectly. Please give huge hugs and welcomes and readership to this chapter and view as written by guest writer Kota123456. (Stories written: Your Loss, My Gain; One Shots & Challenges)

Phoenix's POV:

I still didn't know what the big deal was about this so called class that we were taking. I mean some of us had had sex education classes put on by the Academy as part of the required schedule, and we were taught about the birds and the bees by Papa Sean. What was the big deal? If Cadence and Cherie hadn't gone into my room, then we would not even be here. I guess I should say, if I hadn't taken Papa North's magazines from the trash, we wouldn't be here. Maybe I could convince Mom that I was reading them for the articles.

Really, Son? Do you really think that will work?

I guess not. What's the big deal, Dad? How bad can it be?

Oh, my boy, you will find out. I can't wait!

You sound way too chipper about this, Dad.

The eight of us shuffled into the pillow den and sat down. I loved this room. It held great memories for all of us. Many of our Family Nights have been spent here watching movies, playing games, and talking. It is just so cozy sinking into the recessed couches, pillows and blankets. The 65-inch TV doesn't hurt either.

Grandma Lee entered the room followed by Papa North and Uncle Raven who are carrying two large suitcases. The two men hefted the suitcases onto the table and left with a small smirk on their lips.

I remember when we went through this with Erica. I thought North was going to pass out.

Papa North doesn't get squeamish, Dad. Well, unless it has to do with mom getting hurt... or Isis, well, or... I get your point.

With that I let out a small laugh which of course gets me in trouble with Papa North and Uncle Raven who glare in my direction before leaving.

"Good morning, everyone! I hope you are ready for a very informative day." Grandma seems chipper today.

"Grandma Lee, why did all of the adults snicker when talking about this lecture?" Cherie asks innocently.

"Well, Sweetie, it is probably because they remember having a lecture very similar to this one, but I have found more things to go over."

She found more? Sh*t, that can't be good, but it sure will be fu*kin' funny.

Dad, please give me a heads up before anything cringe-worthy.

"Okay, kids, we are going to go about this in a different way than with your parents because of the catalyst of this lecture." With that she pulled out several pictures of very attractive and scantily clad women and men on them. "I want you to split up into groups of two. You will look at the magazine pictures, choose one, and determine what the picture is trying to portray. Then, you will show the picture to the group and describe your findings."

Alyosha and I teamed up. This didn't seem so bad.

"The girl's hot. I mean, I guess that is what they are trying to say," Alyosha and I discuss the photos. Looking at the photos of the girl was an ad for a perfume that was sexual in nature. The one of a guy was for some type of alcohol and had the guy's shirt off and pants unbuttoned. The guy was ripped. We agreed that we wanted to be as cut at the guy in the photo. Most of the guys that we knew were built, but this guy looked like he had it all. The girl was beautiful and really skinny. I liked my female friends to have a little more meat on them. I liked for them to look healthy. The girl in the photo did not.

Son, you look just like me when I was your age...damn we look good!

Thanks, Dad. Although there are times when I want to look more like Papa Nathan in the muscle department.

Shit, you know how hard he works at that. Did you know that he was actually a bit chubby when we were in elementary school?

I had no idea. Guess I don't know really know about you guys before you became a team.

Grandma gets our attention and we shared our ideas. Alyosha and I go first and explain our thoughts and feelings. I was surprised that the girls actually had other thoughts about the pictures. They thought that the guys were okay to look at, but looked like he didn't have any body fat on him. He looked like he spent too much time at the gym. They all wanted to look like the girl in the photo, even if she was too skinny in our opinion. It was interesting. I would think that the girls would want guys to look like that.

You have a lot to learn about women, and I can teach you.

I will take you up on that one later, Dad. Can we table that discussion for now?

By all means, you have the floor, son.

Wait, come back. Dad? Crap.

Grandma Lee then brought out other photos. They looked to be the same people, but the guy wasn't as defined and the girl actually looked a bit fuller. She looked healthy. "I would say that 99% of the photos that you see in magazines have been altered. They are not portraying what people really look like. I thought that it was also interesting to hear what your feelings about the same gender photo. Pictures like these, and those in the magazines that you found paint an unrealistic image and can cause self-esteem issues."

That is something to think about. Cadence and Cherie were looking at the photos in the Penthouse Magazine and thinking about looking like those girls. It is actually disturbing.

"Now, on to the next portion of the class," Grandma Lee said with a smirk.

She proceeded to take a life sized model of a woman's torso, that was anatomically correct...and naked. "This is Jill. She will be helping us with our discussion today. Her partner, Jack, will make an appearance in a little while." It did not have a head, or arms, or legs, or clothes. Using a pointer, she explained the medical terminology for each part of the woman's body, which we knew from Papa Sean. When she got to the "lower" part. She first explained the outer parts, then she laid the model on its back and spread its stumpy legs. We got to see the female anatomy in all of its glory. I could feel my face heating up. I could also see everyone else looking uncomfortable. When she opened the folds of the labia and pointed out the clitoris, I hear laughing in my head. I knew that my dad is getting a kick out of my discomfort.

Oh, you're back. Thanks, Dad.

No problem, Son. This is great.

Glad I can amuse you.

That part was soon over, and she opened the lower part of the abdomen to reveal the inner workings of the female reproductive system. This seemed to be easier to deal with since we did take Papa Sean's class already.

Even Sean was embarrassed with this class. He tried to get out of it, but Erica would have none of that.

The pain was not over however, because Grandma has other things in her suitcase of torture. She pulled out an identical model, but of the male anatomy. Jill's friend, Jack, who looked rather floppy if you asked me. Again the medical terminology portion was passed on to us. The male portion of this was easy to handle because there was not much to it. I think I was almost done when I heard my dad in my head again.

Phoenix, my boy, you are just getting started.

I groaned out loud and covered my face with my hands as Grandma popped in a video as we watched The Miracle of Birth. This was actually old hat to us, although we had never actually witnessed it. I mean when your mom has as many kids as ours does, you kinda figure out what is going on. However, this video gave an up close and personal view of everything as it happened from the time of conception to actual delivery. There was a cartoon rendering of the sperm racing to meet the lone egg. Just thinking about how that sperm got there is enough to cause my ears to turn red again. I am so glad they didn't show the joining of the two people. That may have been too much.

Dad, you know that a six-week old fetus looks like a shrimp?

Of course I know that. I saw your ultrasound. You looked like Skeletor from He-Man.

The parts where the baby was developing were interesting. The ending though, it was a bit much. I hadn't realized that there would be that much screaming. I mean, Mom makes it look easy.

"Now that you have seen a baby being born, let's talk about how it gets in there. I know that I should tell you that sex should be between two consenting adults who are in an exclusive relationship, but I know that kids will be kids and like to get do things that feel good. When performed correctly, sexual intercourse feels wonderful."

Grandma then pulled out a banana, and sat it next to Jack. The girls look on with curiosity. The actual sex talk began. She explained that a man and a woman can't have sex until the guy is erect, which I am pretty sure most of us knew. I don't think the younger girls knew how that happened though. "Most guys, especially young guys, are easy to arouse," Grandma informed the girls. She was right about that.

Oh my boy, the stories I could tell you about your mom...

Well don't. Please, Dad! Dad, I don't know how much more I can take of this.

You are still not even halfway there. Just wait.

That sounded wrong on so many levels.

"Okay, so Jack and Jill have been together for a few weeks, or months, or whatever. They feel that they are ready to consummate their relationship. In other words, they feel they are ready for intercourse. I am only going to say this once." She pointed her finger at each and every one of us. "I care deeply for every single one of you. I do this class because I love you, and I don't want you getting hurt or making mistakes that can hurt you in the long run. Know that if for whatever reason you feel you are ready, you can come and talk to any one of your parents, or myself."

Whoa, Erica didn't do that before.

I am sure she meant it, Dad.

I decided to take a look around while grandma talked a bit. I knew the stuff she was discussing. Alyosha was shifting in his seat. The others were bright red. I knew that I was too. Even though Grandma has made this very factual, it was still weird to be discussing sex with your GRANDMOTHER in any capacity, educational or not.

"... girls? Just remember you can always say no. Guys, you can always say no. It has been said that there is a point of no return, and I believe that is very true, but always be aware for cues from your partner."

We all nod our heads that she can say no. I mean; it has been drilled into us that we respect the wishes of others.

Grandma kept on rambling about something. I had caught Nova looking up. Her mouth was partially open, and she looked... well, she looked like she was ingesting every bit of this information. I saw my name being signed, "Phoenix, what should they do?"

I had been caught staring at her, but leave it to Alyosha to save me. "Well, I think he needs a very cold shower at this point." I can't even glance at Nova now. He might have somewhat saved me, but he was having his own troubles. A pillow had found its way on to his lap, conveniently hiding any evidence of him being accidently affected.

"I think that she should say something about her fears," Violet says. I almost forgot my sisters were here. It is bad enough having this lecture with guys, but having it with your sister and being given by your GRANDMOTHER is a nightmare.

"That is a very good suggestion, Violet. Now, protection. There are all sorts of methods of birth control. Condoms are a very good thing to use even if other forms of birth control are being used. They are a protective barrier for STD's as well. Nova, please come up and assist with this. Each of you will be doing this as well."

I didn't think that Nova could get any redder. She walks up to the table and takes the condom from Grandma. "Okay, sweetie, first you need to gently tear it open, don't use your teeth though. Very good."

"Yuck, it's slimy!" Nova exclaims, which causes Alyosha and I to snicker.

"That is for lubrication and it has a spermicide in it. Now pinch the top of the condom and place it on the tip of the banana. Good. Use your hand and carefully unroll the condom down the length of the banana while you are pinching the tip of the condom to keep any air out of it. It will be less likely to break without air."

I think watching Nova put the condom on the banana made my brain explode. I discreetly pick up one of the pillows, but Alyosha notices and snickers at me, but still gives me the warning look to stay away from his sister.

"Very good, you may go sit down. Line up. Phoenix, you're next." I grumble a bit as I have to discreetly adjust myself before I remove the pillow to get up, but I know I can handle this. "Good job, Phoenix. Next." Each of us take turns and make no eye contact as we sit back down.

Well, I have to say that this is much more in depth than Papa Sean's lecture. Grandma is very, uh... hands on.

Cringe time, Son.

"Now, let's watch some videos so you can see the difference between sex between two people who care about each other looks like, and pornography."

I quickly sign to grandma, "What?! That is going way too far." Before I can really get into my tirade, I notice that Grandma Lee is laughing.

"Phoenix, I would never do something like that. There are some in here that are far too young for that."

Which means that she would have gone through with it had you all been older.

Only my grandmother. I will never be able to look at Grandma in the eyes ever again.

Not for a while at least, Phoenix.

"I will say that there is a difference between what you see in a magazine, and on the internet, to what happens in real life. Please understand that whenever you do get to that point, far far away from now, make sure it is with someone you love, and to make it special, not gymnastics."

Finally, she hands out a binder which has pictures of both males and females along with the descriptions of the Sexually Transmitted Infections that they have. If the video of the birth wasn't enough to scare you away, I would think these pictures would.

I am never having sex with anyone for as long as I live.

What about Nova, Son?

I am only having sex with Nova as long as I live.

"Well, this has been fun. Don't you think?" Grandma starts packing her supplies up into the suitcases, which are not a matching set.

Fun? Is she kidding? This was probably the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me. With Papa Luke around, that is a feat.

Phoenix, Son, hey dude, Erica is trying to get your attention!

"Did you need something, Grandma Lee?" Please say no.

"Yes," *groan* "Could you and Alyosha help me take the bags upstairs? Alyosha can take that one to his house and thank Raven for me." I was wrong, now is probably the most embarrassing moment of my life and Alyosha's, because I didn't think he could get any redder. Nova, too is very pink, but it looks sweet on her.

Nature's make-up. It is all girls really need if you ask me.

Alyosha and I take the cases upstairs and I put the one in the trunk of Grandma Lee's car while he and his siblings start making their way across the yard to their house.

"Kids, hurry back, dinner's almost ready. Everyone is going to be here tonight and I will need your help with the younger siblings." I turned just as Mom came out to address Alyosha and his sister.

Just kill me now. How am I going to get through a dinner with everyone when everyone knows the topic of today's class? I need to get myself together. I think I need to get a shower first... a cold shower.

Luke called it having "Happy Fun Cold Shower Time". I think we all had one of those after our class with Erica. Especially Mr. B.

Once again, Dad, TMI.

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