Let Us Begin

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(Nick POV)

I stared at her as she ate, bit creepy? Maybe....but I didn't bother to look anywhere else, there just wasn't anything as interesting as her in the room.....well ok maybe I was.... But the mirror was in the bathroom and I was content sitting there eating my blueberry pancakes that Carrots had cooked up for me.


She didn't break into my house just to harass me or scare me like I would have done.....she found a way in so she could make me food and wake me up herself.....god what a strange bunny she was. I chucked to myself, amused that I had somehow been lucky enough to find myself a friend who landed me a stable job AND who would sneak in to my own apartment just to make me breakfast. Looking back on my history I couldn't think of anything that would warrant such kindness, sometimes I honestly thought I would just wake up to Finnick about to crack my skull with his baseball bat if I didn't get up and buy him that jumbo pop so we could make some cash. I remembered his words when I overslept for the first time, and the last time:

"HEY! OOPA-LOOMPA FUR! GET THE FUCK UP OR I SMASH YO FUCKIN SKULL IN BITCH! We 'supposed to be out there forty goddamn minutes ago, I can only hustle 'til 6 tonight, Johnny 'nicked a kilo of 'nip an we gotta get it out on the street before the fuzz find it an' lock his ass up a fourth time!"

Those were the days......not great days....just............days. Finnick and I still stayed in touch after the savage case. He thinks he gets a free pass now because he's "cool wit da fuzz now, dawg" He still hustles drugs with his other buddies, so I don't actively pursue his company in case I get caught up in a drug bust and am faced with either the option to arrest his tiny ass or go to jail with it. He was funny though, such attitude from such a tiny animal....he reminded me a lot of Judy in that respect, actually.

That's where the similarities respectively began and ended however, Judy was a completely different storm to prepare for. She liked me a lot, so I didn't have to board up my metaphorical windows too often, but I did occasionally push her over the line with my teasing. THAT'S when she got scary. Remembering the time when we were on patrol and I jokingly acted savage....well to me it was a joke....some bunnies are too dumb to understand dark humor I guess. Anyways she ended up tazing me and muzzling me for it. She made me keep the deathtrap on for FIVE HOURS because she wasn't convinced that I was joking, or because she liked seeing me suffer....it was probably a bit of both.

When she was nice though, it was as if the sun would never set and the stars aligned specially for me....she made me feel like a child....or at least what I imagined a happy child would feel like. My soul vibrated emotions of pure bliss when we were enjoying ourselves. Bogo didn't name us team of the month for our first 3 months in a row just because I was clever, the chemistry between us when things were sailing smoothly was so perfect it would make Woolter White jealous. I laughed at my own joke, something that wasn't too abnormal for me. I was a funny guy, what could I say? And Judy actually laughed at some of my jokes too. I finally fazed back into reality to find her staring at me with a quizzical look plastered across her façade.

"What's so funny?" She asked, realizing I had just been sitting there staring at her while softly chuckling to myself, lost in my thoughts.

"Dumb bunny, c'mon its almost six o'clock, we have to get to Bogo before he thinks twice about giving us team of the month again" I gave her my sly smile, "four in a row would be nice" I thought to myself. I stood and brought my empty, syrupy plate to the sink.

(Judy POV)

"What was that damned fox thinking about" I wanted to push him over and make him tell me, forcefully.....make that damned, stupid, cocky, handsome......slim.....sexy... "gah!" I shook my head, "Damn hormones" I thought, they were getting harder to control today and it was only Monday. How would I survive the rest of the week being around Nick? It was bad enough I had to have a crush on him BEFORE I came into heat...now the urge to drop-kick him back onto his bed and have him ravage me like the savage beast I knew he was deep down was unbearable.

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