Dangers Back (sequel to "Dang...

By irwinwho

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"Danger's back and he's more dangerous than ever." All Rights Go To JileyOverboard More

Dangers Back (sequel to "Danger")
"Can't stay eighteen forever-"
I'll never leave you.
"I'll take my chances."
"I'm going to protect you,"
"I thought I'd pay my old pal a visit."
"And now I have you all to myself."
She was my everything.
"Everything is broken..."
"Don't be mad at me."
"Watch it, Bieber."
"You don't want me to go?"
"You're better off without me."
"I have a boyfriend,"
"My main priority is you--"
Where the hell is my boyfriend?
"It's crazy to think about how much you've become a part of my life."
"I don't want to feel like this anymore,"
"They didn't believe in you but I did."
"You're still a dead man,"
"I owe you big time."
"I should've let you go when I had the chance."
"Don't fight me on this."
"I'm so going to hell for this,"
"You're a piece of work, you know that?"
"I needed tonight to be special,"
"You've gone off the deep end man."
And that's when all hell broke loose.
"You shouldn't be here,"
"Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
"What the fuck do you mean she's not picking up?"
"What if this is a trap?"
"--how much is your girlfriend worth to you?"
"It wasn't your fault."
"And now I'm just about done with you."
"I'll make you forget."
"She's going to get him killed you know,"
"Do you even know what the fuck you've done?!"
"You're my world you know that?"
"Jealousy is quite the sexy color on you."
"I have it all under control."
"-the past is repeating itself."
"and I'm choosing to let it go."
"She's never going to forgive you for this,"
"you ruined everything."
"I can't live without you,"
"I just want us to be okay,"
"No job goes unfinished,"
"She's not the same person,"
"You deserve the world even if I'm not in it."
"You'll survive without me,"
"I just want my life back."
Danger's Back 2

"Things are going to start changing around here,"

17.7K 179 129
By irwinwho

Kelsey’s Point of View:

“What the fuck do you mean you don’t think you can come today?” Justin growled as he clutched his phone violently in the palm of his hand. He was currently pacing the floors of the living room with his free hand perched on his hip, anger evident in both his tone and face.

I had just woken up and taken a shower when I heard yelling coming from downstairs and almost immediately knew who it was. Sighing, I pulled my hair up into a loose high ponytail, stuffing my bangs back behind my ears as I stepped off of the last stair.

Bruce, John, Marcus and Marco were seated on the couch, listening in to what was going on, clearly knowing what it was all about. Catching sight of me, Bruce inwardly cursed, his eyes revealing all it was that he was thinking—I shouldn’t be here. Mentally telling me not to say anything, I simply nodded my head.

Not even noticing I had come down, Justin continued to hassle around, clenching and unclenching his jaw as he listened in on whomever he was talking to. Black shadowed his eyes in just seconds, the veins in his neck showing, “Listen to me and listen to me carefully Paul. I don’t give a rat’s ass what you have planned to do today. Cancel them and meet me at the pier at five or God so help me, I will come over there and make you wish you had listened in the first place.”

Turning around, Justin saw me and the scowl he wore on his face quickly disappeared as his eyes found mine. Willing me silently to stay put, Justin focused his attention back on the phone call he made. “Good choice, Paul. I always knew you were smart,” He sneered in sarcasm, “I’ll see you then.” And with that he ended the conversation, revolving back over to me.

“Who was that?” I asked quietly, not knowing whether or not he was in the mood to talk to me due to the not so happy call he had just finished.

A solemn expression fell on his face as he stared over at me. Scratching the back of his neck, he sighed, staring off to the side towards the guys who sat ogling over at us.

Taking this as their cue to leave, Bruce stood up amongst the rest. “We’ll talk more when the time comes,” Clapping a hand to Justin’s back, Bruce gave it a reassuring squeeze. “It’s time Justin,” He murmured into his ear earning a hesitant but sure nod of Justin’s head. “You know what to do.” Letting his hand fall, he walked out of the living room with the rest following behind, giving us our privacy.

“What was he talking about?” I motioned over towards Bruce’s disappearing figure, a bubbling of uncertainty brewing up in the midst of my stomach.

Licking his lips, Justin motioned me over, “Come here.”

Pressing my lips together, I slid my bare feet across the hardwood floors until I met Justin face to face. Taking my hand in his hold he helped me sit on the chair across from the coffee table as he sat down on top of it.

Turning his attention to the palm of my hand, he absentmindedly began drawing imaginary figures with his finger, his eyebrows strained to meet as one.


Never once removing his eyes from his current task at hand, Justin gripped my hand, careful not to squeeze it too much but enough to have a stern hold on it. “Give me a second,” He murmured softly.

“Okay,” I whispered, the anxiety evolving inside of me as I watched him swirl the padding of his fingers against my skin, leaving a tingling feeling behind. Taking notice on the worry lines that curved around the edges of his eyes, I propped forwards, smoothing it all away.

Leaning his head into my touch, Justin closed his eyes, a peaceful serenity falling over him. Flattening his palm over mine, he held my hand before opening his eyes to meet mine. “Did you get any sleep last night?” I whispered.

Shaking his head, he let go of my hand, running his fingers up and down his face and through his hair. “I’ve been too preoccupied with other things,” He sighed, refusing to meet my eyes. “But, I’m fine now.”

“You’re not fine. You’re never fine,” I shook my head, staring somberly down at him. “What’s going on? What happened last night?”

“There are a lot of things you don’t know.” He muttered, taking a deep breath, “Things that you should know and I’ve been an idiot recently thinking that I could just handle it all on my own without any harm being done but I don’t think that’s possible anymore.”

Gulping down hard, I felt my heart beat accelerate with each passing second. “Well… what are they? You can tell me,” I urged gently, though a part of me fought against it, trying to convince me otherwise. “I can take it; whatever it is that you have to tell me.” I reassured him. He was finally going to open up to me, I could feel it.

“Things are going to start changing around here, Kelsey.” Finding my eyes, Justin kept my gaze in a firm lock. “Security is going to get tight; we’ve got a few people coming in later tonight—”

“Wait,” I shook my head, putting a hand up to silence him for a moment, “security? For what?” Fear flashed in my eyes as I tried to cope with what I had just been told.

He took a deep breath, a look of doubt crossing his face, “You know The Snipers, right?”

Slowly nodding my head, I waited for him to continue, wondering what it was that they had done now.

Licking the top layer of his lips, Justin shifted on the table as he pressed his hands to my knees, holding them as he leaned closer to me, almost in a protective manner. “They left Stratford—”

Relief began to course through me, “That’s great, Justin!—”

“No, Kelsey,” Justin shook his head, “it isn’t. They left because they’re planning something… something big. We don’t know what it is but it’s going to be dangerous and we, the guys and me, can’t risk them laying a hand on you or the girls.”

My face fell along with my stomach as I took this all in, not being able to believe my ears as I felt my throat close up.

“That’s why we’re going to have security. There will be guards watching the premises’, two in front, two in the back.” Justin gestured with his thumb to both directions, “I need you to listen to me carefully, okay?”

“Of course,” I whispered, not sure what to feel at this moment.

“Wherever you go, you have to call me and let me know. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s to keep you safe in case…” Pausing, Justin closed his eyes as if remembering something, “In case,” He began again, “something happens to you… I’ll know where to go and find you from there.”


“I know it’s a lot to take in baby but this is very important. I need you to promise me, okay?” Begging me with his eyes, Justin took both of my hands in his own, “Promise me that you’ll do this for me... please.”

“I promise,” I whispered, “I’ll call you the second I decide to leave the house.”

Letting out a sigh of relief, Justin pulled me into his embrace as he cradled me on his lap. “Thank you,” He breathed out, giving me a kiss on the top of my head as he held me tight.

“Do you have any idea of what they’re going to do?” I whispered hesitantly, afraid of whether or not I actually wanted to know.

Justin stiffened underneath me though his hands continued stroking my back in a comforting style, “No, all Bruce was told was that they left but nobody leaves without leaving something behind. We all have a gut feeling that they’re going to come back but this time, there will be no mercy. They’re out for blood and they want to take us down which means they’ll go to anything even if that means… hurting you girls in order to get to us…” A pained look took hold of Justin as he frowned at the thought of anything happening to me.

“We’re going to be okay. You’re going to protect us,” I whispered, looking up at him. “Just like you always do.” Cupping the side of his face, I forced him to look down at me. “Please… please don’t over think it or stress over it too much. You still have to recover from your breakdown and the last thing you’d want is to fall into that hole again.”

“I’m never going back there again, no matter what. I fought too long and hard to take it out of my life. I’m not going to let it win. Not anymore.” Giving me a soft kiss to my forehead, he tucked my head under his chin.

“Are you scared?” I murmured after a string of silence enveloped us.

A small smile cradled his lips as he stared stiffly at the empty television screen. “Scared?” He looked down at me.

“You don’t have to hide behind this tough guy façade all the time you know…” I mumbled, “I know this is something that’s gotta be tough on you. I for one am not going to sit here and lie to you and say that I’m not the least bit afraid of what’s going to happen… because I am and I need you to admit it too.”

Giving me a chaste kiss, Justin licked his lips as he turned his attention away from me. “Of course I’m scared baby. We all are. We don’t know what’s going to happen, when it’s going to happen or what they’ve planned to do… but I know one thing for sure,” Kissing my temple, he kept his lips feathering against the skin, “I’m going to protect you no matter what. You are the most important person in my life and if they think they’re going to even blink in your direction, they’ve got another thing coming.”


“Yeah, they... there are five of them Kelsey. Not just one this time which is why I don’t want you associating with anyone you don’t know or people you think you know but actually don’t.”

Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion as to who he was referring to, it was then that it clicked in my head. Sighing, I gave him a perplexed look. “Tanner…”

“I don’t know him and neither do you. Yes, we searched him but that bullshit could all be a load of crap he fed people for all we know. He’s up your alley for some reason and I have yet to figure that out so please, bear with me and leave it alone. If you see him, walk the other way. If he tries to talk to you, ignore him. I want you to have nothing to do with him. Okay?”

Knowing he was under a series of pressure and this would bring him at least an inch of reassurance, I accepted it. “Okay… even though I’m positive you’re just overreacting.”

“Kelsey,” Justin gave me a stern look, his arms tightening around me.

“Alright, alright,” I put my hands up in surrender, “I’m just saying…”

“Well, don’t.” He mumbled, playing with the hem of my shirt as he fumbled around with it. Sighing, he flattened it against my lower stomach before rolling his shoulders back and letting out a deep breath. “I’m sorry, I know I overreact sometimes but with what’s been going on, I can’t risk it.”

“I know,” Hugging him close, I perched my chin on his chest as he leaned back on his hands. “I just want you to now promise me something.”

“Anything,” Brushing my hair back, he scanned my cheek with his thumb gently before letting his hand fall back onto its previous position on the table.

“I want you to promise not to overthink everything. I know you and I know that you tend to act out on your anger but if anything happens, I want you to think about it rationally first before doing anything else.”

Giving me a small smile, Justin gave me a light kiss on my shoulder, “Don’t worry; I’ve got it under control.”

“Justin,” I glared playfully, poking his chest, “I’m serious.”

“So am I!” Justin chuckled, giving me his infamous smile.

Not giving into him, I continued to glare until finally he gave in.

He rolled his eyes, “Fineeee,” He dragged out, “I promise.”

“Thank you.”

A comfortable silence fell amongst us in which we took for granted for everything that has happened in the past couple of days have been a whirlwind of unexpected nuisance.

“With whatever goes on, I’m going to need you to keep your phone with you too in case of an emergency. If you need to contact me, I’ll have my phone on at all times even if I’m doing business, alright? Same should be with you if I call. I don’t care if you’re in class, I’m going to need you to keep your phone on at least vibrate.”


“Bruce also wanted me to get you and the girls a personal bodyguard but I thought that was a bit too much for now. It’s never too soon for protection but I know this is a lot for you already and the last thing I wanted was to make this even harder on you.”

Giving him a small smile, I leaned down to give him a quick kiss on the lips. “Thank you,” I whispered against them.

Nuzzling his nose to mine, Justin sighed in contentment. “You’re welcome.”

Biting the corner of my lip, I tucked the fallen pieces of my bangs back. “I also have something else I’d like for you to do for me if that’s alright…”

“What is it?”

“I’m going to need you to promise me that you will get some rest.”


“No, Justin,” I shook my head. “If you want to have a clear head you’re going to need to have a good sleep which you didn’t because I could tell that you were up all night planning things with the guys. It’s not healthy for you Justin. You’ve practically had only ten hours of slumber in the past week…”

“It’s not that easy.”

“It’s not easy because you don’t let yourself relax…” Tracing his jaw, I kept my gaze on the slight stubble forming on his chin. “I love you and I want to make sure you’re okay. In order for that to happen, I need to know that you at least slept for a good five hours without getting up.”

Sighing, Justin rolled his head back in exasperation, “Will it make you feel better if I do?” He murmured while staring down at me, a look of sincerity in his eyes.

“It will.” I confirmed.

“Then I’ll do it only ifyou come and lay next to me.”


“I sleep better when you’re there.” He mumbled gently, his eyes taking in my face as he protectively held me in his arms.

“I would but not today.” Releasing myself from his grip, I stood up, stretching my limbs. “I have a lot of things to do today starting with going back home to my apartment with Carly and running some errands and then I planned to go visit Dennis after.”

“Home? This is your home,” Justin mumbled as he stared up at me. “And aren’t your parents’ with Dennis?” Reaching over, he took hold of my hand.

“This is one of my homes and no, they’re at work. At least I think they are. Dennis told me they leave around three in the afternoon and it’s…” I glanced down at my watch, “twelve now so I thought I’d kill time with Carly, run some errands and then go.”

“When will you be back?” He swung my hand back and forth while propping himself back against the elbow of his other arm.

“Around five or six, depending on how much things I have to do with Carly.” I frowned, knowing that this was the first in a while that I’ve been apart from Justin since he came back.

“Alright, I’ll be home around six because I have business to take care of at five. Either one of the guys will be here or you’re going to be alone which I highly recommend for you not to be so I want you to go back to your place with Carly and wait for me there.”

“Works for me, I’ll just watch a movie with Carly.” I shrugged, giving him a reassuring smile that everything was going to be okay. “Now, come on. Let’s get you to bed.” I tugged on his hand until he forcefully stood up.

Slugging his arm around my shoulders, he walked up the stairs with me until we made it to his bedroom. “I feel like I’m five years old again, taking a nap.” Justin grumbled as he slipped past me and threw himself on his bed, his arm falling over his eyes.

“You’re such a drama queen,” I laughed. “You’re acting as if I’m asking you to do something so hard.”

“I don’t want to sleep though,” He whined.

“Yeah that’s what you say now but the moment you close your eyes, you’ll thank me.” Winking playfully, I leaned down and gave him a kiss. “I’ll see you later. Try to stay out of trouble.”

“I’ll try.” Justin mumbled as he stifled a yawn.

Rolling my eyes, I backed away towards the door. “Sleep tight, baby.”

Hiding a smile, Justin groaned, “Whatever.”

Giggling, I turned and left the room, closing the door behind me before jogging down the stairs and grabbing my keys from the hook. Slipping on my jacket, I flicked my hair that was caught inside, out before leaving the house all together.

Once I turned on the car, I let it heat up before pulling out and onto the road where I put the car into drive and drove down the street.

Putting the radio on, I hummed to the song that began to blast through the speakers. Turning a corner, I began cruising down Jefferson Lane before coming to a red light.

Drumming my fingers against the steering wheel, I took out my phone from my pocket, making sure I had it on vibrate before dialing Carly’s number.

“You rang?” She drawled out lazily in an old maiden’s tone.

“Hey Carls, whatcha doing?” I began fumbling in my seat impatiently while waiting for the light to turn green already.

“Nothing much, just woke up. I’m about to have some breakfast, when are you coming?” Commotion was heard in the background, a crackling of a bag and a shake of a box making me wonder what in the world she was doing.

“Are you okay there?” I laughed, catching sight of the now green light in the midst of my laughter and stepping on the gas petal causing me to flash forwards. “And I’m on my way now.”

“Yeah,” She grunted, “I’m good, the entire top shelf almost fell on me but I’m okay and good because I’m dying over here without my best friend.”

“No one said for you to stay home.” I countered defensively.

“Well someone has to watch over the house!” Carly retaliated with a huff.

“You know I had a lot to take care of Carly…” I murmured softly, a sigh escaping through my parted lips. “And I missed you too.”

Not saying anything for a while, Carly most likely paused to collect her thoughts. “I’m sorry, I know it’s frustrating with everything you’re going through but I’m glad I get to see you and we can finally have our girl’s night that I promised you.”

Cracking a smile, I revolved the car onto our street, rolling down until I parked in front of our complex. “Open the door, I’m home.”

“Always changing the subject,” Carly tisked playfully, “you’re lucky I love you bitch.” A click was heard, “The door’s open.”

“Thank you,” I sing-sang while exiting the car, locking it soon after before jogging up the front path and over to the door on the right. Turning the knob, I walked in, dropping my keys on the small table near the door while slipping off my jacket. “Carly?”

“Babe!” Carly appeared from behind the kitchen door, a huge smile on her face as she threw her arms in the air, “come give your bestfriend some sugar!”

Laughing, I walked into her arms where I threw my own around her, pulling her into a friendly embrace.

“Feels good to have you back bestfriend,” Carly said while pulling away. Keeping an arm around me, she directed me towards the kitchen. “I made us breakfast—your favorite!”

My eyes widened in excitement, “Don’t tell me it’s fr—”

“French toast?” Carly finished with a big smile, “why yes Kelsey, it is.”

Squealing, I gave her another big hug before pulling away and rushing into the kitchen where a plate filled with a stack of French toast lay. “Carly Risi, you are the bestest friend ever!”

“I know,” Carly shrugged, brushing off her shoulders.

Slipping onto a stool, I grabbed a nearby fork before stabbing it into a piece and putting it on a separate plate. Ripping it a part, I stuffed it into my mouth. Letting out a moan of approval, I gave her a thumbs up. “This is great,” I swallowed, “you sure know how to make a mean French toast.”

“I try, I try,” Carly snickered as she took a seat adjacent from me. Grabbing herself a piece of toast, she turned to me after sucking the sugar from her fingertip. “Tell me everything,” She demanded, “Are you alright?”

Wiping my mouth on a napkin, I nodded, “I’m fine, a bit tired but I finally managed to sleep a full nine hours or so,” I shrugged.

“That’s good,” Carly gave me a small smile before chewing on her bottom lip. “John told me everything, you know.” She sighed, “It’s been hard on him having to see you go through all of that with Justin breaking down.”

Pausing in the midst of eating, I turned to face her with a blank look on my face. “I just worry about him...” Laying the fork down on the table, I fumbled with my fingers on the counter top. “He stresses himself out to the point of insanity and I’m just afraid that something will make him snap completely and he’ll lose himself forever.”

“I know you won’t let that happen and neither will the guys. The love you all have for each other is something that can’t be taken away no matter how hard someone or something tries to take it down.” Laying a comforting hand on top of mine, Carly gave it a squeeze.

“I just—I want this nightmare to be over with already. I just want to be normal again.” I whispered, my fears outshining through, laying all the cards out on the table. “A part of me wants to be that girl that stayed at home and did her homework… but the other part of me reminds me that, that was before I met Justin and as much as I hate all that’s happened in our lives, I love him too much to ever take any of it back—both the good and the bad.”

“He’d kill for you.”

“I know, he proved that to me already…” I trailed off, squeezing my eyes shut as the memories of the news broadcast rang in my head like a bolt of lightning reminding me of the horrid news I had been told that night.

“Hey,” Carly shook my arm, “Don’t.” She warned, “Let it go Kelsey… just let it go.”

Knowing she was right, I pushed my plate away. “I don’t feel so hungry anymore,” I mumbled as I stood on my feet.


“Let’s watch a movie,” I suggested, “It’ll help clear my mind for a bit.”

Pursing her lips, Carly gave it a thought before nodding her head in agreement, “Okay, but don’t think this conversation is over.”

“Oh I don’t doubt it for a second, Ms. Risi.” I sarcastically replied.

Linking her arm through mine, Carly led me out of the kitchen and into the living room where we began our girl’s day—one that I desperately needed.

Justin’s Point of View:

“You shouldn’t go by yourself; it’s too dangerous especially when we don’t even know what’s going on.” Bruce followed behind me as I made my way downstairs.

“Bruce, there was never a time I never handled something like this by myself. It’s just a small meeting. I don’t plan to stay there for hours.” I mumbled in annoyance while making my way to the door. Stuffing my feet into my shoes, I grabbed my jacket, slipping my arms in through the sleeves.

“That’s not the point; it’s too risky to leave without some type of security.” Bruce countered briskly, irritation and determination laced as one in his voice.

“That’s what the meetings all about anyways, Bruce. Listen, you’ve got enough to handle right now. Don’t worry about me, I know what I’m doing and if you want reassurance,” I shifted past him and over to the closet. Pulling it open, I grabbed the top metal box that contained my gun. Putting in the combination that unlocked it, I waited for the reeling of a click before opening it. Taking the gun out, I slipped it in behind the waistband of my jeans. “You got it. Happy now?”

“A gun doesn’t always assure safety, asshole.” Bruce grumbled as he fought to contain himself.

“I’m doing this for us, for the girls. I don’t have time to fight with you right now over what I should or should not do. I’m not sixteen anymore Bruce,”

Putting his hands up in a sign of surrender, he backed away, “Whatever but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Rolling my eyes, I moved past him. “I’ll see you guys later,” Disappearing behind the front door; I jogged over to my car before stepping inside and slipping the key into its slot. Twisting it, I waited for the car to roar to life before pulling it out of the driveway and onto the road.

Driving off, I cleared my head of all thoughts; the only thing on my mind is making sure everybody that I care about is sheltered from the danger that surrounds my life.

Pulling out a cigarette from the pack in the car, I slipped it in between my lips before lighting it up. Letting out the smoke after I drew it in, it wasn’t even ten minutes before I arrived. Holding the cigarette, I took the keys before getting out.

Slamming the car door shut, I stuffed my keys into the pocket of my leather jacket. Taking the cigarette I held between my fingers, I brought it to my lips. Inhaling deeply, I kept it in before blowing it out and into the air where it drifted out along with the wind.

Rounding a corner, I casually walked down the stairs leading onto the pier. Enchanting in another drag of my smoke into my system, I threw my head back, letting it fly up and in towards the sky.

“Justin Bieber,” Someone declared causing me to turn around.

Smirking, I twisted to face him. “Paul,” I bowed my head in his direction before letting the cigarette fall to the floor where I crushed it with the heel of my shoe. “So good to see you know how to follow directions.”

“I said I’d be here,” He shrugged, “Despite my other whereabouts. Now what’s so important that you couldn’t wait?”

Stuffing my hands in my jean pockets with my thumbs sticking out, I firmly kept my gaze locked on his. “I need you to get me four of your best men. They need to be experienced and I need them by tonight.”

“That’s it?” He arched an eyebrow, disbelief etched across his face as he stared dumbfounded towards me. “You could have just told me this over the phone.”

“This isn’t something to discuss during a phone call. This isn’t even a game, Paul,” I spat, my eyes narrowed into tiny sleets as I bounded my jaw together. “I need to make sure my friends and family are protected.” I warned lethally, my eyes shadowing a dark storm brewing. “I’ve got a girl back home and the boys need to make sure theirs are going to be protected as well. I know you Paul and you’ve never disappointed in the past. I trust you enough to know that you’ll find me the best of the best that will risk their lives to make sure our girls are going to be okay.”

“Of course I will, when have I ever let you down?” Paul gave me an incredulous look, his face contorting that of uncertainty to when he’s ever done something to go against my wishes.

“You haven’t but I’ve had my share of mistakes on picking people myself,” I growled at the thought. “So, I trust that you won’t disappoint.”

“Evidently not,” Paul shook his head, “I have a few guys in mind. I’ll contact them and send them your way by tonight. No later than ten.”

“Good,” I patted his back, “It was nice doing business with you Paul.”

“You too,” He bowed his head, “What’s been going on lately around here? I heard a lot’s happened since you’ve come back.”

I shrugged, looking away. “You know how it is. There’s never a dull day in this city.” I muttered, rolling my head over to meet his gaze once more.

“Well, not for nothing but I know you and the guys can handle it. It’s nothing you haven’t dealt with in the past.”

“Ah, I wouldn’t go as far as saying that.” I mumbled, “it’s getting crazy around here and it’s about to get even crazier.”

“Can’t say I’m surprised,” Paul scoffed, “Little Stratford is where all the cracked shit happens. I’m surprised this place hasn’t burned down yet due to the countless crap it’s been put through.”

“You know I try to keep things as clean as possible. I don’t like playing dirty but I can’t say much for the other guys.”

“I know, which is why you’re a good addition to the group. Things would of fell apart around here if it wasn’t for you.”

“I’m just doing my job, Bratley.”

“And a far damn good one if I do say so myself.”

Smirking, I let out a chuckle. “Thanks man, I appreciate it. Listen, I gotta head back home now. I’ll see you later okay?” Clapping hands with him, I saluted my way out. Hopping up the stairs and disappearing around the corner, I trudged through the old leaves until I met sight with my car. Unlocking it, I was just about to get inside when I heard something from behind. “What is it Paul?”

“It’s not Paul,” A raspy voice spat from behind.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I turned around in time to see a gun pointed in my direction and before I ever had the chance to get mine out, a shot was fired.

No One’s Point of View:

“Where the fuck is he?” Bruce spat as he paced the floors back and forth, “He was supposed to be home half an hour ago. What the fuck’s taking him so long?”

“Calm down man, you know its traffic around this time of day. Besides, he’s got to pick up Kelsey on the way home anyways.” John countered with authenticity.

“Kelsey, right,” Bruce pulled out his phone as he called a familiar number.


“Kelsey, did Justin come and get you yet?” Bruce tried hard to contain his worry though it was clearly evident.

“No… he said he’d come by after he was done dealing with business. I was just going to call you and ask where he was.”

Bruce could feel the anxiety building up inside of her which made him even that more nervous himself. “Oh, alright. Listen, if he picks you up, let us know, okay?”

“Okay but could you tell me what in the world’s going on?” Her voice seemed frantic and Bruce knew she had begun to put some pieces together that something wasn’t right.

“Nothing, he’s just a bit late that’s all but he was probably held up. Just call me if he comes.” Bruce muttered, anxious to get off the phone knowing that if he continued conversing with Kelsey, it’d only build up the pressure.

“Alright, bye.” When she hung up the phone, Bruce inwardly cursed.

“Shit, shit, shit.” He spat over and over again while feverishly running his hands through his hair. “This is not good.”

“What happened?”

“Justin didn’t get to Kelsey yet and he’s not picking up his phone. I don’t know about you guys but something doesn’t ring true around here. We gotta go check on him.” Shoving past, Bruce took the remaining set of keys and bolted out the door with the guys soon following behind.

As they all entered the black SUV, Bruce sped out and began cruising to Justin’s destination where he hoped that nothing had happened to him.

After ten minutes of driving, Bruce finally managed to find the place.

“Wait, isn’t that Justin’s car?” John pointed towards the black frisker that stood parked in the middle of a deserted area.

“Yeah, it is.” Leaving the keys in the car, not even bothering to shut it off, Bruce began bolting towards Justin’s vehicle. “Justin?” He shouted. “Justin man, are you here?”

“I’ll go check the pier,” John informed as he brushed past and went the opposite direction.

“Holy shit,” Marcus spat, his eyes widened as he began moving even faster towards the car, “is that… is that him?” He indicated.

Following the direction in which Marcus pointed; Bruce felt his heart stop as his stomach plummeted to the ground.

Before his very eyes, Justin lay in his own pool of blood.

“Fucking hell,” Bruce spat in awe as he ran towards him, crushing down to his knees as he felt around for a pulse. “He’s barely breathing,” Bruce indicated with a distant look in his eyes as he stared down at his unconscious bestfriend. “Call an ambulance!”

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