Mentally Deranged [ myg ]

Por marshmallowgumz

21.2K 856 888

"We're all mentally deranged" Más

Mentally Deranged
Chapter one, Scene #1
pls read this!


2.2K 122 190
Por marshmallowgumz

there are 3218 words (excluding a/n), sorry if it's too long. anyways, enjoy~



*knock knock*


*knock knock*





"Huh? What??"

"Wake up you lazyass! It's almost 8!" Yoongi shouted. "E-eight?! Jinjja?" I open my eyes widely after hearing what Yoongi just said. "Just fucking get ready in 5 minutes or I'll leave you", he said as he walked away. I quickly got up and dashed to the shower. After that was done, I dressed myself in my uniform and a pink jacket over me because it was starting to get cold according to the weather report yesterday. After brushing my hair, I shoved my sewing kit and Blue into my backpack before heading downstairs.

My Mary Janes tapping loudly against the marble steps somehow alerted Yoongi. He stood up from the kitchen counter, abandoning his banana milk and went up to me. He grabbed my hand roughly, surely to leave a bruise on my arm. "C'mon, I'm late because of you", he said, dragging me out to the porch to his car. I whimpered at the roughness but didn't utter a word. So basically, what he did was he shoved me into his Porsche and he drove us to school, breaking a few traffic rules along the way.

As we got to school, nobody was in sight at the school compound but clock tower read 7:50 which made us relieved that we weren't late. Yoongi got out of the car and started walking into the school without waiting for me. I bit my lip. Usually we would walk in together but I guess he was still angry from last night's incident. I shiver at the bitter memory and walked to class.

Thank the lords and heavens above, teacher hadn't entered class yet. I entered my class through the back door and went straight to my desk. Karma must've hated me because my desk is next to Jeon Jungkook's, and the incident last night with the Bangtan Boys just made the situation worse.

Hanging my bag by the hook at my table, I sat down quietly, took out my sewing kit and Blue and proceeded to stitch him up. I'm not an expert when it comes to sewing but I do know the basics, thanks to my stepdad teaching me when I was little. Putting the thread and the needle together, I started sewing.

But Jungkook had to interrupt

He dragged his chair to my desk roughly and sat down facing me. I could feel his cold gaze glare through my body. "Hey idiot", he said.

I kept my mouth shut.

"You know, Violet", he said. "I think you'll get more friends if you stop sticking to that dumb rag doll of yours", I stopped sewing and looked at him. "But this is my-", "I'm just giving you advise," he cut me off. "I LOVE giving advises to socially challenged people like you".

I pursed my lips and let the painful words slip in. Jungkook seemed to like the way I was taking in his painful words because his formed into an evil victorious smile. "So you agree? You're socially challenged? or maybe- mentally challenged?" he teased.

The words were painful but I kept quiet.

Jungkook pursed his lips and suddenly snatched Blue away from me. I gasped and tried to take him away from his grasp but held Blue up high above his head, " Answer my goddamn question you fucking weirdo. Do you agree on it?", he asked me.

That's when I felt it. I felt something snap inside of me.

I didn't realise my actions. Swiftly, I grabbed the sharpest needle from my sewing kit, grabbed Jungkook by the shoulder and pushed him onto his chair harshly, making his back dig into the hard material of the school chair. I hovered above him intimidatingly and pointed the needle closely to his face. He dropped Blue but I couldn't care less at the state I was in.

"Listen here, Jeon Jungkook, I said lowly. "Don't think I'm just a piece of cake. I may seem like one but I could end your life right this second without you even realising it." I put the needle closer to him. "D'you want want that?", I asked. He shook his head quickly. "Don't hurt me please", he begged.


Don't do it.

The voice inside my head spoke out and somehow sew back my patience. I lowered the menacing sharp needle from Jungkook's face and sat back at my desk normally like nothing happened. Jungkook looked at me wide-eyed.

"Y-you freak!!", he sputtered, getting up from his chair and running out through the back door of the classroom. My gaze followed him until he disappeared and I looked back at Blue that was lying on my desk helplessly, his sew -on button eyes staring back at my brown orbs. I didn't cry nor laugh. For the first time, I felt nothing after doing something beyond my expectations. It was not normal.

I shook off the negative thoughts from my mind and grabbed my needle and thread. Then, I went back to sew Blue up. "I'm sorry Blue, Bad Jungkook was distracting me just now. It's okay. I'll fix you now", Blue smiled apologetically back at me. "It's okay. Take your time Violet", Blue said. I felt myself feeling normal again and I smiled again in ease.


I ran as fast as my legs could take me to all of my hyungs class. As soon as I spotted class 4-1, I ran straight into the back of the classroom door, entering it. My hyungs instantly noticed me as I entered.

"Hey,Kookie. What's up with you? You look like you've seen a ghost", Namjoon-hyung spoke up as soon as I appeared. Jin curved his eyebrows in worry. "Namjoonie is right. You do look really pale", he stated. "What happened?"

I panted and pointed my finger my finger at the doorway. " Violet happened!! That bitch just went and pointed a fucking needle at me!! Yoongi-hyung, I told you your sister has serious mental health problems!!", I spat. Yoongi looked at me with tired eyes. "Ugh, what? It's just a needle Kookie. You're such a scaredy cat", he said lazily. "But hyung!! The needle was huge!! It was around this big!" I said, showing them the size of the needle with my fingers. Jin snorted. "Kookie, that's an average size of a needle. It's not that bad. You're lucky it wasn't as big as the steel forks Hobi was throwing at me during one of our 'culinary lessons'. Unlucky for me, he was drunk that time", he said shooting Hoseok-hyung a glare. Hoseok raised his hands in defense. "H-hey I didn't remember doing that!!" That's nonsense!".

Jin pursed his lips. "The last time I remembered, I recorded a snapchat video and sent it to the rest of Bangtan. Right fellas?"

The rest of us nodded, making Hoseok sigh in defeat. "But it was just forks"

"Correction, steel forks, Hobi"


"Don't give me that attitude now, young man".

"But guys, seriously, I really DO think Violet's got some issues", Jimin spoke beside Hoseok. " I mean, who plays with rag dolls at 15? And not only does she plays with that stupid rag doll, she freaking talks to it", he added. Yoongi tensed up as Jimin said that. "Hey, watch your mouth Jimin. That's my sister you're talking about", he said sternly. Jimin laughed bitterly in return. "But don't you think it's true hyung? Is it weird, or do you do that to yourself too?" he teased. I saw Yoongi's jaw clench in frustration. "Jimin, stop. What did I say to respect your hyungs?", Namjoon cut into the heating conversation. " If you want to stay in Bangtan, you better follow the rules. Okay?", he asked. Jimin sulkily shrugged. "Fine", he said.

Namjoon then looked at all of us. "Okay, listen guys. I know some of you guys kinda dislike or hate Violet. Don't worry, I think she's kinda weird too-" Namjoon got cut off by Yoongi-hyung when he almost got up with a fist ready to land on Namjoon's face, "Aish this kid.." he hissed, but Jin-hyung pulled him back down. "B-but, as I was saying, in order to respect Yoongi, we must-"

"Hyung" Yoongi-hyung said.

"uh?" Namjoon answered.

"It's Yoongi-hyung, get it right next time or I'll really punch that face of yours" Yoongi said as he plugged in his headphones, not wanting to listen more of our conversation.

"..In order. To respect. Yoongi-HYUNG" he emphasized the word 'hyung', " We must not talk about her that way. That also includes bullying her. We don't want any drama going on. Understood, my boys?", he announced. "Ne.." we all said in unison. I groaned silently.

Well, great. Now everyone is siding over Violet. fml.

After talking with them for a short while, we all separated because the school bell rang, marking the starting of classes. As Jimin and I were walking back to our classes, I spoke up. "It's not fair, you know", I said. He turned to me. "What is?", he asked. "Violet of course", I said, "She's manipulating our hyungs, I hate it." He shrugged. "D'you think I agreed with Namjoon's stupid new rule? No I don't. Violet is an outcast, and people like her should be disposed off", he said. I raised an eyebrow at him. "If only there was a way to do so, Jiminnie. I don't want Namjoon catching us in the act of bullying Violet. Heck, we might get kicked out of Bangtan", I said. Jimin smirked at my words. "I have a way", hee said before leaning into my ear and whispered his plan. It made me smile wickedly.

Perfect. Just perfect.


The school bell rung, signaling that it's time for a break from learning. My classmates quickly rushed out to the cafeteria. They were probably really hungry I guess. I brushed it off my head and kept my books back in my bag. I grabbed Blue and headed out to the cafeteria. I didn't get to bring my lunchbox today since Yoongi-oppa didn't spare me any time to get it on the kitchen counter. I took my tray and started lining up but some of the students here just cut me off purposely to annoy me. One thing I knew is that, it didn't really bother me that much now, because I'm kinda used to it already, it happens to me every single day, but I'm starting to get sick of it. I mean like, I get the point, they do this because they hate me but why can't they just leave me alone for once, like GOD- please.

But anyways, after filling up my tray with food, I made my way to an old wooden bench under this big and shady tree at the school's field and took a seat there. I took out the straw from the wrapper and poked it into the hole of my strawberry milk. I quietly sipped it as I stared at the blue sky. The sky is looking pretty today.. The milky clouds look so.. fluffy and soft!

Oh wait, look! That cloud's shaped like a cookie!!

Heeyyy that looks like a lollipop! Oh my god~

And that-


I shifted my gaze from the pretty sky to see a familiar looking guy standing in front of me. I widened my eyes to find Kim Taehyung in front of me. I quickly looked away. "Um.. W-what are you doing here?", he asked. I didn't say anything, I stayed looking at the ground. "Why aren't you eating inside with you friends Violet?" he asked again. Does he not notice that I don't have any?

"Wanna eat with me?" he asked. I looked up at him. He was smiling at me. "No?", he said, "..Yes?".

I broke eye contact with him as I furrowed my eyebrows thinking how lonely I am. I felt rejected. But this guy, Kim Taehyung is asking me to eat with him?? As far as I know, no one has ever asked me such a question like this. I felt a little bit happy upon hearing this but why is he doing this? Is he trying to be nice to me because he wants something? I heard him sigh as he took the tray that was on my lap. He handed me his left hand waiting for my acceptance. I didn't even get to react, so swiftly, he grabbde my hand, making me stand. " W-where are you taking me?" I asked as we walked. " We're gonna sit inside of course" he said and that immediately made me froze. "N-no thank you, I wanna stay here, please.." I lowered my head. He turned to me and held my left shoulder. "They're not dangerous Violet" he snickered. "They won't hurt you", he said "Now, c'mon! It's gonna be alright". I guess I didn't have any choice? I mean, I could just run away from him but that would be rude wouldn't it? Besides, I don't want him to hate me yet since he seemed a lot nicer than my brother's friends. Or... does he hates me already? He wouldn't right? Or would he? I mean, everyone hates me, so he must hate me too! Like, why would he not hate me? I'm, you know, a waste of human flesh. I'm a weirdo, right? And no one ever wants to be friends with an odd weirdo like me. I even look weird too..

The door then creaked open and literally, all eyes were on us. I felt panic rose up to my chest as we walked through the cafeteria to a table. Taehyung walked past an empty table towards Bangtan's table. Oh... Please.. No.. Please.. I really don't want to sit with them, Jungkook and Jimin especially. They're really mean. I don't like them.


Shoot. I think I just messed everything up. I made her scared now. Just by looking at her walk very slowly, her fingers fidgeting Blue and by the way students were looking at her made her face looked pale. Damn you Taehyung. You can never do things right, ugh.

We were casually walking side by side, passing through tables to get to the Bangtan's table. I waved at Hoseok-hyung as we got nearer. I don't know what happened but things went super fast, Violet suddenly held my arm tightly, making the tray I was holding drop on her. Shit. She is now on the floor . Worst. Her skirt wasn't covering her that well, which cause all of the students in the cafeteria to laugh at her. "Oh my god! Violet!!" I bend down to her. I caught her eyes starting to water and her face became as red as a tomato. Before I could even help or ask her if she's alright, she quickly stood up and left the scene, crying.

. . .

"... Violet?" I walked through the empty hallway. Hm, she's not here..

I continued walking, checking the empty classrooms too but there was no Violet to be found.But then as I was walking at the end of the corridor, I heard some sniffles coming from the... janitor's closet?

I went closer and stood in front of it, debating to myself whether I should open the door or not. Maybe ye-

"Why i-is everyone so m-mean?" I heard her familiar voice through the door. It made my tummy quease with nervousness. "Uh... Violet?" I twisted the doorknob, letting the light shine in the dark room. There she was, in her uniform, but soaked with the kimchi soup she had in her bowl, sauce smudged everywhere, she- she looks messy as hell.

"Yeah, I know. I look horrible. Thanks" she said as she hung her head low. Ooh wow, she can read minds? Cool! Ish- I mean, "Violet, I'm really REALLY sorry. I swear I didn't mean it at all! I promise " I knelt down, looking at her. She wiped her tears and looked away. "It's my fault anyways, I suddenly held your arm", she said, "Sorry". I sighed and held her hand. She flinched of course. "Um, c'mon. Let's get you changed-arraseo?" I gently pulled her up.

We walked to the boys locker room since that was the only place I keep my spare clothes in. I peeped around the room before we both entered. "Whew! Thank god the coast is clear! Or else detention would be our next stop!", I sighed in relief but Violet was shivering and looked away nervously. " I don't think I'm supposed to be here..." she stuttered. I waved my hand. "Psh! Don't sweat it! Nobody's here so it's fine!! Now go ahead to the shower and wash up. I'll get you outta those dirty clothes", he said. She innocently nodded and trotted away to the shower room. Few minutes later, I hear the shower tap turn on and the sound of running water filled the room.

I went over to my gym locker and fished out my white t-shirt from my freshman year and my college jacket. Since I didn't have any smaller sweatpants, I went over to my friend, Jihoon's locker and fished out his skinny sweatpants. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. Finally, I went over to the shower door and stuck my hand full of the spare clothes into the shower room. " H-hey, uh, Violet? Here's your clothes", I said.

I felt a small hand grab the clothing from my hand. "I'll wait outside!!", I said and skipped over to the gym bench, sat there, took my phone and played Dumb Ways To Die 2. What a cute game~

Few minutes later, I hear the door open.

I looked up from my phone and saw Violet walking out with her new outfit and her dirty school clothes in a brown paper bag. I blushed at how pretty she looked. Her hair was wet and fluffy from the shower and her small petite body was all wrapped up with the comfortable gym clothes she was wearing. God, I wanna pinch her cheeks so badly!

"Omo.. You look so cute", I said. She removed her gaze from the floor and looked at me, wide-eyed. "Wha-what did you say?", she stuttered. It was my turn to widened my eyes and I straightened myself up. " Oh! I mean, you look good! People won;t suspect a thing!" I said. She bit her lip nervously. "But everyone saw what happened....." , she said.

Oh, right.

I tapped my sneakers on the floor and thought deeply. "Hmmm... Well, everyone's at the cafeteria eating lunch so.. D'you wanna eat at the hallway instead? My mom actually made me dango's so I guess we can eat that", I offered. Violet's expression blanked for a moment but she looked up to me with a cute small smile on her face. "I like dango's", she answered. It made me smile back at her. "Arraseo! Let's get going then!" I announced, grabbing her hand as we walked to the hallway together.

Long story short, Violet and I ended up spending lunchtime at the hallway with our backs leaning against the cold surface of the metal lockers. Turns out Violet really loves pink coloured dango's like Jin. How cute :3


yo! as usual, i'm late, i know. but i'm just sorta busy with school since i have this really big exam soon and i have to get ready and poop. but- here ya go! another chapter! there is actually more but it'd be too long if i continued it here, so i decided to put it on the next chapter. hoped you guys enjoyed what you've just read.



but anyways, if you're reading this right now, go watch Music Bank right now! BTS IS GONNA PERFORM SILVER SPOON AND FIRE IF IM NOT MISTAKEN.



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