By Animalover9

4.6K 172 59

DISCONTINUED -Pure Soul and a Warped One- She was alone, like most, until she found this strange book. A book... More

The Akatsuki


392 36 9
By Animalover9

This chappy is dedicated to DeidaraGaaraGirls~! I absolutely love your enthusiastic comments! ^__^ 

And everyone seems to love the Gods POV and such, so yes there will be more of them, not every single damn chapter, but here and there ^.^

To the side is a stupid little map of the hideout I drew, just how I imagine it XD I always hate reading Akatsuki fanfictions and not knowing where the hell they are or what they're talking about so yeah!

Here's an explanation for the map. The blue/white coloring is indoors.. Or underground actually because it's in the caverns-Er.. You get it ^-^"  

The weirdly shaped round thingy in the front is just that giant boulder that Sakura breaks in Shippuden.

Up at the top where most of the members are, that's just the hallways that lead to their rooms.

Zetsu's room is round.. for no reason .-. It just is. Okay. Accept that you guys.  

And in the middle is an open area where the training takes place. The rest you guys can figure out ^__^


***Ko's POV***

A sense of wonder and hints of fear were growing stronger within me by the minute. I kept walking, keeping my hand on the stone wall. My eyes searched for any hint of my Master, Hidan or the room I stayed in last night. So far... I'm not doing well at all. But, Hidan said that this would be a test of memory and direction, so if I can't even succeed in doing this then.... I let out a small sigh, starting to let go of the sense of wonder in the new place, hopeless filling the spot. 

I shook my head vigorously at myself. No, I need to do this. I can do it. I've managed to wonder village to village before, this is no different. I looked up at the torches that barely lit the hallways, stopping my steps. This is hard... I glanced around, looking for anything to help me. I cannot disappoint Hidan or Lord Jashin, therefore I won't. " Eh? What's this?" A deeper voice asked to the sound of a door creaking open. I spun around to see a tall man with blue tinted skin and strange features leaning out of a door way. " I knew I sensed a different chakra." He said, staring down at me with an amused look of some sort. " H-hello.." I greeted, dipping my head in a bow. I've seen in villages people do this polite greeting before asking for something, most times the other person will give them what they want, even if it's just directions. Whenever I tried it though... It didn't turn out very well. " Who are ya?" The tall man asked, stopping me from going to ask a question of my own.

" I am Ko." He quirked an eyebrow, still having an amused grin to his face. " Let me restate, why are you here?" I rubbed my arm. " F-for Hidan to train me." The man suddenly laughed loudly, making me flinch. " Ah? That guy? You do look a lot like him, I never knew he has a daughter?" The questions came after his laughs died down. He wiped away fake tears. " Whew, he must have been swearing a storm when you came around. Too bad I missed something that funny." I wanted to ask what he meant by all of this but stuck to the task. " E-e-excuse me, but-t I need to fi-find him!! C-Can you dire-rect me where to g-g-o!?" I stumbled over my words, which made it all sound fast and jumbled up. I looked down, waiting for the familiar yell of ' SCRAM ' 

Little chuckles from the tall man gave me slight courage to lift my head, looking up at him. " Yeah, you're pretty far from Hidan's room. I don't know where it is though, ask Itachi." He jerked his thumb down the hall, in the direction I came from. " Go down there, turn left and go down the hallway you see next. His room is in that one." I titled my head, confusion filling me. I had heard those type of directions before, however I never really learned what they meant. " What?" He asked, seeing my confused face. " U-uh.. What exactly is left and right?" The man gave me a strange look, all the while the amused grin stayed hung on to his face. " What a stupid kid Hidan has. Hm, I guess that's not surprising actually given it's that guy." The man turned back in to his room, leaving me alone and clueless. 

I turned, walking down to the end of the hall. I reached it with two ways to go, a right and a left to be made. I searched my memory, trying my hardest to remember looking into academy's windows that taught young children these things. I raised what I believed to be my right hand, because you were to wright with your right hand, correct? I shuffled my feet, looking the way opposite to what I thought was right. This way would then be left? It was the only thing I could go with, so I traveled down the hall. Soon after coming across the first split-off hallway to the side. If I was wrong, then I could always ask who ever was inside the room to help. At the end of the hall was a door to a room. I knocked lightly, waiting to be answered. 

The door creaked open revealing a man who looked younger but not Deidara's nor my age. He gave me a questionable look that was hardly noticeable in his expressionless features. I felt a flush of heat race to my cheeks at the sight of the raven haired man. " Uh-Uh-Uh-E-E-Excuse m-me, I-Ita-achi?" My voice came out in a light squeak. A strange feeling swirled inside of me. Why was I acting so stupid all of a sudden? I know that I'm not smart, but I feel even more stupid than normal... Was I sick? My stomach felt weird along with my head. " Yes?" The smooth voice almost made me let out a squeak of- of-.. Well I didn't know. " I-I-I'm Ko, and-and I'm train-ning with H-Hidan, wh-ho-Er-I-!!" I failed to speak worse than I ever had. " I CAN'T FIND HIM!" I finally spat out, not reaching Itachi's deep, captivating eyes. 

" Hidan's room is a bit far from here. Travel down the main hall, the one before you came down here, and you'll pass two others, ignore those, the third is Hidan's room." I nodded but still felt confused. " W-what is two? E-exactly.." I didn't know nor remember. I'm not good with numbers, or directions, or learning, or.... I'm not really good at anything. " ....How old are you?" Itachi asked, his face void of emotion. " Wh-hen I w-was in-n a village, so-omebody call-led me a t-teenager.." Itachi was silent till raising his hand, a single finger up. " This is one. One thing." He raised another finger. " This is two. Two things. Two rooms you will pass." I nodded stiffly, trying hard to listen and pay attention. Another finger rose. " This is three. The third room you come by is Hidan's. Third. Three." Another finger went up. " This is four." Another. " And then five. Those are the first five numbers." Itachi finished his explanation and turned back to his room, shutting the door.

I stood still for a moment, the heat dimming from my cheeks. I took a breath and walked from this hallway to the main one. I kept walking down, passing the first hallway. " One." I said quietly until walking to the next hallway. " Two." I kept walking, ready to see the next hallway. " Three!" Quickly I jogged down the third hallway, stopping at the door that was in it. " M-Master Hidan?" I knocked on the door. The door opened for me to see Hidan, not wearing his cloak nor a shirt like I've began to get use too. " Ah, damn, you made it huh? By yourself?" 

I gulped. " B-By myself? ...N-no..." Hidan crossed his arms, letting out a tiny sigh. " So you were weak and asked for help?" " That's not weak, Hidan. Think of it in the way that she's a child who asked Akatsuki members for help." A sturdy voice said from behind. I turned my head, looking up to see Kakuzu. " Shut up, ya old bastard." Hidan mumbled, glaring at his partner. " What are you doing fucking around here anyway?" Kakuzu, not shaken by anything Hidan said, mearly answered, " We have a mission. We're going out to a village, they've been trusted with a scroll believed to have the information of the third Jinchuuriki. We are to find it and hand it over to Leader." Hidan groaned. " Didn't we already try that out last week?" " It's been confirmed this village really does hold the scroll. It's a minor village, we'll be there in no time." Hidan raised an eyebrow. " If it's minor, why the fuck would they have it?" " It's unsuspecting. Now grab your cloak, scythe and.." Kakuzu looked down to me. " Are you bringing her?" 

Hidan seemed to think about it. Kakuzu stopped him from going to answer. " She could bring us down and make us fail." Hidan put a hand up. " Yeah that's fucking true and all, but it's not like she could die with Lord Jashin on our side. Ah! Plus we could get you a weapon! Damn, I'm good." Hidan credited himself on his ideas making Kakuzu sigh. " You look out for her then." Hidan scoffed, looking offended as he went deeper in his room, putting on his cloak and grabbing his scythe. " You say it like I couldn't look after her."


Hidan stared irritated at his partner's lack of words. " Hey! Hey! Are you trying to start shit!?" Kakuzu turned down from the hall. " I didn't say anything, idiot." " WHAT DID YOU- I'LL SACRIFICE YOUR ASS TO LORD JASHIN BASTARD!!"


 Hidan sighed, a pout claiming his lips. " Damn old bastard, gets to have all the fun while I'm stuck with y-" He cut himself off, looking down at my guilty face. He rolled his eyes, leading me into a weapon shop. " Hey wipe that look off your face." He said with a blunt tone. " I-I'm annoying to you thoug-gh." Hidan laughed. " You got that right. I didn't know Kakuzu would fucking leave me with you while he did the mission." " I-" " Save it kid. Let's get you a weapon now, something that says 'I'm not afraid to rip your fucking head off'?" Hidan grinned at his owns words, apparently amused by himself.

He looked back down to me. " Although the weapon can't be too damn big, you'll end up cutting your own head off." His eyes scanned the small shop. " Let me know if something catches your eye." The sentence was more like an order. I nodded to him either way. I should be grateful to be here, and I'll pick the best weapon fitted for me and Lord Jashin. I jogged down the aisle filled with buckets of throwing items to a wall with weapons hung up out in sight. There were several scythes on the wall but all looked taller than myself. I wonder how tall am I? I nearly slapped myself.I need to focus on a weapon, not random thoughts that I think of. 

I kept walking, tracing down the wall when I saw a sword. It's blade was thin and so was the handle. It gleamed a silver color, daring me to come closer. So pretty... I stepped closer to it, going up on to my tippy toes to pull it off the wall. In my hands the blade was heavier than expected to where I almost dropped it. However it was a small sword, only around half of my own size, coming up to my waist. " Ah, has the little girl taken in interest in the Shiru?" A man, who appeared to work here asked, walking by me.

" U-uh-" I wasn't sure how to respond, taken back by the fact I wasn't screamed at to leave before I ward off others. It must be the clean clothes and shower, it made me look like a real customer. Stepping up, I nodded my head firmly. The man laughed loudly. " Well little lady, that sword is real fitting for your size. It's only two and a half feet long, or seventy-three centimeters, the shortest sword we have in stock. Also the lightest." Hidan suddenly appeared behind the man at incredible speed, a sadistic look in his violet eyes. " We'll take it then." The worker never got to turn around, me being his last sight before Hidan's scythe stabbed through the man's chest.

I flinched, side stepping to avoid some of the blood that splattered my way. Hidan kicked the man off his scythe, leaving him to land with a dull thud. " Di-id you have to kill him? You didn't ev-even sacrifice h-h-im.." I forced out, running up next to Hidan's side with the sword in hand. Hidan shrugged his shoulders, reaching over the counter int he store, ignoring the other workers who looked to be in still panic. " Here." He tossed over a belt with a clasp to it. " He didn't have to be killed without a c-cause.." I said quietly, catching the belt. Hidan glared, peering down at me. " Do you think I give a fuck!? The guy probably wasn't good enough for Lord Jashin anyway!" I backed away at the harsh tone. Anger erased from Hidan's face leaving him to groan. " Right, right, I have to teach you.. Think of it this way. Anyone who doesn't follow Lord Jashin's path, is an Atheist. And Atheists should all..." He left is for me to finish, an expectation in his eyes. " Die?" I said, not sure if it was correct.

Hidan's lips curved up into a joyous smile. " Haha! Good! You can be taught." I smiled back, feeling like I could jump up in happiness. I was... Told 'good'... Hidan looked at my belt and sword. " Put that shit on now." My smile vanished leaving me confused. " How?"


" Hey I taught her that, It'll be fucking fine!" " I'm worried for that girl's future." " WHY!? YOU SAYING I CAN'T DO IT!?" " ...Shut up, Hidan." On the way back to the Akatsuki hideout, Hidan went on to his partner about how he could teach me things. Kakuzu went on about how Hidan being in charge of a kid would end badly. And eventually it led to Hidan being told to be quiet. 

" We're back, 'bout time." Hidan said, stretching his arms as the boulder moved open for us to walk in. The evening light from outside soon turned to a deep darkness. " The scroll?" A voice called from over the strange statue. Kakuzu removed a scroll from his cloak, tossing it up to the man I remember being called Leader. " Excellent job." Kakuzu nodded and continued down hallway that I assume would led him to his room. " Come on, let's actually train your ass for a bit." Hidan said, already walking away to the training spot. I walked by him, placing my hand on the hilt of the sword that was strapped in my belt. Hidan wasn't too happy about having to put it on for me, but I couldn't understand how to do it myself.

" M-master Hidan?" Hidan chuckled at the familiar name. " What?" " If those who aren-n't Jashinist are Atheists..." I trailed off but soon regain my voice back. " The Akatsuki a-are Jashinists?" Hidan shook his head, lips down in a frown. " No they're not. And sadly, we can't kill them for reasons I'm not fucking explaining. Being in the Akatsuki might gain us more Jashinist followers though, that's why I joined." " Oh." " Anymore questions?" Surprisingly he asked. " H-hm.. How tall am I?" Hidan looked confused at a random question and stopped walking, making me aslo stop. He raised a hand over my head, bringing it to himself. " Just at my chest huh? You've got to be four-ten or some shit like that." Four-ten? So that's my height.. My sword is two and a half feet. Hidan is... " What about you?" " Five-eight." 

I nodded, not truly understanding but grasping a concept of it. " What numbers come after five?" Hidan stared amused at me, starting to walk again. " Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten." Remembering Itachi's fingers uping up after each number I counted inside my head, raising a finger after each one. I stopped after all my fingers were rose. " This is ten?" Hidan nodded, hiding his grin. " Damn, you're weird." Hidan stopped at the door I remember from earlier where Deidara had been showing me his artwork. The door opened to the training grounds, Deidara was no longer here but the tall man and Itachi were. I spun around at the sight of Itachi. " L-L-Let's do this an-nother time!" 

Rough hands grabbed my shoulders, dragging me out. " Don't be such a pussy." Hidan swung the door shut, drawing attention of the other Akatsuki members. The tall man laughed at Hidan. " Hey Hidan! You never said you had a daughter!" Hidan's eye twitched and he let me go. " I DON'T HAVE A DAUGHTER! THIS BITCH IS MY STUDENT, NOT DAUGHTER YOU DAMN-" " Why are you so defensive? Jeez, it's like you want a fight." The tall man queried, grabbing a large sword behind his back. " Kisame, you shouldn't be so hasty to fight another member." Itachi's smooth voice reached Kisame's ears, persuading him to let go of his sword and making my cheeks flame up. " Fine, fine."

Hidan crossed his arms. " What are you two assholes doing out here anyway?" Itachi walked by us followed by Kisame. " We were just done training for the day. I'll leave you and Ko to train in silence." Kisame nodded, agreeing with Itachi. " Yeah, I heard Leader has a job for us anyway." My cheeks red flames soon died down to a light pink at the sight of Itachi leaving. Hidan noticed, looking from me to the door. " What the- Do you have a crush on that asshole?" " A-A crush?" I squeaked out, not knowing what he meant and yet at the same time, knowing exactly what he meant. Hidan shoved me to the center of the training grounds. " Never mind. Ready to learn how to use that?" 

The slight blush I had totally disappeared, only revealing my determined face. " Yes!"

***Hidan's POV***

The small girl panted, down to her knees. The sword she had was still clutched in her right hand, small drops of blood dripping from it, mixing in with the earth around her. She wasn't extremely terrible with a weapon like I had been expecting her to be. After learning the form and getting the feel for it, she was quick on her feet with fast reaction time. 

Nor did the girl cry out with pain once when I had my attacks hit her. I walked over by her fragile body, nudging her with my foot. " Eh? Is that all you've got?" I taunted, barely breaking a sweat. She only cut me once and I had let her, just so she could know what it was to cause someone else's blood to fly, not because I was being nice... Not at all that reason.

Small nicks, cuts and bruises surrounded her body.  Ko managed to last an hour training with me but now as the sun set, she really did look done for the day. I shrugged my shoulders, not having a response from her. I turned away, whistling a small tune. If she wanted to stay here then so be it. " I'm.. Getting.. Up.." Her voice came to me, making me look back at her.

Her knees wobbled as she struggled to stand on her own two feet, even having to use her sword for support. " I can... Still..." Her thoughts seemed to run blank as she managed to stand fully up, before tumbling back down. " Fuck!" I swore, flash stepping and catching the small girl. " Kid? Ko?" I shook her a little bit, saying her real name. Her breathing was shallow and her eyes shut peacefully. " Hmpf, you passed out." I observed, not impressed until I saw the hilt of the sword still being squeezed by her hand tightly. I mean.. I'm not impressed by that either...

I sighed, taking the sword from her hand slipping it back into the sheath hooked on her belt. " Damn kids." I muttered, throwing the silver haired girl over my left shoulder. " I think you might have over worked her, Hidan." I raised an eyebrow, not turning to know that voice. " The fuck would you know Zetsu?" " Nothing, nothing about kids her age, we were saying our thoughts is all." " Then shut up." " Rude.

I turned to the freak of the Akatsuki. " SHUT IT PLANT!!" Zetsu was half out of the ground by the spot where the blood from Ko's sword stained the ground. " Well excuse us. Besides, if that girl is so troublesome to you-" "-Then why carry her?

I turned back around toward the door, still holding on to Ko. " None of your business, I'll do as I damn well please." 


 Hopefully you guys liked this chapter as much as the others~! 

Aha, just to get this out of the way, yes Ko has a crush on Itachi XD He's a Uchiha, often known for good looks =3= And Ko is a little girl so really, don't blame her! 

Any favorite parts of the chapter? Any thing you can't wait to see or what you think will happen?

Comment below~!

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