Hot Fuzz

By Sidratheater

1.6K 66 65

Nick and Judy discover that being in a predator/prey relationship isn't easy...but it's also not impossible... More

Let Us Begin
Moving In
Is This Love
April Fools!
Last of the Wildes
Handcuffs and Damn Muffs
Peter Rabbit
Nick's Surprise
Hello Again
Ready Four Twenty? (Originally chap 20)

Moving On

63 3 2
By Sidratheater

Heyy everyone!! I am SOOOOOOO Sorry about last night! I was over a friends and sorta passed out at his laptop typing this chapter, don't worry it's not boring!

Nick and Judy drove down the street slowly, the small flag waving from Nick's car, signaling their position in the funeral procession. As far as they went, this was quite a large one. The entire police precinct, as well as many notable reporters and news stations were there. Nick and Judy were second in the long chain, right behind the hearse and two cop cars guarding it like it was the mayor or president. The rain loudly thumped on the car as they drove, the dull sound of the wipers their only background music. They slowly pulled into the graveyard, and found his plot. It was up on the hill with other notable figures such as Zootopia's past mayors and heroes. Nick felt so honored that his father was receiving all of this. Major shootouts like that one never happen in Zootopia, and taking your life for an officer was considered a true act of bravery and selflessness. Not wanting his mother to be alone, they moved her to this new plot next to him. Nick's father really had been a hero in the eyes of the people. Nick sniffled, he didn't expect to be happy today, yet here he was, very sad with a slight twinkle of joy in his eye. Judy leaned over and gave him a long hug as he pulled up and parked the car. No words needed to be said.

The funeral dragged on, even Nick just wanted it to end at one point. Finnick showed up and gave a hilarious speech about hustlers and fathers which totally ruined the mood of the service, but put a smile on Nick's muzzle. Everyone wanted to give a speech one someone they didn't know and it irritated him a bit, but he realized even he didn't know him that well. Just a few blurry memories kept in the back of his mind along with the rest of his terrible childhood. The only emotions that would ever be associated with him would be joy and sadness. Such an odd relationship, and gone far too soon. Once the cars had deserted the grave, and just Nick and Judy were left, just standing there, holding each other's paws. Nick laid the final rose in front of the freshly placed headstone, solid marble, etched in it was the following:

In loving memory of Vincent Kirk Wilde


and his loving wife Linda Ann Wilde


"There are those of us

who deserve much more than life can offer"

"It's beautiful Nick" Judy whispered, not wanting to break the comforting sound of the rain hitting their umbrella. He nodded.

"Do you think she would have approved...of us?" Judy looked up at him, still lost in his own misery, but his expression softened,

"Mom was the kindest person I ever knew growing up, she loved people no matter what. If there was ever a reason for her to disagree with love, it wouldn't be this. I could marry a rodent prostitute and she'd still find something nice to say about them. I'm sure she would have shipped us long before we knew we loved each other" Judy's face glowed a bright pink underneath her fur. "What we do have to worry about though, is your parents" His face twisted into deep concentration, "I'm scared Judes, I honestly am. Your parents don't trust foxes, and if they find out I used to be a criminal...I..." She leaned in and gave him a warm hug,

"Hey, you don't have to worry alone, I'll always be here. They have really warmed up and changed over the years, I told you about Gideon right?" She felt him nod "They're business partners with a fox who bullied me when I was younger, and you went from a pawpsicle hustler to a cop who is dating a bunny. Animals change Nick, we all grow and learn. If they are startled at first they'll come around, they love me too much not to." She let go and smiled at him until he returned the favor.

"What would I do without you Carrots?" He chuckled.

"You'd forget that our train leaves in three hours and we still haven't packed yet" She teased as they walked to the car, his eyes ballooned up to dinner plates.

"Three hours? Oh long was that funeral?"

"About two hours, and then we stood there another thirty minutes in silence" She said matter-of-factly.

"Well why didn't you tell me to leave sooner?" He said as he chirped the unlock button on his keys.

"Didn't want to ruin your mourning, you looked like you needed it" She said, climbing into the car.

"Thanks Carrots, love ya" He kissed her on the head and started the car, she reached for the aux cord and looked at him with pleading eyes

" still Mister mopey or can I put on some music?" He laughed,

"Nah, you can throw on some tunes, but I do have a request for first song, mind playing some Skindred? I need something to get me moving if were gunna pack in time" Judy mulled it over before nodding and hitting play on Pressure. She was a techno-pop girl through and through growing up, but after she met Nick her horizons expanded. Nick was raised on classic rock and metal, and Finnick swayed him a bit toward hip-hop but it didn't stick very far. Nick had slowly managed to get Judy to like some of the heavier stuff. He dreamed of one day taking her to a concert, but "that is probably years off" he thought. He looked over, and in complete shock to him, was Judy....and she was headbanging.... "Wait...Judy....headbanging?!?" He had to do a double take, to make sure he hadn't fallen asleep in the car and started daydreaming. Nope. He smiled, "Boy would her parents freak if they ever saw this..." Realizing the opportunity, he took out his phone and began recording her. It took a solid ten seconds before she realized what he was doing and tried to grab at his phone.

"Nicholas Piberius Wilde! You delete that recording right now or no sex for a week!" She threated, expecting compliance...what she got instead was laughter.

"Yeah right fluff butt, like you could really go a whole week without sex. Back in the Ghetto you barely made it a day without jumping me!" Her face was beet red, it was true, ever since their first night, she hadn't been able to go without fucking him for long. There was just something about him, some irritating, yet accentuating bit that made her go Wilde.

"Why'd you record me anyways? Was I doing it wrong? Did I look silly?" Knowing intimidation wasn't going to work, she opted for guilt.

"No, you were fine, I was just shocked how right you were back there...animals do change!" He let out a hearty laugh. "And I never thought I'd see Judy Hopps, little pop princess, headbanging to metal music. This proves it, I gotta take you to a concert! Ooh I love this song!" He exclaimed as he cranked up his car's stereo, blasting Duality by Slipknot. He let out a chuckle as he began to sing along:

I push my fingers into my eyes!

It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache

But it's made of all the things I have to take

Jesus, it never ends, it works its way inside

If the pain goes on, I'm not gunna make it!

He turned to Judy, "Cmon' you can headbang to this part!" He began to as they both sung along:

All I've got...all I've got is insane.

All I've got...all I've got is insane.

All I've got...all I've got is insane.

All I've got...all I've got is insane!!

To onlookers, they would have looked quite strange, but they didn't care. They were having fun, and that's just the medicine Nick needed right now. A rough day behind him, and unsure about the future, he needed some fun. And blasting Slipknot with Judy headbanging along with him was just what the doctor ordered, fun. And it didn't end with the song, as The Devil In I began to play right after.

When they pulled in to Nick's apartment, where Judy already had her stuff because she stayed the past couple days to make sure Nick wasn't alone. It wasn't packed in the slightest, however. They rushed up and began speed-packing, checking the clock every ten seconds or so. The train left at 6:25, and it was already 5:00 by the time they had gotten their stuff packed. Now they just needed to eat, shower, and make sure they didn't forget anything. Luckily for Nick, Judy didn't have long fur and lived in a house with hundreds of siblings and not hundreds of showers, so she showered very quickly. Nick, however, took his time and by 5:50 Judy was banging on the door.

"Niiiick, get out! We are going to miss the train! Don't make me..." She was silenced as the door flung open and Nick stood there in nothing but a towel.

"Don't make you what...come in? Carrots normally I would be flattered how much you want to fuck in the shower, but today we simply just don't have the time" He said in an extremely sarcastic sad tone, pressing every one of her thousands of buttons. He walked past her, threw off his towel and shook his bare ass and tail at her.


"Ow! Carrots!" he rubbed his derriere, under his fur was probably a large red mark. She just giggled in confession of her oh-so-worth-it sin.

They stopped by McDennalds for a quick bite, and pulled into their week-long parking spot right at 6:15.

"Perfect timing! We still have ten minutes to get to the station." Judy quipped as they hopped out of the car and grabbed their suitcases. They boarded the train with seconds to spare and, instead of heading up to the canopy level like she did the first time on the train, they settled down in some comfy seats next to window so they could cuddle on the way. The ride was quick and within two hours they arrived in BunnyBurrow. Nick laughed when he saw the population counter constantly ticking upwards. The train stopped in the station with a hiss of the air brakes. Judy and Nick stepped off to find her parents standing there waving at them. It was late out so the hundreds of little ones were all in bed already. Judy ran up and gave her parents a hug.

"Hey you guys it's been far too long! I've missed you soo much!" Judy exclaimed, excited to see her parents in person again.

"Yeah it has! Glad to see you!" Her mother smiled

"You know you really should have called more!" Her dad complained


"What I was just saying she has that smartphone she should"

"Can't you see she's been busy! She just got done with a case!"

Judy chucked at her parents usual squabbling.

"Glad to see nothing has changed for you, but it's a different story for me... Mom, Dad... I want you to meet my partner on the force.....and my boyfriend: Nick!"

Nick, who was previously hidden behind the large stack of suitcases on the trolley he was pushing, stepped into view and sheepishly waved hello.

"Oh, okay...well where is he? Is he behind the fox?" Stu questioned, serious.

"Uhm Stu.... I think her boyfriend is the fox." Bonnie mentioned, concerned.



Uh oh! Guess her parents didn't take the news as nicely as Judy would have hoped! Once again, sorry for last night! Hope you liked this chapter! Things are picking up again in the drama section so my mind is buzzing and things should get good :P As of me writing this, I've hit 130 favs! OMG! I might hit 200 followers tomorrow!!! WOW! I might do something special like a QnA for the occasion, idk yet. Anyways, Thanks so much and goodnight!


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