The Found One

By bmacke01

1.1M 43.8K 3.5K

He found her. He chose her. Now, she must decide if she chooses him. A Silverbloods Series ©The Found One... More

Introduction & A/N
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 21

23.4K 986 141
By bmacke01

Izzy POV

"Where did he go?"

They were back at Maleco's house, this time sitting in the backyard, the afternoon sun granting enough warmth to keep them from freezing. Rowan had disappeared inside with a barked 'watch her' to the others, who had obediently fallen in around her.

"He needed to call his parents, let them know what happened." Austin answered from beside her.

"He can't just use that 'pack' thing to talk to them?" Izzy asked taking a sip of the coffee she had refilled from the kitchen before they had settled on the slightly faded but comfortable couches and chairs scattered around the interlocked patio.

"Mind link." Austin corrected, "And, no."

"What Austin means, is that yes normally the pack links doesn't depend on distance and Rowan, and well us to a degree, can access whichever links however and whenever we like, but right now they are shut down."

"How come you guys are different?" Izzy asked excitedly.

"Nice try. Like I said, you gotta ask Rowan kiddo." Austin replied instantly, laughing at her dejected sigh.

She flipped him the bird, turning to Olivia who sat beside him. "Why is the pack link down? How is that possible, when you said he can access whatever ones he wants?"

Olivia fidgeted, glancing at Austin and Hayden uncomfortable. At their displeased looks, Izzy assumed Olivia had said too much. "Well..."

"Olivia." Austin snapped.

"It's not that big of a deal." Olivia argued her fidgeting stilling as she took a deep breath, "Kaiden, Rowan's dad shut down the pack links between well everyone and them."

"Why?" Izzy asked pressing her luck, she knew she wasn't getting anymore when Olivia's eyes hardened at her.

"That's something for Rowan to explain." She offered gently, softening the harsh look.

Izzy smiled back in hopes of being forgiven for her pushy-ness, as much as she wanted answers, she also didn't want to turn the few wolves that didn't seem to immediately want her head against her, either.

As if her thoughts had been a dare, a growl sounded around them. Izzy jumped spinning in her chair to look at where the sound was coming from. The others didn't seem particularly surprised or concerned.

Looking at Austin, she found him rolling his eyes in annoyance. "Go away Dylan. Haven't we been over this."

Dylan!? As in, the wolf that wanted to kill her, and got in a brawl with Hayden at the breakfast table? Perfect. She sarcastically thought, her heart picking up its pace as she sensed the danger coming closer to her.

From around the corner Dylan emerged, a group of wolves at his back, all were young, but they still had the muscle and height to make a formidable sight. Izzy flinched, pressing herself further into the cushions.

"We lost pack members because of her!" Dylan spat, the others nodding along with their leader's words.

Izzy recognized this for what it was - a hunting party. And she was the prey. Quickly she looked at her 'guards'. Isaac and Noah had followed Rowan inside, the others they had brought with them had been sent to the borders, that left her only with Olivia, Hayden and Austin. Three against nine (she knew better then to count herself in this fight, she was way out of her league). Not the best odds. She swallowed, her palms clammy, fear twisting her belly.

"You lost pack members because you couldn't hold a fucking perimeter." Hayden snarled back, black eyes flashing, meeting Dylan's head on.

He faltered under Hayden's gaze, but quickly recovered, growling back.

"Oh you are going to regret that pup." Hayden said on a humorless chuckle, standing from his place beside her, rolling his shoulders and turning to face Dylan.

"We don't want to fight you." Dylan said, trying to make his voice strong and demanding. "We just want the girl. Give us her and we walk away."

Hayden cocked his head at Dylan's words, as if considering them. Izzy felt like she was about to pass out. She had faced her impending death a few times now, and she thought it shouldn't still be so bone chilling terrifying as the first time, but apparently, you never truly got used to being threatened with a bloody and violent death.

"And what would you do with her?" Hayden asked curiously.

Izzy's eyes bulged, she looked at Austin and Olivia who were sitting calmly observing the exchange.

"What you should have had the balls to do days ago." Dylan called out, looking at her hungrily, a cruel smirk on his face.

Izzy was going to be sick. Where the fuck is Rowan! The one fucking time I need the ass and he's gone! 'No worries Izzy, I'm just going to leave you with my friends, who are only going to mutiny and hand you over to a freaking psychopath. No big dea'l.

"Yeah sorry fellas, I don't think I can let that happen." Hayden finally answered calmly with a shrug of his shoulders.

"The fuck you can't!" Dylan roared. "I don't give a fuck what some fucking Prince says, he isn't the law here! The girl is a filthy fucking human scum! If Rowan wasn't such a pussy, he would have done the right thing as soon as he laid eyes on her."

Even Izzy knew that those were the wrong words to use in front of this crowd. She sucked in a breath, eyes widening as she stared at the stupidity of one - Dylan Maleco.

Olivia and Austin were on their feet, shoulder to shoulder with Hayden, eyes black and furious.

"I'm sorry what was that?" Austin asked quietly. His voice deadly.

"You heard me, you're fucking Crown Prince is a goddamn pussy. Locking himself away for years, and now what? He thinks he can come tell us how to run our own goddamn pack? The human is going to die. Just hand her over, and you can walk away."

Izzy recoiled, a blue pulsing flame of anger erupting in her chest as Dylan's words hit her. Not the angry, threatening parts - no, the other part – the part where he called Rowan a – what the fuck did he just say!?

"You are dead." Hayden stated. The words delivered with complete and utter confidence. It wasn't a threat but a statement.

And then hell broke loose.

Growls erupted as Dylan launched himself at Hayden, those at his back throwing themselves at Austin and Olivia. Izzy had been right - even nine to three, it wasn't a fair fight. Within a few seconds it was easy to see that the Tenebris wolves were massively out muscled, and out skilled. Hayden and Austin had taken out six between them without breaking a sweat, and before they had a chance to turn and help, Oliva had taken the last two out in quick succession. Groans, and whimpers filled the air from the injured - but still alive wolves, blood and pain hanging in the crisp air. The three took in the carnage, eyes looking for any indication that the 8 on the ground posed any further threat, satisfied they turned as a single unit to look at her.

And they were pissed.

Beyond pissed.

The three sets of eyes flashed black in sync, angry growls ripping out, as their lips curled back into snarls, exposing their growing canines. They were not happy as gazes narrowed and locked onto the arm that was wrapped tightly and securely around her neck, the pressure starting to cut off her airway. Izzy was desperately clawing at Dylan's forearm, trying to escape his hold, her nails scratching deeply into his skin, but her struggles were useless, he didn't even flinch from her efforts. Panic filled her as his grip tightened further and black pots danced in her vision.

"Let her go." Austin's voice left no room for negotiation.

Dylan just pressed harder, Austin and Hayden let out growls as they watched her eyes bulge, her face turning a deeper shade of red.

"Think this through Dylan, your Grandfather is not going to be able to protect you from this." Oliva tried to reason.

"Fuck him! And fuck you!" Dylan snarled.

His gripped tightened another inch, and Izzy felt herself losing consciousness, and then suddenly the arm was gone and she was flying forward into the grass, her arms going up to protect her head as she landed harshly.

Before she could move, bodies were on her. Rolling heavily onto her back, she stared up at Austin's, Olivia's and Hayden's backs, sucking in a deep choking breath of air. Olivia kneeled at her side, whispering encouragements to 'breathe', her hand on her shoulder, Hayden and Austin closed rank in front of them shielding her from the newest brawl.

"Submit brother."

Izzy struggled to sit up when she didn't recognize the new voice in their little drama, seeing her struggle, Liv wrapped an arm around her shoulders helping her sit.

Izzy gasped. Dylan was pinned to the ground by Derek, his brother, the one Hayden had questioned after the confrontation at the breakfast table. His forearm pressed heavily against Dylan's throat, his body pinning his brother's to the ground, a growl ripping from between his bared teeth. "Submit" Derek roared, pressing harder into his brother's throat, turning his face an unhealthy shade of purple.

The crash of the backdoor being slammed open, ripped Izzy's gaze from the brothers just as Dylan lowered his eyes, his body relaxing and stilling, his neck bending in submission and away from Derek's lengthened canines.

"What the hell is going on!" Izzy shivered pleasantly as the voice washed over her.

Rowan stormed across the lawn, his eyes flashing, his face murderous. He looked absolutely lethal, power and strength pouring from him as he stalked closer, the afternoon light catching the deep silver of his hair as it ruffled lightly in the wind. She wanted to leap into his arms in relief.

His face darkened as he took in the scene; the eight Tenebris wolves scattered on the lawn, a few unconscious, most bleeding or sporting bruises of varying degrees, two bawling and whimpering, cowering away from him in fear. Derek still hovered over his brother, forearm pressed to his throat threateningly. Then Rowan's attention shifted to her; Oliva's arm wrapped around her shoulders supporting her, Austin and Hayden standing protectively and menacingly in front of her. She saw the moment his eyes zeroed in on her neck. Self-consciously her hand went to it, she flinched as her fingers met the bruised skin. Rowan roared.

Hayden and Austin parted without a word from him, letting him pass. Squatting before her, his gaze swept her over, taking in the smudges of dirt and grass on her clothes, the lingering fear in her eyes, the drying tear tracks on her cheeks, the scent of blood under her finger nails, but always his gaze came back to her neck. And each time his expression grew harder, his body growing more rigid.

"Who did this?"

Izzy flinched as his fingers prodded her neck gently, but then the pain gave way to relief, a sigh escaping her lips as the feel of his cool skin soothed her abused and heated flesh. Leaning closer, Rowan's eyes closed as he took a deep breath. Then his eyes snapped open. She stared into the silver pools, heat wound around her body, a shiver racing up her spine. She felt herself relaxing under his anger and rage, Rowan's here. I'm safe. She smiled at his slowly transforming face, canines poking out from under his lips as tremors racked his body.

Reaching up she let her hand land on his cheek. The tremors stopped the moment her touch registered, turning his face into her touch, he inhaled deeply, his lips pressing into her palm.

"Are you okay?" His voice was gravely and deep.

"I am now that you're here, wolf." She crocked out, her throat protesting angrily at being used so soon. "Took you long enough by the way." She added with a small smile, refusing to flinch at the fire in her neck.

He barked a laugh at her words, before guilt registered on his face. "Never again." He vowed his fingers running over her neck, pain crossing his features. "But I am here now, and shall deal with this how I should have from the beginning."

Standing and turning in one fluid motion that was so fast Izzy felt dizzy, Rowan approached the two brothers.


At his name, Derek released his brother, pushing up and backing away from where Dylan began to cough and heave on the grass, standing at Rowan's shoulder his face blank as he regarded his brother.

"You disobeyed your Alpha's orders. You put hands on someone under my protection. You defied my orders, and you attacked members of the Royal court. Each of these are an act of treason. Each is punishable by death."

With each step Rowan laid another charge at Dylan's' feet, and with each one the wolf's face grew paler, his eyes darting desperately for any escape, for any help.

He found none.

In a move to fast for Izzy's human eyes to catch, Rowan's hand shot forward, his fingers wrapping around the wolf's neck, lifting him off of the ground. For a single second he hung in Rowan's grip, his feet swinging wildly, horror and fear filling his face, as urine darkened his pants, and then the snap rang out loud and clear. Izzy jumped, hand going to her mouth, gagging as the body sagged to the ground and Rowan released his hold.

"I didn't want to do this." He mumbled turning his back on the corpse, silver pools finding her, eyeing her rapidly bruising neck his face filled with steely determination. He took a single deep breath before his voice rang out loud and clear, strength and power ringing unquestionable in every syllable. "I, Rowan Nox, by the power and order of my blood, order that no one shall lay a hand on the human Madeline Rohner. She is under the protection and shelter of the Royal Court and Pack Argentum Sanguinis. Any threat to move against her will be seen as a direct act of treason, and will be punishable by death. Per Silverblood verba mea sunt lupi rapaces regnum ius luna."

[Through Silverblood my words are the wolves right away.]

Power exploded from him, a wave bursting forth and expanding in a circle, moving out further from him, rushing like a shockwave, lifting hair, raising goosebumps, and rustling clothing, covering them like a film and settling into their bones.

Well fuck! Izzy thought staring in shock at Rowan, who was eyeing her warily. He should be worried. She growled, eyes narrowing. Shaking off Olivia's touch Izzy got to her feet, her hands shaking.

Rowan watched her. "Derek get the worst to the infirmary. The rest - throw in the cells, I'll deal with them later."

"Yes, Your Highness." Derek said with a bow of his head. He didn't even spare his brother a second glance, walking to one of the injured wolves scattered around, and roughly pulling him to his feet.

Izzy's hands curled into fists, it was difficult to hold herself still as the emotions tore through her.

"We should talk inside." Rowan said cautiously, eyes staying on her.

"What do want done with him?" Austin asked his chin nudging in Dylan's direction.

"Dispose of it, and inform the Alpha, Uncle." Rowan said coldly.

"Of course, Your Highness." Austin replied, his eyes flicking to her in a tight smile. She didn't return it, not caring in that moment about the guilt that flashed in his eyes.

"Izzy." Her focus snapped back to Rowan.

"Who are you?" She demanded, ignoring his gesture towards the Alpha's house.

He let out a breath, "Inside, please." When she didn't move he tried again. "Inside, I will answer you inside. I need you where I know it is safe."

With a snort she gave a tight nod, whirling and stomping her way into the house.

As soon as the bedroom door shut she turned on him.

"Who are you?" She ignored the searing pain in her throat, it wasn't important at the moment.

"Did he hurt you anywhere else?"

Izzy knocked Rowan's searching hands away, ignoring his concern. "Izzy, let me look at your neck, see if you need the pack doctor." Rowan scolded her, as she evaded his attempts once more, brushing off his concern.

"I'm fine." He growled in disagreement. "All I need right now is a fucking answer from you! WHO ARE YOU ROWAN?!"

"I am the first born son of Thea Mare Svensson, otherwise known as Aislinn Nox - Queen of the Wolves. There happy? Now let me see your neck." He growled out unhappily.

"Queen?!" The word cracked from her throat. Horror, disbelief, and awe washing through her, it was worse than she had thought possible.

He didn't meet her eyes, choosing to stare blankly at the wall over her head, shoulders sagging in defeat. "I am the heir and Crown Prince to the Silver Throne of the Werewolves, and Alpha to-be of Pack Argentum Sanguinis. Prince Rowan Tao Nox."

"You're a Prince?" Her brain was rebelling, praying that is was some weird twisted joke, that everything she had witnessed on the lawn had been an oxygen lacking induced hallucination. There was no fucking way she had been sleeping next to, threatening, joking and flirting with, a fucking prince!

This time his eyes found hers. "And you are a human. Neither of us did anything to deserve those labels, and yet they are our truths."

Her heart plummeted, her stomach rolling. She turned from him, a hand covering her mouth.

"Where are you going?"

She couldn't look at him. "The bathroom, Your Majesty." She spit the words out like they were acid, when he didn't deny it yet again, her eyes pricked.

She heard him sigh, his hand loosening on her shoulder. "It doesn't change anything Izzy. All it means is you can trust me when I say; I can protect you."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"In the beginning? We weren't convinced you weren't a hunter. If I am valuable to Doyle, I am even more valuable to the hunters. Take me out? You threaten the entire werewolf hierarchy - chaos, civil war, it would be a bloodbath. My existence, my mother's existence, the very idea of a royal line – all of it has been hidden from the sight of hunters since the beginning of our time. Lives beyond your comprehension have been lost to keep our very existence from their records."

"And later? When you knew I wasn't one of them?"

"Madeline-" She could hear the regret in his voice, she hated the guilt she felt at it. He doesn't deserve it. He deserves nothing from you, he's no different than all the others! Lying, manipulating, twisting my feelings to get whatever he wanted! "If something had happened, if Doyle had gotten his hands on you, or you had run, let word slip about who I was, where I was - we couldn't risk it."

"You didn't trust me? Even when I had to trust you every goddamn day with my life!?"

"I'm still the same person Izzy, nothing has changed."

Pulling herself together, she shrugged his hand off, he let it fall limply, her voice was steady – not betraying her breaking heart. "That's where you're wrong, this changes everything."

"Izzy wait!"

"I need to use the washroom, Your Highness." This time she couldn't hide the small tremor, the slight crack in her armor as she made her way to the safety of the bathroom.

"Don't. Izzy, don't do that. This doesn't change anything!"

She slammed the door on his words, throwing the lock she covered her mouth trying to hold back the sobs as she reached for the shower knob. Turning the water on full blast, she finally let herself collapse. Her back sliding down the wall, she gave into the swelling tide of her emotions. Sobs breaking free as tears raced down her cheeks. All for the monster that got her to trust.

Slowly her sobs calmed, her muffled screams easing, turning to whimpers and sniffles. Only then did she register Rowan's voice on the other side of the door.

"Izzy just talk to me. I need to know you're okay."

Just as she was opening her mouth to tell him to leave her alone, the door flew open, the lock giving way under Rowan's strength, the door frame splintering.

At least now it matches the rest of the room. This is going to take a lot of explaining to whoever has to come and clean this up. Izzy thought eyeing the newest addition to their combined collateral damage.

In the next breath Rowan was across the room, the steamy air curling around him as he dropped in front of her crumpled form, his eyes desperately searching her face.

Looking at him, it all came rushing back. She wasn't even sure why it all mattered so much. Why it hurt so much. But it did.

It felt like a knife had been twisted in her gut. The metallic taste of betrayal coating her tongue. All those little times, the little flinches as they talked around her, the whole time they had been lying, hiding the truth from her. Were they laughing at her? At the pathetic little human, so naïve and stupid? She felt deceived, manipulated, played.

"I don't want to talk to you." She watched the pain flash in his eyes. Good, let him hurt too.

He took in the tear tracks on her face, his thumb reaching to gently catch one as it slid under her chin, his eyes grimacing at the slump of defeat in her shoulders.

Grey gave way to silver.


"He lied to me."

The wolf regarded her. "He did what he thought he had to. There are many that depend on us."

"It hurts."

"I did not want to hurt you."

"But you let your other side lie to me! Hide who you are! You're a freaking Prince! To some Royal Werewolf line! This is insane! Why are you here with me? Why are you protecting me?" Her voice cracked, insecurities and long buried wounds creeping to the surface. Not good enough, never good enough. Not for someone like him.

"I am more than a Prince, is it so wrong I wished you to see that as well?"

The words struck her, a sob catching in her throat as she regarded the silver eyes. His fingers were gentle as he cupped her face, thumbs stroking her cheeks, drying her tears. "I am here because I want to be, know that Madeline. This is my choice; you are my choice. I may have hidden a title, but I never hid who I was. What I was born into doesn't change the rest." With that Rowan leaned forward his lips pressing gently to her forehead, before pressing his own against hers, his words and breath fanning across her face, his scent comforting and soothing her battered heart. "One day I hope you can forgive me, but more than that, one day I hope you can accept me."

And then he was gone. His long legs striding from the bathroom and carrying him from sight. Izzy heard the bedroom door open and shut, the silence deafening around her as she dissolved into tears once more. This time for the man that made her care. 

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