Vampire Knight: My Vampire Ne...

By BloodDollRaven

137K 5K 587

[Vampire Knight Fan fic] Imagine yourself in my shoes. . .You're on your way to high school, first day, senio... More

My Vampire Nekos
Please Let Me Keep Them!
First Day With My New And Only Friends
Zero and Kaname's Secret
I Wanted Weird, But Not This Weird!
Normal? I never knew the meaning of it, and I never will now!
I'm What?!
Regular High School Student By Day, Vampire Hunter Trainee By Night!
The Haunting Nightmares
My Anti-Vampire Weapon
The First Hunt
The Encounter With Shizuka Hio
The New Student is. . .WHO?!
Looks Like Shizuka Isn't The Only One I Have To Worry About
The Search For Yagari Sensei
Tricking Ichiru Kiryu. . .Easier Said Than Done!
The Kiryu Twin's Feud. . .Because Of Me. . .Uh Oh
The Deadly Deal
I Thought You Were On Her Side!
Visit To The Hunters Association
Kaien Cross's Help
Kaname's Proposal
The Rescue Plan
Taken By The Senate
The Reunion
Wanted By Shirabuki And Kuran
Accidental Pureblood. . .How Embarrassing. . .
She Cursed Them To Become Nekos, But I'll Fix This!
Midnight Stroll
Going Home. . .I'm doomed!
Accept Me Or The Enemy Will Kill Me
I'd Die For You, Mom. . .Dad. . .
The Dreaded Questioning
Me Vs. Her, Who's Side Are You On, Ichiru?
The Dance Of The Pureblood
My Vampire Nekos No More
I Choose You. . .

Journey To The Senate

2.3K 95 7
By BloodDollRaven

I jump as I hear arguing on the other side of the door. I look at Kaname for an instant before rushing out to find arguing between the Kiryu twins. Since I'm not strong enough to hold Ichiru back, I take Zero into my arms, and run out of the apartment building, so I can speak to him privetly. He complains, and tries to struggle.

"Ow! The scratches on my chest haven't healed yet! Take it easy!" I scold him as I slow down. He stops his struggle as well, and I set him down to look at the new scratches. I curse softly as I lick off the blood coming off of the five scratches on each arm. I cringe at the taste of copper filling my tongue. How can vampires like this? It's disgusting!

"Okay, Zero. Why were you two arguing?" I question Zero as I wipe off the rest of my blood. He blushes, and refuses to look at me. I roll my eyes.

"If you won't tell me I'll ask Ichiru." He cringes, and hesitantly meets my eyes. "I'm serious. Tell me why you two were arguing?" I question kneeling in front of him. I sigh at how much he's hesitating, so I'm just going to guess what they were arguing about.

"You were arguing about me, weren't you?" He nods his head slowly. "Why? He did save me from Shizuka. He killed her." Zero looks at me in complete shock.

"He killed her?" I guess they didn't get into that.

"Yes, he killed her before she plunged her fangs into my neck. I don't really understand why he did it, and neither does he. The best explanation he gave me was that through our bonding I reminded him of when he was younger. Being weak, and striving to get stronger to. . .to catch up to you." Although I don't think it's my place to tell him that, and yet it came out. I can't take it back now.

"Now that I think about it. . .He's right. Ichiru and I are a lot alike. I guess that's why we made an immediate connect-" I stop when I see Zero's pained expression he tries to mask.

"A connection as friends. I really don't understand my feeling very well, but the five of you are important to me." Zero gives me a questioning gaze which comes out as more of a frown.

"Yagari-sensei, Kaito, Ichiru, Kaname, and you." He looks away trying to look unhappy, but his swaying tail shows that he's happy. I giggle, and ruffle his silver hair. He glares at me, and I stand up.

"Sorry about the scratches." I look at the scabbed over injuries and shrug.

"I had it coming. No big deal. Anyway I'll heal in no time." I wink, and turn back.

"You're not going to fight with Ichiru, right? I have a soft spot for twins, so try not to piss me off. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." I say leaning down to look at him.

"Same here." He says giving a slight smirk. I roll my eyes, and open the entrance to the apartment.


"What?!" I question Kaito stunned.

"You heard me. After everything you've explained to me. Yagari-sensei being in the hands of the Senate. . .We have to go there. You're the one who is insisting on this, so you're going." Kaito says to me. I puff my cheeks.

"But we're not talking about a leisurely trip across the street! We're talking about a trip across the ocean!" I tell him although I'd love to go, but I have parents and school to worry about.

"You are really indecisive." I frown at Kaito.

"No, I'm just-"

"You worry over the small details like a certain someone I know." Ichiru adds in casting a glance at Zero, who glares at him along with me.

"Well, I'm sorry! You can't always be too careful." I say looking away.

"If you are worried about your family and school I can arrange it for them to understand." I look over at Kaname a little worriedly.

"Are you going to use some weird pureblood power." His smile is all the confirmation I need. I let out a worried breath.

"As long as there's no freaky side effect then that's fine. . .I guess." I say resigning to the decision.

"Alright, then we leave tonight."

"TONIGHT?!" Kaito covers his ears.

"I'm sorry is that an inconvenience to you, Alondra?" I ought to slap him for the harsh sarcasm.

"Shut up you old fart." His temple throbs, and he pinches both of my cheeks.

"I'm not that much older than you, brat!"

"OW! ME'HY ME'HY (Mercy!)" I yell out as much as my pinched cheeks will allow me to. He lets go, and I rub my stinging cheeks. "Truth hurts, doesn't it?" Kaito glares at me, and I quickly hide behind Ichiru. The only other full grown man that can offer me protection.

"Right then, I should. . .I don't think going home is a good idea." I say remember that my parents are going to be pissed to find that I had snuck out of the house. If I wasn't rebellious before I definitely am now.

"I told you not to worry. I can deal with that matter easily." I look over at Kaname gratefully, and nod my head.

"Thanks, Kaname." He gets off the couch, and walks towards the exit.

"Right! I'll be right back then!" I say to Kaito, Ichiru, and Zero. I salute them before opening the door for Kaname.

"Hey!" I stop, and look back as Ichiru pulls my arm back. He has Zero by the collar of his jacket, and hands him to me. I catch him in my arms, and give Ichiru a questioning gaze.

"He wants to go to." He says to me.

"But he never. . ." I look down at Zero, and shrug. "Right. Like I said. . .BRB!" I walk along with Zero still in my arms. I sigh as I notice Kaname's displeased look. I set Zero down, and they both walk on either side of me towards my house.

The silence is so awkward, and I don't know how to break it without pissing off either Kaname or Zero. It's so hard dealing with two guys that get jealous easily. That's not the worst part though. I still have to come up with an excuse for my parents if Kaname's trick doesn't work.


"Whoa are they okay?" I question Kaname as I poke my unconscious family.

"Yes, they'll be unconscious long enough for us to leave. I've manipulated and changed their memories with a reason why you will be gone. It is school related, so they won't have many questions about that." I look at him skeptically, but go towards the coat closet to find a suitcase. I empty out my art supplies, and take the suitcase to my room, and pack up clothes for at least a week. I don't think we'll be there that long, but I can never be too carefully.

"Well, either way they won't question too much about what I'm doing if it's school related. As long as they're not paying for it, they'll be good." I nod and zip up the case. I'm not going to walk with this suitcase, so I'll have to borrow my dad's truck. I'm not used to driving it, so I have to be extra careful.

"Next stop is the bank. I need to take out some money just in case." I tell them as I exit my room.

"You don't have to worry about money." Kaname tells me.

"I might want a souvenir when we rescue Yagari-sensei." Zero gives me a look of disbelief, and Kaname gives me a surprised look.

"What?" I question them.

"That's very optimistic of you. You truly think we can rescue him?" I nod my head at Kaname.

"Yep! No doubts here!" I say sticking my tongue out. Either I'm being a reckless idiot again or I'm just that confident. "Now lets go before Kaito and Ichiru get tired of waiting for us. Bank first!" I rush towards the back exit, and grab the truck keys.

"Sorry dad." I whisper, and head out. Helping Kaname and Zero up on the truck. My dad will have to ask someone to pick up his truck from the apartment for when we head out. It should be fine.


"What took you three so long?" Kaito scolds me as I make it to the front door. I turn my head away.

"I used my debit card to take out some cash. . .just in case I need it." I tell him putting my hands to my hips. Kaito sighs, and takes my baggage to his waiting vehicle. Ichiru takes the front seat, and I sit in the back in between Kaname and Zero. Driving towards the airport. Boy my stomach is in knots. My parents are so not going to be happy when they wake up. I'm dead meat once I come back home.

"The trip is going to be a long one, but with some connections from the Association we are able to get a direct flight back home." Kaito informs us as we drive out. I nod my head and look over towards Ichiru who is in the backseat with me as well, Kaname and Zero in between us. 

"How heavily guarded are members of the Senate?" I question, looking at the rearview mirror at Kaito in the driver seat. His hazel eyes look up to meet mine.

"I can tell you that we won't be walking up to the front door. We need a plan, especially for an untrained brat like you." I frown, but he's right, I've got nothing compared to these guys. We're such an odd group.


"WOW!" I say impressed as we exit the airport. The scenery is so much different here than back home. It's huge compared to the little town I was raised in. I wonder how far from the airport is the place these guys know? Ah, too bad there's no chance for sightseeing on this journey.

"Yeah, act like a tourist. That helps." I blush, and glare at Ichiru. I swear these guys love to pick on me. They really think I won't beat them up. Oh I will. They won't see it happen. . .that's for sure.

"So, where's the Senate?!" I question as we continue on our way to a ride Kaito had called over for the four of us. He stops, and I bump into his back. I pull back, and rub my nose.

"Ow! What the heck?!" I complain to him "First we need to go to the Association." I groan, and Ichiru pushes me on when Kaito starts walking again. I glare at him, but go on.

"Is the Hunters Association far from here?" I question after a long moment of silence.

"Yes." Ichiru tells me. I nod my head, and take in the lovely sights around me. I've always wanted to see a place like this, and I'm glad I get the chance to.

Hopefully Yagari-sensei is okay, but I have to worry about myself now. I have just entered the 'Pit of Snakes', the area where vampires of all kinds have been yearning for my arrival. I have to train harder than ever if I want to make sure I can survive and save my loved ones.

"Are you alright?" Kaname questions me.

"Yep, just an internal monologue." I say with a shrug.

"What?" Ichiru questions confused.

"Get used to it." Zero says. I don't know whether that was meant to offend me or compliment me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I question Zero, who sighs, and keeps walking. I pout, and walk in between the two nekos.

"You truly expect Toga Yagari to be alive?" Kaname questions me. I clench my hands.

"Yeah, I do. I can feel it in here. Sensei is still alive." I clench my hand to where I had placed it on my heart. "He's alive, and we're going to get him out of there in that state." I tell him with all the confidence in the world. I nod my head, and look up at the sunny sky.

"Definitely. We're going to accomplish it." I close my eyes. Preparing to meet the enemy head on. No more hiding.

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