Not what it seems

By maddslhorn_x

2.9K 133 41

A girl finally gets what she has worked her whole life towards. She worked hard to get away from her past and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30- epilouge

Chapter 14

93 4 0
By maddslhorn_x

Okay big apologies my lovelies! I know it has been longer than normal and no excuses just it took longer to write. It is 5000 words long and I needed it to be perfect so sorry!!!  I really hope you like it, please comment your thoughts- really want to know what you think!!
So comment

*Lacey's POV*

It had been a few days since the fountain incident, the fans were going absolutely crazy about the incident, the date I had with Brad and the bruises my body held. There were a lot of questions being chucked our way. On top of that the Newcastle and Nottingham shows were pushed back a couple of days meaning that it is now only a week till the London show.

It made my heart race just at the thought. The London show was the day all the big plans were made for, well as far as I could see from the documents on the USB. I had already injected James' with the micro-chip yesterday when we were travelling to Newcastle and showed him how it works. I felt for him, I really did. He knew this massive secret, that he couldn't tell anyone. A secret that could put him in danger. In addition, he knew he and the boys were in trouble and he couldn't do anything about it. Not really. Saying all that he has been incredible, he has helped me so much during this and has understood completely. It was also yesterday he made me have the same injection, to ensure that I was just as safe as he was.

It was tonight that I and James would be singing our song together and to say I was nervous would be a massive understatement. I was terrified, I knew Brad had already promised to watch to see what the song was like. I was currently back stage waiting to be called on, I was going to perform my other songs and then call James on before finishing on my last song.

'Nervous?' I hear Brad behind me as he wraps his arms tightly around my waist

'That obvious? I mean I have performed before and they have all been my songs but this... this song seems more personal and no one would understand apart from me and James. Because we wrote it, we understand it. I mean you might get some parts but you wont understand the deeper meaning and i hope you never will. But what if you don't like it or the crowd doesn't like it. What if it-'

I'm cut off as I am spun around and have lips slammed onto mine. I gasp at the sudden action and Brad takes that as his cue to slip his tongue in. I quickly respond to his lips. The passion and comfort I feel from such a simple action is astounding.

'Need to calm down blue. Come with me, we have 10 minutes' He speaks as our lips separate, he doesn't give me time to reply before he is grabbing me and pulling me in the direction of a small dressing room.

He shoves me into the room with himself following before turning the light on. ' You need to calm down baby and that is exactly what I am going to get you to do. Sit' he demands pointing to the chair not to far away from me. I follow his orders taking a sit and waiting for him to speak again. My heart is pounding and my skin heating up as he takes a few steps towards me.

He lowers himself onto his knees in front of me and instantly reaches to my black short, he unzips the side and begins to tug them from my body. I go to speak but he quickly quiets me with one look. I am pushed back so I am now leaning into the chair and he yanks the shorts along with my black lacy underwear from my body. Leaving me bare to his eyes.

_____smut--you were warned__

Spreading my legs his lips go to my inner thigh placing a few gentle kisses and some nipping at my skin as he murmurs the words 'Relax, enjoy, calm down'. My breathing is heavier and my hands itching to grab his curls. He reaches my core where I can feel his hot breath cascading across my sensitive skin.

My hands give in to the itch and instantly grab his hair pulling slightly. I can feel his smirk as he lowers his head more and finally he comes in contact with where I want him most. His lips instantly begin gently sucking before his tongue swipes itself across my sensitive skin. He felt so good as his alternated between sucking harshly and gently licking to soothe the area.

I moan loudly tugging his hair causing him to groan as I do. 'B-Brad ugh so good' I instantly feel his smirk again as he raises his fingers to begin rubbing over my clit (Hate this word). He rubs in circles quickly and harshly as his tongue basically thrusts in and out of my hole. I could feel the tightening in my stomach as his actions continued and it wasn't much longer before I came. 'ahhh Brad' I moan loudly as I come undone.

_____okay all done________

'You relaxed now baby?' He smirks as he gently pull away from me after he cleaned me up and had already started pulling my short and underwear back on. I breathlessly nod at him, still slightly dazed from what had happened minutes ago.

'So good. Do you want me to take care of you?' I question once I am fully dressed again.

'No baby, we don't have time. Your due on stage in a minute and this was just about you' He smiles softly helping me up and walking me back to where I was first panicking.

He tenderly kisses me, it makes me scrunch my nose up a bit due to being able to taste myself on his tongue.

We pull apart and I see him smirk at me. 'I can taste myself on your tongue' I whisper to his ear

'Mhm I know baby . You taste so good, don't you ? You know you do' he whispers back

'After the show how about we celebrate. Let me taste you babe'

'Ah I would love that baby'

I get a tap on the shoulder to tell me its time to go on and a 'good luck' from Brad before I am out and facing the crowd.

I am quickly making it through my songs when the time comes. I begin to get nervous at the thought of a new song and look over to brad who smiles widely and puts his thumbs up.

'So guys... Recently I and a friend of mine started to write a new song . It's a song that means a lot to me. And I want you to really enjoy it. So please please welcome the one and only James Mcvey, to help me out'

They scream so loudly as he walks on stage with a guitar smiling. He grabs me in an embrace and says hello to the crowd, introducing the Song.

It's then we begin to sing.

Ah, ah
Ah, ah

I look over to Bradley and smile nervously before I open my mouth. Still looking at him I begin to sing my song.

He knows
Dirty secrets that I keep
Does he know it's killing me?
He knows, he knows
D-d-does he know
Another's hands have touched my skin
I won't tell him where I've been
He knows, he knows, he knows

He looks confused for a moment at the lyrics but smiles to encourage me. I already know he wants to know what's behind this song. I look away and smile at James as we sing together

[James & Lacey:]
It's tearing me apart
She's slipping away (I'm slipping away)
Am I just hanging on to all the words she used to say?
The pictures on her phone
She's not coming home (I'm not coming home)
Coming home, coming home

[James (Lacey) {both}:]
I know what you did last summer
Just lie to me there's no other
I know what you did last summer
{Tell me where you've been}
I know what you did last summer
Look me in the eyes, my lover
I know what you did last summer
{Tell me where you've been}

[James & Lacey:]
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know
I didn't mean it, no
I didn't mean it, mean it, no
Can't seem to let you go
Can't seem to hold you close
I know

I listen as James sings beautifully. Scanning the crowd bobbing along, dancing with their friends. My heart swells.

When she looks me in the eyes
They don't seem as bright
No more, no more, I know
That she loved me at one time
Would I promise her that night
Cross my heart and hope to die

[James & Lacey:]
It's tearing me apart (It's tearing me apart)
And she's slipping away (I'm slipping away)
Am I just hanging on to all the words she used to say?
The pictures on her phone (the pictures on my phone)
And she's not coming home (I'm not coming home)
Oh, na, na, na, oh yeah

[James (Lacey) {both}:]
I know what you did last summer
Just lie to me, there is no other
I know what you did last summer
{Tell me where you've been}
I know what you did last summer
Look me in the eyes, my lover
I know what you did last summer
{Tell me where you've been}

I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know (no, no, no)
Can't seem to let you go,
Can't seem to keep you close
(hold me close)
I can't seem to let you go,
I can't seem to keep you close
(you know I didn't mean it though)
Tell me where you've been lately
Tell me where you've been lately
(just hold me close)
Tell me where you've been lately
Tell me where you've been lately
(don't, don't, don't, don't let me go)
I can't seem to keep you close,
I can't seem to let you go
(I didn't mean it, though)
I know you didn't mean it though
I know you didn't mean it though
(I don't wanna let you go)
Tell me you didn't mean it, though
Tell me you didn't mean it, though (no, no, no)
(can't seem to let you go, seem to let you go)
I know you didn't mean it, though
I wanna know you need it, though
(hold me close)
I know you didn't mean it, though
I know you didn't mean it, though
(just hold me close)
I can't seem to let you go,
Can't seem to hold you close
And my heart swells even more when my eyes meet Bradley's again and he looks proud.

[James & Lacey:]
I know what you did last summer
Just lie to me there is no other
I know what you did last summer
Tell me where you've been
I know what you did last summer
Look me in the eyes, my lover
I know what you did last summer
Tell me where you've been

[James & Lacey:]
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know (ah-ah)
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know (ah-ah, ah-ah)
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know (ah-ah)
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know (ah-ah, ah-ah)
I know"

We finish the note and James leaves the stage to get ready with the boys. I look and notice that Bradley is gone. My heart pounds but I don't know what I can do.

I look to James and signal for where brad is as I continue to sing my last song. He looks around and shakes his head not knowing . I see Tristan looking to but I see no Connor and no Brad.

As I come to my last note I quickly thank the crowd and run from the stage instantly met by James

'Where are they? Wheres Bradley?' I'm basically shouting as James shakes slightly.

'I I don't know Lacey I don't know'

'Fuck! No. This can't happen. Fuck'

I begin running to all known exits in the building as I already begin to call Paul to get him to help looking.

I know James and Tristan are following me I can hear them, hear their heavy breathing and heavy rushed footsteps whereas mine are soundless.

I begin to call Bradley , just wishing and praying he will answer . Somehow hoping he will be alright. The phone answers but the hope is short lived as I here a gruff voice threatening them to stay still.

My heart pounds faster and I come to a complete halt in all my movements. Listening to the phone call as James and Tristan tries to catch up.

I hear some pounding and I am guessing that the man is pounding the door. But what I hear next let's me know where they are. That slight ring I have come to know in the north west side.

I quickly turn right and run. Making fast and sharp turns as I zig zag through all the corridors to get to where I know they are.

I finally see it in sight and run slightly faster. It's then I come to a stop. When I see Connor and Bradley terrified as they are held up against the wall at knife point.

I stand watching the scene as I stand at the entrance to the corridor and shake my body slightly to ready my self for the fight. The man still hasn't noticed but Bradley has as he snaps his head towards me.

It gains the man's interest and he quickly turns to me as well.

'I was wondering how long it would take?' The man speaks with a smirk

I keep my face blank as I assess him in my mind, analyse his whole body and movements.

'Mhm I hope I didn't disappoint. You know you should really give up and let them go. It didn't end well for your friends who tried this'

By now I know James and Tristan have made it behind me, making me send a glare to James. He cowers slightly and pushes himself and Tristan backwards. I also know Brad and Connor are watching this. It's to late now to hide it. I'm fucked. I can't protect the boys without the secret being revealed. Its ruined. I am ruined

'Oh look, the whole crew is here. It won't end like last time. These boys are coming with me dead or alive'

I growl at his words stepping forward. It's the first real reaction he's gotten and I know he loved it

'You will be dead if you even try. Don't push me' I say coldly

'Ah well I wouldn't expect anything else from an assassin'

And there it is. The secret I have been hiding nearly my whole life. The secret I hid from Bradley. Blown in less than a second. I close my eyes in fear of their reactions before opening them.

Connor looks shocked, Tristan looks scared. But Bradley oh Bradley he looks at me with betrayal and disgust in his eyes. Two emotions I never wanted to see from him

The man speaks again 'oh you never told them? Opps'

I look at Bradley as he croaks 'te-tell me it isn't true'

'I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry' as I finish the words I can feel tears rush to my eyes and it's that moment the man decides to attack.

He launches at me with the knife in hand, I hear the screams of the boys as I slip past the attack and kick him in the rips.

He flies into the wall and grunt. 'Your going to pay for this' I whisper so only he can hear. He swipes my legs from under me. My body falls heavily to the ground and he brings the knife to my throat

He smirks looking at me but I quickly grab the hand holding the knife and twist slashing his chest. He yelps pulling away.

Giving me time to jump up, I grab his face and knee him before delivering another blow to his side .

I step away thinking he is done but he is quick to jump and lunge at Connor. I'm quicker to take the slash on my arm before grabbing his hand holding the knife and smashing it against the wall.

The man grunts and breathes heavily as the knife slips from his grasp and his head makes contact with the wall.

'This won't end well for you. Shouldn't have tried to hurt people I love'

He grabs my neck trying to strangle me and admittedly I do lose some breath before I smash his arms away from the hold he has on my neck and slap his ears.

He becomes disorientated instantly and stumbles towards me. He continues fighting I know I have some bruising but not to many. I can feel the blood running down my arm, it stings but I ignore it completely. The man on the other hand looks battered, but he isn't giving up.

He tries to punch but I quickly block them all and deliver a strong punch to his rips, I feel one break but I don't react.

It's then he shoved me back slightly and pull a gun holding a silencer on the end . I stare raising an eyebrow at him.

'So you want to play dirty?' I walk towards him but not to close, being careful of my movements. I am dizzy and I know its from the lack of blood and my breath almost gone.

He blabbers for a few moments but I don't listen as I try to really concentrate.

His hands are shaking slightly, but apart form that the hold he has on the gun is steady.

I reach and grab his wrist pointing the gun towards the ceiling so if he does shoot it won't hurt anyone.

We fight and I am able to get the gun from him completely. I take a few steps back still holding the gun.

'Your better than everyone thinks. No wonder the others never came back.'

He lunged for Tristan who has unknowingly during the fight stepped forward. His hands reach Tristan's neck before I effortlessly pose the gun, I turn my head so I don't have to watch what I know I am about to do.I shoot and it hits him straight in between his eyes. I hear the impact of his body hit the floor before it is followed by a stunned silence. Just like that he's dead. I shakily stumble back only for James to catch me and hold my body up, the gun falling from my hands as I finally realise that now I have to deal with something so much worse , something much scarier. Bradley

'Lacey, are you okay? God your bleeding' James rushes out as he balances me

'I'm fine James, I will er deal with my arm later' he goes to argue but is interrupted by another voice. A broken voice at that.

'Y-yo-you ki-killed him' I turn to see Brad staring down at the once alive attacker. Connor is stood beside Tristan both mumbling to each other

I reach forward for Bradley but he shakes his head quickly backing away into the wall. My heart shatters as I let my arm drop completely. 'Br-brad please just listen'

'No. Your an an a an assassin. Do you know how fucked up that is? ' he spits, his scared demeanour gone completely and now filled with rage.

'I know. trust me I know' I whisper

'you know? oh what a joke. Your a joke. Its disgusting, you kill people for a living. That's not normal, your fucked up Lacey. Why are you even here? Why bother being friendly with us if thats what you do? Was we your next target?-' he's cute off by Connor

'Brad she literally just saved all of our lives. what the hell?' Connor looks at me and I am quite shocked to find he smiles warily at me

'Yeah saved us so she could have the hit. Ugh I I cant believe I even kissed you, touched you. I feel disgusted with myself. Your filthy. Nothing but a filthy disgusting killing whore. I don't want you to come anywhere near me, I don't want to see you, be near you, hear you. I mean it Lacey stay the fuck away from me'

I stumble back from the hit of the words, the pain that stabs me in the chest I am not used to. The pain of heartbreak I have felt all my life but this, this is so much much. I feel like I am falling a part completely. I don't know what to do but whisper 'I I'm s-sorry bear'

His eyes cold and void of emotion he spits out 'Don't you dare call me that. Never again. I don't think I can ever forgive you for this. And I don't really want to. Vile. I need to go and watch that thing off of me. Bye'

The last sentence spoken to the lads, before he storms away from us never looking back. Its then I feel all the wetness on my face, I can see from the corner of my eye that Tristan and Connor begin to move away to. I feel James go to grab my arm but I rip it away

'I just... er I just want to be on my own for a moment' when he doesn't move anywhere I look at him 'Please James' he sighs placing a kiss to my cheek before walking away.

With shaking hands I pull my phone from my pocket and call Joe. (Bold joe, normal Lacey)

Hey where's the boys? We have stalled but they have to come soon.

There was an incident, er send Tyson and Paul to the North West corridors. And they know I am an assassin, its time to tell them. Er call James he will get them all to stage.

oh.. are you okay Lacey? Paul and Tyson are on their way

I'm fine.. look I wont be here when they get there alright. I got to get some stitches. Speak later.

I hang up before he can reply and make my way back towards the tour bus, luckily no one is there and therefore I quickly make my way to my bunk, grabbing my own little first aid kit before sitting in the lounge to begin my stitches.

I hear some movement and snap my head up to see Tyson stood there looking at me.

'Need some help with that?'

I shrug at his question but allow him to take over and begin to stitch up my arm, I never flinch as I feel him push the needle in and out of my skin repeatedly. I ignore the minimal pain as the pain in my chest takes over completely.

'You know, he's just shocked. He will be okay. He will understand' Tyson speaks

'How'd you know?'

'Heard him speaking with Joe. He's angry and feels betrayed but maybe you should explain your story like you did with James and he will understand' I stare at him suspiciously

As he ties off the stitch I am quick to slam him to the sofa and straddle his waist, my hand at his throat. 'How the fuck do you know?' I growl

'I'm surprised you don't recognise me Cece, we had spent a lot of time together. I know your story, hell I was in it. I knew you would have told James'

I fall limp at the nickname 'Cece'. He couldn't be, no. I start to shake my head quickly looking at him in disbelieve 'No.. your gone. NO'

He grabs me and pulls me to his chest, holding me tightly. It felt so familiar. I couldn't believe I had never noticed, but he had changed so much his brown hair was now black and he was covered in tattoos. He was big now, so buff. 'B-brody' I whimper as I cry into his chest 'I I cant believe its you'

He chuckles and kisses my forehead 'Its me Cece, I ran with the money you gave me. Came to London and sorted myself out, changed my name and look then started training and became a bodyguard. I couldn't believe it was you when I first saw you. There was never a day I didn't think of you'

Before I can reply the door to the tourbus is opened, I scramble up and move away from Brody. By the time Brad makes his way in I and Brody are sat opposite each other again. Brad comes to a stop as he reaches us, his eyes still cold as he looks at me but I see them soften slightly when he looks at my now stitched up arm. It doesn't last long before they are cold again and he spits 'See, knew I was right. Moved on already. Such a cheap whore'

I see Brody go to jump up but I glare and he quietens down again 'He was just stitching my arm up, to stop the bleeding'

'Should have let you bleed to death' Brad shouts. My eyes shoot to meet his and I am shocked but mostly broken. I hear James shout his name in shock and I look to see the three boys stood staring in shock while Brody sits staring at me.

My eyes meet Brads and he looks like he wants to apologise for a brief moment before its gone again. I stand and walk away, tears rushing down my face as I basically run to my bunk. I am in the bunk and buried under the cover in seconds.

Its minutes later that I feel 3 more bodies come in contact with mine. I open my eyes to see Connor, Tristan and James. They all wrap around me in the tiny bunk holding me tightly, trying to soothe the pain I am feeling.

'James explained the whole story to us. Lacey we are so sorry, We still love you, you never wanted this. We understand Lacey, we understand. You saved us. We are so sorry. We are here, go to sleep' Its Tristan's voice that I hear last before I let my self succumb to the painless darkness. I wanted to stay in the darkness. The darkness never hurt me.

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