Unchained his heart

De ArtistaDeElla23

66.6K 2.3K 244

"Is there any chance why I got the pleasure of your visit Mr. Montessori?" I ask through gritted teeth as I t... Mais

Unchained his heart


4.1K 153 10
De ArtistaDeElla23

"Don't be afraid of your fears. They're not there to scare you. They're there to let you know that something is worth it."

C. JoyBell C.




"Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be." It's what my mom always says when I feel like giving up.

Growing up as a child, my mother was the only confidant I have even if she is suffering from my father's cruelty.

My mother was a possession hold by my father while he has a line of mistresses on the side until now, especially Jessica Parker's mother who he married secretly even though he was still married to my Mom.

I can't even imagine what my Mom had been through besides my father.
I have my fair share of father and daughter bonding, it was one of the less memory I have with him that I've been holding onto as a treasure.

I vaguely remembered when I was six and Jessica's family came into the picture of what I thought a happy and normal family. But was I wrong, my family is never normal even before I was born.

For two years nothing bad happens but when my eighth birthday came, our lives turn upside down when Jessica came to my room and begun kicking me in my stomach until I'm vomiting blood on my white fur carpet.

And what shocked me more is when she ripped her dress, scratch her arms, anything that will look like she was hit badly before she wobbled in my open door screaming help.

She even purposely bit her lip until it bleeds and fake crying in agony. I sat there frozen in my spot even when my father and her mother came.

Not even when her mother slapped me hard sending me a few feet away from my spot did my gazed waver.

My eyes glued to where my father sat comforting Jessica who still sobbing hysterically in my father's embrace.
It pained me to see my father look at me venomously as if I did something unforgivable.

When the truth is I did nothing wrong. My body felt numb that I can't even feel her claws scratch my arm or her feet made contact with my ribs and stomach.

My tears flowing freely as my father watches her abuse me, his eight-year-old innocent child. He even left with Jessica in his arm and leaving me laying down on my blood inside my room.

I never remember anything after that day because when I walked up I didn't have any bruises or even felt a twinge of pain.

It was like it never happens but I knew deep down it happened and I could tell every time my Mom looks at me with regret and pain or when Dad glared and shout at me for nothing.

I could never forget that day and the days after, it will forever sketch in my memory of the unfaithful and cruel years I'd have to endure from them.

I've had my fair share of remembrance from their sick twisted mind, though it was not noticeable if you look closely, you can see a faint scar on my lower left breast down to my right thigh.

Causing me to become nearly infertile but luckily the glass didn't reach one of my ovaries.

I didn't realize I've reached my house and I've been looking at nothing for far too long. It's sad to see my son growing up without his father by his side.

If I could go back in time I would and I would have told my husband to not leave the house that day.

But no matter how much we wish things will happen differently but it's just how life is. If Calvin didn't believe me even with the proof that he is the biological father I will do anything for my kids with or without him.

I am the kind of a person, a woman who thinks practically and who didn't let the situation affect me too much. I am not saying that I took things easily as if it didn't bother me it's just that I don't like feeling helpless and waiting in the corner for the things I want to happen and come to me willingly without putting any effort.

I've promised myself that I will never be the same Aviana. The Aviana who was weak, crying in the corner, who let people step on her without a fight, and who couldn't find her voice for herself.

Besides, I now have two kids to think about and also I have to find a way to save the Ranch. I just can't stop my life just because he didn't believe me.

"Do you plan to sit all day inside your car, Aviana?" whispered a very familiar feminine voice making me jump in shock.

"Oh my God," I gasp my hand instantly went to my chest, slowing my poor heart. "Don't you dare do that again Cristina? You could have caused me a heart attack." I glared at her, her face red from not bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Damn, Aviana you should have seen your face. God, it was so funny." Cristina said laughing hysterically.

"Are you done?" I glared at her shaking form just outside my car. I am tempted to smack her beautiful face but I've missed her crazy ass.

She's like a fresh of breath air and she carries this innocence around her that makes you think she's not a grown woman. Well if you look at her baby face you'll never know until you'll see her in her working clothes. She's that innocent since she is still a virgin at the age of 24.

"Whatever. Just get out there and hug me mamma bear." She exclaimed jumping like an excited kid on Christmas.

I look at her like she is crazy and she stared at me clueless. I look at her then at the door of my car, I bit back my laugh seeing her face change into realization and her mouth form into an 'o' shape.

"You could have told me," Cristina murmured before she pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. Geez, I've never thought her small form can hug so tight.

"Well, you are busy laughing so how can I tell you. Damn, woman let go you're squeezing me to death and may I remind you I am pregnant so calm your beast down." I said in amusement, she's like a kid who missed her mother so much.

She pulled away from me and pouted that her hug was cut short thanks to my energetic son, squeezing his way between us hugging my legs tightly.

"I miss you, mommy," Xian murmured rubbing his cheeks on my thigh. I smiled picking him up and planted a kiss on his cheeks.

"I miss you too, big boy." I hug him closed to me inhaling his baby scent that I made my own calming medicine.

I know now that no matter what the world will throw on my way I will be able to go through them as long as I have my son by my side to lighten my way. And now I have another reason to continue living even though the world is cruel to me.

"Mommy, I have to show you something. Aunt Tina gave it to me when you left she said I will not tell mommy about it because it's our secret." Xian beamed excitedly, his eyes getting bigger as he obliviously told me a secret that he shouldn't be telling me but it's too late.

"Really, where is it? Can you show me I promise I won't tell Aunt Tina you told me about your secret?" I whispered but enough for Cristina to hear, who by the way looks like a deer caught in a headlight.

Xian shook his head vigorously beaming at me showing me his chocolate-covered teeth. I may have an idea about what their secret might be. I chuckled lightly shaking my head in amusement.

Cristina didn't know Xian couldn't keep a secret at all.

"Let's go inside and you will show me your secret. Let's leave Aunt Cristina here with her mouth open then maybe she happens to catch flies for Coby's dinner."

Coby is a frog.

A farmer gave it to him when they found him injured in our backyard. Xian took care of him since then and he even cried when the farmer told him they'll have to let the frog go once Coby healed completely.

"Bye Aunt Tina. Good luck." Xian cheered making me laugh out loud. God, that was so funny and hilarious.

I've never thought he would say something like that. Sure, there's nothing wrong with it but if it came from a kid's mouth. God, it sure is funny.

We went inside and Xian began to squirm on my grasps wanting to be let go.

Once he was out of grasp he runs into the direction of the kitchen and seconds later he came back with a bag of sweets in both of his hands.

I look at the two bags of sweets in horror, one of them was half-eaten. The evidence was clear who ate it because Cristina didn't like sweets that much.

"Cristina Chua." I scream still looking at the bags of sweets.

"Why are you screaming mommy. Don't you like our secret?" Xian asks his lips quivering and on the verge of crying.

God blessed his innocent mind.

"Oh no, I like it baby and I would love to have some. Go to Nanay Belen and ask her to hide it before Aunt Tina will get it back if she knows you showed me your secret." I said very carefully, kissing his forehead before dashing to where he came from.

Just in time, Cristina came in smiling at me sheepishly.

I glared at her again.

"Didn't I tell you not to give him sweets? Jesus Christ, two bags of sweets Cristina are you planning to make him hyper the whole night." I said my hands waving in exaggeration.

"Sorry, I was just so excited to see the little guy that I bought him sweets on my way here. I forgot that he was hard to handle when he is high with sugar." She said grinning innocently her eyes widening.

I groaned seeing her face looking like that. She knew I could never resist her when she does that thing.

"Whatever" I mumbled dropping to the nearest couch feeling exhausted all of a sudden.

Cristina did the same beside me and worry etched her beautiful face.

I know she saw right through me and I could never hide anything from her. It was like she could read me even with her eyes close.

That's just plain creepy.

"Are you alright? Did something happen to the baby?" she asked frantically while holding my hand.

"My baby is fine, Tina." I smiled squeezing her hand lightly. "I told him already and I don't think he believes me." A lone tear escapes my eyes and then another until I was crying silently.

Cristina hugged me and I cried on her shoulder.

"It's alright, Aviana. I will always be here to help you and you have Nanay Belen with you. You don't need him beside you did everything to prove to him that the child you're carrying was his." She whispered determination and promise evident in every word.

"I know it's just that my baby will never meet his/her father if he chooses to turn his back on his child," I said barely a whisper. "What am I going to do?"

Cristina mumbled soothing words as she rubbed my back trying to calm me. It's quite comforting to be hugged by a friend who truly cared for you deeply in just a short period of knowing each other.

It was like I could confess all my dark side to her and she will never judge me. She was just like a sister to me that I could never have.

"All we have to do for now is wait but don't let your hope high. It will hurt less and you know that I'll help you with everything I can for my goddaughter." Cristina keeps her voice soft and calming but at the last word, her face beamed at the thought of her 'Goddaughter'.

"How can you be so sure it will be a girl and Goddaughter, really Tina?"

"OH, trust me I just know it's going to be a beautiful girl." She squealed jumping on her seat.

"Yes, I'll be her godmother if it's okay with you." She pleaded with her puppy dog eyes, my breakdown was forgotten.

I chuckled not quite believing her enthusiasm for being a godmother was like going to the arcade for the first time.

I've been wanting to tell her about it but she got me first.

"I'll think about it," I said mastering my poker face.

I wanted to laugh but I held it in when she grinned turn into a frown. She is one hell of a dramatic woman and she was easy to tease and dampen her mood.

But her kind heart and love for children were what draws people to love her.

"Of course, I wouldn't want anyone to be my baby's godmother and besides you are the only choice I have," I exclaimed ending her misery.

"You're so mean." She pouted but squealed at the end, hugging me tightly.

I hugged her back equally, happy that I have a friend like her.

Honestly, I never really made friends since I spent half of my life inside the house being homeschooled and never allowed to step foot outside the metal gate of his mansion.

I only have Mac as a friend and now Cristina.

The feeling of having a connection to someone else than Mac was indescribable. I felt so happy and complete.

I stifle a yawn, suddenly feeling exhausted and sleepy. My body craves my soft bed and I wanted to sleep all day.

My pregnancy is making me fat and lazy, I'm never like this with Xian.

I was more like a workaholic and I craved less food but there's one specific food that I want before, strawberry juice with hot peppers.

"You go take a rest and I'll take Xian with me to the mall," Cristina said with concern in her voice.

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yes, don't worry about him. We will just go to buy a gift for my mother and I'll take him to the playground afterward." She said helping me to stand up, waving her hand in the direction of my room upstairs.

I hugged her and murmuring a grateful thank you which she only shrugged off saying it's just a small thing.

As soon as I've to change into my comfortable shirt and shorts I hit my bed.

And I was out in an instant into a dreamless sleep.



I sat down again with my beer in hand on the couch where I vacated a few minutes ago when Aviana dropped the bomb that shook my entire soul.

Putting the beer on the coffee table, I leaned forward to reached the envelope sitting on the edge of the table.

I care about the logo that I've been familiar with half of my life. I know the names, the signs, and each lining of the logo just like how I know the back of my palm because I own the goddamn hospital.

No one knew about it, not even my father. All they know is that the owner of the hospital was Franco Piperno.

He is my best mate since diaper days. He is like a brother to me and I know he won't do anything to jeopardize our bond.

He is one of the shareholders who own 30% and I own the majority of shares of 60%.

I didn't expect this day would come. A woman who claims that the baby she was carrying was his and it's funny to think that she came prepared.

I am not surprised that she'll pull this stunt, how should I if I've given her enough reason to try and trap me for marriage. Marriage does not exist in my dictionary and the people around the world who know me that I don't do marriage.

My mistresses knew where they stand, they give me pleasure and I will give them the diamond.

So, I am not surprised if she'll do anything to get me to marry her but if you'll ask me she didn't look like a person who will deceive someone for their selfishness.

She is more like an angel, too innocent for my evil selfish soul who craves for her touch and body to be mine forever.

I haven't had any good sleep since we had that kiss in my bathroom. It had been haunting me, and much worst every time I enter the bathroom knowing that I almost took her then and there if it wasn't for that fear evident in her eyes.

I know my body is craving for her, for more. God, this is fucking frustrating. My raging boner is becoming uncomfortable that I can feel slight pain.

I had to taste her again, hard.
With a heavy heart, I open the envelop pulling out the neatly folded white sheet. My eyes landed on the beautiful name written in bold letters.

Aviana Ashley R. Carlson.

The name of the girl who gives me the feeling of possessiveness and an intense craving to take her again and again. Awakening the sexual beast I never know I have.

I thought I'm not capable of feeling anything for a woman or even being possessive. I hate the thought of sharing her with anyone else or even touching her. I'm never like this to any of my mistresses and it's scaring the hell out of me.

As I read further I thought I was just hit with a typhoon.

I never thought that this day would ever come, impregnating someone. Yes, I've planned to find a suitable woman to become the mother of my heir but not this soon taking me off guard.

I know deep in my heart the baby is my flesh and blood. But the irrational cold and selfish of myself kept on denying and saying that she's only doing this only to get money from me in the end.

I am not like my twin brother. I am not like my uncle nor cousin who let women used them and then throw them like a rug when they have nothing left.

Nevertheless, I found myself calling Franco, and it's not necessary if I have the proof in my hands. I even count the months since the day I took her to how long she is.

There is no doubt that I am the father and now that I know she doesn't have a husband.

Knowing that there is no man in her life, my desire to make her mine increases.

"Montessori what a pleasant surprise." A groggy yet deep voice interrupted my inner thoughts.

I must have woken him up due to our time difference.

"Of course, Piperno." I said matching his voice.

"Let me guess you are calling me because you wanted to hear the truth from me. You know I won't turn my back on you even if my life is at stake, Montessori." He stated arrogantly yet seriously.

"I know man it's just that I am not ready for this," I admitted defeated, running my finger through my hair.

"Men like us will never be ready to become a father it will just take one look to know that you are ready to become one." Franco's advice, sharing his experience when he was in my shoe before.

But what if I am not ready to take my responsibility as a father. I don't have any idea how to take care of a child. Besides, I have a phobia of a small child or even dolls of the same size as a newborn baby.

It's just that I am afraid of holding one, not that I ever hold one before.

My phobia is more on fear of dropping them or holding them too tight that may cause them to die in my arms.

Call me paranoid but with my large frame, bulging muscles, and large hands you can't blame me for thinking this way.

"Thanks, man." I hung up the phone gripping my hair with my hands sighing deeply.

My eyes catch a glimpse of a black and white picture on the floor near my shoes. It was like some blurry thing that I have a hard time realizing what it was.

My eyes widen when I realized what it was.

It's not fully developed but I can still see them. My heart beats faster for the baby, my unborn child.

I knew then and there that the unborn baby she is carrying is mine.

I feel proud.

Happy even and the feeling. God, it's hard to explain.

I know what to do and that is to bring my family back home.

Even if I have to force her to come and live with me. And if marrying her was the only way to make her stay with me I will.

I am hitting two birds with one stone.

An heir and the girl I desire so badly.

I smiled like a fool but I don't care. I will finally be able to have and touch her any time I want.

But little did I know it's going to be the start of my nightmare.


Oh! Hello, there guys I am back and finally, I have my phone.

The new update and the next chapter will be next week as promised. Hope you guys like it. Tell me what you think about this one. It's not edited so I am very sorry for my wrong grammar and spelling.

Have a good day and night. Love lots. Kisses 😚😚


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