Handcuffs and Damn Muffs

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Hey everyone! Sorry about last night as well, hardcore headache so I was pretty much useless. This chapter should be good, some relationship drama and some fluff :P

Soo I reached 200 followers!! Yayyy! Still don't know what I should do in celebration, maybe I'll add a lemon to this chapter...would you like that? Of course you would you kinky motherfuckers ;) Also to those who caught my e621 reference, you're welcome ;) And to those who loved the Skindred and Slipknot references; you're awesome, give yourself a pat on the back! Actually, everyone give yourself a pat on the back for making this story reach what it has!!

Now, onto the chapter :P

Stu woke up in the living room, reclined in his favorite chair. His memory slowly fading back to him. He had gone with Bonny to pick up Judy from the station, yes, she had a guest... her partner? No, her boyfriend. He looked around, peering through the archway into the kitchen. Bonny was heating something up on the stove, it smelled like blueberries. At the table was Judy and her boyfriend....the.....fox. Oh. That's why he had fainted. Judy was dating a fox. True, him and Bonny had been working with Gideon for a while now, but business partners and lovers were two completely different things....unless you were Buffalo Clinton. "Hah" He made himself chuckle with that little political quip. He slowly climbed his way out of the far-too-comfy chair and walked into the kitchen.

"Oh look who's finally up. Took you long enough" Bonnie said, half-irritated, half-exhausted.

"How long was I out this time Bon?" Stu said, rubbing his head where he fell.

"About an hour and a half, it's getting worse I tell ya" She said, shaking her head as she placed the blueberry pancakes on Nick and Judy's plates.

"Okay, so let's get this out of the way," Nick sighed, preparing for the onslaught. "I won't expect you to fully support or be okay with me dating Judy... but I am. I love her and she loves me. If there's a problem we'll leave." He put a paw on Judy's shoulder as he mentioned her name, letting her know he stood by her in every way.

"Listen, there's no need to leave...I just... I wanna know something alright?" Stu said, rubbing his head, still coping with this new and confusing information. Nick nodded, allowing him to continue.

"Do you two make each other happy? Like, I can understand the swift fleeting attraction of lust...well maybe not so much in this case..." He got a glare from his wife. "...But if you truly love someone you have to love all of them, their faults included. You have to be inseparable. Here!" An imaginary lightbulb lit above his ears as they popped up. "Let's propose a test eh? Did either of you bring your handcuffs?"

Nick shook his head, Judy on the other paw...didn't. She reached into one of the pockets in her suitcase and pulled out a pair. Nick was struck speechless with his muzzle hanging open.

"Carrots...were off duty..." He slowly spoke.

"Mhm!" She nodded, a grin on her face

"Then why did you bring those?" He cautioned...estimating the answer before it came.

"Oh...uh...no reason!" She quickly covered up, trying as hard as she could to not blush.

Nick facepawed and Bonnie chuckled, Stu looked like he was going to faint again. She handed them to her dad.

"So what's the challenge?" She said, snapping him out of his own terrifying thoughts.

"Oh! Right! Well I thought if you two could handle being handcuffed to each other for twelve hours then you get my approval of your relationship. However, if one of you concedes and can't stand the other, then Nick has to go." He smirked.

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